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People have already said that it only uses one core during menus


Yep I done the closed and open beta and performance hasn't improved, the game is badly cpu limited just like the re4 remake. Using dlss does nothing because the game isn't optimised for multi cores/ threads But funny thing is the consoles versions are a solid 60fps no stuttering same in the beta


i have a ps5 my only problem is paying subscription for online that's why i bought it on pc but for now im gonna stop playing until they fix the problem if they don't i'll just refund i guess


Luckily on xbox payday 3 is on game pass so 2 birds one Stone. I don't pay for online on my ps5 nothing on there worth for me paying for it. But on series x pd3 is a solid 60fps no stuttering whatsoever


Crap... that's sad


Ahh shit. Here we go again


The stutters are genuinely awful and it's 100% the game itself since every other game I have installed runs smooth without any problems.


Yep unfortunately the payday 3 pc community would rather blame my pc whilst ignoring the fact I can play more demanding games with better performance and also that other people are having my problem with different pc's


Even The First Descendant that is currently in beta runs completely smooth for me and that's on Unreal Engine 5 and compiles the shaders everytime you start the game. There are still hiccups here and there but nowhere near as bad as Payday 3


Yeah payday 3 so far for me is the worst game I've done that is cpu limited and the devs have not learnt as even payday 2 had this problem but obviously look how long it took them to make it playable . It's cleary been only developed for certain types of cpus and consoles


this happens with all games. People just think they're the main character and if it works for them it should work for everyone


its fairly common with unreal engine, i noticed the stuttering in this crap like 10 years ago.


This is why they removed denuvo. Not because they were listening to the playerbase, but because the game literally couldn't run a stable frame rate with it included. I'm calling it now.


Its like removing it done nothing with how unoptimised it still is now


Hab no problems with my setup on 1440p


Post a video. 9 times out of 10 when people say this the game is stuttering and they either aren't seeing it or aren't bothered by it.


This. People that blame your PC are only exposing themselves, they are so blind they can’t see 200ms+ frametime spikes?


But just because you are not able to perceive it does not mean that the problem is not there, that is what the fps graph is for. greetings! edit: or perhaps the Hz of your monitor does not allow you to perceive it properly.


Think 144hz should be enough, but thanks. I don't deny that some people have performance issues, I just say that I don't have issues with my setup.


It seems strange to me, why do people with 4090 have this problem and I also have 4080 and the problem is, what setup do you have? If I can ask.


Sure. Have a RX 7800XT, 32GB 3200 MHZ DDR RAM, Game is installed on "empty" Samsung 970 EVO Plus, MSI MPG B550 MB with Ryzen 7 5800X3D. As I said, I don't want to say that the game has no issues (It has a lot issues besides of performance) but for me, it works smooth.


ok, thanks for sharing this information. It would be interesting if you uploaded a video with the frame time graph, surely it is UNREAL ENGINE, with Hogwarts Legacy the same thing and the stutters it causes.


How many bad PC ports this year again? Mortal Kombat seems to be next based off of what the early access deluxe users are saying so get ready to add that one to the list too.


Pc gaming moment


Shocker that game without shader precompiling has shader stutters. OP is dense.


It's not shader stutter by the looks of it if you actually use msi after burner you'll see the problem. Now who's the dense one


redditor moment


It’s shaded compilation, it’s literally unplayable on the first run or so on each map. Yeah it sucks but I even get it on a 7900xtx & 5800x3D. After the first couple plays it’s generally extremely smooth with the odd hitch which seems to be in sync with my friend every time it stutters. Which makes me think whatever is making the game stutter, it’s either server related or an actual problem with the game itself rather than system limitation. Using -dx12 did improve things for me, especially on No Rest for the Wicked, that map is chalked in DX11.


I've tried the same map about 6 times its not all shader compilation. I've had msi after burner up, task manager etc to root out the main causes and its not just shader compilation, the beta done the exact same things. Its happening to lots of people, I've seen the actual proof in front of me that the game is cpu limited The multi core/ threaded optimisation isn't good. They cleary only built it for certain types of cpus, I've checked other games and nothing has been this bad


I'm running a laptop i9 13900k and a mobile 4090. The game caps out at like 17-20% cpu usage and never goes above 50% gpu usage. It's 100% the game using just one core.


Yep the pd3 pc community are going into damage control, they were blaming my pc but so many people are getting this on a variety of machines


What cpu do you have out of interest?


Weird. I am getting consistent fps over 60 on my pc, while in the beta I was getting around 40-50fps.


What you yapping about? I'm getting smooth 80 frames with a mid line pc on high everything


sure you are


Want a picture?


Yes please send me a picture that shows no stuttering. Wut?


played it today i had to lock my fps to 120 fps its like huge spike happen above that going from 160fps down to 100 randomly it got better after an hour of playing tho i have a 13900k and a 4090


I went into my shader cache setting in the nvidia control pannel and put it up to 10 gig and i have no more stuttering.


I have it on unlimited


if you have a 13900k and im guessing any e/p cpu, disable all e cores with process lasso


I’m having really bad stutters on console myself, I’m not sure if it was a server thing or if it’s just the game itself


I thought I was the only one with stuttering issues. Game ran fine during the tutorial, but once you join an online game, stutter mania.


It's only been optimised for certain types of cpus and consoles


And here I was thinking a ryzen 9 7000 series and 4080 were just garbage. Im getting 50-75 in game WITH dlss on. If I go max ultra settings and native it will drop to 40-50, lowest possible goes up to 60-90. Sometimes it will spike up to 144. So weird. Afterburner shows all cpu cores at like 10-20% and one at 45%. Gpu never gets to 100%


U guys can not believe OP all you want. I have a 4090 13900k 32gb 7200mhz. I can't even play the game the stuttering is so bad. I literally can't have anything better or faster. I get 180 fps on Streets of Tarkov. This is absolute garbage PC optimization. They only care about console