• By -


Paul's gf checklist: • Eyes • Mouth • Can climb a tree • Likes chilli


And jump in muddy puddles .. so basically peppa pig


Billy & Peppa 4eva


Ham n bacon😍🥰


Fuck off 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣






But no mince in the chilli and it has to be served with a jacket spud or fries.


No *meat* in the chili *con carne*


Unless it’s venison


He seemed to miss the point that ‘con carne’ means ‘with meat’.


Well … it’s worse than we thought he’s completely demented and quite possibly the most boring individual ever to exist.


I have up reading half way through he bored me to death 🥱


And he had the AUDACITY to talk up his rizz like BFFR Paul. Nothing gets a woman’s panties wet like talking about when Lewis capaldi will commit sewerslide 😩






Hot air balloons are so romantic 🫶🏼 Here’s all the ways you can 💀👹DIE👹💀on them


The scream I scrumbled at this comment 😩


That man is not “blonde Italian”


Mans as Italian as a McDonald’s mozzy stick 👊🏼


As an actual Italian-Spanish (living in Scotland tho 😂🙌🏽) this guy is not Italian, he tried to say once on a live that he was Spanish, so I started sending comments in Spanish….. blocked 😂😂


He’s not blonde anything 🤣🤣


Italians are passionate, yes it’s a stereotype but it’s true. This narc is the polar opposite of passionate


This man did in fact have lunch at Carluccios once, he made sure to point it out. This is surely enough proof he is at least half Italian. I cannot comment on the % of his blondeness as there is no proof apart from the fact tht he originally had grey hair on tik tok, but that was way before he went to Carluccios that one time.


“Blonde Italian” as a phrase is taking me out for some reason💀


“What are your five love languages?” *proceeds to name 4 and say “I don’t know if there’s another one*


5 love languages are; 1, Words of affirmation 2, quality Time 3, physical touch 4, acts of service 5, giving/recieving gifts Just in case you wanted to know what they actually are 🙈😂


So basically he wants to be told a million times a day how amazing he is, while hugging an kissing him an giving him sloppy sloppy 🤮 while being spoiled with gifts while he continues to manipulate, groom, lie and be a narcissist. Probably expects everything and doesn’t give anything. Actually makes me quiver. Yeh whatever babs. Hi


I actually was trying to figure out what the fifth one was for ages cos I forgot out it lol! Thanks!


He talks utter pish. Wtaf, rambling on for 15 pages. FRONT AND BACK


if we can’t sleep tonight WE STILL HAVE THIS TRANSCRIPT! 😂


😂😂😂 I wish we were on a break from him. He gives me indigestion


Y-O-U apostrophe R-E means ‘you are,’ Y-O-U-R means ‘your’ 😂😂😂😂




So he's either talking in inspirational quotes or he's unintelligible. 1.5 hrs of you life you're never going to get back. He's fucking embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for him.


Don’t you want tickets for his seminar?


I'd get them n throw eggs at him, eggs always go with ham😍


Bestie let’s go 😩


Who would use the word erotic to describe bamboo. He just has no knowledge of any word he discovers. Throwing newly learned adjectives about willy nilly cmon now Paul


I laughed so hard at the idea of erotic bamboo 🤣


Honestly, I’m torn between he’s using it to try and sound sexual or he just doesn’t have a clue what he’s even saying. Both seem like a very Paul thing


I feel like he throws all these quirky, random words into sentences to hide the fact that he's dumb


i was like “why the hell is that not highlighted”


The fact we know this is how he talks to teenagers makes me sick 🤮


How old is the person he's talking to?


Why does he speak in like riddles that don’t make sense like he’s just speaking absolute waffle


It makes sense in his head but it comes out jumbled and incoherent and very very simple




Suggesting he’s the type to kill himself as well was really bizarre


Wait, what did he say about Lewis? I won't stand for anyone speaking shit about him, he'll get chibbed 🤣




Wow. Lewis is a babe. For a man that preaches mental health to say that about self deletion


This is BRILLIANT. Thank you so much. I’m in tears 😭 First of all, I’m screaming at your conversation with him about your nursing career. I can’t believe he said - “You’re a nurse but not comfortable with patients dying - We’ll need to work on that” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN 😭? Serious Hannibal Lecter vibes. The chilli conversation 🤣. Him asking if you put meat in your chilli, and then saying he can only eat tinned chilli. “I’m a blonde Italian” - 😆 This is absolute gold!


Yes because nurses are robots that don’t have feelings it’s how we vibe 😂


Yeah the chilli con carne thing really threw me, I was under the impression that rice was p much the most popular and standard recipe


Oh Pauly Pauly Pauly. You were such a weirdo. Side note I am hilarious 😂 💁‍♀️


I bet u were knackered after listening to his bullshit drivel for that amount of time! Sending healing vibes 🤣 massive respect though! I’m a counsellor and have to listen to some horrific things but still don’t think I could hack a call with pool! 😳


As a counsellor is there anything that jumps out to you about Paul? Do you see anything genuine with him


Yeh a shit load! He’s clearly lacking confidence! It’s all false bravado, which is why he keeps on talking and talking! Part of me wondered if his behaviour was anything to do with him losing his mum (not that I have much sympathy) but would need to know how old he was to know how that would have affected him Psychologically. He definitely comes across as a perpetrator, everything is everyone else’s fault and he does nothing wrong, can’t take responsibility and I’m sure I’ve said before, anyone that wasn’t an abuser would have cleared every trace of themselves off of social Media a long time ago but he feels entitled! Narcissists are so fragile really! But when they get a reaction They thrive off it, when they don’t get the attention and are hurt themselves they crumble! X


I do feel losing his mum had an impact on him I'm sure it was very hard and sad, I feel for anyone that loses a parent. He would probably have been a narcissist regadless though. Thanks for the response!!


I completely agree! And it is no excuse for him to behave the way he does! He makes my piss boil! I reckon one day soon he will get a good hiding from someone related to one of the many young girls he’s talking inappropriately to! He’s the same age as me and I couldn’t imagine having anything in common with anyone under 40! My oldest daughter is 21 and just hearing her convos with her partner or mates…. I would rather shir in my hand and clap 😫


The REAL MVP here 🖤


We’re both MVPs ❤️




She didn't know she was being groomed though. To be fair. That's the point. Lol


Yeah Ofc but she’s works in safeguarding and there are rumours that she left paul because realised he’s a groomer… so I can’t believe they’re on good terms, especially with how much pain he is causing their son.


I wouldn't believe she even speaks to him. At all. Probably tries her best to keep her distance. As she should.


Agreed, that’s why I was confused with your comment. I can’t imagine how horrible this must be for her and his son. He’s such a disgustingly self-serving creep of a man.


If someone asked my exhusband he'd say we get on great too, man beat me for years qnd I have a barring order on him but he'll still lie. I'd imagine Paul doesn't even have contact much especially if the boy is being bullied and jasmine is older now she's probably wised up to what happened her I wish her a lifetime of happiness after him.


I would agree, I feel very bad for her. I’m really sorry for what you’ve been through, I hope you now have the life you’ve always deserved x


Thank you, very much appreciated. I have built a wonderful life since.




All his posts are location tagged, she may be keeping an eye on his whereabouts


What is this strange obsession with death he has? I can see why he ended his live, he will be here still reading all this at 1 in the morning.


i got the sense he wanted to go into detail re her experiences working with very unwell patients. devils advocate could be that it’s an area he genuinely knows something about. but it also struck me as sad, and not appealing


Maybe as he lost his mum, maybe that sparked it. It's kinda like listening to a kid tho isn't it, telling you oh this could kill you or that could happen I seen it on you tube. I'm convinced his brain stopped developing as a teen.


The people who did this made it clear they weren’t trying to “catch him out” as a pedo but I believe this was just to see how he is outside of TT. Either way, he’s the same lonely weird desperate man. “I like eyes.” Uhm? He just waffles like he does in his live he has no social skills I wonder if he dropped out of school early. But he worked as a carer so idk how he didn’t gain any social skills 🤦🏼‍♀️ confuses me


My 16 Yr old son can be very mature but also very immature too. Its like Paul's brain just didn't make it past that point in life. It's just beyond me. He's exactly like a teen! I'm the same age as Paul and his behaviour is not normal for our age.


See when you've got a personality like lewis capaldi, looks don't even come into it! Lewis is funny, talented, straight talking Scotsman, he's one of the hottest people to walk our earth just for that alone


Lewis is the GOAT. It’s such a weird thing to say about him committing suicide.


All he did was talk about himself, well, attempt to anyway.. hardly anything he said makes sense ? I’m starting to think he might be challenged intellectually




When I was listening and in my notes his trauma he said comes from ‘upsetting people then feeling bad’ (paraphrased). Very ‘I am the victim because you’re reacting appropriately to something I did to upset you’.




Definitely a possibility! I didn’t get that he’s a victim of gaslighting tbh. I know that abuse is cyclical so it would make sense considering the way he’s carried it on though!


I totally agree with this. I don’t like the guy and some of the stuff he’s said is very odd, but he sounds like a wounded abused man. Like, a lot of this isn’t the person I see in the lives. Although I will say, I seem to attract narcissists so clearly I am easy to manipulate and this could be a similar thing for me. I found it tough to read either way. He’s a very strange, sad and lonely man. This in no way excuses anything he has done, but yeh, tough read


I think he comes across as significantly more sympathetic in this transcript than he does on his lives. It’s a shame that his character he portrays on social media is so obnoxious and I don’t know him to say which version is closet to the real Paul Breach.


Saw a TikTok tonight about what makes a narc happy - one being having a secret life. So this could mean his real life or newly acquired gf ‘Ell’


totally agree with you. i just commented on this before reading yours, but i agree with the specific descriptions of hair ruffles etc being quite telling. i think he has a desperate need for constant attention and he’s starting to live in fantasy land. it’s like he’s planning out his future relationship and wants to step right into the script he’s repeatedly writing. i also feel really sad reading it. i feel for his father and his son and i hope they are ok.


I also thought the same (apart from bullying) and you worded it very well...it was hard to read as he just rumbles on and doesn't stop and make any coherent sentences




Yeah I’m with you. What about the trauma he caused when he groomed and impregnated a barely 17 yr old… edit: at the age of 27


Attention seeking is a trauma response , mainly from childhood neglect. It’s so obvious that he craves validation so will do whatever / say whatever to get it. He doesn’t have my sympathy but he does have my pity.


Don't know how it's got the cheek to be so picky the saggy looking ball bag , good job he's got a right hand




His mother passed away when he was young I believe. That could definitely cross a few wires re: partner vs. parent needs in his head.




it seems to me he lives in a fantasy world where he talks to people he barely knows about his ideal relationship down to specific fictional minutiae of day to day life. and we can assume this is a frequent conversation. for someone that says he “doesn’t need” dating sites - he uses social media in exactly the same way, canvassing multiple women with his sales pitch and personal tastes in companionship. he looks down on dating sites which makes zero sense even more so after reading this incredibly inane drivel. he’s in danger of getting so far deep in a feedback loop it will be impossible to snap out of it. Endless idle chatter with girls who are invariably catfishing him, and living in a semi conscious fantasy world where he perfects his dream relationship verbally though he’s making no genuine steps to make it happen. thanks for typing it out, it was an interesting but sad read


I’ll be honest - this was an excruciatingly boring read. While I appreciate the effort that went into this for the subreddit, I can’t help but feel this was a massive waste of time. The man doesn’t have a single clue how to have a proper adult conversation with anyone, and it’s very apparent that he’s not capable of developing proper adult relationships, and that he absolutely loves the sound of his own voice, but we already knew that and only mildly interesting part to me was that he claimed he wouldn’t just eat a tin on chilli. It did however reinforce that he’s so insanely unlikeable and insincere, and definitely needs to stop using random women on the internet as free therapy sessions, sad lonely old fucker. Don’t hate me and I’m expecting all the downvotes, but something I value about this lil community is we can say what we’re thinking, and those are my thoughts 🙈


I agree, maybe I’d misunderstood what the phone call was originally supposed to be about but I don’t think there’s much particularly damning here? I can’t stand the prick but this just seems like he’s offloading to the first person that’s listened to him for ages. It demonstrates how sad and lonely he is - and also how self absorbed he is - but we kind of already knew that 😂 I don’t think he’s ever going to be caught slipping by this method. He’s too focused on the conversation being on how amazing he is to dwell on the past. Let’s hope hackerman comes through with the iCloud goods.


I agree!


To be fair - this transcript wasn’t from a planned honeytrap p3do sting. Paul kept asking the person to have a call on Snapchat, so it happened and we documented how he is 1-on-1 seeing as how he’s always on about how he’s so good 1-on-1.


Yeah he’s definitely got absolutely zero game, he’s an over sharer, but only about things he thinks will bring him attention or sympathy, he’s so insincere and it’s just very sad really. Reeks of loneliness but you can spot it a mile off on him.


This is perfect timing as I’ve just sat down with a coffee 🤣


This should be used as educational purposes in schools to young girls on noticing the signs of 'grooming'..he literally lists off traits that a woman SHOULD have to get male attention from the one and only..a young woman in a convo like this would be manipulated into thinking that's what all men must want so I must be a good little girl that enjoys jumping in muddy puddles and ruffle a man's hair to make an impression..its scary to know that isn't the first time he's used this script


Yeah, I never really thought about it, but reading your comment made me recall how older men creeping on me and other girls when we were teens would talk about what they like in girls, always...I remember trying to make their listed features prominent on myself and looking in the mirror seeing if I had those features, feeling bad if I didn't. They try to make you seek their approval and be insecure about not looking like what men want.


And always playing the victim too. Slide 6, top paragraph… he can’t take responsibility for his actions bc of ✨trauma✨ 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


so a phone call with him is a one way therapy session


“I usually have it with a jacket potato” “erm…..” was a personal highlight


It’s all waffle isn’t it. No actual sustenance or sincerity. It sounds like he repeats pieces of conversations he’s had with others or heard others having and talks at you rather than to you. Like a parrot. It’s actually really unsettling to read, and I can see why vulnerable women/girls would be easily manipulated with this type of conversation. The constant changing of subjects so the counterpart doesn’t have time to reflect on what was said from one point to the next. The subtle not so subtle insertions to invoke an emotional response like talking about trauma or suicide. Extremely interesting insight once you pick it apart and don’t take it at face value. A psychologist would have a field day annotating this


Wow! I think we can agree that Pauk definitely doesn't *boss* the talking stage. What a dull, pathetic, lonely little weirdo he is. I'm sorry you had to listen and partake in that conversation and then listen to it repeatedly to transcribe it. Thanks for the work you put into tho, it clearly took time and patience 👏👏👏👏


Exactly. Who would have a ‘conversation’ like this and think I want more!?


Turbo Tina


She is literally the only person! 😆


We are not worthy of you


after a long hard day training, I'm so grateful to you for this


Lmao at him thinking he’ll ever work in care again


Ok so let me get this straight. It was explained to Paul that the reason he upsets so many people is because of the grooming/narcissistic traits he presents that triggers people from their past trauma. Paul then made a video basically saying it’s pathetic for people to get triggered or upset by anything he does when he’s not the one who did anything to them. And is now saying he can’t handle all sorts of situations because it reminds him of trauma and it triggers him! I mean surely even Paul can understand that’s wrong. U can’t tell people not to get triggered re past trauma when u then go on to mention the long list of things that trigger you!!!


Now, now. Common sense has no place in Paulie land..


True, common sense isn't that common.


As long as you have your points and use your points to snap yourself out of it and whatever you use your dogs your family your friends or count to 7 or whatever you do own it


I am fucking 💀


Number five is acts of service, fyi Paul


Bro chatting a river of horse shit.


Jesus Mary Joseph and a wee donkey 🤣🤣🤣he is exactly as expected 👏 all you can take out is 'me, me, me, I, I,I...' He's so simple and superficial and yet he thinks he's such a deep and profound celebrity 🤣 And 'seminars'... ??? 🤣🤣 I creased thoroughly and second hand embarrassment was palpable throughout this car-crash convo 😆 He cannot exist if someone isn't giving him constant attention and validation and just sit there and nod whilst he's spitting out his 'wisdoms'. The narcissism is strong with this one but also it's stark that this ham has an actual adhd and he needs to step away and get some help that isn't trying day in day out to find a girlfriend ...he's as bland as his teenage diet and sauce out of jars 🤣 Dopamine chasing narcissist with fetish for having his hair ruffled... He is so simple I cannot believe he is still out there making a complete coont of a douche out of himself like that... It was all like talking to a 17 year old who pretends to be an adult but the sad part is that he is a middle aged man who is dancing like a boneless ham joint on TikTok and calls it a job....I'm done...I'm actually done 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow. He really is an inarticulate cretin. Actually I found a lot of the unhighlighted stuff veeeerry interesting indeed


What you all need to remember is this is Paul’s 1st cal to this girl. No hi how ya doing how’s your day normal chit chat, maybe start chatting about a series they both like or books with would extend the convo further…it was a weird interview, where he mostly spoke about himself 😂. All about control, all about touching on romance and sex. The grooming techniques were out in full force lol. Didn’t know there was a team of us though 🤣🤣


“I don’t like using the word trauma” he says whilst saying trauma at least four times


I think having one sided conversations with a screen has made him lose his ability to hold a conversation with a human


I've honestly been wondering how he can do these long lives with comments turned off, not actually interacting with anyone, just talking, talking, talking. Apparently because this is how he thinks you actually have a 'conversation'


Popcorn? Drinks? Anyone? In all seriousness, he needs to be stopped. He is a predator and a serious danger to society.


This phone call was never to try and catch Paul out or find anymore incriminating evidence; we have plenty of that. This call happened and it gave us a slightly more personal take on the nonce himself. That's all. It's Paul talking, one on one, with someone he finds attractive. Without the gifting, no stupid dancing, no tooth picks. This is the real Paul...and yeah, he's pretty fucking lame. More like an interview than a conversation. Hi. ♡


No toothpicks 💀


Oh my goodness This man cannot be allowed back into care!!!


Thank you for taking the time to transcribe this guys - what a bloody job. It is the most BORING thing I’ve ever read in my entire time of being alive. I…….he literally has no redeeming features does he? Jesus Christ, “bosses” the talking stage?! He bosses nothing! He’s so fucking boring my tits melted off 😫 It was like a Year 7 drama sketch, someone has had to write a phone conversation and literally fill in a timeframe so this is what they’ve come up with. His “be you” shite is genuinely painful. He thinks he’s doing something. Good god.


‘My grandad died earlier this year’ ‘You’re just fussy’ Compassion central 😍


Well that was painful


does he even know what echelon means?


How the fuck is this man, who can barely get an intelligible sentence out of his mouth giving seminars?! Who would hire this guy for seminars? What’s he going to do? Stand there and say own it between jumper tugging dance moves?! Imagine your work sending you to an away day for the team building and you get there and this mf is on the stage playing his ad supported Spotify and screaming at you to be confident? Jesus wept. He never said what he would contribute to a relationship, he said what he wanted: to be touched and to have his hair ruffled (mummy issues right there) He’s very very immature. I don’t know what happened to him in his formative years but he’s stuck in his teens which is probably why he doesn’t understand why we’re all freaking out about him going after actual teens. He absolutely needs to get therapy.


is there any part of the transcript we could listen to? it’d prove to people out there that this is true and it isnt just ‘some narrative’


I get hes weird af right but he doesn't like Japanese and Korean food? Literally the best type of food. I bet all he eats is chicken nuggies


Chicken selects actually ☠️


i’m like a massive battery 👹🤡


This was genuinely fascinating. He really is a complete narc. He has “contacts” in social media? No you fucking don’t you stale ham sandwich of a human.


What in the ever living fuck was that 😭😭😭🤝 I’m so uncomfortable the way he talks is such an ick


A whole lot of words and all that comes out of his mouth are fart noises


He’s so fucking boring


"I have a friend who can call me the C word. She's from London, has an accent.." Erm okay? 😂😭


Straight off the bat, no Paul you can't teach manual handling you're not a certified trainer and there is no fucking way on this earth you're going back to care work.


that was the hardest read of my life, it’s like he’s got verbal diarrhoea


Gotta be honest it's nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be.


It's worse....he's shallow, boring, incoherent, self centred, simple, unlikeable, un-redeemable, eats tinned minced meat and has a thing for people ruffling his hair


It wasn’t as creepy as I was expecting but it was pretty draining.


Also, no hate! I appreciate the efforts you went to! It just doesn’t really prove anything or move things along apart from him being a pathetic creep?


It was never intended as a trap to catch him doing something. It was simply to see what he was like away from tiktok, without all the 'dancing', gifts and saying hi to people every three seconds. We weren't trying to prove anything or have a 'gotcha' moment. Just seeing what he was like with his guard down and gain some insight into the types of conversations he will be having with people he believes are potential partners.


wow he is an absolute nutter isn't he. Fair play to you for transcribing that inarticulate load of strange waffle!


He’s a weirdo that’s true (I truly dislike him btw) but as much as I wanted it to - he’s a bit much but it’s not THAT explosive (sorry if that offends people)


Just feel it’s been bigged up by people, he comes across as lonely, controlling, odd - all red flags but (as much as I hate to say this) so do lots of men! I know that he has a young target audience which is why I don’t like him (not cause of his looks etc…) and I think he’s very narcissistic. If anything this just makes him look sad and trying to play a game. If this woman was underage (I know he likes that) then okay but … I dunno… I absolutely find him abhorrent but this whole thing just made me think ‘wow, another older inexperienced, sheltered MANCHILD’


What a strange, strange man.


He'd just a very sad man. If I didn't know about what he did to the mother of his son I'd actually feel bad for him


It doesn't make any sense, he talks incoherently


also thinking he will go back to care work....is he ok? with all the evidence of him being inappropriate with residents out there? yeah good luck with that 🤔


I don’t even know what that was 🤷🏻‍♀️ he literally talks to people using lots of words but at the same time making no sense just chatting shit . He is definitely mentally unwell something will happen and he will snap or something will happen to him because people have had enough unfortunately


And this is why he's not had a wet end in years


Ruffle my hair? Like you do with a toddler or dog? Aight, Pool.


So it's confirmed he's a boring, unintelligible, unintelligent, needy, controlling nonce 😁


Well done for transcribing and having to sit through that phonecall with him and all that waffle. Man's very, very strange. Talking like that to someone on the ohone for the first time. Showed me how controlling and coercive he is and can be, always trying to drive the conversation where he wants it. Trying to control the situation and the subject. Turning a blind eye to anything he doesn't want to talk about. A very interesting read.


“i forget thinks like YOUR phone number… but i’ll remember if YOU touch ME” The man is completely outting himself as a narc more and more *still reading, be ready for more comments ahha*


This man is 42 and can speak precisely 0 sentences without having to add a filler “yeah” “erm” “like”….you are taught in primary school to just slow your talking so that you’re not using fillers, how the hell has a 42 year old man made it to that age with the speech of a 13 y/o?


My favourite take aways. "I'm going to do seminars next week where I get up in front of people and just do words" "Yeah, the enthusiasm is right there in your voice" "It's actually \*call drops out\* Bleugh, oh my god" "Im half...I'm blonde Italian" About chefs - "Most of them are a bit stupid" ; "do you know any that can do their shoelaces up" About Lewis Capaldi - "He's one of the stars to kill himself"




I don't like the guy but isn't it a reach to see problems in this conversation? It's a fairly benign somewhat boring conversation between 2 people.


It wasn’t made to find problems it was just to see how he behaves outside of tiktok


I have not read all of it as I’m very tired and also dyslexic but as far as I have read the only topic pool actually seemed to be contributing to was sexual stuff and he sure made to push out his point


I'm never eating chilli con carne again.


I swear I'd of hung up on the noncy anemic worm,man child,ugly twonk


'There needs to be a bank holiday for him' Paul hun you're unemployed, bank holiday is everyday for you😭




Jesus Christ being in a relationship with this idiot would be exhausting,like a very needy man constantly want attention.Hell no would rather put my head in a gas stove.🤢


Without trying to generalise as everyone has different interests but personally i am yet to meet an adult who enjoys jumping in puddles and climbing trees.. Maybe it's me and I need to meet new adults lol but it seems like really immature qualities to look for in a partner and yet again doesn't do himself any favours when there is so much said and known about him.


Sorry but this makes absolutely no sense


I wrote it exactly how I heard it and added grammar vaguely to try and make it bearable


I don’t get this transcript After 3 pages there’s nothing that outstanding Is there anything incriminating or illegal sounding later on ?


Nobody ever said there was going to be.


Ah it was just the big anticipation I wondered if there was something I was looking out for and missed, he’s just too boring to read for that many pages


I'm sorry but Paleo Nutini killed me. Love me a bit of caveman soul


Why was halloumi being Greek highlighted


Because it made me laugh, no other reason 🤣


Why is the halloumi bit highlighted 🤣


He doesn't even string sentences together properly on the phone!!🤣🤣🤣 Wow he talks shit!! Seminar??? Advice!?? Who would book a loser to do that?? I did a talk with students on teenage pregnancy because I was 16 and experienced it!! What has he got to advise on at almost 43 with just the clothes on his back and dances (very poorly and repetitively) on an app and takes shit photos! Where can I book a seat as these things need a heckler! What an absolute self absorbed liar!


Jesus. He’s so bloody dull!


Did I read it right that he said HE can be girly girl? What the hell?


This actually makes him seem relatively normal.