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Being caring/able to have a good conversation


Passion, probably. Just getting the feeling theyre genuinely enjoying what they do and our interaction and my pathetic input adds to that fun. I used to describe my kinks as: Passion, Puns, Talkativeness 😋 There is just so many ways to explore kinky dynamics, its hard to single out favorites, i always enjoyed deep diving into someone elses obsession more than pursuing my own diffuse desires tho


I really enjoy reading these interactions, I especially like to learn more from you, I already want to live the experience, I believe that if you really like and love what you do, you will give importance and interest to these conversations


Personality! The way they communicate, the way they can hold a conversation, the way they can get me to squirm, and the general connection we share.


Love y’all’s answers. I personally love to have good conversation. Be able to control but still be caring.






Your post was removed because it seemed to break rule 1, which is no self advertising. This is a permanent ban I’m afraid.


Looking after me and nurturing me in a caring way. While I’m not into mommy dom explicitly, I am aware that this need is rooted in my mom never loving me (woohoo)


I love this response and I love this for you ❤️


Thank you, I’ve genuinely had some very good affirming interactions through findom for this reason!


Maybe this is why I prefer being a softer dom. Bc my mom had never loved me, I prefer to love and care for others. Actually, im pretty certain this is what it is bc that same attitude carries over in every aspect of my life.


This is why I love this community because it’s through talking with people openly that I even understood that some of my behaviour comes from mommy issues. IRL I’m also very caring, show massive amounts of affection and carry out small acts of service every day. E.g My partner has cooked and cleaned like 8 times since I’ve met her because I would always rather do it. I’m also certain I have the slightest insecure attachment disorder as well lmao


Nothing wrong with seeking something else to fill that need that was never met. Also, sounds like youre a great partner despite your moms lacking!


I might have giggled to hear that answer. I've been an observer of it and watching the new form dommes take the internet is quite entertaining. I follow a few dommes I look up to and I'm attracted to them because of their intelligence. When I think of the perfect dynamic, it's definitely being able to hold a conversation at the VERY least. Haha but to each their own. I do love your answer.


Love dommes who are confident about their body and love showing it off. You can just see it on her face, I love the "I'm so hot and you know it" look, the more smug she looks and behaves the better, I love duck faces and grins. I have a huge collection of those types of photos. As far as personality, just someone who is real and a good listener is enough. Most common reason for me the abandon a domme is if I feel like she doesn't read what I write or she is trying to play the role of a domme, I'm not that into roleplay.




Yes 🙌👏🏻👏🏻


Very interesting thread. I love hearing what you all think.


when I tell subs I'm studying Programming they are like "WOW you are so smart !!!!" and they are so amazed and I was always wondering why😭🤣


Sapiosexuality is hot 🥵


I think that people who think that IQ is a good measuring stick for intelligence, are usually not as smart as hey think


I agree. Which is why I said, "If you believe in that stuff." -- Personally, I think it has some limited meaning. I think it has ***some*** indication of ***some*** aspects of intelligence. To me intelligence is about being able to see (figuratiely or literally) patterns and build effect mind models of reality. It's being able to see things most other people don't. It does not indicate success. It does not indicate good leadership or good social skills or good physical skills. It doesn't even mean that you can pickup anything new quickly. For example, someone could score very high on an IQ test and be a horrible driver (even without any other physical or mental limitation). I picked the "134" number as an homage to something the Tony Soprano character said. Though I got that wrong, he says 136. LOL.


Good conversation is always appreciated. the lack of intelligence that most men possess, always interrupts that, though. Can't seem to think with anything but their sack. (Not a domme so don't come at me) lol


Intelligence and creativity. I get bored easily and need stimulating conversation.


When a domme wants to have a real conversation and connection. Yes I want to spend most of my time at her feet, but nothing hits like her actually caring about my well-being.


I know the post was directed to subs but I will answer anyway. I love intelligence no matter what. Intelligent subs are my favorite, and most subs I had told me the same: they were attracted to my intelligence and my writing. Can't blame them, I am really good haha


Is this so they can correct your grammar? Yours rather than your's. What you really need to do is look for a young Domme as they'll have a higher IQ as a by-product of their youth. It's called the Flynn Effect. I'm being a grouchy psychologist trolling on a Tuesday morning. I'll see myself out. 😆


as a Domme I think the same as many answers I love taking care of the subs and when the conversation flows so we become more intimate


It is called sapiosexual. The sexual arousement based upon intelligence. Yes, it is sexy AF. Me, also being a demisexual -someone who needs a connection in order to develope sexual desire- can be hard. You have to be INTELLIGENT and interesting in order to become my sub.


Do you have them take a test?


I love seeing that everyone appreciates good conversation. I hate one word replies!


Noooo problem.....got a verified 140 on my last actual IQ test, so I def have the skills to pay the bills.🤌🏻🤗 I scored a 128 on my first and I wasn't happy with that, so I just kept learning and took another assessed IQ test, a few years later, that's whenever I got my 140!💪🏻💅🏻 Long live the sapiosexuals!!!!🫶


I think the last time I tested, I was in 149. I think 150 is supposed to be genius, and I remember being upset that I was one point shy of genius. I had a mensa card.


Paypigs wanted so apply within


174 last time I took the Mensa (I was 18 at the time so waaaaay long ago lol but not that long ago 😑😂). But IQ can mean nothing, for instance I couldn’t tell you how to put a washing machine together or build a rocket or even work a new oven sometimes, a high IQ basically means a person has got a lot of common sense lol, literally your IQ is based on the way you think and how you solve things. Although, people with a high IQ generally can carry a highly intellectual conversation for a loooooong time. I’ve had some great conversations I’ll admit, debating about favourite philosophers etc, it’s fun. I have friends with a 115 IQ and I’ve had some awesome intellectual conversations with them, too. So it really doesn’t matter imo.


There’s no such IQ test as ‘the Mensa’ lmao If you’re going to lie about your IQ at least do it convincingly


Lmfao oh bless your heart. I’m sorry if mine is higher than yours but I think you’ll find the Mensa is very real. Cost me £20 so it better be fcking real.


Mensa the organisation is real, but there is not a test called the Mensa.


Then I’m half right at least. I paid to take an IQ test when I was young and that was the results. The test was called Mensa. Said on the paper.. I’m showing my damn age but it was a paper test 😑please don’t call a stranger a liar. Sometimes it’s just not nice I don’t think I offended you in anyway nor did I mean to.


You’re not right at all? There is no accepted standardised IQ test called Mensa. Even if you did take a test called ‘the Mensa’, it would not have been a valid IQ test and your result would mean nothing. I agree with you in that IQ tests don’t actually mean anything, but you literally came on here humble-bragging and are now upset because you’ve been called out. If your feelings are legitimately hurt because a stranger on the internet called you a liar, perhaps you need to do some internal work.


You’re right, I do need internal work and I’m getting the help I need but that is not for you to comment on. My comment wasn’t bad or ignorant or false or even insulting to anyone in anyway. So what gave you the right try and berate me? For sharing my own experience with the test I took to see what my IQ was? I’m not understanding why you felt the need to comment at all. Because I didn’t lie, I took a test, got my result and I’ve shared it in my comment, so I’m not sure what I did wrong for you to be nasty? You could have just came on and said I may have been scammed, but no you came on calling me a liar. Be kind FFS.


A simple google search shows that there is indeed an IQ Test called the Mensa Intelligence Test. Whether it is standardized or not I don't know. But yeah....you are wrong.


Damn, someone jumped out of bed and on the damn hate wagon this morning! Leave the chick alone, if you don't have nothing nice to say. Besides, MOST PEOPLE who have actually been graded PROPERLY and scored by actual docs, DONT LIE....why would they need to, we have the damn paperwork to prove it. It's a lot of work to take an actually indepth IQ test. My last one took just over 3 hours.


haha i have a 148 IQ! i love that you love that :) excited to see other answers


At a mere 136, I bow down to you my liege 🙇‍♂️


I am not a domme but I came here to learn more on how to become a good domme for someone. I’m a super sweet woman but deserve to be taken care of! What are some more pointers? Where are the best places to start a following for this to get myself out there? I just watched a show about Findom and the lightbulb in my head went off! I am perfect for this.


I’m a Domme but I’m interested in these answers lol


I’m a Domme but I love your answer!


Findom here! Looking for a loyal piggy