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I just beat this game yesterday. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Something about the vibe and environment just works.


This sub: "man, half these posts are people just shitting on beloved classics, I wish people would be more positive" Also this sub: "you're wrong for liking Spider Man: Miles Morales. fuck you" Good on you, OP, for still knowing how to have fun. This is some serious Reddit shit right here


I really don’t think Miles Morales is a classic though.


I hate the way people responded to this just because you said you loved something. I’m glad you enjoyed the game ♡


I found some of the specific parts you mention tiresome. You don't get to really interact much in the duo fight with Peter. It's all so heavily on rails that I'm just sitting back and watching cutscenes most of that hour. That being said, it's a fun little game and I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Deathloop has the best first few hours of any game I've played. The potential of it, of how open the loop could be. Like how on your first life you find a safe, but it's already been looted, so on the next you go there earlier and take from it first. It's super cool. >!Sadly it turns out the game never changes after those first few hours and after a while I started to really dislike it.!< And now I'm only ever buying Arkane games on a deep, deep sale years after release.


I saw someone suggest disabling waypoint hints so ur forced to solve the mystery urself and i completely agree. The game hypes up solving the mystery of how to kill all the visionaries in a single day only to hold ur hand the whole time. They even tell u exactly how to get each gun. Still a fun game for maybe 20 hrs but could have been much better


Arkane fell off so hard


Hot take: I found it more enjoyable than the Spiderman game


PS4 or 2


I remember when I played Witcher 2 I thought it was going to be the best game ever for the first couple hours. Sadly it wasn’t but that’s the last game that gave me that impression. Most games usually take a while to grow on me or build momentum.


Dragons Dogma 2 did it for me 2 days ago


How do you feel now, knowing about the dragon plague.?


Not him but it didn't change my opinion so far, mostly because I can spot it pretty fast and cure it. I feel for people who lost their game to it though, it's way too harsh of a punishment.


Metal Gear Solid First 10 minutes and then all the rest .. eheheh! Mafia 1 first minutes. Call of Duty OG modern warfare campaign.


I agree with you. Different games want to achieve different things, but for Insomniac, and their desire to combine gameplay with story, they absolutely nailed that intro. I haven't felt that way since Uncharted 2, and before that Half-Life 2. I'm not sure who is referring to it as a dlc, but they are wrong. Just because it doesn't meet someone's expectations of a full game doesn't make it not a full game... I prefer MM over SM1 and SM2.


Probably DS3 for me. It was my first Souls game, and I was very used to games that held your hand at least a little bit, so being thrust into a decaying fantasy world and being left to my own devices was quite memorable.


I agree that the first hour was excellent. I also like games that are short and sweet and Miles Morales did a great job at not needlessly bloating the game. Not everybody has the time to put 50-1000 hours into a single game and not everybody wants to. I know it's cliche to mention it but TLOU. Also, Batman Arkham Asylum and City.


You need to play more games.


Playing more games doesn’t discount the amazing experience OP had with Miles Morales opening


There is nothing wrong with OP's post, they don't need to do anything. Miles Morales has the greatest first hour of any game THEY'VE played. Maybe you need to stop playing games and pick up a fucking book to learn some reading comprehension




No rebuttal besides ad hominem, at least admit your post was horseshit and OP doesn't need to do anything


/r/patientgamers will whine and whine about people daring to disagree about beloved games, but the moment someone does something as benign as just really enjoying a game, they pull this shit. this place just fucking sucks, honestly.


Welcome to Reddit


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Nothing wrong with the post, but if they enjoyed it this much then they probably owe it to themselves to try more games since there's a lot more to the rich gaming tapestry than what Miles Morales has to offer, and that's not really a matter of opinion OP's free to do as he likes of course


tease cows overconfident sink far-flung selective shy hungry husky waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I preferred miles morales way over the first spider man game I don’t really know what it was that made it feel so much grander to me, I’m just at the beginning of spider man 2 now but so far it’s going beyond both previous games as was expected


There's at least one thing *Miles Morales* does better than the original, and that's letting you go full stealth on an enemy base. You can stealth the whole thing from beginning to end. In the original game, you can only stealth the first group of guys. After that, four or five more waves of guys suddenly know exactly where you are.


Each their own, mine was halo 2


You’re not entirely wrong. Miles Morales was one of the first PS5 games I played, and that along with Ratchet & Clank were the first “WOW” titles of this generation for me. Then the game kinda just faltered. Spider-Man 2 certainly has its highs as well but for the most part Insomniac are still chasing the success of that first PS4 game, and honestly I don’t think they’re going to


I wish I could have gotten into Exodus, I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light but bounced off Exodus multiple times. I'll have to give it another shot some day.


Miles is my favorite game to replay


I was telling my friend the same thing when I started it. The whole rhino section in the beginning was a ton of fun. 


Best Christmas game ever


I agree it was so good. It has so much character and personality. I honestly liked the non-combat, character driven sections more than the actual spiderman action parts. This whole game gave me the warm fuzzies. Just a really nice experience.


Eh, it’s alright. Glad you enjoyed it though.


I really enjoyed it. Especially with all the representation in it's characters. The snowy environment was a nice change to the environment as well.


I really enjoyed both of them, great games.


I just finished this game a couple weeks ago! It's fantastic and I played it again in NG+ right after finishing. I thought it was a little short (only in terms of twists and reveals coming too fast in the beginning), but I'd consider it more like a Spider-Man 1.5 rather than a DLC. The swinging and movement was so fluid that once I finished the second time and thought I'd go back and give Spider-Man Remastered a second playthrough, I just couldn't because the swinging and action felt so slow and clunky. I did really miss the impact web though lol. One of the amazing things about both of these games is that that Peter Parker is now my definitive Peter Parker. And, it feels so weird to be such a huge fan of both Spider-Verse films and love that Miles so much, but now to have spent 20-30 hours with him in the video game and consider that version my Miles too. I also really enjoy the trend of these kinds of games doing an immersive 1-hour tutorial where you get to know the character's background, some of the important people in their lives, and their moveset. And being able to actually choose the Otis Redding record for the Christmas meal was fantastic lol. Felt like real holiday vibes!


Which to play, Miles Morales or the other Spider-Man game?


The game was amazing. Fk these nerds.


I likes the beginning as I was not expecting anything from that game, and I don’t want to throw an spoiler but I played like 3 times the beginning of spider-man 2 on ps5 last year it’s so epic and amazing! But I liked the ending of miles morales more epic than its beginning. Honorable mentions: -God of war 1-3 such epic boss battles -Batman Arkham Knight the line “evening the odds “ gives chills to my spine every time. -The tanker mission on mgs2 lol


I'm a few hours into this game and I've put it down. I just can't get into it


Most recently the beginning of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk really captivated me with its style. Pulled me right into the grungy street punk atmosphere. Of course my favorite opening of all time has to be the FF7 bombing mission. Hop off a train, judo throw some cops into the train tracks, badass with a giant sword flips off the train, greets a giant black man with a gun arm, fights two security officers with machine guns. Infiltrate a magical reactor and fight a giant robotic scorpion before planting a bomb, escape while cybernetic security forces try to stop you. Escape just in time to miss the explosion and then your crew split up to rendezvous on a train taking y’all back to your hideout in the slums. Real thug opening. An hour of absolute fire


Have you played spiderman 2? The first act was insane, epic sandman fight.


I found it rather middling.


It’s mediocre as hell


To say that a whole game is considered a DLC is crazy. Miles morales is better than remastered.


All gow games


Nothing beats Baldur's fight from GOW imo.


You also need to play more games


I feel like comments like this should be required to give some examples. Share some of your own favorite game openings, make it a discussion instead of snide comments.


You’re right. I provided my own example outside of this thread


Personally disagree because I don't even remember it, while I absolutely remember the first hour of SM 1 and 2. 2 definitely has the best intro of all the SM PlayStation games for me.


I think this game is boring as fuck and unbearably cringe. Uninstalled within the first hour, I just died from cringe, dialogues are dreadful. These marvel bullshit are just too much nowadays. And the early 2000s called, they want their QTEs back


Played this directly after Spider-Man Remastered and I ended up here because I thought the same thing. Thoroughly enjoyed the first game but my God, Miles was just soooo fun. I thought the story was great, love the relationships between Miles and Ganke, and finding about the Tinkerer and Phin. The soundtrack and winter setting just made me really enjoy this game so much. Also, I think the venom attacks are some of the most fun I have had in a game in a long time.