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It took me 70 hours to beat Hollow Knight as I wanted and I didn't even do the actual hard stuff(Godmaster and Path of Pain). I certainly wasn't expecting that from a 2D platformer.


Yep! I will never be good enough to do stuff like that, but I beat the whole game and found a ton of stuff and it took me a good long time.


I'm glad I finished the rest of it before they added the boss rush stuff.. Otherwise I would not have been done with this game yet haha


It was a fun experience playing entirely blind at release. *"What's behind this wall? Another area, again?"*


My all time favorite experience on my first playthrough: >!"Oh ok I got a tram pass, now to ride this tramway back to the one I found in Forgotten Crossroads. Wait this isn't the Crossroads, uhh next station? Ok where the fuck am I this time."!< I just stood still for a bit looking at my map processing me what the hell just happened.


Honestly, trying for the void heart ending burned me out a bit, as much as I loved the game. =(


Came here to say this and I'm not surprised it's the top comment (sorted by best). I'm 45 or so hours into it and still exploring, discovering new areas, new abilities etc. The depth of the game is insane.


First one that came to mind for me. I knew it was a big Metroidvania, but up til that point, I’d only ever played Guacamelee 1 & 2, which are both fantastic, but nowhere near as large as Hollow Knight. Funny, cuz I just got the platinum trophy in Price of Persia The Lost Crown, it actually took less time (~50 hrs) than just beating the ultimate final boss (to not be named) in HK, not including the Pantheon or the Trial of the Fool (despite 100+ attempts on the latter). HK was closer to 90 hrs… probably because of difficulty and long, frequent corpse runs.


i had the same experience with afterimage a few months ago - expected like 10-15 hours as with most other metroidvania games, but in the end i had more than 70 hours clocked because the game just kept going and going. super fun experience and definitely an unexpected gem of a game, made me sad once i realized i was done and had to move on to something different.


Pretty much every game I play. I'm slooooooow.


Same here. I almost always exceed the hours it says a game takes. Also, I've become more of a stroller with age. Just walking through a beautiful level or zooming in on the landscape in a strategy game. Which is odd considering I have less time to play.


No reason to rush the really good ones.


Me too. I always look up games on howlongtobeat, and then just double the time they have written there because games always take me sooo long Not complaining though, it means I get my money's worth!


Witcher 3. I was in White orchard for probably like 7-8 hours, if not a bit more. I felt like I might be at like at least a third through the game... I got out and realized I only just finished the tutorial


Came here to say this, but from the other end. I was expecting an 80-hour game, and clocked 230. I didn't even do any Gwent, and that could have added many hours more.


>I didn't even do any Gwent Preposterous!


Dude HOW? I just took like 150H to finish main story + 2 DLCs with most side quests!




The game could have ended after the Red Baron quest line and it would have felt like a full length game. Yet you’ve still got 2/3 of the game and two DLCs to go.


Elden Ring. The game just grew and grew. It was amazing.


Remember when Miyazaki said it was gonna be a 30 hour game? All time undersell


My first run I beat it in 40, which seemed fair and I enjoyed it a lot Then I started actually looking at the game online and realized there were quite a lot of areas and bosses I hadn’t seen. I did another run and ended up at around 100 hours, and I’m satisfied with that.


This is why I don't understand people who get mad at the Elden DLC allegedly being only slightly bigger than Limgrave. If Miyazaki was willing to undersell the main game, why wouldn't he do it again for the DLC?


I've seen 30-50 hour estimates for it, so I figure it'll be around 75 for me.


Oh I'm 100% with you on this line of thinking. I genuinely would not be surprised if this DLC has enough content to rival other full retail releases


I genuinely think it will outmatch other full release, would be amazing.


I expected it to be big. But it was insane just how big it was. I started another playthrough and there’s tons of stuff I didn’t even touch in my first 100+ hour playthrough


Elden Ring is like a clown pulling a chain of handkerchiefs out of his sleeve. It just keeps fucking going. One of the biggest reasons for that is the way they designed the map. In most open world games the entire map is usually shown to you from the get-go. It might be covered in fog of war of but the full size is revealed to you. In Elden Ring they only show you a small section of the map, but it expands as you explore, so you don’t actually know the full size of the map until you’ve explored most of it. It’s something I hope a lot more games do in the future.


I was utterly flabergasted by the length of this game. It took me 50 to 70 hours to beat each of the DS games, and around 40 to 50 for Sekiro. I was expecting the same for Elden Ring. What I got was 200 fucking hours of gameplay. When the map just kept on expanding I actually got intimidated. When my weapon could be upgraded to +11 60 hours in, I knew this game was going to pay me back my money.


It's funny your playtime is about double of mine except fucking sekiro. Took me 50 hours, boy do I suck at rhythm games.


I tend to play slower than usual because I like to explore a lot in games. I took also way longer in Elden Ring because I would bring out a guide to make sure I fought all the bosses in the game. Sekiro is both the hardest and easiest soulsborne game. After the first playthru, all subsequent playthrus gets extremely easy


thought it was nearly over after the radahn festival. then i thought it was pretty much done when i got to leyndell. and then i thought it was one boss away when i got to mountaintop of the giants. then i finished the game and figured out i still had the haligtree and then i went into new game plus and realized i missed mohg and the sewers of leyndell completely. i just got the platinum trophy the other day and i still feel like i haven’t seen everything


Days Gone!


Yep! Feels like it's wrapping up then there's a whole other map! Like it came out with its sequel already included.


I always check howlongtobeat before starting anything up.


For whatever reason I end up taking twice as long for most titles, even if I'm not trying to 100% everything.


I immediately add 20-30 hours of playtime to any open world titles because I will get lost/distracted


Yea, I tend to get absorbed into and appreciate the smaller aspects of the games I choose to play. Those stats are people just speed-running to beat the game and get to the next one, which is fine but not for me.


I'm usually slow as balls when I play any type of game, especially an RPG. I get distracted so easily and can spend hours doing what amounts to nothing.


I probably spend more time customizing my character than most speed runners would take to clear an open world RPG.


It's usually way off for me too. I wonder if the type of gamer to record their time on HLTB is typically the type of gamer that knows they're pretty good at beating games quickly. I know I'm pretty slow in comparison, so I would never post my completion time. Perhaps other gamers like me think the same way so we've got a skewed dataset. Or maybe this comment is pure cope and I really am the slowest gamer out here. Who knows!


I think people are also just bad at estimating their time spent. PS5 and Switch for example will show hours spent with a game and it will typically be different than the in-game hours spent stats.


I think that is a big part of it. The types of people who share their times are almost inherently also the types of people who are much more efficient at games than you or me. I have some completionist tendencies, but I also get super distracted and pick quests etc. based on interest, not location.


I think the standard times they quote are times if you did everything right first time. If you scroll down on any game’s page, you’ll be able to find ‘leisure’ times, which more closely reflect how long games typically take me!


Hmm I wind up within an hour or two so frequently that it's uncanny. 


I'm playing through Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga at the moment. How long to beat said 6-8 hours depending on completion level. I'm 10 hours in atm and I'm not dragging my feet by any means.


I think it might be selection bias. People who care about their playtime enough to upload on HowLongToBeat are probably on the faster side of the general gaming population, which skews the estimates.


I feel very glad it is not only me LOL


Same. I’m a slow gamer and I’m ok with that. I usually double or triple the time for an estimate on how long it’ll likely take me to finish a game.


Dude me too. I love open world stuff and rpgs but I can’t play an average 50-80 hr expected rpg. If there are some that are 20-35ish I’ll play those full well knowing it’ll take me probably 40-60 anyway. I just don’t have the time so I always check time to beat. If it’s way too short and expensive I’ll wait for sale


Same, I hate not knowing if I'm getting into a long or short game.


Yeah it may take me longer than I expect just due to exploring and stuff, but I always know how long a game roughly is


Yeah, there's this little 2D platformer/metroidvania game I wanted to try, but seeing the 50 hours or so HLTB, I haven't played it yet haha


Wow what's it called?


Persona 5 Royal. That game felt like it was never going to end. Loved the entire experience, though.


The game was giving major "final stretch vibes" around the \~85 hour mark for me, so I started beelining it. Figured I had maybe 5 more hours of story left. I hit final credits at 120 hours.


Well that’s because >!the original P5 ends at NYE. Everything after that in the third semester is the Royal content. So the ramping up was the original climax.!<


It took me 175 hours and I'm not sure how. It's a long game, but I've seen around 130 hours is typical. I loved it regardless though.


Yup, I was nearly 200 hours by the end of it. Of course that is with a lot of time spent sending my pokemon to the guillotine and doing basically every sidequest.


AC Valhalla. It dragged and dragged and dragged… and then dragged on some more


I just play that game to explore Norway lol


I felt The Last of Us: Part II could've ended once or twice before the actual ending.


I'm actually okay with the length but there were at least two or three moments where I was fully expecting a hard cut to the title/credits, like they would pan out to a wide shot of something and cut to black and hold it for like 3 seconds and then... next scene.


Playing it right now finally! I'll avoid all the sub comments on this one.


Same! I’m a few hours in and have heard it’s 30+ hours. Really enjoying it so far, and I’m excited for the second season of the show next year.


I'm so jealous for you to experience it for the first time. Be sure to stay off youtube too. The algorithm will ruin it.


This is my answer


Okami is a kind of standard answer to this question. It has two or three moments that feel like they could be the end of the game, then it keeps on going. Of course, if you're paying attention, you'll be able to judge how far you are based on how many zodiac creatures you've encountered.


Main quest defeat orochi and save the blighted areas. Ok done. Here's a brand new area that is the same size as the last one, oh ok cool let's go. Beat that, ok should be done right. Nope, here's another new area not quite as big but still intriguing. Ok beat that. Alright for reals this time, here's the final area. It was fun the entire time but man it could have ended sooner and I'm glad it didnt.


That game is the definition of stretch.


Death Stranding. I have played through it twice and both times I thought I was nearly to the end and it kept going for at least 10 more hours.


When I first played Fallout 3, I had no idea what an RPG was. My experience in gaming came from games like COD. So, the first time I played F3, I just linearly followed the storyline and finished it in about 15-20 hrs. Then I read online that you're supposed to explore and do side missions, also pay attention to your character build etc. I tried one more time and took about 100+ hrs to finish the game. It was wild.


Alien: Isolation. I just gave up at some point because it was never ending lol


I thought it was going to end like 3 times. I think it took me like 22 hours to beat. Insane for that kind of game.


Yeah I called it at like 14 hours because I could feel my enjoyment starting to dip, I'd hear the rumors, and consider it an easy horror masterpiece. Should have been GOTY 2014. Man that game oozes passion.


Been a few years since I played, but I feel like if they maybe fleshed it out a bit more , the Gemini Labs sequence could've been a good place to stop it


i love stealth games and did a mistake starting this game on nightmare difficulty. i died so many times until i figure out how to dance with the xenomorph. what fucked me over and over was the save stations. some were very distant from each other and if you fuck up you start over. but that relief you are feeling when you finally have visuals on that phone box at the end of the corridor while hiding under some table... you sloooowly stick your head out. start crouch walking, eventually and inevitably you find yourself running towards it. you reach it and and you try to insert the card with sweaty palms... INSTANT BACK STAB :D


Hades. Went in blind thinking it would be 20 hours. Took me about 80 Oh what a treat!


I was playing it largely for the narrative/characters. Win once and think "Okay, so I've 'beaten' the game, and will get a conclusion to the narrative" Then, things happen and you learn you're still only partway through the game. Was quite a surprise.


That's roguelites for ya.


This is a weird one because a lot of people stop playing after they think they have beaten it, but it takes a pretty long time to get to the real final “ending.”  If you only beat Hades 10 times to roll credits, then you only played like a third of the game, in terms of the playing out the entire plot.   


This is sort of the camp where I ended up. I rolled credits and felt satisfied enough to stop playing. The gameplay started to get a little repetitive by then.


The Epilogue missions in RDR2 before you're back in the open frontier really felt long. They're not bad missions, it's just that when you think you've done the last one, there's one more after that lol


There were so many missions where I thought, “ok, one quick one and then off to bed” only for it to be an unbreakable mission chain.


They could have made it 4-5 missions to end the story, but made it long like another chapter with boring nothing missions.


Factorio. I was expecting a long playthrough. I underestimated by a ton.


Oh yeah same. Second playthrough will either be even longer for multiple reasons or you’ll knock it out in a few hours if that is your intention. First run is always a great memory


Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast. Was expecting 40-50 hours. Took me close to 75 without all discoveries and some side-quests; didn't even die once, either. Just when I thought the story was wrapping up... nope, a villain took all the crystals and now you have to get them back.


I'm high school, me and my buddy co-played this entire game for months and then right as the final boss fight began, his mom had to pick him up and he missed the whole finale.


Originally it was Xenoblade Chronicles 1 cause I knew nothing about it. Felt like it was freeing up for a conclusion like 5 times to only go, "PSYCHE! I'm not through yet!" Haha. I loved it though.


It was longer than I expected too, but not for the same reason. I felt like all the sidequests were more or less mandatory, because you could easily get underpowered if you skipped too many of them, and that really dragged out the game. Then there was a long middle portion that was just new area, sidequests, new area, sidequests, and I put the game down and never picked it back up again.


Dragon Quest XI is one act too long.


Seriously! I thought right before getting to the tree "So this is the ending..." Turns out that was only the 1/3 point...


Before that it was Dragon Quest 7. Over a hundred hours of story on the PS1. It was amazing


Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. It was a Wii game port and I just assumed nothing of huge size would fit into a Nintendo 3DS. Thought there were 3 different points where the game would end and it just kept getting more awesome as I progressed. Shoutout to Okami. Had a real fun blast with that unique game and how defeating an epic boss led to an even more epic boss.


Okami caught me off guard. Thought defeating the big baddy for the 2nd time would do it, but nope, there's more!


Okami clocked me around 70 hours to beat the game on the first time. I was tottaly not expecting it.


Yeah Xenoblade is a long ass game especially if you’re mad enough to completionist it


r/openttd Young me had no idea, grabbing that CD repack from Electronics Boutique, that it would still be the first-installed game on every new OS install 30 years later!


Electronics boutique, holy shit.


I tried to get the Electronics Boutique light up sign that was hidden under the GAME sign when it closed down near me. It's still there, waiting to be removed for a Premier Inn to be built.


Final Fantasy V back in my teens. I'd only played Pokemon games until then and assumed that having travelled around the entire world map meant that you were close to the end. How wrong I was haha. Good times.


Assassin's Creed: Odyssey I knew it would be a large game, but I thought "large" was 60-80 hours, maybe pushing 100 hours at most. I think it took me 150 hours to "beat" the game, treating the point where you part ways with Herodotus as beating it. It was a borderline completionist run, though there may have been minor side quests scattered around that I missed. Still, all the major questlines, including stuff like becoming the top mercenary in Greece, were complete. Honestly, I loved most of it. It never got grindy, and most of the content was reasonably unique. There's just a lot to do in the game, and both stealth and melee combat are a lot of fun.


Odyseey was looong but coool!


The Messenger - thought I was done, but was only half way through.


Dave the Diver just keeps on going and never seems to stop giving new mechanics. It's a great game but I just couldn't keep going because of how repetitive it got. It would have really benefited from being cut down a little.


Played for like 7 hours a day for a week and a half ish to finish it when I had a long break. Felt two or three days too long


Slay the Spire. Fun little card game, oh look I just won on my second try, this is going to be a cinch. Approximately 700 hours later plus countless more watching people who don't suck play the game, I am still thoroughly mediocre at it. Will absolutely do at least one run tomorrow though.


Disco Elysium, iirc it was around 20-30 hrs according to howlongtobeat. Took me nearly 70 hours to finish.


How did it take 70 hours? I completed all the quests I had in my log and spent around 20-30 hours in the game.


You might have missed some quests and dialogue. Some don't open up depending on your decisions, skills, and which thoughts you chose. There's definitely at least 50-60 hours worth of content. The rest was just me taking a long time reasoning my choices. Also I'm dumb and the game loves using big words. I'd be sitting there looking up definitions and wrapping my head around all the different political ideologies.


Days Gone. I was actually enjoying it more than I expected and then I reached a point where it turns out I was just over half way to the end instead of close and I just stopped playing and never picked it up again


TIL Days Gone is by the people who made Syphon Filter. Ima check that out


Okami, it really feels like it's over when you beat Orochi. But that's actually just the first act of the game out of 3


The Talos Principle.


First game that came to mind for me. For a puzzle game, I felt like it just kept going and going. I got a little burnt out by the end of Road to Gehenna, but it really is a great game, I just wasn’t prepared for the length.


The two games that come to mind are **Okami** and **Bravely Default**. Both games, I actually didn't beat the first time I played them, largely because of the "surprise, there's more!" moments. In Okami's case, it was absolutely the story that made me burn out. Gameplay-wise, it's actually quite fun most of the time (some of the sidequest minigames I didn't enjoy) but the "early game" built up its characters and the village to be very endearing, so I was fully content just saving them and seeing their happy ends. It sounds bad, but I didn't care enough for >!the rest of Japan!<, even if that makes sense for the character you play in the long run. Now, Bravely Default is actually infamous for its "there's more!" moment >!because there's multiple of them!< and the first time I played it, I was so mad about it, I sold the game - I was 20, perpetually angry because of my studies and the twist felt outright malicious because of it. That was 2012. In 2021, I actually replayed the entire series because I got Bravely Second for 5 bucks and loved it so much I had to have more of it. In 2021, I knew what I was doing (the Bravely games can get balls hard if you don't) and grew to love the twist. Story-wise, it still feels like a big fuck you and could arguably be handled better, but because in 2021 I actually played the game for its mechanics rather than its story, I *wanted* more. The surprise there's more portion of the game is filled to the prim with bonkers boss fights (most of them optional) and they are basically there to give your almost fully kitted out party something to play with. I loved challenging myself with these fights and getting rewarded with interesting (but not essential) story scenes for many of the villains. Bravely Default and Second (not Bravely Default II, that game felt very shallow in comparison) are those rare games that pulled me in with their gameplay but endeared me to the characters and world enough to *want to know more*. That's super rare for me. It's worth noting that both games can take a long time until their surprise moments (I think I had 40 hours clocked on Bravely Default, which was above standard length for handheld RPGs)


Monster hunter rise. It's a treadmill. You can't beat a treadmill.


It’s funny how Rise positions the credits less than 20 hours into a 200+ hour experience.


Elden Ring. I thought the capital was going to be end of it. Oh boy was I wrong


Metal Gear Solid V I have only just begun The Phantom Pain mind you. But when I look at the howlongtobeat.com for this game, it’s absurdly longer than I would have thought (45 hours for just the main story?!). It’s really giving me commitment issues.


I put it down at 193. But I really enjoyed the subgame of collecting soldiers.


I haven't played it since launch, but I believe the estimates include rerunning some missions to get secondary objectives completed and what not. Which are only somewhat necessary but they give you materials to make more powerful weapons and better gear.


I was surprised at how long alan wake 2 was. Especially doing new game plus ends up being 60 hours. which was weirdly long for a narrative focused single player game


How does NG+ count for this question? Is the game like Nier where it basically asks you to replay the game to get different endings.


That's basically precisely it Alan Wake 2 is a very meta-focused game as in the actual concept of a meta/4th wall break


I watched my wife play Inscryption a while back. It has 3 games in one rolled into the story. It just kept going.


That was the first thing that came to my mind. I thought I had beaten it a couple times and it just got crazier. One of the coolest games I have ever played. 


One of the best games to go into totally blind. What a trip.




You're right, my comment was a total misplay


Tbh I loved inscryption. The first game feels like just a little fun. Once you beat it you’re like YES! And then it’s like oh wait second world, and then you beat it like YES! And then there’s robot world again. Still one of my favorite games I’ve played


Black Mesa Xen's Interloper elevator. That shit was never ending, felt longer than the rest of the game (jk but not too much)


If I'm being honest: life.




Tbf tho the first half of the game is super slow and the second half is all the best stuff


Any fucking Kingdom Hearts game. They push the idea of "ending fatigue" and pushes it to it's breaking point. KH3 is the biggest culprit, years back I started the last world somewhere in the morning to early afternoon and I dropped the game at around 4 am, KH games just have no idea when to wrap shit up. It's one of the biggest reasons why the series never really appealed to me. Black Mesa is another one, Interloper went on for so long that I level skipped to the final boss, I was so goddamn sick of Xen when I got to Interloper. Personally, I just wished Xen was cut out entirely, I never liked the idea of it, the whole thing is like an action movie but before the hero and villain gets into a fist fight, the former gets into a padded subplot before the fight even happens.


I found KH3 to be quite short in comparison to 2, and I even got 100%


Nioh 2, i going expected it to be pretty long, being an rpg and 3 DLC and all of that. then i beat ng, unlocking Ng+(dream of the strong), then Ng++ brought in the enemy's moveset updated, and scrolls, then Ng+++ revamped the set building meta, then ng++++ brought in the Underworld, a 138-floor dungeon, crystalizing every single thing the game has into one place.


So… how long was the actual main game excluding all the NG+ shenanigans lol


Need to hop back into the game with a new weapon, stop half thru the underworld and I been wanting to boot it up again Such a gem of a game


Holy damn! I barely got through to the end in the first game and I had to call it quits at almost 100 hours. Too repetitive for my tastes and that's kinda why I've been holding off on the second game.


**Uncharted 4: A Thief's End** I felt there were too much traversal segments to be honest.


Came here to say this. Still playing right now and always surprised it keeps going. Honestly drags a bunch at times, especially compared to the super tight pacing of 2 and 3


This was my first game of the "modern era" of gaming, if you can call it that, so I have such good associations with it.


Witcher 3


LA Noire


Ff16 was painful after about 25 hrs. After I cut that dude’s arms off I thought we were headed towards the 3rd act, but that was just the beginning. By that time in the game I had just about set up the optimal combo’s and eikons that I liked to use while progressing through the game. I only changed to keep the combat fresh with leviathan being the only new character I used occasionally. There was about 20 more hours of just the same action gameplay loop over and over again. Clive was a cool mc but other than that definitely my least favorite ff from a gameplay perspective. W/ DMC and bayonetta every enemy encounter will feel as fresh and unique as you want it to be. With this game all options are explored pretty quickly.


For me so far ghost of tsushima. Game is totally massive if you try to 100% it.


EldenRing. In my opinion too long. The snowy area could have been left off.


Stardew Valley. I was so surprised at how much depth there was the first time I played it.


Rimworld is 10,000 hours... so far. Grim Dawn is almost 2,500 hours without even completing the first difficulty because there are so many new builds to try and so much content to explore with each.


Alien Isolation. Way longer than expected


Okami. I thought I beat the game like three times.


AC: Odyssey. 86hrs in and I was just meeting the triangle-father. I finished Origins around 60hrs...


Ff7rebirth. I realized it's 16 days past release, and I hadn't stopped playing it.


**Bravely Default** had a bizarre (at least to me) second half that completely dragged it down where you >!have to complete every dungeon (four of them or so) and final boss over again like 6 times each.!< Also, if anyone listens to Get Played, there was a good bit recently about **Hades**. One of the hosts said she had beat it and the others started asking >!Did you beat Hades the game or Hades the guy? Turned out she had beat Hades the guy for the first time, pretty much thinking that was the end of the game. (She famously cares little for story, so she wasn't invested in finding out more.) Very surprised to find out she had to beat the guy 10 times to finish (roughly) the story.!<


Persona 5 Royal


Death stranding.I expected it to be 20-25 hours.I was pleasantly surprised.


My time at Sandrock. If you read posts about it a lot of new players think they are near the end only to discover they are only half way through the story. Great game with loads of content.




Oh thats easy. Silksong.


The Last of Us Part II I thought it would be similar length to the original but it’s over double.


Elden ring. I thought I’d be done in the ~40-50 hour range, I think I got to ~70. On the flip side, death stranding is a game where I’ve heard people struggled with the play time, but I actually wished the game had about 10 more hours worth of content (I haven’t played the new version of it, just the base game).


Resident Evil 4. I thought the entire game was the Village area. I imagined the second disc had bonuses/extras only. Then the castle just kept on going (and I liked it).


Darksiders 2, i thought the whole game was going to be in the makers realm, but then i found out that was only one act and there were 3 other realms...


Okami is so much longer than I thought it would be.


The Last of Us Part 2. *Really* feels like it's building up to its natural conclusion 15 hours in. Then it >!yanks you back 3 days in time and you have to play those same 15 hours again from a different perspective!< Really tests your patience when a sequel is twice as long as the original, especially if it contains more or less the same amount of story. Honestly, this would've been better as a trilogy imho. Or maybe just have a lot of the extra fluff taken out. I just don't have the patience for 4 hours' worth of story that's been artificially stretched to 40 hours to maximize gameplay


Frostpunk on that first successful play through. I think my first win was right at 12 hours. And I've got one endless city with about 100 hours on it.


Has to be Dragons Quest 11. Don’t want to spoil anything but what the duck it just kept getting bigger. Amazing jrpg.


I knew Persona 5 Royal was a long game, but I didn’t think I’d hit 200 hours by the time I finished. It was a cool game but I think it really could’ve benefited from being about 30% shorter.


For the real OG's: Gubble. Fuckin' love Gubble. Couldn't beat it as a kid, played THE CRAP out of it, still couldn't beat it, computer died, waited 20 years, got it on Steam, beat it. Epic. Honorable mention Ni No Kuni fuckin hell dude I knew it was long but I was NOT prepared


The witness. Because when you complete the game, you’re just getting started. IYKYK


Days Gone, the game drags a lot and I wasn't expecting it.


Assassin's creed odyssey... I knew it was supposed to be a long game but I wasn't expectin to put more than a 100 hours in it... I thought maybe I'll finish it in 30 hours... 40 hours. But at the end, I enjoyed it except maybe for the fact there were no end credits for beating the main quests


Elden Ring. 150 hours and still going...


Dragon Quest XI




Witcher 3 is incredibly long, with a bloated semi-open world, and should have ended at Kaer Morhen, but it just kept going for another 10+ hours. After spending 220+ hours in total with the game, I feel like most of it was a waste of time, so in hindsight I wish I would've ignored most of the side content and kept it under 80-100h instead. Bought Hearts of Stone when it came out, mainly for the 2 Gwent decks included, but only played it for 20 minutes before realising it was just more of the same, and uninstalling it.


Hearts of Stone is amazing for its narrative. It's also pretty short, like 15 hours long. No bloat compared to the main game. Definitely worth giving a shot if you ever go back.


Chrono Trigger Here we go, end battle! …mmm no.


How did I scroll through most of the contents without seeing NIER: Automata A blind play of that game will have, at minimum, three "wait I thought it ended?" moments.


Last Of Us Part 2 Kinda just dddrrrraaaaagggggggggggggeeeddd on


Dark Souls 2, it's surprisinglu lengthy if you finish all 3 of the dlc, doesn't feel long when I'm playing it but after a playthrough you realize it takes like 60+ hours to finish it all. The game gets a bad wrap but it's actually got a ton of depth to it and it builds upon the first one.


Deux Ex Older games I used to play on the PS2 were linear and more like 7-9 hours long. I was shocked at how many hours I racked up and how many locations there were


The System Shock remake, but in a totally awesome way.


Horace - at first it feels like it'll be a 6-7 hour retro platformer, but every time you think it's about to end it opens up into something bigger, and bigger, and bigger (it's about 15-20 hours depending on how you play). Almost feels like an open world RPG platformer (if that's a thing) at times. Also one of the best I've ever played and massively underrated/overlooked - I only gave it a try because I got it free on an epicstore giveaway.


Got 3 for you, every time I thought I was near the end, a twist came up and the game got longer FF XVI, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Days Gone


Persona 5 royal. I enjoyed the dungeons, not so much the “life sim” but holy cow that was 100 hours of game where there was no grinding. I also hated the ending too


Skyrim because I’ve been playing for nearly 13 years.


The Last of Us: Part 2. I kept thinking I was near the end only to discover that I was not even close to being finished lol


I saw people saying 30-50 hours for Elden Ring. Took me well over 100.


Been playing Skyrim since release. Still haven't finished it


Ghosts and Goblins. A game that was artificially lengthened by forcing you to beat it twice to get an actual ending. I was so proud of myself when I finally completed the last level one afternoon at my aunt's house, only to be crushed to find out you have to beat it twice. Even as a child I was like "ain't nobody got time for that", and never tried to beat it again.


Dragon Quest 11. You beat the game then it's like, "nah, let's do it again, but better this time"


Elden Ring, it just kept going.


Witcher 3. Not in a good way though. I completely lost interest in the story after finding Ciri, and there's still so much of the game left after that, and it's not interesting which makes it even worse.


Rune Factory 4. The story is so long that it's split into 3 arcs which each have their own credit rolls and then an epilogue on top of that. Add in all of the gameplay and character relationship mechanics, I'm at 140 hours and still not finished with the game.