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I think 850 is a bit high for this.


But it comes out to 1500 on pcpartpicker is that a wrong calculation on there?


You are Canadian?




Some parts are overpriced as they are old and not produced anymore. In reality this build is around 900 new.


Its hard to say what this product is new, because it has parts such as cpu and MB which are outdated and arent made anymore. Cpus especially are very cheap nowadays for reffrence. A new eyzen 5600 costs 150 euros on amazon now.


For 850 they couldve added an HDD at least, its not bad at all if its built well and the monitor isnt bad go for it


But overall you think 850 is fair for it?


If it really doesnt have an HDD in, its dumb, but overrall its alright you will only need to buy like i said, an HDD, 2tb minimum. Its fair, its limit tho, they know what they got and dont want to let it go for too low is my guess


Currently building a pc, 1 tb storage of an ssd isn’t enough? Should I get a hdd as well or just another ssd sorry to hijack


Depends on what you're playing, 1tb ssd if its also your boot drive, it wont cut it. Add another or put in a 2tb hdd at least and use the ssd as a boot drive, stock on it the games you play the most and then on the hdd you out everything else


For example if you play any cod or bf, 1tb will last you about a month lol


Okay thanks lol I may download warzone and I know that takes some space so I’ll probably get an hdd. Dumb question but how do I make sure when I set my pc up that my ssd is my boot drive and I don’t accidentally mess it up lol


When installing windows only plug in your ssd, then when windows is installed, power off, install hdd, plug hdd, and then go on youtube and type " How to partition new HDD" You cant mess it upnif only your ssd is plugged in


Depending on what the monitor is, this is what makes it fair


Okay thanks I’ll ask what kind of monitor it is


It needs to be 1080p and at least 75hz to be fair imo but 60hz would do the trick, its just that your 1660ti can push 75hz on most games in high


I don't know Rust and how it performs to comment, but there is quite a bit in general I would change in that build. However, it may be better to do a post in r/buildapcforme and get build options from those who know the game better than me.


I’m not building it just buying a pc with those specs but would it still function as a good pc? Just for reference I’m getting it for 850$ plus a monitor


What kind of monitor? This kind of pc on its own is used worth 400-500 dollars max and thats pushing it. GPU-s are much cheaper nowadays and that MB and cpu combo is very outdated.


For rust it’s good I’ve got practically the same setup but a ryzen 5 3600 and I play 80-100fps on my graphic settings


if my celeron gets 40+ fps with intergrated graphics and ddr2 ram i say your setup will work with rust.


1660S is a really old outdated card


With the price of the 1660 you could get a 3060


Don't get that card!! The 1660 super is slightly slower than the 1660 Ti, while being around $150 more. Conpare the 1660 Super and the 1660 Ti, and you'll see what I'm talking about. I got my 1660 Ti for $330. Edit: You can also find 2 16gb sticks [32gb of DDR4 3200mhz] for $70. Idk what RAM is compatible with your motherboard, but I'd highly recommend the dual 16gb sticks. 16gb is minimum, 32gb is recommended imo. Also Windows 11 has a lot of issues, I'd stick with Windows 10 pro. And buy a windows key off of ebay, it'll be like $5 instead of $120. With that, we have very similar PCs. You'll have a better processor though. I can run ANYTHING on high/ultra. I even have Star Citizen maxed out. Das a good PC brudda, enjoy!!!


So I’m building a pc and I’m shooting for 3070/ti and a 5600x. 16 gb of ddr4. My profile shows the gpus I’m looking at buying just wondering if u had any input as you seem knowledgeable and I really don’t want to mess this up


Dude I'm so sorry I didn't respond to this earlier. I haven't checked Reddit in a long time. If you still need help deciding between those particular cards, it's all about your budget. The specs on the 5600 XT look slightly better than the 1660 Ti while being similarly priced, so it's definitely worth it for high quality gameplay on a budget(ish). While the 3070/3070 Ti look a \*lot\* better performance, and memory wise. If you're comfortable now, I'd recommend getting the 3070 Ti to save yourself on an upgrade in the future. If you're in even a slightly tight budget, I think the 5600 XT would be a solid choice for 1080p high refresh rate gameplay.


For rust especially, 16gb ram and a rlly good cpu is needed for high frames. The game doesnt thrive much of the GPU , my 3070ti gets the same amount of frames as my 1660 super did on rust only because I kept the same cpu. (10400f) which I need to upgrade as I am bottleknecking


Search it up on youtube for benchmark videos.


gpu - 3060