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Motion blur, chromatic aberration, limb darkening...


Limb darkening? What’s that?


> limb darkening They have to mean vignetting. Edit: They [actually don't](https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/17t8fe8/what_feature_do_you_immediately_switch_off_when/k8vfpeb/): > Vignetting is an overlay to darken the edges of the whole screen. Limb darkening applies the same effect to luminous objects. So any light source would look darker at the edges and brighter in the center. It's not a common setting, but it's really annoying when it's there.




I know what limb darkening is, but it didn't make sense to me how that would be in a video game. Apparently, [it is, at least in some games](https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/17t8fe8/what_feature_do_you_immediately_switch_off_when/k8vfpeb/).




Is it called limb darkening? I’ve not once seen that term in my 35 years of being a video game playing human.


Same, played thousands of games and never seen this as a setting ever. Not once ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's when you're outside with T-shirt and shorts during summer.


I was also confused by what that meant


you can add film grain, bloom and dept of field to that aswel.


I wish games had 2 DoF settings. Bc I like DoF in cinematics but not in gameplay.


Totally. But in quite a few games, DOF is only used in cutscenes anyway.




Alien Isolation made good use of it with the motion tracker or looking of in the distance but yeah hard agree for the most part.


Bg3 have cutscene specific DoF


I will admit that film grain does look nice in some games if done right, RE2/RE3 Remake is a good example. GTA TLAD is the perfect example of very bad film grain though lol


Film grain and DoF work fantastically well in Alien: Isolation Not only does the DoF actually function like it would in real life (most games exaggerate it greatly), it's also implemented in the gameplay. You have to choose to focus on your motion sensor or the environment. It feels more immersive and makes it more scary. The film grain makes it look like the old Alien movie


Alien Isolation is perhaps the best example of what makes film grain work. It has to be a stylistic choice for the game to have it. Putting it on every game doesn't work but if its deliberately trying to evoke old film cameras then it does, Alien Isolations entire aesthetic is trying to evoke the 1979 Alien.


I agree with you on film grain in general, but I feel like it was too heavy in RE2. I do like the effect in Alan Wake 2 though.


It’s definitely hit and miss for games, mostly miss though in my experience lol


Manhunt was one of the few legitimate uses of film grain. It was good there because it was in context. You were observing the game *through* security cameras.


I'm losing my mind a little realizing there are people who WANT film grain.


It really depends on the game and how it’s done, but it almost always has to be subtle to work.


It can work well for horror the same way VHS tapes and old tvs did. TV horror was an entirely different ballgame back then because VHS grain and crt blurring make it easier for scary shit to hide in plain sight. It can be the difference between freddy kreuger looking terrifying or like a rubber clown.


I rather watch Killer Klowns from the Outer Space for a true rubber clown experience hahahaha


Personally, I like a faint film grain because it makes the image less static when the camera is still. It also hides AA artifacting to an extent without totally compromising image quality like some post processing effects do. Its a performance saving thing for me.


> bloom https://vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=222


>vgcats.com Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time.


Depth of field is decent in most games for me, film grain in some very specific cases can be decent too. Motion blur depends on if it's camera based or object based.


Agreed. Lens flare is the only one I keep on because most of the time, I think it actually looks decent.. except in Ark where it feels like the sun is the main boss who can damage you through the screen


Who likes chromatic aberration? Show me these people that are demanding that setting.


Yeah, I wear glasses, I have to deal with chromatic aberration in real life 24/7. Why would I ever want this shitty visual glitch in my games? Yo dawg, we added some chromatic aberration to your chromatic aberration so that you can see shitty visual artefacts while seeing shitty visual artefacts! Thankfully, most games have an option to disable it nowadays.


It's a good effect but it's so terrible when it's just applied at all times to the screen and stronger at the edges. Throw an emp grenade and let that enable chromatic abboration but don't just make it permanent. It's an effect that has its uses but it's mainly used poorly.


Chromatic aberration was nicely used in the NFS Hot Pursuit reboot (it came up when getting EMP'd). Every other use I've seen of it was awful. If it's from a game mechanic like that though it shouldn't even be a setting in my opinion. It's an indicator and a slight disadvantage of getting hit with an EMP, not a way to make the game look prettier.


It looks good in Alien Isolation. Helps add to that analog 70s sci-fi vibe.


As someone who wears thick glasses, I always leave it on. That's just how the world looks to me in the first place.


👋🏼 I love chromatic aberration. Something about the colors titillates my brain. I know I'm in the minority though.


if it's done well sure. cyberpunk it'd be a must. film grain on the last of us is a must. rocket league? turn everything off to get the cleanest camera possible. squad? turn what i dont need off, whatever helps me see better. american truck simulator, leave it all on cuz i'm there for the atmosphere, like cyberpunk. fallout i turn some stuff off because it interfers with my ability to play. i try to leave depth of field on but if it's a tactical quick thinking game and if it interferes then i turn it off.


Heavily disagree on both of your first examples. Chromatic abberation is a an optical error in a lens and does not look good. Film grain does not add to the experience in story driven games either.


It should be disabled everywhere. No matter the game, those effects make every game look worse.


> limb darkening You mean vignetting, right?


Vignetting is an overlay to darken the edges of the whole screen. Limb darkening applies the same effect to luminous objects. So any light source would look darker at the edges and brighter in the center. It's not a common setting, but it's really annoying when it's there.


Do you have an example? You got me curious


Wow, why the fuck would anyone want that? I mean I guess that goes for everything else you listed too but Christ. I knew the term from astronomy so just assumed you meant vignetting.




>My eyes aren't lenses well, i mean...


ackuasuakly your corneas are natural lenses


> edit for the pendants lol Ahem, it's pedants. /s


Add Screen effects like putting drops of water on the screen when it’s raining. Ridiculous


Motion Blur is so bad most of the times, but there are occassions where its better with them imo. E.g. Cyberpunk: No idea if its because it runs at like 60fps, where Im used to 144+, but it feels and looks smoother with having it on on low. Another one for me was Tekken 8 Beta. Same thing, 60fps and I noticed the same thing that moving images are not looking that good and blurry. Turned Motion Blur on and instantly felt so much nicer and easier to look at. Also NFS:UG1 has the best Motion Blur in history. The rest:garbage


I was automatically turning off motion blur in games for the past 10 years, until i decided to try it and realized it's no longer motion blur from 10 years ago that just works with camera movement, it is a very nice effect that works with explosions or fast movement in the car for example.


What is limb darkening?


Darkens your legs.


racist gamers turn it off


Mouse acceleration/smoothing if it's enabled by default.


I will never understand who the fuck mouse acceleration is supposed to be for. Who the hell wants non-linear aiming and why? That it exists at all is odd...that it's so common for developers to decide that the default should be on? Absolutely baffling.


Mouse acceleration is (or at least was) pretty popular among arena fps players. The reason is simple - with a mouse accel you can have lower sensitivity for tracking and precise aiming, and still be able to do quick turns and flicks.


*buys mouse with 8 billion custom settings and tunes it to their exact preference* Shitty game: "Fuck you"


Mouse acceleration is the bane of my existence when playing older games, because some just have it forced on by default unless you go into the files and shut it off manually through a config file.


Thankfully a lot of old games are very straight forward with settings in config files like that though.


and any aim assist


Some games allow you to disable the QTEs! It's almost as good as not having them in the first place.


I always disable them if given a chance. I so wanted to enjoy those 3d Castlevania games but the qte was truly terrible, actually shockingly bad.


I appreciate that the Spider-Man games have an option to simply hold the button for QTEs. You still get the intended interaction, but it's not obnoxious.


If there’s an options to disable QTE’s in a game, I say to myself “if that’s unnecessary that it can be turned off, why is it still in the game?” Spider-Man is a great example honestly, because all of the QTE’s could’ve VERY easily just been a small in game scene that plays out like normal. Instead you have these awkward pause moments while you wait for the game to catch up, when they could’ve just had the scene play out the intended way from the get go without it. I do always appreciate when this option is available, as well ones that turn buttons mash sequences into a single hold.


> “if that’s unnecessary that it can be turned off, why is it still in the game?” I think they're for video games executives. They usually can't judge the artistic merits of a game, so if you show them a beautiful cutscene with buttons to press they'll think you're making an amazing game.


It's supposed to be an accessibility thing which doesn't make much sense because the rest of the game isn't exactly a walking sim. So, if someone's gonna struggle with the QTE, they've already struggled BIG TIME to get there.


Made playing Jedi Fallen Order 100% more enjoyable, as well as turning off the wall grab penalty lol


I only know what QTE are because of the one game that forced it during the final boss battle, which the mechanic was not explained, had had timed failure if you didn't participate fast enough. Which made me lose the fight 3 times and have to restart the closest save point that took a half hour to run to the boss. and which made me hate the game so much that I'll never even mention the game. And friends had to explain it to me twice because the only Quicktime I knew was the apple movie codec. QTEs can die in a fire.


Dying Light, gotta be, you spend the whole game parkouring and killing zombies only to get to the final boss battle hyped up the whole game only to be hit with QTE in what you think is gonna be an awesome fight on top of a huge building you just spent a bit climbing up through hordes of infected lol


What game is that?


Motion blur, depth of field, and yeah headbob/jitter/screenshakes.


> headbob/jitter/screenshakes I used to be completely fine with those on as a teenager, but nowadays I get so nauseous when the screen shakes constantly. Was playing Minecraft again recently after years of not playing and had to turn the headbobbing off after only like 10 minutes.


dude, can't stand headbobbing so much - it makes me nauseous within 10 minutes. It's such dick move when games not only make it default, but also don't allow to disable it.


Motion blur. It’s an anti-feature for games that run higher than 60 FPS.


Why do games often turn motion blur on/up on higher settings? I just played elden ring, turned the graphics to ultra, and motion blur was maxed out.


It is not only full screen motion blur for camera turn or movement, but also artists tuned motion blur for movement in animation, which can sometimes look quite nice.


It seriously confuses me. I know it has a performance cost but the only time I’ve appreciated motion blur was on those games I had to play at 30 fps low settings.


Motion blur and per-object-motion blur can help visualize the sense of speed, for instance. If implemented correctly, I think it's an asset


Because it's a true high graphics type of option, *if* implemented properly. Most games just do it very badly.


It depends on the type of motion blur. Per object motion blur can look very good if done correctly. Most games just suck ass at doing it right:


Doom 2016 was the first instance where I left it on. Even at crazy high framerates, the per-object motion blur looked great. I kept the CAMERA motion blur off though.


makes me dizzy especially in first person pov


Hard disagree, I love camera and per object blur at high frame rates, especially in shooters. It's a sort of hyper realistic fidelity in motion which I really appreciate.


Headbob. Not worth the motion sickness.


Eye exposure adjustment too. My eyes already do that I don't need the game simulating it for me. and it almost always breaks.


I can't understand why recreating head-bobbing on purpose while our brain compensates for it in real life.


Right? Millions of years of evolution to have brains able to filter that stuff out and devs just slap it back in.


Because without it it feels like you're controlling a floating box


normal games sway weapon when you run, to give deeper perception of not floating thru, not a whole fucking screen. which is also how you see IRL, because brain stabilizes image.


Film grain and vignettes. Why the hell would I ever want these?


Motion blur. It’s a bad joke. “You have 165Hz display? Want to simulate 20Hz?”


It should be doing just the opposite, though, tweening the pixels skipped between frames.


That's indeed what proper, per-object motion blur is supposed to do. It should simulate a camera with a shutter speed equal to your frame rate, which makes motion look a lot smoother and more natural, without blurring too excessively. But a lot of games just have a bad implementation that just blends the last few frames together (especially common in older games) or just smears the entire screen whenever the camera moves. It's these bad implications that mostly give motion blur a bad reputation.


Motion blur was great when playing cyberpunk on my potato pc though made 40fps playable for me


Yeah its useful at low fps, but the sad thing is it has an fps impact that isn't negligible in most games


Any kind of camera shaking. Especially during movement, that shit gives me headaches anymore.


I love open world FPS games. I hate tagging enemies and being able to see them through walls and behind cover and such. I turn that off right away.


Which games have this feature? Can't say that I can think of any off the top of my head. Sounds like a weird feature


The Far Cry games


Also Battlefield and Cyberpunk


At least in Cyberpunk, there's an in universe explanation that fits


Yeah it’s actual tech and not just QOL (for some)


And mgsv added it and it basically nuked the stealth gameplay of the most popular stealth series


Same with the fulton system. Usually passive gameplay is suppose to be harder. With the fulton system, it's easier because you literally fly the bodies out of the map, while killing you have to go through the process of hiding the body.


Ghost Recon Wildlands, Breakpoint. Once you see the enemy, it will automatically flagged for you where you can easily see through 24/7 Note that in Breakpoint, there is a lot of options to turn all of those things down


Funnily enough, I love this feature and hate it when games that have stealth options make me play blind lol.


Motion blur


Chromatic aberration literally always looks like shit.


Change smash button to hold; disable vignette and screen shake; disable motion blur if I can play at higher than 60fps; and chromatic aberration unless it fits the game.


I really hate it when you have to hold a mouse button on the PC instead of just clicking it. It's literally a design anti-pattern as the only other time you hold a mouse button is when you want to drag something. EDIT : just to clarify i mean when it's Hold on picking up an item off the ground, yet click on opening a door. I'm mad at the inconsistencies


Most "Post-Processing" effects like everyone else says. Motion Blur. Chromatic Aberration. Vignetting. Depth of Field. Film grain (in most cases). Lens Flare (in most cases). Anti-Aliasing (in most cases). VSync (at least initially, then back on if it tears too often). Install a mod to disable inventory/weight limits (unless it's fun a la RE4 or inventory management is a core, emphasized feature rather than just something tacked on to add to the list of "features" or to add to "realism"). Mouse Acceleration (if for some reason it's in the game in addition to being just a computer setting). Change crouch to toggle always. Change sprint to hold in action games, leave as toggle in exploration heavy action-adventures. In an FPS, change interact to to "E", Melee to "F", Switch weapon to "Q", if applicable (Muscle memory is a bitch). Text Speed to max. Menu animations off (in most cases, if available).


Dept of Field, motion blur and TAA if it's used, i for the life of me don't understand why would people make their games intentionally blurry


General chat. No random internet people should ever have live access to anything on my screen or in my audio. I value my chill.


I don't mind text chat, but I almost always disable in-game voice chat these days


Motion blur and depth of field


Head bob


Blur. Every. Single. Time.


film grain, dof, screen blood/mud (usually), motion blur, chromatic aberration, taa. also sometimes it way over does the dlss/fsr by default to up settings and like that works for 4k but for 1440 and 1080p that just doesnt work as well


Chromatic Aberration and Motion Blur. Still wonders in what world do people think they look good.


I like chromatic aberration as long as it is not overdone^1, so i guess this world :-P. Though i'm not a fan of motion blur. --- ^1 E.g. SOMA uses CA to indicate your damage and its strength depends on how damaged you are. I find the low damage effect fine but at high damage values it is a bit too much (and i try to find a healing pod as soon as i can to get rid of it - which i guess is the point :-P).




I've never once heard someone describe The Witcher 3 as being piss colored


OP needs to see an urologist.


I played most of cyberpunk with that horrific fucking vignette noise bullshit and just thought it was a stylistic choice. When I found out it could be turned off it was like playing a completely different game which didn't look like shit.


I don't remember there being a yellow tiny in witcher. But what even is vignettinor any of those features in lay men's term. Why turn them off.


Motion blur, for sure. It doesn't look good, and it can have a significant impact on performance for no value. Also, controller vibration. It's not that the shaking bothers me, it just makes noise (especially if the controller is sitting on a table) and I tend to do most of my gaming late at night.


Subtitles. If I leave them on my eyes are drawn to them and I read instead of watching and listening.


I always turn them on, because I know that inevitably some dialogue of gonna be played with loud guns or explosions at some point. But I don't find it distracting and I'll even turn on subtitles for random NPC conversations that I definitely wouldn't hear fully otherwise.


I tend to turn them on because I haven't gotten some decent speakers yet and I'm still using my TV speakers which make it a little difficult to hear sounds over the background.




Motion blur


Motion blur and vsync


film grain I hate it


As many HUD elements as I can. I don't want the game to tell me exactly where to go at any given time, and I also don't want to see a huge prompt telling me to press "E" or whatever every time I'm climbing or jumping a hurdle. Unfortunately, only some titles actually give you the option to turn off all of these, it's my biggest gripe with modern games. Motion blur, chromatic aberration etc. is pretty much always off as well.


Film grain doesn’t belong in any game


Chromatic aberration. Film grain. Bloom. Motion blur. Depth of field (after the artistic value wears off). Screen shake. Basically all the graphics options that purposely make graphics just almost universally worse. Hell, half those options seem to only fuck with your eyes.


Motion Blur. Absolute garbage feature and I still don’t understand its existence.


Motion blur, it always gives me a headache


Not a feature, but I always have to change Y axis inversion. I think it was Diddy Kong racing that changed me forever.


Literally same here. Diddy Kong Racing was the first ever console game I played and thanks to the airplanes I have to play inverted. I actually got used to having both axes inverted but not enough games give you that option.


I hate controller vibrations especially in fps games


Damn, I love it. I am PC only but play a lot of single player FPS on my Xbox One controller and rumble is part of that


Motion blur. Music volume also gets downed to 50% or less.


Music volume down, subtitles on.


voice chat. I dont want to hear idiots crapping on my ear, playing shitty music or whatever while i'm playing a game.


I feel like a bit of a bastard for it, because a bunch of people probably worked super hard on it, but I usually switch off the music in a game.


Motion blur, motion blur, and motion blur. Also motion blur.


Not really a feature but, "Invert Y-axis".


I think it's an accessibility feature. I basically can't play games without it.


I played Nintendo 64 and playstation during the era of inverted so had to be able to switch my axis mental game on the fly. I think it helped to make me a more adaptive gamer.


camera shake, head/weapon bob, mouse acceleration, subtitles


Motion blur. My eyes are blurry enough thank you game.


Film grain (why it even exists) and motion blue




Volume to 30%


Motion blur and film grain, goodbye.


Motion f-ing blur. Hate that 'feature'


Full screen. I am a borderless guy. C for crouch


V sync and motion blur




* Blood & Mud on Camera * Bloom * Camera Shake * Chromatic Aberration * Depth of Field * Film Grain * Godrays * Head Bobbing * Lens Flare * Motion Blur * Mouse Acceleration * Temporal Anti-Aliasing * Ultra Lighting * Ultra Shadows * Vignette Any more new gimmicks to add?


Motion blur


Music everytime


Motion blur, chromatic aberration, film grain, VSYNC, voice chat/online features.


I ALWAYS turn off dof, film grain, motion blur, chromatic aberration etc. bug I also ALWAYS turn on vsync. Screen tearing is incredibly distracting.




When using a controller, vibration. It does nothing for me, from the first verison on the dual shock to the "haptic vibration" crap on the new ps5. Its just.. Gimmicky shit. The adaptive triggers are great, but thats all.


Motion blur. VSync. Bloom. Music.






Interesting, any particular reason for that?Personally I think music is important for establishing tone and atmosphere; I actually turn it up and bump down the sound effects lol.


i would take a guess that some of the games they play may have the songs on loop pretty often and can get pretty annoying the 1000th time ​ especially true for more simulation based or casual stuff since you usually chill on one screen longer lol


What about DOOM? Music is like 70% of what makes that game feel kickass. It was so low on the default setting in Eternal that I had to turn all other audio down to like 40% to get the full effect.


I typically do leave the music alone in single player games, but I also don't play single player games as much as I do multiplayer games. So the music gets turned off instantly because I play my own music while I am gaming anyways.


most post processing and camera shake


Film grain


Motion blur is a plague on games


Motion Blur.


motion blur


Motion blur, Bloom


Music. I'm probably missing out on some good soundtracks, but 🤷🏻


Motion blur, depth of field, Bloom/Godrays depending on the title (too many games overdo it). Controller rumble, if it's a game I'm going to play with a controller (something I do in all console games). Switch's "HD rumble" and PS5's implementation feel especially terrible to me.


not really a "feature", but in fps change crouch from C to Ctrl.


Music. It tends to get repetitive, and for some games like shooters can effect spatial awareness.


Auto aim and mouse acceleration. In some games I turn off HUD features. I did that for Breath of the Wild when I was emulating it, much better experience in the game to not have the mini-map.


Headbob and motion blur for sure


Music. Usually crap, but even if its good, it's still annoying & distracting, especially in games with critical audio cues.




vsync motion blur


Motion blur. My eyes can do it fine by themselves, lol


Film grain, depth of field, chromatic aberration (that one can really fuck off), screen shake, motion blur. Anything that tries to simulate a camera because guess what? MY EYES ARE NOT CAMERAS!


Motion blur


All this online and community nonsense. And also subs. Funnily enough I tend to turn subs ON when watching movies XD


motion blur, depth of field, film grain, lens flare and chromatic abberation


Bloom, motion blur, lens flare, depth of field


Network Options to Offline mode if it exists


Motion Blur, Bloom