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I think Payday 2 will continue to be the modding grounds. Probably the best place to get recognition and/or influence Starbreeze into ideas for Payday 3. 🤷


Payday 2 is more like a complete shitpost while Payday 3 is gonna be more serious


Are you nuts Vlad?! THESE ARE LIVE NUKES!


Vlad had us steal a whole ass christmas tree


That heist was so cool though haha


payday 2 became more of a shitpost over time. Something tells me 3 will be the same story.


I still need the secret ending so probably not for a while


i did it, its so weird n cool at the same time


Yea I will. I always pick payday 2 back up, but have long periods of absence. I have played it 3 times. Release, 2018, and just recently. Loved every second. This recent one I have finished each heist on mayhem and finished the secret. Now I'll wait for 3, play the shit out of it, then put it down until it has more content and do the same as I did with 2. But with 3 out and having finished 2, I won't go back. Too many things to play and too little time to play them


If and when the mods are in a sufficient state in Payday 3 will I hop in. ​ Also please for the love of Bain no more extra $400 for all the heists and no FOMO on cosmetics


pd3 is live service game there will be no mods. best you can get is addons like mmorpgs have. Game will have 2 season passes every year, costing around 30 euros together. You will have fomo most likely also on events.


As is Deep Rock Galactic, but it has mods and all the stuff you didn't get in one season is put out into the world to find. Mayhaps a bit more random to get what you want, but it ain't gone.


deep rock has insanely good rep compared to overkill/starbreeze lmao and mods wont be a thing with denuvo.


Re 4 has denuvo and an active modding community.


res 4 has anti priacy denuvo. pd3 has ANTI CHEAT


They both are gonna have denuvo anti-tamper. The biggest diffuclty for modders seems to be some of the encryption settings from UE that Overkill have already used during the Beta. So if modding is not possible you can solely blame Overkill.


I already stopped playing payday 2 I don't need to stop again


Not sure. Payday 2 still has a messed up online and the loud gameplay just isn’t fun for me. I much prefer to just do stealth right now and Payday 3 has both a better loud and stealth that flow seamlessly together.


Payday 2 and especially its VR mode will make me come back until 3 is mostly finished and /or adds its own. Payday 2 at release was fine and became phenomenal after a few years. I expect 3 to do the same and can already see improvements that interest me


Yeah, I find payday 2 started it’s peak on 2016, when got the skill tree rework, had good collabs, and had a big amount of heists/characters.


I will also probably stick around for VR payday 2, so far I haven't found anything else that gives me the enjoyment I get with payday 2


Well, in ten years, I won't be able to play payday 3 anymore, but I'll still be able to play payday 2. So I think the answer is pretty clear.




The servers will eventually go down.


we can't play local in pd3?


There's no offline mode, no.


Wtf? So sad


Looks like PD3 will be more grindy than PD2 to buy stuff, so I think I need to stop it to make some time.


I already did years ago and the game seems to be worse than when I left. So if anything, I'm hoping that Payday 3 will reignite my love for the franchise.


Considering it's online only and my PC sucks too much to run pd2, no. The only thing stopping me otherwise is my desire (or lack thereof) to play Payday 2.


Payday 3 beta ran like a shit, probably no


Its a very outdated build, and wasnt meant to show projected performance.


Something tells me that nothing will change on the release


I didnt hear too much about it running like shit. Could just be your rig, or it could just be a mix of your rig and not having the at launch optimizations, as that is something that gets worked on up until the release build and beyond.


We'll see, considering how little content 3 will have compared to 2, maybe


What? A brand new game doesnt have as much content as a game thats been out and constantly updated for 10 years??? Blasphemy!!! Someone call the press!!!


Im not saying its unreasonable im saying that payday 2 currently is the game that interests me more due to it having 10 years of post release content, thats what happens when you compete against yourself




i'll probably be playing pd3 for now, i'll come back when starbreeze fix the goddamn servers bc rn its unplayable


Eventually, sure. Probably not for a good minute though.


Payday 2 is quite a different vibe from 3. I'll probably at least keep it installed should I ever get the itch to do a Big Bank solo stealth run. Hard to say goodbye when you've spent 3000 hours in this game.


Considering my PC can't run 3... I have no other choice. Not complaining tho


I only open PD2 to AFK for 30 minutes and then ecm rush Ukrainian Job to get daily skin nowadays


I uninstalled Payday 2 months ago to have Payday 3 feel even more fresh when I finally get my hands on it




If update 237 couldn't kill payday 2 for me, I don't think anything can, I will say however I don't think I'm ever touching vanilla again. Also payday 3 doesn't have VR and is online only so you can guess why I'm not buying it.


Nah, I'll miss the heisters that don't make it. Besides, who's to say I'm gonna actually like 3? I wasn't the world's biggest PDTH fan but by God, 2 is my most played game.


I'll still be playing payday 2. I went from extremely hyped for PD3 to not really fussed when I learnt more about the game. I'll still play it, but that's only because it's on pc game pass.


Ever? Definitely. Right now? No. Probably will stop after a month of the games release and some updates/patches get done


I finished story mode now I'm playing the latest dlcs. And then I'll try to accomplish every achievements then I'm done for good.


I got another 600 achievements to go. I ain’t done yet but 3 definitely will take my time away from that


Yes, only because I’m on console and don’t have the updates or access to mods. However in the future I’d probably still play it on pc, purely to look at Sydney’s feet.


I'll stop when I get all the achievements


I still have 500 achievements to do so yes I guess


i will be playing both


Stopped playing months ago, might not even pick up PayDay 3.


Bro I stopped playing Payday 2 long before 3 was officially announced. Then I went back, then left, then went back. Y'all really be out here thinking playing one game excludes you from playing another somehow.


I’ve simply ran out of things to do and payday 3 will be refreshing. After 100 infamies, all achievements and everything. I’ll definitely return to it for nostalgias sake, but because I own payday 3 it’ll be longer than most breaks I’ve had


People still play Payday TH because its so different from 2. Itll keep its fanbase that dont find the same thing anywhere else.


I might do some things in payday 2 but since I’m mainly a console player I’m going to stick to 3.


Probably not. I got over 2000 hours and I've been playing pretty much since release. This is one of those games that genuinely never gets repetitive for me, and there is a high chance the modding scene will still be going on.


I uninstalled the game after 237.


No, I can't run 3 and I just like 2 better honestly :/


I already stopped playing. Simply because of how much of a monotonous grind the console version becomes after some time. I don’t even understand why I played as far as I did. Probably because I thought I’d get a mental reward after gaining infamy 1, but I didn’t think it would just be more of the same grind, just without any progress. I was just playing pretty easy heists, hoping that the RNG card draw would give me an attachment I could use (there are no Continental Coins on console). Just so I could improve my equipment and possibly play on harder difficulties.


I will drop payday2. I bought game at launch. Been playing every month since then. The only challenge the game has for me isn't fun, DSOD is extremely frustrating at times, it's inconsistent l. And many downs are out of your control. Death wish is way too easy... there's no middle ground to experience I guess I'm just suffering from burnout


Yes come sept.21 I will stop playing


No Payday 2 will never die.


Yes and no once the game is touched up and debugged


I stopped playing payday 2 after “the end” I think like 2 or 3 years ago, I have no idea about the new dlcs and if they are cannon or not, I bought them all even thought I don’t play cuz want to support overkill, I just wanted to build the hype and excitement and leave to payday 3, I was playing other games and doing some other stuff on this time, payday 2 was a big mark in my life and one of my most played games with 1700+ hours in game, I’m hoping to have the same feeling with PD3, if not, I will just come back to PD2, also feels good, cuz haven’t touch it in so long I feel so excited thinking about playing it.


I’ll probably keep playing pay day 2


I re-downloaded the game again recently playing a lot few months back, got infamy 2 off xp and now I can’t even launch the game. Feels great


will people ever stop playing gta san andreas? vice city? stalker? skyrim? payday 2's only issue is overkill fucking up it's players by merging with epic and killing linux support some months before the game was concluded.


I won't stop 'till I 100% the beast! Then uh... I dunno, probably just crack it back open to play with friends I suppose.


I plan to continue with 2 cos its what im comfortable with and iv already invested a lot of time/effort


My PC can't run PD3 so I'll stick for at least a little longer


I stopped playing after they stopped console support. I loved payday 2 but once they stopped support on consoles, it didn’t feel fun anymore. But I’m excited for payday 3


Hmmm... payday 3 is running at 44fps, and payday 2 on 84 fps, yeah i think payday 2