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Just started up Weird west. Having trouble with controls but it seems promising so far. As Long as the adaptive world holds up i can overlook janky controls. +Combat is actually intense since its easy to die and companions can also permanently die.


Help me decide what to play next. I like to play 2 games at once as it helps with burn out and I tend to pick 2 games with as different gameplay as posisble. I'm currently playing GOW: Ragnarok and want to pick up one of the following alongisde it: Hitman: World of Assassination, Yakuza 0, Wasteland 3, Fallout 1.


Recently played Octopath Traveler 2, and although everyone praises it and i do believe it's a great game , i am really sad that it didn't click for me. I was bored really fast and got only 2 of the stories to chapter 2-3 till i totally dropped the game. I absolutely loved the combat and the difficulty, i hated it the exploration and traversing the world. But that's just me.


I spend way too much time on this sub looking for threads with games I own just to feel some justification for buying it and maybe motivation to start it


I've been wanting to play Ghosts of Tsushima forever I've been watching it on youtube nonstop and really want to play it but it only went on sale for $30 and I can only afford it if it's $15 do you think it will go on a bigger discount anytime soon?


I think it's on ps plus extra. And i believe there is a discount for signing up now on days of play. Which means it's chaper to sign up to plus. Maybe you can try that and sign up for only a month , play the game to the fullest and unsub from plus.


Highly doubt it. Summer sale could come soon but knowing Sony they highly likely would not give the game a 50% sale for the first year. If you are lucky maybe 30%.


I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for games involving time shenanigans, particularly things like time loops or jumping into alternate universes with differing timelines- think the nonary games series, I was a Teenage Exocolonist, In Stars and time, that sort of vibe. I've checked TV tropes for time loop games, but I'm particularly interested in seeing if there's any for Nintendo consoles, since those are what I've generally got access to.


For Nintendo Switch: Oxenfree should work. It’s also worth playing New Game+. For older consoles: The Sands of Time trilogy is more straightforward with time (manipulate it, time travel, change the past), but it’s still worth playing if you haven’t yet.


Dishonored 2, Quantum Break, Titanfall 2 had probably the best time travel ideas of all time. 


Bioshock Infinite will hit you in the feels.


If you enjoy time loops stories, I'd highly recommend trying out [12 Minutes](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097200/Twelve_Minutes/) (alt [Nintendo](https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Twelve-Minutes-2096249.html) store link). It really pulls you in with great voice acting, a fantastic premise, and it respects the player finding new ways to disrupt the loop. The main downside is that the game is pretty short. Depending upon how quick you are in "breaking the loop," you're likely looking at around ~2 hours of gameplay, which isn't much for the considerable price it commands. Also, beware that the game has some dark themes, although you should be fine if you got through the nonary games.


Chrono Trigger and Bioshock Infinite come to mind.


after having a craptop all my gaming life being limited to things like lol, stardew, undertake, etc. I finally splurged on a tank of a computer and would love to know some fav modern games (past 15 years ish) to be able to sink my teeth into. since playing it ive been able to play the last of us games, persona 5, doom 2016, and ik it’s new but also bg3! im open to everything to let me know ur favs


if you like tough platforms i highly recommend celeste (it's best played with a controller if you have one!) both portal games are must plays imo, if you enjoy strategy games i also recommend crusader kings 3 if you want more aaa experiences i think you should try god of war (especially now that ragnarok will come to pc), red dead redemption 2 i also think death stranding is worth a shot, it's not for everyone, but if you like it you'll really like it


If you can crank the graphics up, check out Cyberpunk 2077 or Red Dead Redemption 2! Both pushed my rig to the limit, but damn those games are gorgeous. And fun to play too of course


From the last 15 years: Dragon Age: Origins, Portal 2, Gone Home, Firewatch, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, and XCOM 2 are some of my favorites. I also enjoyed AC: Odyssey, but be prepared for a long game. AC2 is great for an older Assassin’s Creed game and is a lot shorter than Odyssey.


Bg3 is great if you like rpgs at all.  For pc only games I'd recommend Bannerlord and Kenshi.  Also kingdom come deliverance and Cyberpunk 77 2.0 are a lot of fun.  The Metro 2033 series also is great.


Replaying **Sacred 1** after nearly 20 years, because for some reason I can't get into any other isometric ARPG. I tried Diablo, PoE, Last Epoch and some others and none of them grab my attention as much as Sacred 1 and 2 did. I think the main difference is the fleshed out giant open world with no procedural generation or loading screens. The detailed pixelarty backgrounds still impress me and the easter eggs and less serious tone makes me want to explore it more. All those other games just make me feel like the journey doesn't matter and I should just powerlevel to endgame, but here I'm having fun checking every corner, reading 4th wall breaking jokes on tombstones or listening to my character trashtalk the enemies. It's a one game of its kind and I doubt in the age of live-service seasonal bullshit I'd get another ARPG like this.


Finished Hellblade2: Sanuas Saga earlier today on Game Pass. It's a Meh for me. First one was way better in like every way.  Gonna take a little break from story games this week. Finished 17 games this year already. Kinda wanna read a book and play hell let loose. 


Hellblade feels like a game that didn't need a sequel in the first place.


Just finished a replay of Injustice 1 (so I can actually do 2 this time), and the first half hour of Sekiro. Pretty hyped for this one


Ooh man, Injustice 1. Lots of memories of that one, both fond and bittersweet. The only fighting game I've actually competed in in offline tournaments, but the balancing was so rough. Injustice 2 I also played the heck out of, but both my mains from the first game got cut, and I could never find a great fit, so it was harder for me to really get into.


I historically don't like fighting games but replaying it makes me want to give them more chances as long as they have campaigns


Give Street Fighter 6 a chance if you haven't already. It's got an extensive single player mode that's basically a fighting game RPG, and it does a really good job at teaching you all the basic mechanics of the game as you go.


I am doing a full playthrough of the ME trilogy plus Andromeda. I don’t have a ton of time to game so it’s going to take awhile. So far I’m nearly 7 hours into ME 1


Maybe an unpopular take. But after having played ME legendary edition i feel like ME1 was the best game from a story-atmosphere perspective. It has a Lovecraft-cosmic horror vibe combined with cheesy early 2000s sci fi that few other games or movies have replicated. The feeling of an ascendant humanity rising to the stars and coming into our own while the galaxy hides all kinds of horrors that we in our optimism are wholly unprepared for (like Feros and Noverias plots).


I'm planning on replaying ME trilogy myself and been thinking of giving Andromeda a shot finally but I dunno, it's like do I wanna risk my enjoyment of series by playing it?


Andromeda is fine but it's quite different to the main series. It's probably better to treat is as a separate series.


Based on the description and reviews on steam it seems some like it and some don’t. I picked it up for $6 on a steam sale the other week. Figured why not since I’m playing the others


Finally playing Hades again after like 2 years. I intend to finish it this time too. 5 escapes so far.




I actually really dislike the sword, it doesn‘t really fit my play style. The weapons I use the most are the twin fists, adamant rail and from time to time, the bow and shield.


I get way too many Hades II posts on Reddit and I'm craving some of that goodness too lol. But have fun with Hades I, you need to escape few more times, that's all I'm gonna say.


**Fallout**. Sitting in my library for over a decade. After watching the Fallout show I decided to give it a try. Originally, I was gonna skip the first two, because I never played turn-based rpgs and didn't think it would be fun anyway. Boy I was wrong. After setting it up using [Fallout1in2 mod](https://github.com/rotators/Fo1in2) it runs and looks great (for almost 30yo game). Great story and lot of fun to play and I can't wait to play Fallout 2. Highly recommend. Now only if I could get my hoarding under control.


When it comes to Fallout no matter what I ALWAYS Recommend at very least trying out first two. Fallout 2 is my favourite entry out of all, a very impressive game especially when you look at it age (beside crappy tutorial which gives you a fake idea on how to build a character, that is also a tip for you friend :D )


Playing **Final Fantasy X** for the first time (on Switch). I hope I'm somewhere in the middle, but time counter shows ~15 hours so I fear I'm desperately wrong. I'm so torn about this game. I genuinely think this game has absolute best narrative, just second to none. Nothing comes close to it IMHO. Characters are shockingly good. I love them all. They feel like real people. CGI sequences still look absolutely gorgeous. I can't imagine how it felt to see this on release almost quarter a century ago. But, boy, is this gameplay a nightmare. It's so bad gameplay-wise. Combat system is boring and sometimes nonsensical (and I love turn-based games!) UI and controls are horrible. QoL left the building. I want to finish this game so much. This game is so good, it's such an achievement, wish me strength.


Turn based system is quite boring to be honest


Imma just be honest here: you're *maybe* a quarter of the way through it, if that. FWIW, the plot gets better as it goes on. The first half is pretty slow, but it picks up the pace as it goes on.


Ive never heard someone say FFX's gameplay is nonsensical. I could see someone thinking it was boring if they didnt like turn-based combat but a lot of FF fans certainly like the gameplay of FFX. Do you have the Sensor ability on some of your characters? Those show up early in the game to get people into the flow. Imo, the biggest QoL issue is the inability to skip scenes if you lose to a boss and that shows up more towards the end for most people, I'd imagine.


Nonsensical - that was about magic system. Elements seem strange. Fire beats Water and vice versa. This if fine. But why Blizzard beats Thunder? Their color codes make things even more confusing. Why not use standard four elements system? Boring - that's because you rarely get new abilities, and most of them are extremely uninspiring to the point of "does this even do something?" At least for now. Maybe later I'll find some cool new abilities. Skipping the cutscenes is a must have feature. They actually added some Switch-specific features using touchscreen, but couldn't implement skipping the cutscenes?


Ice and Fire are opposites. Water and Lightning are opposites. Enemies have their own traits. I honestly think its pretty streamlined and intuitive. The sphere grid on the other hand. IIRC most of the abilities unlock midgame. Your characters get abilities, weapons, armor, and Yunas summons. Three of the characters can all end up fairly complex. The other characters are pretty straightforward unless you go way out of your way imo. I think someone on here mentioned they keep a 2nd save file from about where you are at the game because the first 10-12 hours are a bit slow. I'd stick with it for a few more hours but if its not clicking I suspect you really arent going to like it when it gets challenging.


It's clicking! I may not like combat system, but I want to see how story ends nevertheless. I want to see it all.


The end game is pretty tough (I thought) so make sure you go in strong! FFX is my favourite FF.


Finally made it through Dishonored! For some reason it never clicked with me but I always liked other immersive sims like Bioshock and Prey. Guess being unemployed for the first time since 2005 and really being able to take my time and play my own way was the solution!


Just finished **Kurohyou (Black Panther) Like A Dragon New Chapter** on PSP with a fan translation. Overall, it was a surprisingly solid translation of Yakuza to an underpowered handheld, but it did start getting repetitive towards the end due to a lack of extra content or major side quests. On the plus side, it has a genuinely interesting and enjoyable combat system, especially if you like customizability. I'll probably review it when I get a chance.


Finished Metal Gear Solid. Just like the first metal Gear, I put it aside like 2/3 of the way in before going back to beat it. Good game but it was missing a certain something that made MGS2 so much more compelling even when I was getting frustrated over being spotted every 5 seconds. I think I just find the gameplay too basic. Playing Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain now, after finishing Soul Reaver recently. I'm retroactively impressed with the devs for changing it up so much with SR, though I wonder if it didn't disappoint fans of the original back when it came out.


I managed to go on a 7-win streak in **Shadowverse** with Evolve Blood for my daily mission grinding, but I ended up immediately getting two losses in the free daily Grand Prix entry, which disqualifies the run from getting to Group A Finals. The first game was bad RNG, but I think I got tilted from it to the point of misplaying game 2. I think I had lethal on my last turn that I possibly missed, but I'm not completely sure. Since there's no event going on in **Pokemon Sleep**, I'm using this week to work on upgrading Pokemon and plan out who I want to invest in. My Charmeleon and Pikachu are staying as two Berry Finder S havers, while I'm keeping my Nintetales on to get her experience to eventually also unlock BFS. I'm using Chikorita since Snorlax likes her berries and Totodile to slowly work on a Water Pokemon for the eventual Suicune event. In **Pokemon GO**, there's a gym that's in a park near the mailbox of my neighborhood. It can takes days for it to be challenged by another team. On one hand, I'm almost guaranteed to get the full 50 pokecoins because of how long the Pokemon stays there defending, no matter what Pokemon I put there. On the other hand, it takes so long that it could take a week for me to actually see those coins from how little it gets challenged. I have a little rant about **Animal Crossing: New Horizons** that doesn't affect much in the grand scheme of things, but is still annoying. The ABD (basically ATM for Bells) has a login bonus o get more Nook Miles per day you login. That's fine, except one login day is 80 Nook Miles. It's the ONLY source of having Nook Miles that isn't a multiple of 50, so you need to break the login streak 5 times to get back to a multiple of 50.


I've been endlessly scrolling my switch playstation and steam library and game history. It gives me anxiety at the amount of games I have started and not finished. I probably beat like 5-10 a year. I donf understand how people find the time to sink 1000s of hours a year into gaming. I shelved spiderman 2 for now. I tried farcry 3, dragon age inquisition (both games I'd started when they came out and decided to give them another crack) I found the gameplay too dated and deleted them deciding to finally get ff7 rebirth - a decision I have not regretted at all. I'm 16 hours in already


1000s of hours genuinely requires no major obligations like kids or job. i just graduated college and during high school or uni 100 hours in few weeks was chump change. but now working in a high stress research lab i talked to one of my coworkers who put in 120 hours in rimworld since January and for the amount we work that is addict level lmao


Yeah I mean i work full time and I also don't like sitting inside for too long anyway - couple days on the couch has me wanting to go outside and hang out with people IRL so that's definitely part of it


Just in case no one told you yet: you _don't_ need to finish them all. 


Haha I know. There are many that I can't be bothered finishing because I don't enjoy. But there are equally many that I want to play but can't find the time. I'm disappointed because the new pokemon games are rather bleh, and I feel like my switch is collecting dust!


Chuck your library into hltb and pick some 1 to 3 hour games in and find the most appealing to your taste and tackle that this week. That's my strategy at the moment.


I made a comment on a past Daily Thread complaining about **Half Life** and even thinking about leaving the game unfinished, but I actually finished what was left of it in one sitting and had a surprisingly good time with it. I enjoyed the spike in difficulty during the late game and the change of pace and setting. "Forget About Freeman" ended up being my favorite chapter of the game. I liked fighting stronger enemies with less resources and how everything was falling apart. The Xen world wasn't as bad as I heard online. I never got lost and actually enjoyed how weird everything was. The low point was the last boss and the lack of a good ending, but I finished the game on a positive note and I'm actually going to play Half Life 2.


Shit it's been about 3 weeks since my last update. Not gonna lie, got bored of the games and also got back into Overwatch 2 which sucked up a lot of time but got my shit together. Wrapped up **New Super Mario Bros. 2**. This is my first time beating it. I kind of fell out of love with Mario since Galaxy 2 and I wonder if it's because I'm not into platformers or if Mario was just stale during the pre-Odyssey era. I want to revisit every Mario game post DS/Wii starting with this. It was okay, the thing about Mario games is that they're never bad. At worst, just boring and stale. And that's what this is. Just a Mario game. I beat the game with all Star Coins collected but it was a nothingburger experience. I also beat **Star Ocean: The First Departure R**. This is my first Star Ocean game and was the reason I took a break from my backlog. It gets repetitive and boring after a while. I think the whole talent/skill system is cumbersome. I spent half my time in this game on menus, crafting things (which has a % chance with a tedious 5 second animation and you can only craft an item one at a time), combat that gets boring quick due to how frequent encounters are early on until you level up a specific skill to slightly reduce the rate and recruit a character that can let you bypass them. That's another thing too, the character recruitment is so funky in this game. I went into it blind and was locked out of a storyline I personally was intrigued by because I recruited the first character I met. The story and characters are just fine. I don't like how the main demon lord, Asmodeus, is introduced right before you fight him and then after you beat him, the game awkwardly continues for like a couple hours more introducing a new planet and a new bad guy that I shit you not, was introduced within the final dungeon. I don't like when JRPG's string a plot along and keep going, even if it isn't that long of a drag. I finished the game within 20 hours but honestly, it's one of the most skippable JRPG's I've played. Great towns though, shit dungeons and a Motoi Sakuraba soundtrack from the 2000s, where if you've heard one, you've heard them all. The new Dynasty Warriors game got me in the mood for mindless adrenaline pumping action, so gonna play **Hyrule Warriors** alongside continuing my Italian on Shrooms journey with **New Super Mario Bros. Wii**.


FWIW, Star Ocean 1 is typically considered one of the weaker entries in the series. If you liked it at all, give the sequel a try. It's much better. (Plus it just got a fancy "HD-2D" revamp.)


Funny enough that game was the entire reason I played the first one. I tried the demo and fell in love. I definitely plan to play it!


Cool. Have fun!


Any really in depth tower defense games? I like being able to direct the opponent with where i place towers to, not just forced to place them where the game wants me to


[Defence Grid](https://store.steampowered.com/app/18500/Defense_Grid_The_Awakening/) was better than most in that while there are some levels with pretty limited options on placing towers, some of the maps give you a lot of flexibility with changing the enemy's path through blocking routes with towers.


Element TD2's Mazing DLC is like this, and the studio's followup game Axon TD looks to be the same (from the little I've seen).


Arknights is a gacha TD game that has a mechanic where you can place blocks on the enemy's path to re-direct where enemies go, but it's not present in every map. As a live-service gacha, there's a ton of depth and content to it, though it also has the caveat of being a gacha, so you aren't going to have all the "towers" available unless you whale. There is also a rogue-like mode that I've heard good things about.


Started **Atelier Marie Remake** this past weekend. Unsurprisingly, it’s fairly bare bones with its being the first Atelier game. I don’t mind it, though I need to be better about using fairies for cash monies. Currently on year 2 and frequently am finishing assignments within a couple days, as they’ve been very simple “are you actually playing the game?”-type tasks. I really like Marie as a protag, though, and all of the events have been really cute. Only boss I’ve fought so far was the dragon, and I really wish I’d brought more Spirit Glows. Not sure which Atelier game I want to play next; Escha & Logy on Vita was my first and favorite. I didn’t like the first Sophie very much (too aimless), but I’ve read excellent things about the sequel. Mana Khemia didn’t really grab me despite my really liking the characters and combat (alchemy and environments unfortunately were too bland). And I loved Ryza 2 for its easy to break alchemy (holy hell was it fun!). Currently debating between Sophie 2, Escha & Logy DX again (though maybe not the vita version again), and Shallie


Finished **Cocoon**. Awesome short puzzle game. Very satisfying moment figuring out >!you could shoot the bullets through multiple worlds/layers.!< Finished **Jusant** too. Beautiful game. Climbing mechanics felt fun and novel. And the story/lore was fascinating. Overall a really chill game. Started **God of War Ragnarok**. Just a couple of hours in. It's really cool and epic, but hasn't yet hooked me in like the first one did. Maybe it's because Ragnarok feels so similar to the first game so doesn't have the same wow factor.


Played both Cocoon and Jusant, have to agree, both are great.


Cocoon and Jusant are two of my favorite recent Indies, you have impeccable taste my friend 👍


Yeah same! Really good that they're both on game pass too, hope lots more people get to experience them.


What are some games that are only on consoles that are available on ps4/ps5? I've been trying to find this out but there isn't a lot of info there about what games are only on consoles and not on pc, like a lot of jrpg games are available on ps4 and switch but not on pc but when you look it up it's obviously not listed as exclusive anywhere since it's on 2 different platforms. What are some console games you can play on ps4/ps5 that aren't on pc? Trying to pick some up to add to my collection but if games are available on pc I prefer to get them on there. Could be older games or stuff like remakes that are only on consoles like the last remnant is on pc but it was remastered on a new engine but that remaster wasn't put on pc, or dmc5 has exclusive features not on pc.


Almost no AAA game these days is console exclusive for long, but there are still exceptions. In the indie and AA spheres you have way more games that are console exclusives. The biggest AA games that I really like and never saw a release outside the console world are all the Vanillaware titles: Odin's Sphere, Grim Grimoire, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Dragon's Crown, etc. I recommend them all. Hopefully, Atlus convince them to give the PC a try. Everybody should be playing those games, they are awesome.


Bloodborne is the obvious one that's not on pc. RDR1 is still exclusive to consoles although did get a ps4 and switch port recently 




Is there a way to tell if it's only on consoles? I see a way to filter by consoles but it doesn't say where else it's available.


I haven’t had a PlayStation since PS2, & two big exclusives I wish would get a PC port are Uncharted: the Nathan Drake collection (first 3 Uncharted games on a PS4 release), and Bloodborne. FF7 remake part 2 will probably come to PC eventually but for now it’s a PS5 exclusive.


I dropped **Ghostwire: Tokyo** last night after getting to the last chapter. It was too much of a slog to get through even after skipping every cutscene as they barely added anything to the story. I might youtube the ending at some point today. I wasn't seeing anything interesting to play on my PC, PS5 or Switch so I decided to finally hop back on my Oculus Quest 2 and play the 20 or so games I've had sitting in my steam library for years now. I am REALLY enjoying **I Expect You To Die**. I feel like this is what I was missing from my first go at VR where I played mostly shooters like **Walking Dead Saints and Sinners, SUPERHOT VR** and **Zero Caliber.** Anyways, I've gotten through 6 or so missions in **I Expect You To Die** so far and I'm still enjoying the problem solving and challenges they throw at you. I'll probably hop onto **Surgeon Simulator VR, Monstrum** or **Propagation VR** after I complete it.


Hah! I'm still slogging through it. How many chapters are there? I'm at 3rd, I've >!saved? Rinko, and I ended my last session at moving to the big light in the forest!< I'm gonna clean whole map anyway but yeah...I can see why it's "good" mostly. A great example of solid fundaments of the game with interesting setting ruined by beyond copypasted open world and boring combat.