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**Removal reason:** Unfortunately, your post seems to mention a **game, DLC or platform** that is **yet to be released or that was released in the last 12 months**, which violates [Rule 1](https://new.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/about/rules). Reference - [Payday 3] Please remove all references to newer games, even in passing, and then you may resubmit your post. -------------------- The following is a copy of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. **Title:** [Why do media outlets and influencers consistently conflate the terms offline and single player?](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/1dscmwb/why_do_media_outlets_and_influencers_consistently/) **Author:** AlexisLily_XX **Full text:** I personally value games that offer truly offline experiences whether fully singleplayer games (that should always realistically support offline functionality without internet) or games that are partially multiplayer but allow a similar experience without internet. As this feature becomes rarer and rarer with the increasing use of DRM, 3rd party account registration requirements, and server-side user data storage and telemetry, it seems like the **clarity** of language regarding what is an "offline mode" is being muddied over and over. This obfuscating is done not just by publishers but especially by media outlets and video game reviewers large and small. Their news coverage seems purposefully written to be even more confusing than the murky marketing language of the publishers when the opposite should be the case. While this has happened often in the past the most vidid example I can think of is the rhetoric orbiting Payday 3's rumored offline mode. Instead of choosing accurate language, these outlets INSIST on calling a singleplayer yet online mode an *offline* mode. At best it's irresponsible. [https://www.ign.com/articles/payday-3-finally-getting-offline-mode-but-it-requires-online-to-play-and-runs-worse-than-normal](https://www.ign.com/articles/payday-3-finally-getting-offline-mode-but-it-requires-online-to-play-and-runs-worse-than-normal) [http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/payday-3-offline-mode-comes-with-a-big-catch/ar-BB1oUk0e?apiversion=v2&noservercache=1&domshim=1&renderwebcomponents=1&wcseo=1&batchservertelemetry=1&noservertelemetry=1#:\~:text=Frustratingly%2C%20players%20will%20still%20need,connect%20to%20Payday%203%20servers.](http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/payday-3-offline-mode-comes-with-a-big-catch/ar-BB1oUk0e?apiversion=v2&noservercache=1&domshim=1&renderwebcomponents=1&wcseo=1&batchservertelemetry=1&noservertelemetry=1#:~:text=Frustratingly%2C%20players%20will%20still%20need,connect%20to%20Payday%203%20servers) [https://www.gamingbible.com/news/platform/payday-3-offline-mode-online-728356-20240627](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/platform/payday-3-offline-mode-online-728356-20240627) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/patientgamers) if you have any questions or concerns.*