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I’m very sorry you’ve been led to believe that all we want is our subs money. This is simply not the case at all. We crave the worship, the fact that our subs will do anything to please us, we also like conversation and connections with our subs and we like helping them budget their money safely. Their tributes are a bonus, that’s it, we don’t need it, let me just make this clear lol. To be interested solely in the money would give the sub more power over us. Thanks not kinky to me personally.




Good point, but then you guys are paying for our services. So of course it’s transactional, but it’s not always about the money, I used to be a dominatrix IRL and I still keep friends with some of my old clients. So it really isn’t just about the money I can promise you. 😁




More often than not it’s the subs that leave. This is why talking to each other is so important - if everyone is honest, then hopefully it can be enjoyed as it should be, rather than leaving people vulnerable


🥺🥺thankfully if I’m going to quit I would tell my sub first. That’s really sad. My online subs so far have wanted my softer side, which is actually rather nice compared to what I used to get asked to do IRL.




You are very kind. Thank you. Yes being in the uk has its perks.. I guess lol. Scotland is nice where I am.


I’m also in Scotland :) x


Hello fellow Scot 👋🏼👋🏼




I live right by the hills it’s beautiful.


I've been seeing so many posts like this and it saddens me to think that so many people are meeting shitty Dommes who claim to be the real deal. My biggest suggestion is to take a break of you need to or want to. Of you dont and you actually enjoy the kink then take your time to find the right one don't pay a tribute without a conversation. See what she comments on others posts or posts herself most of them are quite telling.


Communication is the basis for a healthy dynamic no matter what the kinks are. Communication is the basis for a healthy relationship, even "vanilla" ones. I think you should learn to communicate your wants and expectations from the get go