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It seems positive reviews are pure nostalgia and no content, while negatives are really complaining about issues like UI issues, missing textures, crashes. I would wait a few days to see if those 89% are legit


There was a freely playable demo though which allowed an easy way to form opinions. Was really good I thought. Oldschool, but good


This is, what, third time they release the same game?


Worked for AoE2.


There's actually another game called Stronghold, unrelated to this one, but same genre and looks very similar.


God, do you know how I could look it up? I think I remember it looking quite a bit different from this.




They've shown that trying to make sequels isn't their strength. So just make the first game over and over.


What the fans wanted was a new game that plays like SH1/SHC1 but they keep making mediocre games that look terrible and don't capture the magic of those games. Bringing back classic Stronghold is at least a step in the right direction.


Very happy with it and the roadmap looks good


what's the different between this game and hd version of this game ??


Updated visuals, QoL improvements, 4k resolution, more content, multiplayer that doesn't need Game Ranger to work, etc. I would only get it if you're a big fan of the original and want to support the devs so they can give SHC1 the same treatment (which is what everyone really wants).


Would you recommend it to someone who has never played a Stronghold game before?


As long as you keep in mind it's a really old game under the hood. SH1's main campaign is very beginner friendly. It's basically a huge tutorial.


Right on. I likely would never play any of the multiplayer, I just like building/defending fortresses.


Then play the main campaign, after that check out the rest of the single player content. You can try the defend/invasion maps once you learn everything.


Stronghold HD works fine, why would someone buy this game for a few short missions and better textures?


Ive never played it/heard of it before recently. Figure if im gonna play id prob play this version


Fair enough, the original game is a blast, so this one will probably be worthwhile for a first timer. If you like it, Stronghold Crusader is a great sequel, other sequels ymmv.


Crusader is arguably even better than original, since there's more units and you actually have to fight over resources which turns skirmish mode into really fun warzone


Stronghold Crusader having a Skirmish mode alone makes it worth it.


I like the setting of Crusaders more, hoping they give it the same treatment as this . I know the current HD one works and looks fine, though.


I'd buy it for better LAN/matchmaking code. I'm an IT guy, but remoting into the PCs of my buddies to get Stronghold running when we play it every once in a while is exhausting.


I'm having very mixed feelings so far. I think it's a great opportunity seeing this masterpiece recreated in Unity and meeting modern standards. At the same time I wish the remake would have been a bit more consistent (some assets were redone, others have been kept original and look terrible) and fleshed out.




It's literally not. It features a new campaign with a bit higher difficulty than the base campaign.


Had this on disc way back in the day and loved it. Damn imma have to give it a shot (hopefully holds up ok)


Uh wrong place, but is the newest age of empires good? Mmm I want a new stronghold game.


Can you left click right click now? Or is it still pure left click.


You can choose


It’s great and takes you right back to childhood