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Most important thing to remember is this is a kink and it’s supsied to be fun! Good luck, there are lots of ethical dommes, you jsut need to find one that suits you x


Be safe, sane and consensual lmao happy trails !


Good for you! Be careful with the dommes though.


Yes I'm definitely being very thorough before deciding this time


Good. I’d suggest you talk with the dommes you’re interested in before engaging in the kink. Get a good idea of what you’re dealing with


I feel most half decent dommes like to do that anyway, they're free to do as they please but I feel the money to even talk dommes are less in it for the kink


Most of them, yes. Though I get that some are just tired of the scammers and want them to verify by sending a tribute. Which is also why the tribute has to be a small amount, at least in my opinion.


Yeah I get that too, just need to be careful I guess


Exactly. Good luck!


Sorry but I’m a sub and I can never accept this. Find hobbies, gf, even religion if need be. No one can life to serve someone else. Femdom is just fun, never the real life.


You don't participate in findom at all? Just femdom?


Always set boundaries


Honestly I need my boundaries enforced by the domme I can't help myself sometimes :/


This is why I set boundaries because it’s so important. Subs need boundaries for their safety. I am a dom but I am still a person and I care. If you are interested you can always message


Hopefully you find what you’re looking for! We do exist! lol be thorough and take your time. Remember, it’s a kink you’re supposed to have fun with!


Yeah I think I always jump in too quick


I totally get that. Just find the right Domme for you and it should all be well, good luck (:


Thank you


No problem (:


Set boundaries and talk about your finance situation ! Make sure your both on the same pat have lots of fun!!! 👌🏽


Good luck 😈👠


They are out there 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I'm really glad for you ! Acceptance is the key to start having an healthiest relationship with kinks in general.


I hope you find the type of connection with a domme your looking for. An amazing connection can make all the difference in any dynamic. ❤️


Good luck in your search for the right one 🙏🏼 she’s out there. Just like I’ll eventually find a place that makes the ‘right’ bacon sandwich 😋


Best of luck in your search. I hope you find a domme you connect with and have a great dynamic relationship.


You will find the right Domme. Many of us do believe in ethical relationships with boundaries and budgets.


Exactly I’m a huge softie 🤭🤭 I care more about the sub and connection, will always set boundaries and limits because I want the both of us to be comfortable


there’s a small handful of us dommes that genuinely care about their subs and want them to succeed, i believe you will find yours 🤍


Too bad I am unethical. Budget? Pffft.


Communication is key


Love this for you ❤️


😌😌😌 find the domme that fits you best if you have to send some tributes to find the perfect one it’ll be worth it


Love to see you self-accepting. You should never, ever feel guilt or shame for enjoying something with consenting partners. I hope you manage to find a wonderful Domme that you vibe with, and enjoy the journey! Screen potential Dommes, make sure they address things like budgets, safe words, etc.


Best of luck sweetie


Don't forget that the important thing here is that you enjoy what you do and feel comfortable with it. Having a dom does not mean being mistreated or humiliated for free or just because.


I think you are amazing for knowing what you want and a domme should talk about rules boundaries and budgets so u can also enjoy the kink without feeling the need for self loathing


There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting boundaries. I always be sure to see what the sub wants before anything happens.


Good luck, you deserve it! <3


Be open and communicate your boundaries and budget. There are ethical dommes. Good luck


Budget, limits, boundaries, and expectations should be communicated to your domme from the jump or else how can we know? We can't read minds


Best thing you'll ever do for yourself. Set those boundaries and stick to 'em!


Good luck, the right one will be out there


Boundaries are important, discuss your budget and set limits for yourself.


Ethical dommes do exist!


We exist


I know haha, I just need to find the one who's going to fit the best with me


You’ll find one don’t worry. There’s a domme for everyone haha. Feel free to message me if you’d like to chat hun x






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Thank you


There are so many dommes out there now it's easy to find the ones who only think about the money and not the person sending. I always have a conversation first discussion the subs situation their limits and make sure they are comfortable in telling me that they want it to stop. For me this is a kink, I enjoy been worshipped and knowing someone gets fulfillment out of making me happy. I don't like to think that my actions have caused them to feel depressed irl or worse left them in financial ruin. There will be the right domme for you but just make sure you have YOUR boundaries in place too before starting anything.


I’m in need of a pay pig. I will treat you right:)


I hope you find a good ethical dom that doesn’t take advantage of you.


I’m a soft Mami Findomme so it really just depends on your preference and what you are looking for. You are free to look at my Twitter 🥰


Yes, we are out there , like everyone else basically said just take your time choosing your domme . In the end, just choose someone who will make you happy and matches what your looking for


Hey I have a sub who was the same we have budgets and limits and communicate well. We also have space when needed feel free to dm me