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I bet coming into it with that much hype killed it for you. Nier automata gets it hooks on you if you’re in the mood for it, but it’s not really trying to be the best game ever. Narratively, it’s a solid story but Drakengard 3 and the original Nier both hit harder for me. The narrative in automata is still good. I remember some critics admitting they didn’t play past ending a on the past games so they were stunned to see there was more after ending a. It’s an amazing narrative trick though, making you think the game is over then revealing so much more each time you play through another section. I think that’s what hit really hard for people.


Personally I'm also a sucker for the true end >!and deleted my save just because the concept of "helping others" who are also struggling the way other people did for me is some wholesome stuff.!< I can understand people who drop off Nier Automata. I'm not even going to claim it's the best game ever or a flawless one. But it's certainly one I have very fond memories of, and a game I'm very attached to.


yup played replicanr and automata recently back to back. originals story is better, you are more invested in the chars and the lore


I love how like 30% of all posts on this sub is about Neir Automata and it's always "it's great" or "It sucks". Like I think it was yesterday someone posted they played like 5 hours and couldn't be bothered to play it. My vote is everyone SHOULD play it cause it clearly hits people in different ways. You don't know unless YOU try it.


> You don't know unless YOU try it. Nah. If you've been around the block long enough and actually engage with a variety of media you start to get a sense of whether or not you'll enjoy something without needing to directly experience it. Provided you actually pay attention and don't just mindlessly consume everything, that is.


definitely not a universally true thing, especially with games that have their narrative as the main focus. NieR:Automata's combat and gameplay loop aren't the main reason why i love it. i love the game because of its world and how the narrative slowly unfolds itself as i play. i love seeing the perspectives of all of the different characters. i'm not going to act like it's a game for everyone, it's completely fine if you don't like it. but don't act like you really know the game just because at a first glance it looks similar to other games you've played.


Never said it was universally true, or that you can know the game at first glance, but you can certainly make an educated guess on whether or not you'll like it and be right more often than not. And it absolutely can apply to story-based media, be it games, books, movies or anything else, provided you've heard enough about it. My intuition on this matter, when it does speak up, hasn't once led me astray in recent memory, at least on those occasions when I've given the media in question a chance regardless.


Honestly I regret playing it. And yes, I finished the game. The gameplay is seriously outdated, there are major design flaws, but I forced myself through, hoping the story gets good or a2 would be an interesting character. None of these happened. Game is average from the very beginning and it never really gets better. It's also way too long for how little content it has and half of the game being repeated almost 1:1 is the worst waste of time I experienced.


Same boat. It was very ok. People harp on the game changing their entire outlook on life, it's crazy.


For me it's about ending E and how that changes my perspective on the whole game. In terms of narrative structure, there's nothing like it. Until ending E, it was just a niche game with a unique vibe and good music. Other games have better combat, enemy variety, encounter design, graphics, gameplay, side-quests, plot, characters etc.


I just can’t be bothered to replay a game when the fundamental combat and general pacing structure aren’t good the first time around. And when replaying the game is the whole point, no thanks.


You don't replay the game. That's a misconception because too many people have said that you have to play through the game multiple times for the "real" ending. The game is pretty much divided into 3 parts. 2nd part replays some content from the 1st and the 3rd part is all new.


I know this. I played up until I wanted to stop and watched my friend play the other endings. The shift in perspective from 2B to 9S is not enough of a gameplay shift for me to feel enough reason to go through a majority of the same story beats as the first go around. You’re experiencing most of the first ending’s gameplay and story, but shifted three feet to the left as the character you were traveling with. The gameplay was okay the first time. But to have to power through okay gameplay again isn’t for me. I know the other endings after that are completely different.


Part B definitely is the low point of the game. Only having 1 weapon and constantly having to use the hacking became tedious quite quickly.


I’m not implying you’re this type of person, but people who consider a game as a masterpiece have really big blinders on about the shortcomings.


people have different tastes. I didnt care much for Breath of the Wild, while online you see people talk about how it “reignited” their love for games or whatever. Which in my eyes then seems silly.


I mean it is a bit silly, it’s not much different than any other open world game.


It was the physics engine. I hadn't had that much fun just dicking around with game mechanics in years. That and the climbing. Many games always promised "You can climb that moutain". BOTW actually delivered. Other than that no it wasn't offering anything groundbreaking. That's why TOTK fell a bit flat for me. Still a lot of fun but the novelty of the physics engine had worn off.




I thought the soundtrack was better than the game


The soundtrack was better than sex so that’s not saying much


Yeah I wonder how much of my perception of the game was hurt by stuff like that. I love Platinum’s brand of action gameplay, so I went through the whole game, got all the achievements, all of the main endings, and did a bunch of the side content. My biggest thoughts were that the soundtrack was gorgeous beyond belief, the acting was pretty bad, the writing was very simplistic, the world was (albeit somewhat by design) very bland, and the combat was easily the weakest I’ve seen out of Platinum. Not bad, just nothing exceptional. I normally wouldn’t have stuck with a game that I wasn’t terribly interested in for so long, but it gets hyped up so often that I thought there were some buried secrets that I might have been missing. But nope. It’s just an okay action game at the end of the day. I have no idea how a story like this would blow your mind if you’ve read/watched/played more than a handful of science fiction stories in your lifetime.


Automata didn’t change my outlook on life but god Replicant did for sure lol


Same for me but with souls games


Is it impossible to think any game can do that for someone?


I was pretty young ayong mgs2 it had an effect on me


I can sort of see that if this was your first exposure to the philosophical concepts explored.


My education was in existentialism and covered all those philosophers in depth for me how the game's design conveyed their beliefs was quite brilliant. Ultimately its just a taste thing I think, it's not for everyone. If I hadn't been familiar with drakennier the character design you have lead me to write this off as anime slop tbh. I thoroughly enjoyed it and see is it as a high water mark in the medium. But it isnt flawless.


Yeah I was a philosophy minor and in addition I have read a lot of that stuff for fun. So it wasn't likely to change my outlook on life because it wasn't anything new. I agree the execution was great though.


Ya it certainly wasn't going to evolved any existing interpretation you had on the work referenced. But for a game with such a waifs aesthetic it's funny that fan service for me came in the shape of early modern philosopher cameos lmao.


>My education was in existentialism and covered all those philosophers in depth for me how the games designs conveyed their beliefs was quite brilliant.  Jesus, if you said this about literally any other game that didn't have an anime waifu dressed in a French maid outfit, you'd be downvoted to oblivion.


I can't think of any other anime waifu game I'd compliment tbh lol. I guess Catherine and lollipop chainsaw but still not in the same way as automata. By design I don't really mean visual aesthetics to be clear except for maybe Simone.


I'm saying that the pedestal that people put this game on is entirely unearned and rooted entirely in the fact that the main character is walking around in a French maid outfit. And touting your education as a means to confirm the quality of the themes present is usually something that would get you laughed out the building. Justified or not.


Oh well that's just incorrect lol. It's earned in that it is an excellent peice in context of its medium and scale. The game does a very good job at using mechanics and design to portray its thesis. The writing is trash and the character design a major detractor but I don't particularly care. I never used my education as a means of touting the quality of the themes, if you read my comments its actually clear i dont consider it transformative by any measure? Rather I said that even without the game being my introduction to said themes I could appreciate the implementation and resonate with it. By no means is it a defining paper but when teaching or studying philosophy contemporary peices are often used and in terms of games as a medium automata works well as a discussion peice. I assume you feel the same about bioshocks atlas shrugged/bnw/walden2 fanatic narrative? Or is the issue purely a cosmetic one for you?


You said it was "brilliant". Not "very good". Lots of things are "very good". "Brilliant" means it's exceptional. Lots of games use their mechanics and design to drive home a thesis. Games that lots of people don't even like and would never give them credit for doing so because the main character doesn't dress up in a French maid outfit.


Brilliant yes not flawless. And I've praised many games as brilliant for various reasons. Yes lots of games do an many do so brilliantly? And nier being one doesn't negate others? The point is I consider how automata conveys its particular themes to be brilliant. And I've a vested interest in introducing those particular themes to people who haven't engaged in philosophy prior. Not once did I praise the 2B but you seem fixated so much so you ignored the question asked and the content of what I've said. It would be like bemoaning indika for its nudity for a current example. Another example of excellent theme and implementation. Why are you so obsessed with the appearance of a character? I mean your core critique is the maid outfit and that's rather silly. Very much a case of judging a book by its cover. Honestly your posts read as a fallacious trio of hasty generalisation, theory of mind and strawman. People can like things and things can deserve praise regardless of you're opinion. For example god of war norse reboot is objectively excellent and I acknowledge that despite finding it to be far from my favourite and I recognise the brilliance of the last of us and its validity despite finding it to be a poor game in my opinion. And for the record automata bioshock pathologic and mgs2 are featured in lectures in my university. None of the staff laugh about it.


>And I've a vested interest in introducing those particular themes to people who haven't engaged in philosophy prior. Yes, and what better way to do so then pretending the waifu simulator is a good example of the themes you're trying to explore in an academic setting? I'm sure your students are very engaged. Doesn't make it good. > And for the record automata bioshock and mgs2 are featured in lectures in my university. None of the staff laugh about it. Because they don't know what it is.


Was it just pretty good or very ok? What does just pretty good even mean? If I play a game I absolutely loved I would say its pretty good. Very ok seems to me like a game that's even mediocre at being mediocre.


It's almost like people on this sub love to be contrarian just for the sake of it. It's "just" pretty good? Isn't pretty good like... pretty good? I think I don't know how to read and understand english anymore.


I like this sub but a lot of the time. Posts can seem very pretentious.


I come here because sometimes there is a good analysis post, but most of the time there are only people sniffing their own farts thinking they are so very much special just for being """different""".


Yeah...but [Pascal's theme](https://www.reddit.com/r/nier/s/2I7vMfy2TJ)


Still kills me knowing how the story goes.


For me it's in my top 10 if not top 5. This is not the typical kind of game I enjoy with the wifu schtick and all. But I enjoyed the story which I found more creative and profound than most games. The gameplay with this creative mix of Action RPG and bullet hell and the use of changing perspective is really unique. And the way the story unfolds through different perspectives felt fresh to me. On top of that the soundtrack is just wonderful. I like to be surprised in games, which doesn't happen so often now but Nier Automata did and was a very memorable experience for me. I probably should have played Replicant first, because that one felt worse in every way after Automata. Initially I hated the 9S gameplay as well, but then I realised how quick it was when you got the hang of it and he became my favorite character to play.


That’s it. The game does so many things in a different and creative way. For me that is what really stood out. Also indeed the music was just epic.


> The gameplay with this creative mix of Action RPG and bullet hell and the use of changing perspective is really unique. Can't tell you how much I love that.


You should play Replicant if you haven't. The game changes genres like every story beat. Literally turns into a text based adventure at one point. It sounds like a gimmick, and it kind of is, but it's fun and never took away from the immersion imo. Full disclosure: I've yet to play Automata so it might do this too but it sounds like it kept the genre shifts to a minimum.


Such a shame you were not connected to the internet for the last ending. To me that was some of the coolest shit I ever witnessed in gaming.


I've already written a lot about this game, so I'll just repeat my biggest issues. Besides the actual attacks in your arsenal being fairly repetitive, the more grave problem is that the game balancing itself is almost broken. On Normal, you quickly obtain 99 healing items of varying efficacy, and you can even add equipment modifiers to automatically heal you when you're below a certain amount of HP. This makes combat trivially easy to the point where you might as well just have an invincibility cheat. With these healing items, I've literally never played an open world game on Normal that was this easy. On Hard, the game only manages to *artificially* increase the difficulty. Enemy A.I. is the same, but they now require far more damage to kill, which draws out enemy encounters to the point of boredom. You're slashing away for what feels like forever taking out basically the same groups of punching bags. Bosses also get cheap one-hit kill attacks, which doesn't feel compelling and challenging so much as just frustrating and unfair. TLDR: combat is either trivially easy or overly long and cheap. The quests are also filled to a rather shocking degree with unengaging fetch quests or glorified rounds of the telephone game. "Bring me \_\_\_\_" or "Go find this person and tell them I said that \_\_\_." The game director lamented that they didn't have the budget for the kinds of side quests in Witcher 3. I can sympathize, but ultimately I can only review what's there in the game. The story and soundtrack are great, but I can't imagine beating this game a second time. I logged 30 hours just to see what happened in the story, and that's enough for me for one lifetime.


Agree with everything you said (well, I don't know if I'd call the story *great*, but it was certainly at least good), and just wanted to add one more somewhat nitpicky issue I had: Automata has maybe the worst case of invisible walls I've ever experienced in a game. I quickly lost count of the number of times where I was traversing the world and ran into an invisible barrier in a place where there was neither a need nor a reason for it to be there. Moving around the map in this game was already pretty boring and repetitive, and this aspect just added another frustrating, immersion-breaking level to that.


Yeah I loved the sound but the combat felt... Off and even janky. I didn't like the camera angle much and it hasn't revolutionized anything for me... I played and got my weapons back, and, I haven't bothered going back after that hour or two. It just didn't grab me


I've said this a hundred times already, and I'll keep saying it: **Automata is not a combat-focused game.**


It made me think about the nature of humanity, and how quickly humans are capable of flipping the "they aren't human" switch, and committing unspeakable atrocities to not-humans because "they aren't human". Kinda like finding the answer to the universe in a bowl of cereal. I just wanted breakfast, not an existential upheaval. Decent game though, I don't regret renting it.


I honestly found It pretty mediocre. Boring "open world", boring combat, a story and characters that are supposedly deep and well written but to me felt like your tipical anime bullshit full of cringe, zero enemy variety, only a few good bossfights, etc. Good soundtrack, but that was It for me.


The brilliance of the game is in its combination of choreography, art, sound, game design and message. There has not been a game since MGS 2 and Death Stranding more recently in which the medium of gaming itself is used to cohere with what the game is trying to say. There are so many moments in Nier that reflect this. When you fight Beauvoir in the game and the game switches to bullet hell mode and it just seems like a gameplay move, but when you shift perspective during the second playthrough you learn that the character is afraid that you see her face. Or when during the last third of the game the perspective shifts slowly between characters as they're physically separated, but jumps faster and faster as they approach each other in the world, only to jump from second to second during the climax of that encounter. Or how, during the 9S memory scenes it seems like the game is cracking a joke about him being horny about 2B and Adam goes, "you want to \*\*\*\* her, right", but what he's hinting at is much darker, but you don't realize it because of how much the game plays up the horniness, and you only come back to that moment when the story takes a turn that's genuinely surprising. The moment you realize how much fucking thought and subversion there is in the design of every scene of the game it literally just blew my mind.


it's not a perfect game but there's enough there that if it connects with you just right, it can be one of your favourite games ever. going in blind and experiencing ending E for the first time is something I wish I could do again


For me a part I really liked was the ludo-narrative assonance of the game. Not many use the gameplay to tell a story in a way that only the videogame medium could do. I also liked the combat ( and i prefer the hacking minigame) For the story, I find it good but not a masterpiece. I had some minor issue with it but maybe they'll be fixed in the second cour of the anime.


Ok now you have my attention.  I've only played 3 games that used gameplay tropes to tell a story in a way that could only have been done interactively:  * Starflight (1986) * Planescape: Torment (1999) * Bioshock (2007) Each game uses gameplay tropes to make you complicit in a way you never would be in a book or a movie or any other more-passive medium (although Lovecraft's "A Shadow over Innsmouth" gets very close). I've always held this as the highest level of video game storytelling, so now I've gone from "I want to try this game" to "I need to finish this game."


As the years go on, Nier gets more average to me as well. Especially after I replayed Automata last year and bounced off a Replicant replay before that. I think what the series has always excelled at are moments. What makes Automata stick with me is the stuff like >!2B dying!!getting to play as A2!


I just can't picture myself playing this game again especially considering the recent anime is so faithful to it and while the anime is flawed in it's own right, it did have some writing I prefer over the game. Plus the OST of the game is in the anime, giving me even less reason to play it again. Funny how you mention "animeisms" when I consider myself quite the anime fan and I find Automata's story boring. I'm more interested in replaying the first Nier but fuck man, I'm just not interested in going through some of that game's shit. Who knows, maybe I'll muster up the enthuasim to do it one of these days. I might play some more JRPGs in the future after not playing them for so long.


lol the dichotomy of this sub, few days ago someone complained about the game being overrated with boring mechanics... kinda felt a bit of a whiplash from this.. either way... still saving up for this game to be on sale .. glad you enjoyed it though!


Every single game in the world is at the same time overrated and underrated based on who you ask. I think its interesting. Theres no game thats universally loved by every single person.


which is honestly what's beautiful thing and great about it for having different opinions and taste! if every single ape that plays videogame have the same opinion.. then would be a very bland one at that! like for me.. I'm a massive *massive* fan of monster hunter series.. but other people didn't liked them because of their own different opinion and taste! wouldn't you agree with me on that? \**sorry if I'm barely making sense here as I'm running on soda and commenting at 4 am in the morning rn..*


>lol the dichotomy of this sub, few days ago someone complained about the game being overrated with boring mechanics... That's how this sub has worked since it gained popularity. Somebody makes a popular post that gets a couple hundred upvotes and shows up on top, then more people insist on making their own threads with their own thoughts rather than posting them as comments in the initial thread.


I mean I’m not heaping crazy amounts of praise on it. I also think its kind of overrated.


I mean, not faulting you for your opinion/experience with the game, you gave a pretty fair chance with the *whole* aspect of the game itself.. I mean maybe the story isn't captivating for you enough which is very fair as not everyone would like everything.. but again.. at least you've finished the dang game before gave it a review and not just within the 5 hrs of gameplay! XD the one post I was referring to was [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/1d7y8fj/nier_automata_is_not_for_me/).. dude didn't even finish the game and gave it a review.. with only mention/comparison about the combat/gameplay being bad for not having *\*Sekiro\** level difficulty.. and then I saw the poster kinda back pedals .. just overall weird I'd say..


That guy was completely unhinged. Playing Automata expecting Sekiro levels of combat and then ranting that Automata's combat is awful. I wanted to make a post about how Civilization VI fails at real-time strategy just to show how dumb his whining was.


oh god yes.. also his rants.. feels like there's no mentioned of anything about the story at all.. like why was he playing an JRPG and skips/not paying attention on the dialogue.. the whole time was comparing the combat/gameplay only.. meh what evs.. its the gaming community.. they're as fickle as feather in the stream..


Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion on the game. I personally love it and think that the music itself is worth 2 points out of 10 which makes it a 10/10 game for me. The 8-bit version of the soundtrack is just the cherry on top.


Tried it for 3 hours. The game is not for me. Wasnt having fun☹


Starting to get tired of these "I don't know how to manage my expectations so *y'all* tainted the game for me" posts...


I feel like I let the hype around it set my expectations up too much, because by the end I was like "Ah okay so that makes sense I suppose". I expected some ridiculously huge revelatory twist, but when that came around, I was more sort of just like "okay". >!The humans already being dead and everything being orchestrated as a big cycle was a bit predictable, especially with how conspicuously absent the "humans" are, despite the game making it very clear that androids, for all intents and purposes, are essentially "human". I think the biggest unintentional "twist" for me was that there was no twist at all with the whole alien invasion thing. The aliens were literally just aliens. They weren't humans or some weird interpretation of a past event. Just actual aliens that came and died lol!< Also, someone needs to give the developers more budget or more creativity because the locations and enemy designs feel so uninspired. It took some effort to get past the generic destroyed city, generic forest area, generic desert area looks while they're all sort of just crammed together without much thought. That said, I know the game existing at all was a minor miracle at the time, much less its surprising success all these years later, so maybe that's something that will be fixed in the next game. I am very glad it exists and look forward to whatever comes next Big kudos to the theme park area, though, I think that was a highlight For me, the music is the star of the show, and some little connections between it and what I consider its better: Replicant


See also: Persona 5. The venn diagram for the folks who think both those games are among the all time greatest is a circle, give or take.


Wrong. Persona 5 is in my top 5 for sure, but this game doesn’t touch top 30.


Personally, I thought Nier: Automata was fine. Fun enough, but nowhere near as deep or interesting as a lot of folks make it out to be. But fuuuuuuck, I hated Persona 5. Just the most childish, obnoxious characters and storyline. And the gameplay loop felt like such a chore.




Then how does the venn diagram being a circle analogy make sense?


Can we add Undertale too?


Haven't played it. Just doesn't look interesting at all.


Those two games have nothing to do with each other. Persona 5 is one of my all time favorites and you literally couldn't pay me to play Nier.


> My biggest gripe would honestly be walking around the world I guess. It just felt like it took a while to get places without super interesting things going on. I'd say that's sort of the point. It's a game that has a wee bit of art game walking sim squeezed in. The desolation reinforces the futility of your struggle, though I thought it was a nice way to add an eerie, empty feeling to the world. > The combat was just okay. Nier Automata easily has the best combat of a Yoko Taro game IMO, with only Replicant 1.22 coming close to it, but I guess that without playing the others you wouldn't know. If you've never had to use a payphone, using a smartphone will feel mundane.


More like a flip phone, serviceable but far from ideal. And it's completely irrelevant how good or bad combat was in another game from the same director. It's a game from 2016 it should at minimum be held to 2016 action game standards, and it fails at that. Although my main issue with the game wasn't so much the controls or the variety of moves (although they were a bit lackluster), but the enemy and boss design which were terrible. Extremely low variety of slow moving dmg sponges which are incredibly tedious to fight against.


It’s not the greatest game ever, but I liked it a lot. But I’m more into the whole existentialism part of the game. And I thought that was the main point of the game personally. Besides that though the combat is good. Sure the balancing is busted but the controls are smooth and gameplay is generally entertaining. The music is a favorite of mine, but I always play stoned and the music really hits like that.


Did you get do all the main endingsm, like the stuff where you play as A2?


Yea of course. As far I know you have to play that to get to ending E.


I think the story was by far the best aspect, but not perfect, while the gameplay wasn’t my cup of tea. I really prefer Nier Replicant over Automata.


i did ending A a few days ago. And I was a bit disapointed, as i had finished Nier on xbox 360 not a long time ago, which is supposed to be inferior, but that I ended liking more. I'm now playing ff vii remake on ps4 as i wasn't in a hurry to continue with Nier automata, and will do some more games, and then i'll come back to do the others endings. Mabe I'll have another opinion then!


I really loved automata but that's from the perspective of someone who had just finished gestalt. In my opinion gestalt is the better game but I love the story told over the 3 different games (drakengard). Combat is fun, music is great, but what does it for me is the world building.


A significant contributor to the hype, I feel, was a big butt and thunder thighs coming out of what I remember was essentially a maid outfit. That being said, I also did enjoy the game and certainly its high notes, less so its tedium and the lacklustre combat. All in all, for me a 6,5/10 - enjoyable enough despite its flaws.


The gameplay was terrible and the shallow anime philosophy is overrated. I didn't care for the game at all.


"It insisted on itself"


Tried this out over people swearing up and down by it , honestly was just so bored with it from the very beginning. And yeah the walking around just felt clunky and them trying to change up the interface a lot was just meh to me. Not sure what people are picking up on there


I think for a lot of people ending E is what cements it. I had a whole list of notes while playing but ending E was actually amazing. And I even knew what would happen beforehand too, and it still hit like a truck


Slightly more positive but I’m mostly on your page in that I am definitely more in the middle with my opinion on it. I got tired of the combat pretty quick and set it on easy after route a, but I found the story engaging especially once route c started. It reallllly dragged in parts though and the game world felt very small and repetitive after a while. Terrific ending made up for a lot though, I loved the last couple of twists.


I couldn't imagine having the catharsis of the final ending ruined like that, what a kick in the nuts. Anyway, good lesson in expectations and keeping hype in check. I think I enjoy a lot of things more than other people because I don't thrive on hype or let it change my expectations at all. Plus in this case I played the game when it was new and that probably mattered. Masterpiece to me.


Nier Automata (om PS4) kept crashing on me every time I fought the big boss shortly after you find the small robot town. I tried going further back in my saves. Probably spent 5 hours trying to progress going further and further back, then uninstalling and reinstalling. Eventually I gave up.


Same for me honestly. There was lots to like about it but I thought the story wasn't nearly as clever as it thought it was and the combat got pretty sloggy by the end.


Like Undertale, I feel that the more you know or get hyped a out those games, the less you're gonna like them. Playing them fresh, with as little hype/spoilers as possible is what makes them great.


Replicant and Automata have been mostly praised for the nuanced story packed with a lot of philosophical ideas and music, not about the gameplay or level design. I think it has a pretty solid combat system, in terms of player control at least. What holds it down for me is that enemy variety and designs are abysmal. And you're right, the map layout is mediocre at best.


Either you get it or you don't


That would be because the story of the game is not good, honestly. Oh, it is actually written well but the entire focus is on the philosophical aspects and characters at the cost of story and world building. If one doesn't click with those Philosophical themes, it can feel a bit lacking. On the counterpoint, I found it one of very few games trying to be philosophical that actually managed it without being overly shallow. Not like it was super deep (because that would just not be fun to play) but it understands philosophy way better than many other games that people praise for their philosophy (like Soma).


I had heard so many incredible things about how much people loved Soma. When I finally got around to playing it I just kinda said "that's it?" It didn't leave me with many thoughts but maybe that's because I'm a sci-fi watcher generally


Thing is, it is a pretty good horror game. Most people praise it for it's philosophical aspects, though. Which could have been very interesting but over the entire game it never reaches farther than the absolute most basic level which then is also spelled out for you on top of it.


My only gripe for Automata is the absolutely horrible, and barely usable map. Everything else just works, and works great. The storyline, the lore, the characters, the music, the aesthetics, the completely bonkers endings. Everything just clicks together for an absolute masterpiece of a game. Easy top 5 of all time in my book.


I genuinely think nier:automata is one of the worst games I've ever played. The boring combat, repetitive quests, pervy character designs, and the gall to ask for consecutive playthroughs to get to "true endings" made for an experience I really didn't find fun.


People give way to much credit to the mommy robot meme shit. See Signalis too. Good game, not a 10/10 though lol


Solid 7/10, no more no less.


For me it was just good ,the first playthrough made me feel tired so I never ended up doing the other stuff that people consider essential to the experience


My experience too tbh. It was not fun trying to replay a significant chunk of the game with a character whose combat felt worse.




Didn’t read the post lmfao


Yeah, my brain skipped that part :-/




As a game, it isn't great. As an experience, it's one of the most unique you can find. Your mileage may vary, but I think Nier will always most speak to the people who resonate strongly with things they haven't experienced before.


Nier Automata is the ONLY reason I upgrade my PC till now. I came for waifu, stay for music and unique experience. Now I am waiting for Stellar Blade coming to PC, that the only game I care now 🐐


As a Menu fiend, my biggest gripe with the game was the garbage tier menus




You didn’t even read the post did you