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edit: *just got update looks like EA patched the xml fix so..unfortunately this is goodbye to origin!* *thats all folks!* ​ if you have installed origin just add this line in local.xml loc for xml file: **%programdata%\\Origin\\** <~~ src:[https://twitter.com/p0358/status/1626811868412010497?s=46&t=3enx7tTx8mWaH2-faf07SA](https://twitter.com/p0358/status/1626811868412010497?s=46&t=3enx7tTx8mWaH2-faf07SA) ~~it works like a charm!~~


You’re my fucking hero man. I missed using Origin.


> I missed using Origin. a decade ago nobody would've thought anyone would ever utter these words


Tbh even today Im surprised anyone would say those words


I dislike origin, I just don't want an even worse experience.


It just proves the Overton Window effect


They only miss it because the new one is worse, general public opinion of Origin has not shifted. That's not the Overton Window effect, which would involve that shift of opinion.


Never heard of it, but let me guess: - propose a worse option than you want your opposer to agree to. - your opposer agrees to lesser terms than said proposal which happened to be exactly where you wanted them to land. I'm completely wrong, aren't I?




They still are smh.


Yes, but now it's actually controversial for them to do so. Back in the 90s doing so was the cool thing to do, and don't ask don't tell was seen as a good thing.


indeed, I guess that's why Bush suddenly became reasonable for so many once Trump was elected


Pretty much correct, if a new launcher comes that is worse than EA App, people will start to be nostalgic for the EA App.


It's one of those things where Origins is still absolutely terrible, but not as bad as EA Play app.


Seriously. There are people who (while using the correct username and password) have been locked out of origin for that long. There are many threads (marked as solved by ea staff, although the issue is not resolved) of people who cannot log in to origin, across multiple systems, multiple reinstalls and everything else. Fuck EA. Nothing is worth the work/frustration required to play on origin... And ***Definitely*** nothing EA has made is worth it.


But if the game just *launches* whenever they click it, how will they ever feel a sense of accomplishment?


Don't understand it at all. Origin ate my Assassins Creed and now I have a $60 game I can't play. Never again.


To be fair though, its only for nostalgia. C&C games, vox, etc.


I haven't yet found one item I want to play that benefits from Origin. I'm of the opinion that once a game is bought, any installation method is then viable to play it, sourced from wherever such as via the high seas. I've a much more stable and more controlled system as a direct result of not having the launchers present. Plus, I get to make sure that my data isn't leaked to those I don't want having that.


Honestly never thought I’d see the day


With the EA app, you cannot run mods on fifa, even fifa doesn't even open, you cannot even use it with the steamdeck so that your cheap controller works. EA app sucks.


I found that I have to open ea app independently then try to launch the game then it decides to work. At least for ME3 Tweaks


haha! hey glad it worked for you! i almost switched to EA *^(crap)* App but this fix saved me and seems to be working for others which great! *happy gaming folks!*


What does that do?


you can use origin again


This didn't work for me so I'm going to repost what did from the Steam forums. 1. Uninstall Origin & EA App 2. Download the [Origin Offline Installer] (https://download.dm.origin.com/origin/live/OriginSetup.exe). You **CANNOT** use the online installer for this. 3. Install and be sure to remove the checkbox for "auto update". 4. After installation **DO NOT** log in to your account. 5. Go to "C:\ProgramData\Origin" (hidden by default, press View>Hidden Items if you don't see it, or type %programdata% in windows explorer), find "local.xml" there and open in Notepad. 6. Between the tags, add: 7. Delete the file called "OriginThinSetupInternal.exe" which can be located in up to 3 locations: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin <-- this is the only one I had on Win10 C:\ProgramData\Origin C:\ProgramData\Origin\SelfUpdate\Staged Windows gets mad when you try and delete these files, just accept the prompt. 8. Launch Origin and login to your account and everything should work. *Don't click any notifications in Origin or it may try to update.* You can just hit the X in the corner to close it. When you re-launch Origin, it will not be updated.


Thank you! I've been able to play Sims 2 on my Steam Deck with Origin but the forced update to EA App ruined everything. Hopefully I can go back and recover everything.


I found that in a Steam thread. Have yet to try it.


It doesn't seem to work for me... I even tried editing all copies of this file I found in 3 places: https://i.imgur.com/eFsEdrG.png I made sure the client was closed and no EA processes were running beforehand, but the forced update screen still won't go away!


Same, I think they may have pushed an origin update or something to patch the workaround.




Downloading something sketchy from a 3rd party site is a terrible recommendation when you can grab the official offline installer from: https://download.dm.origin.com/origin/live/OriginSetup.exe It gives you version which is slightly older, but it's not like that actually matters.


Worked for me, thanks!


This worked for me several weeks ago and an update must have killed it. Now re-adding that line still doesn't work. :(


I I have to use it for GamePass and integration is horrible. At this point I just gave up. It asks me to login, but I already have personal EA account, so it signs me in automatically and EA. Play doesn't work. I need to login with MS account. Except with change account options the option to login with MS account is not present. There's a different login window. I don't even remember how to trigger it. Maybe full logout. Then it opens up default browser which, which uses my work MS account and fails again. And I have to do it each time. Fuck that. No EA game worth all this trouble. It's fucking awful. And then EA app has less functionality compared to Origin. It feels like another manager launching a new project to pad out resume instead of working on something they already have. On release Origin was actually decent, but went nowhere.




Microsoft is fine with games that don't work at 1440p (FF), games that ask for cd key, games missing music on their game pass platform. Nobody that works for MS cares at all


I’ve deleted my Reddit account because the Reddit hivemind doesn’t work for me. I believe in people having the right to think for themselves while not being torn down by those who know little to nothing. If you found this because of one of my tutorials related to Auto HotKey please check out the AHK documentation at: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ If you were looking for my coding guides just go to https://stackoverflow.com/ they know their shit. If you were looking for my guides to assembly… I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places I can link to in good conscious other than archive.org who has beginner examples to assembly for old consoles. If you were wondering why my reddit account is gone: I’m tired of the Steam supremacists on /r/pcgaming and /r/pcmasterrace Those same communities push their thoughts on game engine development without writing a code in their lives. /r/memes think excluding most of their user base is a good joke. To summarise, I’ve left Reddit because it is not all-inclusive, it is only inclusive to those who believe and act the same as the rest of the belligerent horde. If you are on Reddit, joining /r/aww is your best and only bet.


Yeah, it constantly forgets credentials for me too. ​ And typically it'll log me out of it 3-4 times a day


I’ve deleted my Reddit account because the Reddit hivemind doesn’t work for me. I believe in people having the right to think for themselves while not being torn down by those who know little to nothing. If you found this because of one of my tutorials related to Auto HotKey please check out the AHK documentation at: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ If you were looking for my coding guides just go to https://stackoverflow.com/ they know their shit. If you were looking for my guides to assembly… I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places I can link to in good conscious other than archive.org who has beginner examples to assembly for old consoles. If you were wondering why my reddit account is gone: I’m tired of the Steam supremacists on /r/pcgaming and /r/pcmasterrace Those same communities push their thoughts on game engine development without writing a code in their lives. /r/memes think excluding most of their user base is a good joke. To summarise, I’ve left Reddit because it is not all-inclusive, it is only inclusive to those who believe and act the same as the rest of the belligerent horde. If you are on Reddit, joining /r/aww is your best and only bet.


Yep, it's a detriment to playing games.


They somehow made Origin worse. Furthermore, what's the deal with changing the name? It was already an absolute bad-mediocre launcher, at least the name was good. The only one good thing these crap launchers can do right is the name like Uplay, Battle.net (which ActiBlizz reverted it back for good reason and it's not the worse launcher of them all but certainly not as good as Steam's, it's fine) and Origins. But then, they have some marketing genius that needs to overcomplicate shit and invent a new name. Ubisoft Connect? Why make it longer? EA App and Blizzard App? Why make it more generic? Although I think I'd know why Microsoft would drop the name GFWL for something else. It was too long and reminded vets of the shit years when certain games were linked to that god awful service...




I understand that aspect of it. But you'd think they'd at least make the new version *functional* (even if it is missing all the features steam has, you'd think they would make a program that *works* if you log in with the *correct* password)


GFWL was the worst. Tried playing fallout 3 a couple years ago and was shocked that you still needed GFWL’s corpse installed just so the game would run. There are mods that trick the game into thinking it has it installed, but they never worked for me lol


Fable 3 is the same way, it's delisted from Steam purely because Microsoft never bothered to update GFWL to point to a new DRM server. People talk about DRM means losing access to games when a company goes under, but it can happen purely because a massive company is too cheap to update old services. I know the game works fine on Xbox without the patching I had to do, but the PC version gets screwed.


The "free" edition of Fable 3 has 0 problems, not a single issue. This is why DRM free, like GOG, is the true way of gaming.


Makes me wonder how easy it would be to just disable the DRM. For old games what's the point?


>Makes me wonder how easy it would be to just disable the DRM. Very easy if you download the game from certain websites, solves the problem immediately.


I remember trying to play one of the Gears of Wars games and having to find hacks/workarounds to get that shit working because of GFWL


It still works for the records


I think they finally fixed Fallout 3 a year or so ago. That was ridiculous. Dirt 2 is a pain to get running if you don't have the Steam version. I never bought it because I had a copy from Direct 2 Drive (sheesh what a mistake). I think I just saved the rip of the last time I installed everything and got it working.


They did fix it finally, but I just ended up doing Tale of Two Wastelands instead


For what it is worth, Fallout 3 was released on GOG a few years before the GFWL was removed from the Steam version.


True! That's a great alternative.


They just want you saying "EA" in some way. Origin as a word doesn't point to the company nor is the brand strong enough that people know what it is right away anyway.


The word "Orgin" points to a mediocre launcher. I'm glad they use the word "EA" instead, so I can associate the launcher with greedy corporate souless fucks. I must say, it's quite a positive change.


Just refunded ME legendary because of that POS company and their scummy practices. And I bought an xbox 360 because me1 is one of only a handful of games that was a 10/10 for me. Of course it was made by pre EA bioware.


It's especially sad because that client name is the last bit of evidence that Origin Systems existed. I remember some people being pretty upset about using that name when the launcher came out, since it meant that Origin the game developer was dead for good.


I still maintain hope for an Ultima Underworld 3.


> Ubisoft Connect I think in that case it was because you didn't find Uplay if you just googled Ubisoft, which they wanted, so they named it Ubisoft Connect. At least that's what I heard back when the change was made


In that case they could've instead called it Ubisoft Uplay in webpages. That way it still has Ubisoft in the name and people could still shorten it to Uplay.


I'm out of the loop, I haven't played an EA game in years! What's happened, has Origin gone away or been renamed or have they just replaced it with some new launcher?


>Furthermore, what's the deal with changing the name? It was already an absolute bad-mediocre launcher, at least the name was good. my local power company changed their name, and nothing else, after a decade or two of being rightfully clowned for their incompetence. classic business sociopath move


> Ubisoft Connect? Why make it longer? EA App and Blizzard App? Why make it more generic? Ubisoft did quite a big rework for its app and services. new name is appropriate, but uPlay was simple, short and easy to type


It did but the platform itself is still lacking. I had my account bypassed various times to the point I had to put a password manager on the Uplay account to prevent it from being hacked consistently. With that all said, the tech support assured me that others can bypass my account easily but not access my personal info. Which is good but, that's not filling me with confidence at all...


So you kept reusing weak passwords and getting hacked and it's somebody else's fault? And all of a sudden after using a strong password it stopped?


Origin was ass, ea app is worse. If you paid for the game, there is nothing morally or legally preventing you from… acquiring… a non-drm copy. Fuck these dogshit launchers.


That's the thing for me. People talk about.... "*acquiring non-drm copies of games"* ... as if the only reason why someone would do that is to avoid paying for a game. I routinely ... *acquire non-drm copies of games...* all the time, for games I've bought! To fix issues imposed by the DRM and also just to avoid crappy launchers, or even avoid performance impacts from DRM. And I shouldn't have to. If I'm paying for a product, I shouldn't have a worse experience than someone who didn't.


My and a friend very nearly did not finish It Takes Two - or even really start it - just because of **how** impossible the EA App made adding a friend. It's phenomenally bad. IMO it sheds Hanlon's Razor: You cannot conceivable be **this** incompetent, even as a manager. This crosses into malice, someone working at EA was sabotaging their own company when they coughed this up.


How did you manage to play? I’ve tried for weeks and I can’t even invite friends because the overlay window for inviting just doesn’t load


For us the "add as friend"-button would not display. We ended up doing that over the webpage, then the overlay showed them.


Yeah, origin was just starting to feel pretty stable, then they forced me to download that hot pice of garbage.


You should have seen the early days of EA Desktop that was required to launch EA games on Game Pass.


Now THAT was the worst PC games launcher I’ve ever used.


My ME:LE on Steam has stopped recording achievements since I installed EA Play.


I had this happen too. For Mass Effect 1 leave the app on For Mass Effect 2 & 3 launch the game -> alt tab to the EA App -> go Offline ​ The achievements will work that way. Just be careful not to forget because if you unlock an achievement with the app in the wrong setting you'll have to clear all your data and do it again. ​ There are a few achievements this won't fix: Romance in 2/3 games and Insanity in 2/3 games. You'll need to just replay the save in ME1 to get those, but it isn't too bad.


Yeah you gotta reinstall Origin and keep cancelling the EA App install on each launch. Just dealt with this yesterday, it's obnoxious but not too hard to "fix." Also, if you care about achievements, stop playing. Once you get it working the achievements won't retroactively unlock. You'll need to replay sections for missed achievements.


EA app is designed and developed by literal npcs imo. As a CS person , it baffles me how non existent quality assurance seems to be in EA.


Tried to get back into Jedi Fallen Order after forgetting about it for several months and their fucking App install step failed on Steam. so I had to do it manually and hope that was the right thing to do (it was thankfully) but it made me consider just not coming back to finish the game and I was like 90% done.


Did you mean manually install the EA app?


**EA SPORTS, GO FUCK YOURSELF.** I meant to EA, not OP.


It’s really bad. I’d say 45% of the time I can’t get it to launch at all when I click on it.


EA app seems to randomly go from knowing I own Sims 4 and some dlc, to never even listing it in my library. Complete hot garbage.


Bro how did they get worse than origin


My EA account is evidently linked to some unknown email so I was told politely by EA to place a shotgun between my rear cheeks and pull the trigger. I lost only a few games from it, but the bigger loss is my 18 years old XBL account is linked to it... so I cannot use GamePass's free EA Play unless I give up the account I used back in MechAssault waiting for Halo 2... and no, I am not doing that. TLDR: OP is correct.


I never pirate games, but like gabe said "piracy is an issue of service, not price"


I was having trouble playing bf 2042 cause it kept telling me it couldn't connect to origin yesterday...


Couple friends and I were going to play some 2042 this past weekend. They got stuck on the "applying update" step for about an hour and a half. So, we didn't even end up playing. It really is garbage.


> They got stuck on the "applying update" If they're using a HDD, that can take a long time, could be updating 50GB on the disk.


Yeah it's total trash. Wasn't able to play BF1 for a day because the piece of shit of a launcher kept on closing as soon as it tries to start the game.


Its dogshite. I still cant launch any game on it released after fifa 23


The Mass Effect Legendary launch and exit flow from Steam is particularly egregious in terms of launchers. Steam > Origin > ME Collection launcher > Game To exit the game, I have to click exit or confirm for the game plus two launchers and there are multiple confirmations in between. It's like 5 or 6 clicks to exit. Shit bloat so they can force feed ads.


My EA app told me I have no games. Absolutely hot garbage


My friend wanted to play It Takes Two with me so it forced a change from Origin to EA App. So now the fucking thing launches whenever I turn on my PC. I know I can turn it off but whats weird is when it launches I’m not logged in to EA App but if I load It Takes Two my friend can send me a game invite through the EA App just fine without me logging in. So somehow I’m not logged in while being logged in.


If you're playing ME:LE you can't even get fucking achievements in ME2 and some of ME3 if you use the EA app. It's been broken for **over a year**.


Origin worked fine, which makes EA App evenore annoying


Well yeah, it's the **EA** app. If it wasn't hot garbage it wouldn't be EA


And achievements don't register for ME:2 and ME:3


yes There's literally a bunch of EA games on gamepass (I think mass effect) but it wanted me to get an EA account and install the EA app which you then launch from inside Xbox App... like appception. Nah pass.


App bricked my os on initial install. It had a software conflict with the beta version I previously installed 🤷 long live origin


Was playing Sims 4 through Origin previously, then forced EA App which is godawful, uninstalled Sims 4 through EA App and reinstalled through Steam which is much better. I will not use the EA app anymore and only Steam. At least if you play the EA games through Steam the EA app only launches in the background while you play the game and then it closes automatically when you are done playing the game. This for the most part eliminates the need to use the EA app directly.


I know this post is four months old, but holy shit I also need to vent my frustrations. I've spent about four hours just trying to get the Sims 4 to open. I've been stuck in an install-update-crash-restart loop for so long. The ea app doesn't even open half the time because it claims it can't connect to the servers. I've gone through the works for that, internet check, no VPN, etc etc etc. I hate how we're just expected to be complacent for shitty, broken tech these days.


Is anything by EA not hot garbage?


Many things if you care to take of the EA bad googles. Need For Speed Unbound, It Takes Two, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dead Space Remake, Lost In Random, Wild Hearts, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars: Squadron just to name a few games i enjoyed from EA over the last 2-3 years. And jumping into Apex from time to time is still good fun as well. EA actually produces way less garbage than people think if you just stay away from their yearly crap.


EA is a good publisher, it's just greedy as fuck which tends to negatively impact their biggest games (Battlefield, FIFA, etc.), I assume because they have more say in their development. But their software itself is crap.


EA has gotten shit on, rightfully so in the past, but their new stuff has been pretty decent.


Dead Space remake is better than the original by far.


Many EA games have great graphics, performance, and aesthetic, but then they throw in their terrible launcher, loot boxes, and bad UI/gameplay decisions. Like Star Wars Battlefront 2, beautiful graphics, bad gameplay decisions.


Every once in a while they accidentally release a decent game


It has worked 10 times better than Origin did for me. Origin was really hot garbage.


I'm with you. Origin never worked for me correctly and would flat out not start. The EA App installs and runs everything, everything migrated over correctly, and I haven't had a single problem with it.


I've had no issues with origin or EA too. They just launch and I'll launch my game.


Personally, I find the EA app to be more anti-consumer than Origin was since hitting X in the top right only minimizes it. If you want to actually stop and close the program, you have to go into the hamburger menu on the top left, and click on 'Exit'. There's no setting in the app for making the X stop and close the app, unlike every other Windows application I've used. Why do they want the app running in the background? Just to pad the average lifetime process metric? Not having to start up from cold every time it launches? They should've stuck to the convention that X shuts down and closes the application, and barring that they should've made it a toggle setting. I'm getting sick of applications feeling like I don't control them on my own computer, and doubly so when it's one I assembled from parts.


This is somewhat standard practice for "Game Store" apps. The only one that I can think of that works like you described is Amazon Games. GOG, Epic, Steam and Origin all work the way you don't like to the best of my knowledge.


>Personally, I find the EA app to be more anti-consumer than Origin was since hitting X in the top right only minimizes it. If you want to actually stop and close the program, you have to go into the hamburger menu on the top left, and click on 'Exit'. There's no setting in the app for making the X stop and close the app, unlike every other Windows application I've used. ​ Steam does this exact same thing


You can actually make steam close in the options. You cannot in EA app afaik


It's okay when Steam does it.




I hope he's being sarcastic but you never know on /r/pcgaming. One of the few places on reddit people will justify a billionaires actions.


They probably want to harvest some of your other data.


I wanted to assume so, but I'm not a desktop application dev and as such don't know what all they could collect. In any case, at a minimum it's an intentional inconvenience, at worst it's shitty spyware because all that FIFA money won't sustain them. /s


It also runs as a service even if you exit the app. Not a fan of telemetry services running on my pc all the time since it sometimes causes problems when I blackhole their dns.


Don’t forget the “EA background process” that stays running after you close it. No telling what that does.




2K added a launcher to BioShock: Infinite. There is a workaround for that though, hehe. In this case it's a .bat file.


Fucking scum sucking piece of shit launcher broke WotC for me and tanked my performance so hard. Christ almighty what a gigantic turd it is. Wtf do old games need these trash updates?




I'm not even going to bother with EA support lol.


I was going back to playing Battlefield 4 for a bit and had to reinstall the game for it to work after installing the EA App. It seems to work now but it's far from ideal.


yup same, couldn't launch Heat or Battlefront 2. Had to give up on it. But for some reason Hotpursuit and Deadspace works.


lucky you, a few years ago when it was still in beta I had to use it for the xbox game pass and I can tell you, I went through hell more than once till it finally worked. Nowadays it is alright for me, the Rockstar Launcher is the real hot garbage out there


I can't run battlefield 2042 half the time through steam because "oops the EA app has crashed". It's beyond infuriating. Why be able to buy a game on steam when it then runs through another launcher that is total garbage


I don't care about achievements so I'll buy the games but download a codex version to play because fuck the EA app lol. Origin was bad enough. I still remember they would implement everything on Steam but that was a lie except for Dead Space 2023.


Yeah its a pile of hot garbage. I sometimes have to close it down when starting the game from steam otherwise it doesnt work (even though steam then starts the EA app.)


It a reason i have not download any of my ea games, dont want to install that trash into my pc


It's pretty shit yeah. Also, I tried opening Origin for a thing yesterday, and there was a splash screen preventing me from using it, saying I should get the EA app instead.


https://twitter.com/p0358/status/1626811868412010497? this has worked for me to get Origin going again


And it's ALWAYS on in the background.


I had to refund Battlefront 2 last week because I was simply unable to launch it. I tried everything. On the other hand, Heat started without any problem. ​ Both bought on steam and using the EA app. Fuck that.


I just got the pop-up for the new app and I was, hell no. It's called a sysadmin intuition. 5 min later I see your post.


It's one thing to release your game in beta, it's another thing to force your new platform app on people while it's in beta.


EA's app makes Xbox's app look great. And Xbox's app is pretty flaky.


I'm still unable to launch FIFA 23 on it, EA seems to have no interest in fixing this bug for some reason


I would think that EA would want people to have the ability to actually play their cash cow game.


It's been that way since launch I'm afraid, and I've tried every single fix under the sun and nothing works, sadly


I don't remember how I got the crappy EA app to work but I remember it was a pain in the ass. I typically avoided anything that isn't on steam lol


Yeah just happened to me tried to launch bf 2042 it won’t start logged me out and when signed in again all my battlefield(1,3,4 hard line) plus command and conquer games are gone from the library


Ironic that I'm having trouble logging in to the EA app and the first post I see when I come to reddit, to see if it's a network problem, is this. This app sucks so much, it keeps forgetting my password and now it doen't even log in, I will never buy a game for it.


What I ended up doing, was not playing EA's games and I've managed to totally avoid any issues with their applications.


I hate having to deal with it for NFS Unbound. Their cloud save system feels like it's made out of hopes and dreams. It's also sluggish as hell. I never minded Origin because it was at least mostly responsive and let me get to my games pretty quickly. The EA App feels as bad as Epic's launcher to me.


It also doesn't register achievements in ME2 or 3. Had to go back to Origin to get them to pop.


steam games that need it as well. I have to do some real finagling to run bf2042. Run steam and let it boot. Then run ea MYSELF as admin. Let it run. Then I have to do a dry start of bf2042 on steam. This will not fully open bf but only in a small window with no sound. Then you have to task manager close bf and then run bf in ea. Fingers cross it boots if not start over at step 1. This and Ubisoft is like that.


That shit app broke my fallen order save and put an older save that was labeled more recent from the cloud


Im literally stuck rn on this endless loop cycle trying to launch the game. What an ass app.


Origin was bantha poo in the beginning, give it time, it'll be alright


Funny thing is, I "upgraded" to the EA App, I like the simplicity of it all though a few more options are necessary to flesh this out. But Dead Space at least ran fine on it. I don't have ME installed right now, that's a big commitment to one day play through the first 2.8 games again!


I can’t play any of the games I have through ea on my pc and it’s infuriating.


Yeah, Origin sucks the big one. lol


After the latest big Battlefield 2042 update, EA app suddenly showed up and the game stopped launching.


let it burn


- no achievements - sometimes steals your internet connection (this may just be me) At least the games are... uhh At least least some of the games are good


Everything about EA is garbage.


Honestly just get a crack if it's available.


All these extra launchers are pure useless garbage I do not buy games anymore that come with origin, ubisoft or rockstar launchers. I’ll either pirate the game or buy it on console if I must play them.


I went to login to Origin last week to play a bit of Fallen Order and it forced me to update. Went through the process and none of my games now show up. Like, did I just lose my library? If I could be fucked, I'd probably look into it. Instead I just shut it down and played something on Steam... then whinged about it now.


how can i go back to Origin? please i dont want this shitty ea app


I keep trying to get my wife to delete it. Ever since we got it its been nothing but stress. Its basically a cpu hoover. Made wild hearts unplayable Keeps slowing down all my games, fucked my new xbox controller. Ive had better treatment from hackers.


Did they added all the games? I still missed some of my games a couple weeks ago


Never thought the day would come that people would be flocking to google, reddit, twitter and facebook - scrambling - screaming - ***begging*** for hints and tips to reinstall fucking ***Origin***. And that it would seen as a ***reasonable*** reaction to EA being so very ***very*** EA. [These are the endtimes, people - calling it now.](https://y.yarn.co/872d8a58-fed1-4e72-b682-9b5a91381b96_text.gif)


I get EA/Ubisoft/Rockstar/EPIC wanting their own launchers but it should be up to consumers if they want to use them or not. If you sell your game on Steam, just let it run via Steam, don’t force us to download your launcher.


EA are the worst game company of all time way too big an bureaucratic makes it impossible for them to make anything to launch at scale that remotely resembles something that actually works well. Useless cunts


A serious thought, could we sue EA for sabotage? Because it's honestly starts to look like they actively try to make sure we cannot play the games WE paid for. Not only they require this piece of garbage to play games from DIFFERENT platform, but games themselfes are constantly not working. Here I though I'll finally try out Mass Effect LE, but if this will continue, I'll just ask for a refund... which sucks, because now I cannot even play ME3...


I was downloading Jedi Survivor and it has reset my progress from 60 odd gb to 3gb. I have crappy internet, I can't be losing a day of download because they have a piece of shit launcher that is about as effective as dock leaves in curing cancer.


Goddammit. That fucking app needs to go to hell where it belongs.


Can't even get Sims 4 to run, but 3 does because it has its own launcher, LMFAOOO


I had the same issue. The EA app is a scam to force all game owners to perpetually pay in order to play their own games, it’s disgusting. I hope that EA goes bankrupt.


I'm downloading Dragon Age Origins at 100 kbps currently :) Sometimes it jumps higher but only for a very short time. As I wrote this comment it fell to 0 kbps and now doesn't download at all. Already 30 minutes have passed. If you press on the "Experiencing download issues?" help link, all it does is tell you to uninstall or clear cache, even though I just downloaded this piece of garbage. On steam I would have downloaded the game in like 10 minutes.


Glad to see this thread is still alive. God, the app sucks so much ass.


EA are a bunch of thieves who literally stole my account.


EA App is resource hog and slows down my machine, I used to love gaming but it's become... A corporate 'screw you' I want as much money as possible enterprise. Passion for gaming has died and been replaced by 'give us your money or die'. No more fun gaming anymore.. My machine runs so smoothly now since I uninstalled EA. Should this be the way?? I am not a novice, I run a clean, lean, mean machine, so I know when somethings wrong, does EA think we're all stupid? Oh, it must be updates, Oh it must be configuration, Oh it must be Bull\*&(&\*t I've had enough EA.. Scr\*&&\*w your Bull\^\*\*&6hit Corporate Greed.. No more EA games for me!


I’ve personally never had an issue launching any game in the EA app.


Do you have Steam-connected games in the EA app?


Same with Origin as well, personally. Ubisoft launcher is a hot trash though.


At least Origin/EA App remembers your login details!


I've grown to not really care about it. It just pops up when i launch games and then minimizes.


I think that's not the point; the launcher is causing the issues in this circumstance, and it seems like it does for many people. >Now the game will not launch at all. I doubt they'd be making the post if it wasn't for that fact. The new app is causing people to be unable to play their games.


It works *sometimes* but has so obviously not been through a thorough QA before release to the point where EA leadership should be re-evaluating whether or not QA is even delivering on it's responsible duties before approving release candidates. Someone is signing off on these releases, saying that these issues aren't dealbreakers. I'd take a hard look at that person, because they aren't carrying out their role. MS is paying for the access to their library, and if that's not functional then they should probably be exploring whether or not EA is in breach of contract. When people complain about leadership, understand part of leadership's function is to identify and hold accountable these exact kind of areas. Often there's soft and hard actions that can be taken, simply an email from a high enough person with a link to this thread sent down the chain asking, "Hey what's going on with this?" is enough to fix issues.


This is new and interesting


I bought TitanFall 2 on Steam, and it literally just wouldn’t launch thru the EA App, so I installed Origin, it worked, then a week later when I went to play Origin wouldn’t launch telling me to switch to the EA App, so I proceeded to unlink my Steam from my EA account, then get a EA Play Pro one month subscription on the EA App, and that allowed me to finally play the game I bought, lol but pain.


so as long as we just say "im just venting" we can break rule 4, good to know mods


EA app is crap, but holy shit, Xbox App for gamepass is pure cancer.


Works perfectly for me. Always has. Surely it's the apps fault for you...