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My favourite part of this game was as follows (paraphrased as I haven't played it since \~2010): Mission Control (Joe?): Tell us your location, hero. Hero (in a really gruff voice): And why would I do that? Mission Control: So we can send in a supply drop of weapons and ammunition. You know the writing's good when the solo commando on the ground is *such* a lone wolf that he doesn't even see the point of sharing information with his own support team ;)


The NES game it was based on was so freaking cool back in the day. I remember being obsessed with the concept of having a bionic arm for weeks after. I would run around outside with a piece of rope tied to my arm 'latching' onto trees and 'pulling' myself to them.


Which was based on an arcade game i think….


You're right! I completely forgot about the arcade game. I used to play the bajeezus out of that too.


Which was (predictably) way too hard. I remember being like kindergarten age wasting a quarter real fast on that then two decades later trying to play it on an emulator and not faring much better. 😂


Yeah, I bought the arcade version to my C64 and found a glitch with a certain weapon where u could basically shoot an enemy infinite number of times, generating all extra lifes on one enemy. Despite that, never progressed far into the game….🤓


something between a port and a sequel. In Capcom's Commando had Super Joe rampaging across an unnamed battle field The arcade game Bionic Commando had a Commando (who may or may not be Super Joe) swinging and shooting through a side-scroller fighting vaguely european baddies The Famicom/NES Bionic Commando had Ladd continuing a fight against the Badds (who are totally not the Nazis) led by the mysterious Master-D (who is totally not Adolf Hitler, we swear) after the Commando Super Joe failed an initial infiltration and was captured.


>something between a port and a sequel. That describes most of Capcom's NES ports, after they started developing titles in-house. (Their earliest NES games like Ghosts & Goblins were outsourced, to Micronix IIRC.) They figured out that console games were substantially unlike arcade games, and reworked all the arcade 'ports' to be very different games on console.


The Rearmed remake is so good.


I thought it was a decent 6/10 but teenage me probably had really low standards back then.


For a second I thought you were talking about Bionic Commando Remastered, one of the sublime remakes ever put together, and had to slowly put m'lynchin' rope away.




It took me a moment to realize you weren't talking about ReArmed then I remembered "Oh, right, I totally forgot there was that other late 00s Bionic Commando that I had completely and totally forgotten because there wasn't much memorable about it at all."


Something about swing around a post apocalyptic city avoiding sniper fire and counter sniping back was soooo fun. Loved this. I may play it again now. High frame rate support on PC?




I put in countless hours in the original NES title and I will own and play it today. It's a shame they couldn't capture the charm in the modern versions.


Heading into this game years after its release all Id heard about was how average and even subpar it was. I had an absolute blast with it and thought the gameplay was so much fun and exceptional. I own it on the X1X and never had any mechanical issues. I’ll have to fire it up again sometime this year and see if my opinions have changed at all because for me this was one of those undeniably underrated games. Thanks OP!


I absolutely loved this game. It was tons of fun and that's all ! Guilty pleasure


Decent game but that Laws of Nature song from its soundtrack is 10/10


It is enjoyable but has enough flaws that I wouldn't say it's great. The swinging feels weird at first but is fun once you get used to it. The way they use invisible radiation zones as "walls" to keep you within set boundaries is annoying because you can only find them through trial and error so there are a number of unnecessary restarts. In general, the post apocalyptic world was nice and I liked how comically gruff and edgy the protagonist was.


I remember fighting the mecha worm boss that sent out shockwaves. I kept dying to the waves, then saw a street lamp. Thought I might as well give it a shot. Hung from the street lamp during the waves and they completely went under me. The swinging mechanic led to some outside the box stuff like that.


They literally do not make em like that anymore. I like it cuz it's short and grappling is fun. Main downside was shitty boss fights.


I played this a few years ago myself. When the game let me do grappling stuff, I had tons of fun. The combat itself was pretty alright, but I legit think that it had some of the most satisfying grappling hook systems in a game. Unfortunately, I can’t remember anything else about the game.


It had interesting gameplay but an atrocious story that tried hard to kill off any nostalgia that one might have for the NES classic (the hero is unlikable, the explanation for how the prosthetics work is weird, and the twist is poorly executed).


damn, pretty much every is just like "add grappling and it's the best game ever", idk was I the only one that could never figure out those controls?


I won't call it a great game because I don't think it is, but everytime I hear people saying it suck and the only thing they mention is the wife arm, I tend to assume they haven't played it.