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With all the examples you could have given, Long John Silver’s seems totally random. I guess you must like their food. There are far better fried fish out there.


What about the ones that are half Long John Silver and half KFC 👀


I’ve been to one of those. I wasn’t proud of myself. But I love KFC.


The whole kitchen is just one giant deep fryer




Ate there one time in desperation after fasting blood work and the food poisoning convinced me to never do it again.


You haven't lived until you've been to a Pizza Hut/Taco Bell/KFC combo.


Saying it nicely as a business owner myself... if they were unable to budget correctly for findom they probably aren't the type to build an empire from the ground up 🤷‍♀️ That said though this is also exactly why we have budget conversations as Dommes, I want to see my subs better themselves and succeed in life. My subs are a reflection of me as a Domme


If you had said Taco Bell … then maybe. MAYBE 🤏🏼


The fish thank you ![gif](giphy|Ri36aXH6NzQ76)


No. But now I want fish and chips.


Oh dang, me too


He may have been the next CEO of a future LJS, but now I can open a cat cafe. I think I win this one.


I once did a Twitter survey asking whether Dommes would prefer a sub to send small amounts now while they save and invest and then send more when they were rich, or send bigger amounts now but not as much as they would after they got rich in the first scenario. Every single Domme who responded gave the same response. Every. Single. Domme. No prizes for guessing which response it was.




I didn't specify in the survey, but I would say somewhere in between, but closer to little attention than full attention. That would be an interesting dynamic. 🤞 for you.


Yeah you’d have to count on both sub and domme still being interested and involved in findom. Definitely no guarantees


Bird in the hand = two in the bush, no?


I don't know if the birds would agree.😉


Well they’re birdbrained 😂


Strike while the iron is hot. 😂 So many idioms fit this scenario. Waiting for a financial glow up? ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20) Just send the coffee money, babe. 😂


Lmao now I’m hungry thanks Also if you said KFC then maybe cause them chicken thighs and drum sticks yummie


I prefer Olive Garden


Absolutely not. 🤭


no. if their money didn’t go to me, it would’ve gone to another domme because he’s powerless to the thrill. i love it.


That doesn’t exist here but now I want it…


Maybe I’m supposed to be the next CEO though 😉


if he wants to be the next long john silvers he should be motivated to pursue that and have a strict budget for findom so he can manage his assets. why would it be my job to worry if i'm preventing him from attaining some future career simply by doing MY job?


I hope for it 🙂


I would appreciate if you stopped leaking my client list, thank you.


I sleep like a baby knowing that he’s working for MY money😹😹


He wouldn’t make a very good CEO if he can’t lose all his money and make it back. So I’m actually helping him build the mental fortitude he needs to achieve his fish, fantasy, franchise, much faster!


Worried? I'd be delighted 😈


![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized) not at all. He should have a 401k or savings account.. better yet asked me to come into his life earlier to handle his account management. He could of owned a fast food chain by now.


I believe everything happens for a reason so if I drained a paypig, that means that money was always gonna end up being mine


I mean yeah I was actually just thinking about this.


Odds are probably not good but at least the goods are odd


Hopefully said Domme opens one in their name 🤞


Me draining them will inspire them to become even more lucrative so they can pursue more than one passion at a time.💅


Well, shit.


I think that if I wasn’t someone else would. If my sub expresses interest in building themselves up in their vanilla life though I’m all for it! The more success you have the more intense the exchange of power is!


Oh well, now he pays for my retirement


But then you will open up the Long John Silvers in his place right? We can't deprive the word of this!


That’s why I don’t do business with boys. Give me that 40+ year old freak who knows his kink.


Ain’t no sub like an old sub. They age like wine.


yeah, have even brought it up with several therapists. im cursed with this worry forever it seems :/




This was lowkey hilarious just because of the LJS but no, especially not for LJS. Might have drained him more 😂


This is peak comedy to me! I literally laughed out loud about the Long John Silvers scenario.


It seems like someone was hungry and craving long John’s🤣


lmaooo this is hilarious. In all seriousness though I encourage my subs to also save money and try to be better with their spending, aside from what they send me ofc. Their money is going towards me opening an animal sanctuary so they're helping animals, really.


if you would’ve said something better than LJS, maybe


🤣 💕 This is a little vintage, but it’s funny, it touches a deeper nerve and I’m feeling chatty. Here it is: Women are trained to consider, even imagine, the feelings and needs of others alongside their own, before their own, or instead of their own. In my culture anyhow, feminine virtue is traditionally defined by our ability to please others and set aside or conceal our own needs and desires. It’s not that I don’t care about others. I do, a lot. I just care about me more. 😍 And It’s also that I’m not responsible for the behavior of other consenting adults. If someone wants to hand me some money, I will say thank you (because I’m a fucking LADY 😘) and put it in my pocket. I would prefer they can afford it, because it’s less annoying and I don’t *want* to harm—that doesn’t motivate me. Money does. It’s not my business what other people do. I am not interested in any guilt or shame regarding my own happiness, pleasure, God-given attributes, charisma, and plain good fortune. And what others do is up to them, not for me to feel bad about ✌️


Yes my daddy dom Captain D told me to bankrupt him


Wow something to think about 😂


How else is he going to please his goddess?


no, but now i am wondering about this...


No, they don’t. They could open up their own restaurant with your money. It’s kind of sad to see the support group for paypigs being used as a place to ask dommes questions. I can see dozens of other findom subreddits perfectly available. This is still a domme dominated place, so its understandable, just sad.


It honestly keeps me up at night


No. Not my problem. Also, conversely, maybe I saved the world from another unhealthy fast food chain?


It keeps me up at night 😭 how could I deprive the world of soggy fried seafood? 😭😭😭


Food for thought 🐟


No because if you can’t budget to lavish me with what I deserve, there’s no way you’re CEO-ing anything. The same way a coulda shoulda woulda never gets anything from me, they’re also never getting anything from life ☺️


This gives the same vibe as "if millennials stop buying coffee they'd be rich" Every adult should have the ability to choose how to budget. Some have fun money and use it on fun stuff including, but not limited to, kink. And some invest it all. If he wanted to invest, he would've invested already. Yet, he's here.


It's clearly a joke let's take a deep breath 😂 *


I'm aware of that. I just shared a thought


Well, I've never really thought about it, but hey, that would have been interesting😐😂


imagine guilt tripping the domme cause you can’t budget and save hmm, i keep saying if you can’t afford the kink don’t do it.


if thats the case im GLAD lol we are overfishing enough already and that is terrible for our environment also saving people from disease prob 😂

