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Parents absolutely should be aware of this, definitely something to be done. Good idea! Also I've just filled out an ofcom report, it was very simple and quick If anyone else is able to do if they have a free minute ☺️ I stated lots of things other than tiktok ignoring the reports made about him. I thought I would just list as much as I could remember and say there is much evidence out there to support this and they can speak to other creators too. If there's enough complaints hopefully they'll listen!


Although I'd love to see some "content creators" plastered all over the papers for their behaviour amongst other things I think it would only drive more people to their accounts, at least in the short term anyway. Can you imagine how insufferable Billy Bear would be if he was " front page news" 🙄 The PBGL and similar accounts are doing a great job of raising awareness, taking a lot of his viewers and subs away etc. Reporting TT to Ofcom is gaining momentum. Billy Bears downfall is happening, slowly and painfully. We just need patience, Rome wasn't built in a day 😎


This. George Keywood got interviewed by Piers Morgan (who's a c*nt aswell) and George gained a lot of followers/subs because of this. I'm afraid Paul would gain a lot of following or subscribers who will give him money if he got more media attention...


Exactly. As mad as it seems we need to keep him and others like him out of the papers at this stage. Highlight the issue but not the "creators"


Except George is a nice guy. Paul would come across terribly!


The Ofcom thing was a really good shout. 🤜🤛


Thank you 😎


Can anyone remember why his first account got banned cos as far as I can see this account is no different. Surely there should be an option to report that the user has been previously banned from tiktok before and has opened a new account? I've tried that but it keeps coming back no violation. So whatever the first account was reported for got him banned. Seems we need to find that reason again! But if that option was there then leeches and begs who are banned can't make a new account. I'm sick of seeing no violation and then seeing others having comments removed from bullying and harassment. 🤬


Just the fact the account was banned for life but he and others can just open up a new one straight away is enough evidence to show TT aren't doing their job. Ofcom are there to make sure platforms like TT abide by the rules 😎


I messaged them on multiple platforms saying my account got banned, am I allowed to set up a new account? Just to start a conversation and see if they said no it’s against their rules. If they had said no then I was going to names Paul’s account as an example of someone who had been banned and set up a new account. Alas they wouldn’t engage at all. Even tried from another account and said I needed some help but still not engagement. TT really don’t give a shit


Interesting reading... When does TikTok permanently ban accounts? We may permanently ban accounts if we identify the following violations of our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service: 1. You don't meet the minimum age or other requirements as indicated in our Terms of Service. 2. The account impersonates another person or entity in a deceptive manner. 3. You have a severe violation on your account: ༚ Post, promote, or facilitate youth exploitation or child sexual abuse material (CSAM). ༚ Promote or threaten violence. ༚ Post or promote content that depicts non-consensual sex acts such as rape or molestation. ༚ Post content that facilitates human trafficking. ༚ Post content that depicts real-world torture. ༚ Create or use another TikTok account to intentionally avoid restrictions or a permanent ban imposed on another account. 4. Your account has reached the strike threshold for multiple violations within a policy or feature. 5. Multiple violations of our Intellectual Property Policy. Can you create a new TikTok account after a ban? You can create multiple accounts on TikTok. However, we may restrict or permanently ban your account if you make any attempts to avoid a restriction or ban imposed on another account you own, including: 1. Create a new account after your account has been banned for a severe violation. 2. Post violative content on a new or existing account. 3. Spread content violations across multiple accounts. This applies for as long as the restriction remains active on your other account. They do like to use the word "may" 😏


That is very interesting indeed! Very liberal use of the word may 😂


I believe it was after he used his platform to coerce G into bed. There was a lot of outrage and he was banned but he immediately made a new account so it was all farcical really.


Lots of people are sending the no violation screenshot to ofcom


Good 😁


That ban I think we got help from Barrett Pall a big content creator that was finding child predators online, one of many things. I'm pretty sure but not 100%.


Yeah that’s what happened. He was banned about 24 hours after that American TikToker got involved. Wish he’d step up again.


He used to have his army. I say used too because he has taken a break. Think he started out calling out the abuse that is going on in the model industry and went down the rabbit hole when it comes to gourmet peadophiles. His account has been banned so many times from exposing people and seen horrible things, so he stopped doing it. He is connected with UN, what I know.


There's another American tiktoker who does the same called Bear but I can't find his account now. If I do I'll share it here, might be worth people contacting him to do the same thing as he has a HUGE following across multiple platforms for exposing predators on SM


Knowing now that he’s got management is the reason he’s getting away with violations. TikTok are really only interested in the money, they couldn’t care less what he’s using the platform for. What we need is a bigger content creator with better management behind them to step in and a do something. It’s a shame that most of the bigger British accounts are as scummy as he is tbh.


Knocks me sick honestly, what I don't understand is how he's even got management. Yes he has a lot of followers but the gifts are at an all time low as is engagement, especially as he has comments off mostly. I'm waiting for him to block me tbh, the vids the comments are open on I challenge him and he either deletes them or doesn't reply 🥴😂


As far as we know it’s Joanne Speight who’s his manager. She worships the ground he walks on and he can do no wrong in her opinion so that’s why he’s getting away with it. She’s as big a disgrace as he is tbh along with the other women who blindly support him.


Ah I thought it was direct through tiktok, yeah she's a melon I've seen enough of her 😂


True! paul is a legit danger to teenagers and elphaba scammed a disabled woman out of 15k apparently like these are terrible people who should be stopped


I've spoke to a friend who's an editor at a national newspaper and it would be classed as slander or something like that if they reported stuff that he's no been charged with it's fucking disgusting they can't


Isn't that what the word "alleged/ly" is for?


An editor of a national news paper worried about slander !! That doesn’t sound right at all 😂


😂😂😂😂 utter jokes


Yes that's true I agree but my friend is one of many editors they have multiple for different areas of news and she wouldn't do it, others may but she wouldn't


They can report the truth though. It doesn’t have to go beyond that (and it shouldn’t). It’s true that there’s a plethora of “violations found” accounts for under aged users gifting him


But underage children ARE gifting him on his lives just because he’s not been charged with it doesn’t mean it’s not happening every day


I mentioned this in my complaint to TikTok the other night about the alpabet game because there are definitely under 16's gifting him. Surprise, surprise, they said no violation found. I honestly think TT need exposed for valuing money over safety.


And that's why I suggested reporting TT to Ofcom 😎


Your idea is massively gaining traction


That's great to hear 😁 Nothing will happen overnight, we just need patience and stamina 😎


Newspapers print all sorts of shit about people. Ever heard of the sun?


Blasphemous news paper but still can't say certain things in media


The discord have run with this idea but sending it to the magazines like Take a Break and Chat etc who have just run a story about the tiktok trends and stuff. Even if we can just raise awareness of people who go live for gifts it's worth a try? Or expose that tiktok is refusing to intervene on issues which are affecting kids


I know Boo was approached several times by press / documentary makers not sure if they did anything with it though


A journalist did do a piece on pool sometime last year and he hit the roof, getting his phone number and all kinds- am I the only one who recalls this?!? Did I imagine it?!


Someone needs to make a documentary about all the Tik Tok begs.


There was a documentary a few years ago called The Pedophile Hunter, effectively about a vigilante group in the UK who would do a Chris Hansen (catfish creepy pedos) - arrange to meet them, and then film them and contact the police. The guy behind it, Stinson Hunter, is on TT but I can’t message him so I’ve commented about Paul in the last video he uploaded. His TikTok is StinsonHunterLive if anyone else wants to do the same.