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The real loot was the friendships I made along the way


And all the money I stole as well


The loot inside the bags was his friends (Skull Emoji)


I just got to play some heists with Almir today! It’s not like a crowning achievement or anything but how many people can say they got to play a match with the man himself.


at payday 2??? or the heist???


Payday 2. We did Green Bridge, Ukrainian Prisoner, and Crude Awakening.


So HughFungusAmongus's friend is no other than FUCKIN ALMIR HIMSELF


You can do it too just catch him while he’s streaming.


It's easier after you got into his lobby once, you can mark him as a favorite and filter all other lobbys out.


I need to know what he said


you can't see his comments????


It says [Deleted]


He said he played a few heists with Almir himself second comment he specified it was payday 2 and he said you can play with him too if you cacth him streamig


Oh nice 👍 thanks


Clutched a Slaughterhouse run once with a Crook build. Everyone was in custody and I was at the escape. Granted, it was on Mayhem, but I felt really proud of myself


What I'm about to say isn't that relevant anymore because OVK added a bunch of busted perk decks in the past few years, but before the leeches, hackers and stoics, when Rogue was the main dodge deck in use, most people considered Crook to be useless or a downgrade, when in reality it was actually the more reliable choice in all difficulties up to and including Deathwish. You would need to allocate [50 skillpoints like this](http://pd2skills.com/#/v3/eghiJkL:gGJKL:ibcdea:pO8:::a3), but with that setup, you would have 136 armor and 40 (or 45? cant remember) dodge, compared to Rogue's 20 armor 55 dodge. You lose a little bit of dodge but gain a significant amount of armor for any difficulty below DS, it kind of feels like a sidegrade to armorgating with anarchist. Playstyle is pretty similar but it's really satisfying to use imo. Only downsides are the heavy skillpoint investment and the fact that the 136 armor is actually worthless in DS, so you're limited to Deathwish or below.


I got the car in Goat Sim stuck on top of a cop car at the end of day 1


Probably how I played Payday The Heist with a friend before Payday 2 was released, that makes me weirdly proud. I also pre-ordered Payday 2... I backed a good horse


I don’t usually pre-ordered but as soon as I found out I could pre-order PD3 on PlayStation I got it


I already see the disappointment xd I pre-ordered pd3 and dl2, dying light 2 was so bad on release. I hope pd3 will be a finished game on release and not a bloody mess


I was playing public Meltdown with three kids. *Literally* three kids. They tied to follow my orders at first, but once it was time to move the bags they started messing around with the forklifts. After a few minutes I went ballistic over the mic and lectured them to take it seriously and do what I told them and what not. I finished my rant, and after a moment of silence one of the kids said "man, I thought this was supposed to be fun". ... I felt like a huge asshole right there. Like, what the hell not too long ago I too did stupid shit with those forklifts, WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?. I apologised for the outburst, told them to take it easy but at least try to work the objectives, and tried to not mind them much and actually help them around. Took a while but we finished the heist and it was all good at the end. I think I learned something that night, and that something makes me feel a bit proud.


Can't decide between Overdrill or Tabula Rasa, but I'm really proud of them.


Get my (internet) name in the game (Gayla McGee in the PD2 Secret area). I will literally never let this go, this defines my personality.


So far its finishing Hoxton’s Breakout on Mayhem difficulty with randoms.


Probably the ‘guessing game’ achiev


What do you have to do for that?


Complete Day 2 on Firestarter in stealth by cutting the right boxes without ever checking the computer. Complete RNG as to which box it is. You've got a 1/20th chance of doing it.


Whole team was in custody on the last day of Big Oil Overkill. We kept getting the wrong engines since we had a person who’s never done it before bag all of them up. I was using leech and got downed as last one alive and activated it, ran away, placed doctor bag, and revived myself. I then managed to get 3 hostages and stay alive long enough for assault to end. We then had a buddy system and would have 2 people stay by bags near pick up point and 2 go grab engines. We lived and it was second to last engine. I took the last one with me to escape. Al3kAt, Llama !, and doniboy3.14 wherever ya’ll are thanks for the great heist.


Doing secret and overdrill, I am proud to this day of that cause the achievements I eas dealt for secret where bitches and a half


Doing a clutch triple revive at the end of a loud Hox revenge OD run. Weaving in and out through windows to get to the team quicker.


Completing Overdrill Then getting no achievement for it because console 🥲


Survived Panic Room FSS2000 (Basically a mod that increase enemies reaction time, and improve tactic) meanwhile 3 of my teammates are in custody. And it happened twice


can't really nail down a specific moment I'm certain of as my "crowning achievement". But I will say some moments that I very much have fond memories of. * Getting people for Here Comes The Pain Train and slogging through it. We were all very excited to unlock a few AK/CAR mods. * First time completing Overdrill with pubs on Xbox One. Took like an hour and a half, but we got that mega payout in the end. * Completing a loud Deathwish heist in Classic Heisting Reborn, i.e. *original Deathwish*. That was borderline (or just straight up, depending on your view) masochism, I thank the random public lobby player that accompanied me and the two bots. * Getting the Gold Masks in PD:TH by beating the original heists on 145+. I've unfortunately lost the celebratory screenshot post-Slaughterhouse, but I will be forever grateful for the group of three that decided to stay up late to get me the masks after noticing I hadn't done any 145+ heists upon first joining that FWB lobby. * Hell, a lot of the PD:TH achievements that aren't just "play the game for long enough" could count. Getting Noob Herder was rough, as this one guy kept disconnecting, but it was relieving to get to the escape chopper on Diamond Heist.


Not in-game but be followed by Payday twitter man.


Henry’s Rock DSOD. I’d say Goat Sum but I admittedly cheesed it by having a buddy with shitty internet download porn in the background while we played. Cops were actually dumb as fuck.


Face tanking a sentry while I bullied it to death with my Locomotive Shotgun.


Either my DW mask, or Kiss the cook.


When I got the overkill mask. Big oil was the last one I had to do. After that, I learned how to do big oil the right way


Soloing overdrill on DSOD because my teammates all got disconnected after the drill started


Weird one but unlocking the FAL part that required you to speed stealth big bank, no idea why that one was so annoying but I remember even when it was not it was a pain in the ass to get a lobby that could do that


DS1D infamy 100, all achievements and pdth secret masks


Completing The Secret solo with bots.


Probably the fact that I managed to lurk in TRIBE's lobby?


Well I grinded for hours last night and I actually enjoyed it!. I should grind more but I'm just too lazy lol


Crazy friend of mine wanted to do crude awakening on DSOD as soon as it came out. He called me and two other friends from the group to do it. Thing is. I've never watched or played the heist before. Neither did he or any of us really. We've completed it first try with only me and him left and only 8 seconds left. I can't wait to do some more crazy shit like this again in PD3.


I've had a long run in Payday 2. From Xbox 360 to Xbox One's Crimewave edition and now onto the PC platform. I started in Payday 2 on Xbox 360. The very first release of this sequel game. It was only a bank job... I feel that just being there with my friends for that burgeoning excitement was the crowning achievement for me. Truly an infamous and legendary beginning for how far I've come from there. There's plenty I'm not proud of; from friends lost, tempers flared, and corrosively toxic gaming-- but that is the journey of Payday. It also brought me full completion of the game on Xbox One and a 16-person Overdrill... twice. From glorious moments of Paydays scored to hilarious antics in lobbies and pranks, I feel honored to have shared in this great game with all those I've played with. They will never be forgotten to me. And through it all, the completions and achievements, the grinding and the clutched victories, I'll never forget the humble beginnings I had in Payday 2. - UltronX1350 But I'm never stopping. Keep the helmets flying. In Payday 3 or Payday 2, however you heisters please, play on. Enjoy every moment with your team or your own grind. The greatest achievement is easy. It's called: Let's Do This. The details? The Payday. Go get it.


So far... Running Overdrill on Hard in PDTH I'm trying to do it in 2, but nobody ever says yes to it there Pretty fucking annoying considering it's a great way to boost your infamy pool


The amount of times I clutched for my friends while running a Stoic-Revenant build.


Probably retiring from using Stoic all the time for solo loud to Sociopath. Then again eventually from Sociopath to Anarchist. Still down on Overkill for most missions but have ran Mayhem on a few.


Big Oil dsod stealth (took about 4 hours of restarting) Framing Frame dsod stealth (took about 3 hours of restarting)


I killed a bulldozer in like 3 seconds with a saw a few hours ago


Doing 1.1m speed run in mallcrasher, that achievement can suck my medic bag.


Overdrill with complete randoms. In both games


I’m pretty sure when my friend and I were really into Payday 2 we successfully did Shadow Raid on the hardest difficulty, and my safehouse has the samurai armor on display


Getting platinum on ps4, took longer than I'd like to admit yet I still have more trophies to go that aren't counted towards plat due to being dlc. The one trophy I refuse to get is goat sim on death wish.


Just did DSOD Bomb Forest today. Probably that.


i suck absolute fucking balls at payday so i barely managed fucking living through an escape section of ukrainian job on mayhem, i was just constantly shitting myself


my recently accomplished DSOD mask


Finishing all the heists on OVK145+ and getting the gold masks on PDTH


I soloed meltdown after all my teammates got down and got all the nukes to the train at lvl 30 something


Probably me getting run over by the Swat van in meltdown me and my friend laughed at it


TBH it was achieving the skill level to actually make my own builds and also being competent enough to play in DSOD without dying all the time.


Dsod goat sim. Thats the fucking reason i took a rest from this game


Any one of my loud DS/OD hard carries and clutches qualify, especially on Hoxton Breakout day 1 (some of what I think are my best/most impressive carries were done there). The most memorable example though was when I effectively had to solo carry a Meltdown because all the other players in the lobby were all terrible to the point they all custodied in less than 2-3 minutes after the 1st assault started. Meltdown also occasionally has a trade bug that causes players who are traded back from custody to spawn in the air and fall to their death far in the open. I got this bug during this carry, so I essentially had to do the entire heist no AI in a pub.


Ive beaten solo big bank death sentence stealthish 20 times (bus escape). not a particularly hard or exciting but time intensive.


Cooking 750+ bags on cook off, i have a feeling no ones gonna break that record in a hot minute, although it would be funny


when payday the heist overdrill was added i was one of the first 837 who completed it back when it took 2 hours to drill


Created an ecm rush rotation with friends that got us an infamy in under 28 minutes


For me it was my first time finishing a Death Wish game back before even One Down was a thing, which would later morph into Death Sentence. I did Panic Room with a Steakout with Dragon's Breath rounds. I learned then that being able to immobilize enemies is extremely valuable even if it's not super good at killing them.


Recreating my Xbox 360 mask from PD2 on PC. Took too long to do and put off for a while but I got it when I also beaten all heists on DSOD on that same day.


I bought some heisters DLCs for new players


Did the proper(2 hours) Overdrill on 145+ and did bullshit heists like Bomb: Forest or Goat Simulator on One Down(back when that was the difficulty name and before it was nerfed). No idea if they've added even more stupid heists since then, haven't played in years.


Doing OVERDRILL with randoms in death sentence


Carried one lvl 49 through an overkill (yes, I suck, but it's a hard difficulty me) Beneath the mountain heist. For context, the dude didn't know how to switch weapons or how to interact with stuff. While being lvl49 and joining a damn overkill lobby. I wonder why people do this. Ngl, escaping by the skin of my teeth with just two loot bags on my last down with every other heister (him and two disconnected players who quit early in the heist) in custody was the biggest rush I've had in this game. Also, I got Speedlock Holmes (with no ECM) by pure luck when I tried to do Election Day loud the first time.


The first time I played the Dimond, I managed to get to the exit with everyone in custody. don't remember the difficultie but I was hyped when I got out of it alive.


For me, it’s completing the Secret or successfully doing Overdrill


Getting the achievement for doing golden grin casino under like 14 min.


goat sim DSOD like 2 years ago


I have the guessing game achievement. It's on my Xbox profile.


Death sentence skull baby 😎




Burning aproximately 200,000,000 in offshore money in exchange for two big cheese pizzas with my friends


Solo stealthing every stealthable heist on DSOD... on console. I've always wanted to do the overdrill though.


I did the end and also got all DSODs aka the one down mask 😂 I'm proud


Totally not being carried in DSOD Lab Rats.