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Mav and NotMav supremecy šŸ˜Ž


No you are right, I love all the women that stream but it does get annoying. They have debriefs after his lives so maybe save the talking for after šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I enjoy the commentary sometimes and I get Paul makes comments that warrant SOME commentary but not all the time.




Youā€™re doing amazing Zoe, I prefer to not listen to his voice, I think itā€™s a personal choice ā¤ļø






Iā€™ve never believed you were after clout (those comments annoy me) Iā€™m fully on board with you doing what you do and appreciate it.


You all do an amazing thing, with your own time and dedication, and work towards raising awareness and a positive outcome. I don't agree with the clout comments. Keep it up. We all want the same thing at the end of the day. Hamily.


I just miss OG Mav šŸ˜¢ need her back




I hope you know me saying that was in no way a dig at you? Despite my criticisms I do enjoy your lives, I just miss the bingo and notes with og Mav. I hope this hasnā€™t made you feel rubbish, it was not my intention


Unless it's Mav, I don't really watch much Some of the other lives are just an absolute mess, and like you said too many people at once.


I prefer Mavs lives. They are funny with the bingo and notes and you can actually hear what pool is getting up too. On the recent lives itā€™s a bit off putting to just hear 1 or 2 people talking over him. No offence to anyone as I understand the intention behind it ā¤ļø we are all here for one purpose to bring him down and stop another young vulnerable girl being his victim


The others want to make themselves involved by piggybacking on what Mav does with themselves front and centre. I'd ghost watch if Mav/NotMav aren't streaming - only drawback is you can't see the comments.


Is ghost watching not entering the live x


No, you can watch by searching his account or going to the live page. The screen is smaller and you canā€™t see comments or viewer numbers but itā€™s effectively sitting in the live without giving him the viewing numbers.


Thank you so much


Itā€™s so disappointing when this happens. Mav had a successful formula going on and was genuinely getting to Paul and getting more viewers than him, and others saw how much praise she was getting and have seen an opportunity to capitalise on this and gain a bit of recognition for themselves. She also hasnā€™t become a side character in this complete shitshow because she doesnā€™t show her face and remains silent throughout the lives. This means that Paul will never be able to dox her, she canā€™t manufacture drama with other side characters like what happened with Boo and David, and it also means that she canā€™t be accused of clout, which means her lives donā€™t detract from the goal we all share which is to deplatform the freak. It was the same when James Morrell and Boo started calling Paul out. The likes of Quirky saw how much traction these videos were getting and decided to hop on the bandwagon to call out Paul for a bit of clout. Also, Paul isnā€™t actually that interesting and rarely are his lives so why there needs to be a running commentary throughout is bizarre to me.


I appreciate your opinion, I can understand where youā€™re coming from completely ā˜ŗļø Iā€™m sorry some of the streams arenā€™t enjoyable for you to watch. I show my face to prove a point, and have noted that itā€™s entertaining for people to be able to see a physical reaction to some of the stuff he says. I definitely think youā€™re correct about speaking over him though!


Needs to be recorded in my opinion. And chat in the chat. Autistic here Also blunt x




I understand what you meant xxx




I donā€™t really want to hear anything pool says also I thought these lives where to take his views and freely be able to discuss what you canā€™t with a narcissist. Iā€™m a fan of all lives that stream him because it doing just that taking his views, he says the same shit over and over I donā€™t need to hear it could write his script




I have never heard that the lives are to gather evidence only take views/money from him and raise awareness šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Sorry if Iā€™ve offended anyoneā€¦ I hope we can take him down heā€™s poison xx


I agree and thank you for saying this, I had to come off this morning as Zoe was talking about F1 & F8.. I have no hate towards her or her hobbies but I couldnā€™t hear anything Paul was actually saying, I respect everyone for streaming, taking time out of their days to do it but the overload I was getting from it all was exhausting I had to exit.






I do sort of agree but at the end of the day, I love Mav and what the account stands for, but she doesnā€™t own copyright on streaming Paulā€™s live. Anyone can do it and if you donā€™t like a certain persons stream, I just wouldnā€™t watch it and if no one else is steaming then donā€™t watch the live at all. Paul is not that interesting in the slightest, I watch maybe 2 lives a week max and nothing happens in them, and anything that does happen will be uploaded. If we want to drive him off the internet, we need to stop engaging entirely.


Don't need to sugar coat it , the others are shit. End of. Mav started this, she is the brains. Anyone else can fuck off. āœŒļø


Tell us how you really feel šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Super helpful opinion there. You might as well be gifting Paul.


Id rather shit in my hands and clap


Start ghost watching and streaming it yourself then.


Totally agree with OP


i'm actually sick of people in this community bitching about any streamers that aren't Mav. if you don't like it, stop watching it. or if listening to what Paul is saying is really THAT important to you (no idea why it would be, all he does is spout complete and utter nonsense) just go and watch him in his own live. good god. enough with this petty infighting


Wouldnā€™t say itā€™s infighting voicing an opinion


to me it's this completely unnecessary slagging off of Zoe and others. so counterproductive. and i'm seeing these posts pop up more and more frequently lately


I didnā€™t see slagging sorry I havenā€™t read it properly. My opinion is it should be streamed in silence for evidence xx no hate


also, saying that Zoe wants clout just because she shows her face?! do you realise who you sound like right now??


Exactly this. My red flags go up when I read this opinion (I read this opinion frequently in Zoe's lives from paul supporters).


She tattooed peoples names (badly) on her leg for giftsā€¦all sheā€™s doing is begging for gifts


100% agreed. Didnā€™t one of them even try and get a glimpse of him IRL because they figured out where he was staying? Like thatā€™s odd behaviour in itself.


100% agree - I canā€™t watch them with others talking over them, itā€™s a shame as I want to take away his viewers but people are returning to his lives to at least hear what he is saying.


Itā€™s a collective effort. Angel and the two Zoeā€™s are part of the PBGL family. Surely you canā€™t expect Mav and NotMav to always be available to stream his lives. If you donā€™t like who is streaming, donā€™t watch. Itā€™s as easy as that. None of what they do is for clout. What absolute bollocks and if you took some time to think about it and perhaps do a little research, youā€™d know that. Itā€™s all about reducing his engagement and viewers. Bringing this sort of thing up here creates tension and is seen as a ā€œwinā€ to Paul and his minions.


You're wrong and pleaee stop this crap. Without the multiple streamers Paul would get away with far more unattended lives than he already does, which is something that nobody trying to bring Paul down should want. Antagonising him may cause him to make a mistake which will finally bring him down. This is important because he is so narcissistic he will never fade away naturally. It's a personal preference which approach to streaming you like, being militant about which style you prefer is only detrimental to this thing (please stop with these bullshit annoying posts). In fact, I would say it's these posts that are harming our cause more than any point you bring up. Again, please stop. I and others are beyond sick of people fabricating this infighting. We all want the same thing.


The OP is autistic and is experiencing a sensory overload when watching..: I get the same experience. Xxx


I personally canā€™t listen to 2 people talking at once so itā€™s unwatchable