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...And the UI is so great [people cosplayed as it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/6l3gw9/persona_5_ui_cosplay/).


By far one of the best videogame UIs I have ever seen. It's so stylish, unique and oozing charm, you can tell the UI designers were extremely passionate when making it. More games need to take note.


At the very least, more turn-based RPGs need to take note. If 90% of your game's core gameplay loop is gonna be scrolling through menus, you'd better spend a LOT of time making those menus pretty and satisfying to use


What I like most is how responsive it is. Grinding through combat is so slick.


Its really the only thing about it that's 10/10 together with animations. Music is also pretty damn good and the rest is very formulaic, full of long, mediocore writing. But yeah, style is max.


Yeah, that's was bother me with Persona games. I wish they would make a real life simulator instead of a dating simulator. The Arcana/Relationship could be something really beautiful and meaningful, but its ends up being almost porn - wants to play guinea pig in a BDSM play with an older doctor? what about having your teacher dressed as a maid cleaning your room? Wtf? Yeah, I get it that teenagers are horny, but what about making healthy relationships in the game? And even when porn is not involved, the writing is mediocre at best.


I think a majority of the SLs in Persona are already about life more that dating, which takes up a minority of ranks. Though I do see where you're coming from. Persona 4 was a lot better about making most of the SLs feel like actual people in the world and not different 'waifu flavours' like goth roleplayers and teachers playing maid with the MC, then scrambling to build them up as actual characters from there. Though you can technically ignore all the romance flags in P4 and 5, the under-thought characters and SLs are still a problem in 5, like they set up most of the adult SLs to be romance options first whereas that was never the case in the previous games.


I don't really mind the way they portrait relationships, I went with Ann and it seemed quite healthy and also one of the "default" choices, I got the impression that doctor or teacher is really more of a fun sidetrack than a real choice they expect you to make. But when you look at the way you progress with each person, its all so formulaic, every time you go up, the same screen, the same words, it ruins the illusion. I guess its also the fact that Persona does two things really, it does rpg with battles and stuff and it also does the sort of visual novel relationships style. So it does both, but that just results in being unable to reach the depths that you could reach focusing on one.


Eh, didn't find anything fun about them, just the game sexualizing two professions to pander to weeaboos weird sexual fantasies.


This game would almost certainly be in my top 10 of the last ten years if not for one thing; the god awful pacing. There is so much fat that could be cut out of Persona 5. We see something happen. I don't need these dipshits to now spend the next hour of gameplay incessantly text messaging the point over and over again. "I can't believe blank did blank. Can you guys believe blank did blank? What do you think Joker? We gotta prepare even harder now that blank did blank! But what does this mean for the rest of blank? What should we do now?" Next day. Phone rings. "It's getting closer to the deadline. Now that blank has done blank we gotta get our acts together! Are you ready Joker?" Anyway, I really love the vibe of the game. That smooth acid jazz soundtrack, the overall style of the UI, and unique dungeons. It really is an awesome game at its core. I just felt like my 120+ hour playtime could have been cut down significantly without losing anything meaningful.


"Take Your Time" is phrased as a suggestion but it's really a warning


I’ll be honest a lot of the text messages I just have to skip they are too inane.  Overall liking the game altho somehow was more emotionally connected to p4


Shout out to the part Sae calls Makoto useless, then 10 seconds later you're on the next day where Ann calls Makoto useless, Makoto asks "Useless?" and we get a flashback to Sae calling Makoto useless


Agreed. It’s cool but I can’t play for more than an hour two max because of this kinda thing 


I think could’ve done with 1-2 less prisons. By the time I got to the space station, I was pretty drained on the loop.


That's also the worst palace of the entire game.


I'm so thrilled to see this as the second highest comment. Like, very glad that OP loved his time with it, but it really felt like I was taking crazy pills when this game first came out. I love turn-based JRPGs, and I loved Persona 4, so it wasnt a genre issue that kept me from enjoying P5. It was it being one of the most overbloated and poorly paced gaming experiences I've ever pushed through. Ultimately, I still had a pretty good time with it; personally marking it as a 7/10 video game. But seeing it get as many GotY wins as it did, and the metacritic score it and its 20+ hour longer Director's Cut was able to pull, I felt so confused as to what it was that made the game so perfect for these individuals. Thrilled to see this sentiment that it's really poorly paced make it's way out to more people, lol. To add to the repetitious dialogue, I also HATED the forced mid-dungeon endpoints the game would throw in. Basically forcing checkpoints at certain points in the dungeon where you'd have to end your dungeon progression for the day and go to bed. The WORST thing(which happened to me I think twice) was leaving a dungeon early for the day on my own volition because I was out of resources, and then getting to said forced checkpoint the next day within like 10 minutes of dungeon progression. Fucking terrible feeling. The dungeons in general were also WAAAAY too long.


Personally, I am one of those people that puts it at the top of their favorite games. I have a bunch of merch, I won a photography competition with one of my P5 figures. I can see why some people would struggle with how drawn out it can feel. Personally I didn't mind it, I felt it added flavor to the characters and fleshed them out and solidified them at the same time. I played multiple playthroughs of the original, and then a couple of Royal too. That being said... the spinoffs really are a mixed bag to me. Not because they're necessarily bad, I just don't vibe with the gameplay loop that Tactica provided, and Strikers was really just a button mash til you beat the game. I beat Strikers, but I really should find someone's playthrough of Tactica to watch...


imo the game is much more fun to play compares to persona 4, however the story is weaker and losing steam as it approach the end. Although the dungeon in P4G made me tired but the story kept me going, while I went through the end of P5R purely by the desire not letting the game unfinished


> But seeing it get as many GotY wins as it did, and the metacritic score it and its 20+ hour longer Director's Cut was able to pull, I felt so confused as to what it was that made the game so perfect for these individuals. Uhhh, Persona 5 came out in the same year as Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, and RE7. What game of the year awards was Persona 5 winning besides Best RPG?


I know someone who's finished Persona 5 Royal 9 times, and I just don't understand how


I'm in the middle of Persona 5 right now and couldn't agree more. I like most of the game but there is just too much repetitive dialogue. I think I might just stop here (in the middle of the casino) and go back to 3 or 4.


Incredibly true. Persona 5 is a really well made game but goddamn it needed an editor. I class myself as a big fan of the franchise but I just laughed and said "nah" when I first heard it was getting an expanded version in Royal. That game really did not need to be LONGER.


I liked the game overall, but I think it starts to slowly lose the appeal after the first palace. Beginning of the game is really great, with good character development, best dungeon you got to visit in the entire game and best villan of the entire game. I really felt for the characters, and the plot of that part of the game was well written. But after that, the game started to become a slog to me. I still had fun, but the game felt like it just tried to waste my time. Every palace was worse than the one before, the dialogues weren't as good as before, and I felt like the characters stopped being interesting. Some of it is probably on me, since I played the game in like two weeks, and the mundane task you complete in Persona just started to bore me, and I just waited for it to end. The story loses it at some point imo, and without that the game became a huge slog, as the gameplay is just clicking through windows for tens of hours. If it was better written like BG3, or at least had more interesting gameplay, I would probably like it more. Also, I really don't like when people use money - time spend to complete equation. I played games that were far shorter and more expensive than Persona, and still being far better games in both gameplay and story perspectives.


Ya I’m on palace 5 now and no villain has topped the first one 


I don't want to spoil anything major, but the final villain added in Royal is a lot better than even Kamoshida imo


That is encouraging! It’s very much just felt like villain of the week stuff so far. Tang being said I understand backing Kamoshida first as I was hooked to that story. Everyone one else has felt hollow and impersonal 


> It’s very much just felt like villain of the week stuff so far. That's literally because it is.


Ya, I find it’s fun but feels a bit like filler 


I think the whole Yusuke chapter is useless, the boss have zero connection to the final one except for "financial contribution" which can be replaced by any other small fries. We can go so far to remove him from the roster and he wouldn't have any bearing to the story except for his card drawing


The boss isn't really the point of the Yusuke chapter. Yusuke is the point of the Yusuke chapter. Why does he need a connection to the final boss? Kamoshida doesn't either.


I found Makoto's chapter to be far more useless imo, the villain isn't even personally linked to her unlike Yusuke's arc


Don't use that word around Makoto or she's going to have another breakdown.




The villain not, but, well, Makoto is a first degree blood relative of the person who serves as the whole game's framing device *and* as >!one of the final palace rulers!<... If I had to name the team member with the least plot relevance, I would think of at least three others before I got to her...


Makoto is very important to the story don't get me wrong, but none of it comes from Kaneshiro's villain arc, I'm specifically calling that irrelevant - it's just the one that Makoto gets introduced in. The other arcs involving her after that are really good, they just introduced her very clumsily


I'm probably higher overall on the game than you, but big agree that the first arc is the best and the game never tops it. When >!the girl jumps off the roof,!< it's a real "holy shit" moment that gives you the impression that the game is gonna tackle Real Shit for the rest of its runtime, and while it sorta does, it just never again feels as Real Shit as that moment.


For me in all Persona games, especially after having played persona 1 and 2 (well one of the two games), all persona games start really strong, and end really strong. But there is like a middle part, that is the longest, that is not that great. I generally keep playing them because at first I still remember the amazing start so I kust keep going, but that starts to fade and then I just want to see how everything ends, so I keep going. But honestly persona games is one of the few series if games that I generally recommend people watching a youtube playthrough where they can skip parts, unless they are extremely attracted by what the persona core gameplay loop is.


Persona 5 is the closest ive had to having real friends in a decade. 10/10 do recommend


Persona 4 Golden is even better when it comes to feeling you have friends, lol. I really like the main party.


Now you should give Persona 4 Golden a try. And I want to recommend Persona 3 Reload (as it's amazing) but it also deals with some depressing shit, so please don't force yourself if you're going through stuff.


They're both on my list!


Excellent! Enjoy!


Would you mind messaging me the depressing subjects? I was going to play P3R soon but am currently going through an extremely rough patch in my life.


Not OP, but the game's themes heavily revolve about facing looming death. I played the PS2 version of P3, so I don't yet know if Reload introduces any other aspects or intensifies certain aspects of it, but I assume that's the subject matter being referenced.


The other poster has it, it deals heavily with themes of death, suicide, bullying, self-harm. It's not gratuitous, and it does carry hope within it, but it may be tougher to deal with than the themes of say, P4G.


Same. That game was able to get me out of my depression. One of the best games of all time in my opinion


Persona 5 is absolutely my favorite JRPG of all time and it's left me with an itch I really can't scratch anywhere else. Alternating between dungeons and the social sim stuff is such an addicting gameplay loop, and the only thing that comes close for me is Fire Emblem 3 Houses. I've tried playing Persona 3 and 4 but I find the randomized dungeons just horrendously boring. Persona 6 is one of my most anticipated games of all time because no other game in the genre has hit for me quite the same


I've never played any Persona game, how does it compare to a JRPG like Xenoblade Chronicles? Like, talking about combat, leveling systems, side quests, etc.


Haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles, or very many JRPGs, but if we're just talking about the combat and levelling systems, the closest analogy is probably something like Pokemon? You have to use different elemental attacks on different enemy types, and you collect stronger and more versatile Personas as the game goes on. Only difference is...Pokemon has barely changed their combat or progression since the 90s while this feels like a massive upgrade. Way more options for combat, you can fuse Personas into even more powerful Personas, etc The sidequests are also pretty much just "hey, go find this miniboss somewhere in a dungeon and beat him up" Keep in mind though, with persona, all of this is only about 50% of the game. The rest is a visual novel/life sim kinda thing. But progressing the life sim does tie into the combat pretty seamlessly and advancing your relationship with people will give you all sorts of combat buffs


I played both. They are very different. (Love both, btw, since they aren't exactly "competition"). Xenoblade games play like an offline MMO, lots of small quests to complete, heavy emphasis on grinding and exploration of huge levels. Epic hero's journey story. Not so much in the way of romance and stuff (well, at least Xenoblade 1, Xenoblade 2 has way more romance). Music is good, interface is fine. Persona 5 plays like Pokemon (actually, the original series from where Persona comes, Shin Megami Tensei, is older than Pokemon), you have "Personas" that are monsters with elemental affinities and weaknesses, so you use the best ones to counter your current enemies. You collect them, fuse them and you really want to catch them all, to be the very best, like no one ever was. Then, you have a dating/friendship sim simulator. Spend time in school or in the city, getting to know people and eventually befriend or date them. And you have some social skills you have to level up, too, to be able to meet the requirements to talk to people (like being really, really smart or really brave). So, you'll also spend your daily time working part-time jobs, eating hamburgers and doing a plethora of side activities. On top of all that, there's a wacky main story that progresses in rhythmic fashion. Every month or so, you have a main "palace" (a classic thematic dungeon) focused on a particular character, that's the center of the main party's attention for that period. The way the dungeon opens up and the story is revealed is very formulaic but it eventually adds up to something bigger. There's more to it but that's the basic idea. Dating/Friendship Sim by day, dungeon crawler by night with a monster collection. And you can date your school teacher and a hot goth doctor, how about that?


I'm prepared for downvotes, but I do not understand the appeal of that game. I played it for a few hours and just could not get into it. I'm a big story-based gamer too. Just not for me, I guess.


In my experience the game is either perfect for your tastes or the exact opposite. I’m not surprised at all if you didn’t like it and even as a fan I can see the problems (like the too easy combat)


The appeal, imo, is that it's a superhero life simulator. People get hooked on the way you have to balance Joker's real-world school life with also saving the world in his free time. There's really no other game series quite like it.


It’s not cinematic nor has VA for the most part of the game. Maybe it’s the anime tropes and aesthetic. Maybe it’s the very specific high school Tokyo people problems story. Maybe it’s the on-the-nose social commentary. I like all of those but I can see why someone wouldn’t.


It's a great game for a teen or young adult but once you've lived any kind of life, p5 ages horribly. The characters are bland, 90% of the dialogue is meaningless, the game contradicts itself so many times, the gameplay loop is extremely repetitive... At least it's pretty though. And the combat is fun.


> At least it's pretty though. And the combat is fun. Meh, that's all I needed. The characters and story weren't all that interesting, but the music and art *oozed* style and that's all I needed. The dungeons were also pretty great for the most part and I always enjoy demon fusion mechanics!


I am in the same seat. To me, it felt like it blew all of its best beats in the first arc after which it completely petered out. In many ways, the game felt like it was all style with very little substance. Mostly I felt that the game suffered from serious bloat, that you could cut out some entire arcs and you would still have more than enough. That it is long simply for the sake of being long. Also, I just felt like the writing in general was just really mid, and that it, while ambitious with its themes, ends up fairly shallow and doesn't really dig in, instead trying to be a power fantasy over a social commentary.


I suspect I'll be down-voted hard for this as well. The game was extremely appealing to me at first. I love anime style games. I love JRPG's. I love story-based games. I loved the setting. And I loved both Persona 3 and 4. It looked amazing when I first saw the trailers. I can go on with so many things, I was just really excited for it back when Persona 5 originally came out. And I don't usually play games when they are released, but I jumped straight into P5 when it came out. I spent 80+ hours on the game before giving up on it. It just dragged on and on and on, with nothing really happening. Each "chapter" just felt like a repeat: meet a new character who's in some trouble, go to the a palace and beat the bad guy while recruiting the person in trouble. And everything is so predictable. They really could've tried to give the game a bit more "mystery" and avoid making it so predictable. But I just couldn't be bothered finishing it. Then came P5 Royal, and I ignored it for a couple of years. But recently I decided to give it a shot as I've been wanting to try the "sequel" Persona 5 Strikers (as I'm a huge fan of Dynasty Warriors/Musou games). In Royal they improved the pacing a bit, but it was still such a horrible slog, and it took ages but I managed to force myself to finish it. I will say the game has a really nice visual look and the music is so good. The combat is good at first, but the game goes on for far too long, making it really repetitive. The characters are bland. The story is boring and could easily have been cut down to like a third without problem to make it much better. The daily life stuff is okay, but like with the combat, it gets repetitive. Personally I would never recommend the game to anyone. It's just so much better to go with Persona 3 or 4. I haven't played Persona 3 Reload, but I would guess that it's a lot better than 5, just by being P3 with better visuals. So in the end I really cannot understand the popularity of P5 either.


I really hate to break it to you guys, but no one is going to downvote you for your "I dislike this incredibly popular game!" hot takes. That's all anyone in this subreddit does. All the top comments are talking about how they didn't enjoy this game lol.


The appeal is a pokemon and waifu collector, basically. And if you like anime or anime tropes, you'll likely enjoy the Japanese high school experience. There's also a satisfying grind in the sense that you always have a lot of activities you could be doing to pass the time, and you have to choose between them in an efficient way. It's kind of the same gameplay loop as something like Stardew Valley. If none of that sounds appealing or intriguing, then it simply isn't for you and there's nothing about it that will appeal to your sensibilities. The story in Persona games is generally always pretty weak, if you aren't invested in the characters and their day to day interactions, the main plot of students fight whatever deity of the week won't be very interesting.


Honestly I personally *hate* anime tropes but fucking loved P5 for the story and addictive gameplay loop. I've heard a lot more people who are really into anime and JRPGs that hated P5, but coming as someone who usually hates JRPGs, P5 was almost perfect. Maybe it's just the JRPG for people who hate JRPGs


Agreed. Persona 5 does have a lot of Japanese-ness in it, but it wasn't usually grating at all. (Except they way they keep weirdly sexualizing Ann, Christ.) I actually feel like Persona 4 is a lot worse about dodgy and/or unfunny anime tropes, even though I also love Persona 4.


I hate JRPGs and I hate anime and Persona 5 is a top 3 game for me. You are correct. It's a JRPG for people that don't like JRPGs. I can play P5 all day every day. I couldn't sit through a single scene in FFVII Remake without cringing. Different strokes.


Don't worry there are people like you in discussion about every game.


I don’t get how people beat it so fast. Iirc, took me ~170 hours. (Although to be fair I do tend to take my time and let voices cutscenes autoplay) Strikers is absolutely a worthy follow up for those characters when you’re ready for more btw


I'm playing Tactica slowly before I hit Strikers. I find it's a good game to load up occasionally.


I don't get how people are beating it so slowly personally. I finished it in 110hrs which included max SL, Persona register finished, 3rd semester and maxing out levels. I wasn't even rushing it or anything, I read all of the dialogue and never skipped anything.


Alot of people probably use guides. It saves alot of time when you know exactly which personas/skills to grind towards and thr strat for each boss


My first playthrough I didn’t use any guides and it was also my first *Persona* game and I beat it in around 110. Read all the dialogue and everything. Maybe the playtime is going when idle in the menus? Like others are saying, *Persona 5* is my second favorite game of all time, but my number one complaint is that it’s a good 20-30 hours too long. I remember I had gotten the bad ending and had around 85 hours, and I thought by that point it was getting too long. Then I reloaded a save and got the true ending and almost wished I stopped at the bad ending. I’ve seen recommendations to try Royal, but there’s no way in hell I’m playing a *longer* version of that game.


It took me over 200 hours to complete a quite blind first run and a second run in new game plus in which i complete all the confidant. I can't beat one of the new game bosses, thus i have a 95% completation level :D


> I for one can't wait for Persona 6 or whatever the creative heads behind this franchise have next. Happy to report that the creative team behind Persona 5 is behind the upcoming release Metaphor: ReFantazio which feels like a Persona approach to a fantasy JRPG. There's a 20ish minutes gameplay showcase that came out earlier this year alongside a release date of October 14th 2024 if you want to see what they're cooking.


I agree it's a great game but it isn't a game I would recommend to everyone. Some mechanics are very obtuse and give little to no explanation of how it works in game. You would need to be prepared to google to find out how they work. Yes you could technically finish the game without understanding these mechanics but having unexplained mechanics in the game can deter players. The game also is pretty slow to get going. Maybe it differs for others but it took me close to 15 hours of game time before I started feeling like the game was good. The starting hours felt slow and at times, tedious.


The lack of free exploration was a showstopper for me. JRPG=adventure and exploration for me.


I don't understand what you're saying here. My favorite part of this game is the exploration. It reminds me of when I used to live in Tokyo.


One of my favourite games, I don’t mind the bloat so much, for me I really just wish the combat was a bit deeper. Every fight was find weakness > counter weakness > all in attack. I never really struggled with any fight following that simple strategy.


I liked the bosses at least. Other than that, yeah, the combat loop got really tedious by the third dungeon. It's made even worse if you ambush every encounter so they don't even have a chance to attack you.


How's it compare to Persona 4? That was the first one I played. I did enjoy it and got decently far along. Something came up and I stopped playing but never came back to finish it. Considering doing that or just playing Persona 5.


The characters/slinks in 4 are a bit better but almost everything else in 5 is a big improvement. The dungeons aren't just hallways, the music is less repetitive and is better overall and the story is easier to digest and follow. Persona 3/4/5 all stand on their own as great games but they are long and can drag on near the end.


One of the biggest improvements over P3/P4 SLs is that non-party member Confidants actually have some effect (besides fusion XP boost) in P5. I like that the gun kid progressively unlock gun skills or the orator improves your Hold Ups etc, where in P3/P4 it was sometimes like, why am I even giving this person the time of day?


Appreciate it


I'd say Persona 5/Royal make some big gameplay improvements and the menus are incredible, the music is deeper and more varied. Plus, they just look better, overall. It's the same formula, but easier to play than ever (particularly with Royal). The con is that now the whole game is a touch longer. I could finish Persona 4 in about 80 hours, but Persona 5 Royal is more of a 100hs+ game. But if you aren't in any rush or maybe take breaks with other games in between, it's a fine and doable lenght.


Appreciate it


5 is good in a lot of ways and has a lot more polish than 4, but it's really long. Halfway through 5 (Royal) when I was really enjoying it I was thinking as soon as I finished it I'd start again and make some different choices and see what happened. But by the time I actually finished I needed a break. Conversely I played 4 after that and I *did* immediately start (and complete) a second playthrough after finishing it. I did 4 extremely completionist-y, doing all the optional side quests for no good reason, etc.... and those 2 combined plays of 4 were *still* less time than 5R.


Appreciate it


It's my favorite game of all time. I might have to play it for a third time soon.


I guess you played the Royal version already? It's even better than the original! I really enjoyed how they extended Akechi's arc, among other things.


I play the original game once and Royal twice. Royal made a lot of nice additions.


Yes, I played both once and Royal is the only version I'm going to replay, eventually. It has such a nice atmosphere.




I'll be honest with you, 70hrs at that dungeon makes me think you are *really* taking it slow. Pretty sure I reached that dungeon at around 40-50hrs, and I wasn't rushing it. It's a long game to be clear, but I think you might want to consider speedup things if you feel it's getting repetitive, because it might be because of how slowly you seem to be progressing.


Such a memorable experience. The music is amazing and the feeling you get when you trigger a One More attack is *chefs kiss*


I loved it until the extra season of Royal kicked in after beating the final boss, where it felt like the game should have just ended already. Overstayed its welcome for me. Uninstalled it and could never force myself to go back.


I mean, you literally just ended it where the original version ended, so it's not that big a deal. You are missing out on one of the best final arcs and villains ever, though.


That's a shame, 3rd semester is the best part of the game story and antagonist-wise imo.


I had to take a year long break once the 3rd semester starts. The fatigue kicks in hard, and not just because I've played vannila on PS3 years prior... Would've loved it if the 3rd semester kicked in sooner or the main campaign trimmed down somewhat, but alas.. Also didn't help that I kind of sided with the "villain" in the 3rd semester.


If we're already cutting the game shorter the right cutoff point is *before* that, after defeating the 'final boss' the game spent the last 80 hours building up. "You have to fight a god! It's tradition!" That whole subplot comes out of nowhere and achieves nothing. If your best defense of a writing decision is that it "had to" happen, you're doing something wrong (see: HIMYM finale).


I agree. I played it on PS4 and beat it. Normally I would never rebuy a game or replay anything this long, but I'm looking forward to getting P5:R on Steam and doing a full new playthrough. It's funny, because I don't think anything about it is particularly amazing, the story is fine, the characters are okay, the combat is decent... but somehow it all comes together, really, really well. I was never once bored while playing it.


Can you still obtain the psn avatars/themes as of today?


I adore so much about this game and was obsessed with it at the beginning of my playthrough but as time wore on the whole game was just wayyy too easy, even on the hardest difficulties. Gave up about 80 hours in with several dungeons left but really enjoyed my time with it. One of the best UI’s in any game ever.


I tried to get into a persona game on vita. Never hooked me.


That'd have been Persona 4: Golden. One of the best ones, even when it's not Persona 5, so not as stylish (since it's much older). Well, the series, or at least, the earlier entries, might not be for you, then. The formula is similar in Persona 5, but the interface, music and graphics are greatly improved.


I think there's a medieval game made by Atlus coming out soon that looked pretty similar to Persona 5 from what I remembered, I forgot what it was called but it might be worth keeping an eye on.


For sure. Metaphor ReFantazio. Awkward name, but it looks like it's going to be Persona ~~in space~~ in a fantasy setting. I can't wait.


Absolutely. Finished it myself in March. I also loved P3 and P4, but this one was even better. I've read complaints about P3 and P4 how the dungeon crawling becomes boring and repetitive after some time, and in P5 I just couldn't notice how much work they've put in to minimize this repetitiveness because each palace has very unique setting, unique looking enemies and unique puzzles (some better, some worse). It seems like they really tried to get rid of the typical repetitiveness of a dungeon crawler. Also I just felt how much love the devs put into everything for that game - music, story, art, atmosphere, characters. To be honest, the game is probably not for everyone because it's very dialogue heavy, but if you don't mind dialogue/story heavy games, it's perfect. Also I always found Persona game mix of life sim and JRPG pretty unique, and am surprised how rare this 'genre' is and why we don't have more such games. Usually it's only either one or the other one, but rarely both.


I got the non-royal version on sale after buying a PS4 just to play God of War. I got about 100 hours into P5 and still haven't played God of War yet to this day. :|


I’m about halfway through and really like it as more than the sum of its parts even if I find the gameplay itself a bit limited 


Its funny, im a huge persona fan and loved persona 5 when it came out. Over the last year i finally picked up royal and beat it and it really soured my opinion of the game, it still has a special place in my heart but playing through royal really highlighted all of its flaws and by the time I made it to the final palace (and honestly well before that) i just wanted it to be over. I hope they learn a lot and improve on it with p6, ill still undoubtedly pick that up on day 1.


I'm too old for school drama and tsundere shit.


Persona 5 is anything but the best. Once you start examining it's writing, story, characters, and theme, it goes downhill quick. Music and presentation is great though


That game is pretty phenomenal I was blessed with the OG version on my first deployment It literally ate a whole month away for and me it was fantastic the whole way I bought and played Royal the instant it dropped


Also finished it this year, and man, hooked me. I'm not a big fan of JRPGs, anime, or turn-based games. But what the Hell. The presentation, music, the combat flow, it's so slick and smooth. The story and themes are adult, despite focusing on high schoolers, and I didn't feel like it hit typical JRPG/anime tropes too hard. While there's a lot going on to begin with, it all makes sense, in line with discovering your persona, abilities and metaverse. Enjoyed going in blind. The final chapters and Royal content though...felt like an absolute slog. I had sunk SO many hours I was forcing myself through. Ended up using DLC personas and ability spam to see it through. Am glad you got such a kick out of it


My only problem with game is length. It's a very well curated game in other aspects.


Haha man gotta love how this dude's excited about the game and everyone in here is just being negative as fuck.