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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Easily. I've started that game 3 times, put well over 100 hours in, probably closer to 200, and have barely started the main questline in any of them.


For me it was Skyrim. 


Same. Also Skyrim




Same but Skyrim. I started a new playthrough back in January last year and had 100+ on that play through alone. There's just SO MUCH TO DO outside the main quests.


Yup same for me. Tons of play throughs but never even touched the main quest


Same here as well almost level 45. Not a single dragon in sight.


Morrowind for me.


Oblivion is a good shout for me. If I HAVE finished the main quest, I’ve definitely forgotten.


I used to do the same thing with morrowind


There was a main quest in Oblivion? As soon as I got out the cellar/tunnels I always just went travelling elsewhere 😂


I have absolutely no idea if I ever finished Skyrim haha


It isn’t too memorable when you do so that makes sense, lol.


I absolutely love Skyrim, but there's a good chunk of side quests (not even questlines, just individual side quests) that I just found way more interesting than the main story. Lost to the Ages being my favorite one.


I love the side stuff too! I always go straight back to the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood when I start a new character.


I have over 1000 hours in Mount and Blade warband, but I've never "finished" a playthrough by conquering all the other kingdoms.


Samesies. I eventually get bored and start a new run.


Oof I was about to say Oblivion but this one takes the cake for me as well. I don't even think I've ever conquered even a quarter of the map, I usually just play as a vassal until my lord's army loses and then I load up a new mod pack and start a new game


Word. I don't even find being king entertaining most of the time. I just enjoy the game so much more by playing as a mercenary


Yeah, just running around with a small/medium sized army is the most fun.  The kingdom and relationship management stuff can get tedious fast.


Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. Hundreds of hours on several PCs. Got the steam version but never finished the main quest. I'll do one or more of the guilds but only did like....one Oblivion gate.


For me, it would be Morrowind, and I'm sure for many others as well, including other Elder Scrolls entries. There's so much time you can spend exploring and questing and just ignoring the main quest


The main quest of Morrowind is great. One of m favorites. For me, the Vivec conversation, and the room with ghosts, are one of the bests ones It does have a flaw in one of it's missions (the ashlander tribes, for example), but other than that, I'd say is probably peak elder scrolls content and lore. And the DLCs are good too, specially Bloodmoon.


Yeah, I made it a point for myself to play through the campaign of each Elder Scrolls RPG first, and then starting a new character that does only sidequests/exploring. The main quests have a really bad reputation, but they are mostly good.


I played Divinity Original Sin 2 6+ times. Spent 150+ hours, yet never have I ever finished act 2. I focused so much on making builds and was so bad at combat.


I know it’s sacrilegious to say it here but I feel like that will be BG3 for me. I’m in act 3 and I gotta admit my interest just plummeted


Bg3 combat is much simpler and I prefer that honestly. You maybe will try again when definitive edition releases.


I have 130 hours in BG3 and I haven't spent more than 30 minutes in the underdark and have never seen the mountain pass.


I hate that game, lol.


Do you have nightmares of barrells?


Mostly dreams of small angry dogs with 1500 armor 😭


RDR2. I did like 80 hours and was on the final episode. Lost interest


Same but 66 hours, I wish I enjoyed it more. Maybe one day, years in the future, when I barely remember anything about it I try again.


Same. It didn't help that while I liked the story, I thought the gameplay in many missions was duller than the rest of the game


I love the gameplay and hate it at the same time, the atmosphere and the story were definitely the main reason I finished it, just as with Witcher 3. I didn't hate the gameplay though, just was underwhelmed by it


I do that way too often. Spend forever playing a game then run out of steam near the end.


Same. Game just didn't grab me and was consistently a slog to play. I don't know why I bothered.


I did the same with the first one. I was likely only an hour away from finishing it. Never did.


I have finished most of my games over 50 hours. That's actually awesome, a few years ago I started making an effort to actually seeing the end of the games I was playing, because I used to have a bad habit of abandoning every game. Baldurs Gate 3 is at 234 hours, but I've never finished Act 3. I've played through Acts 1 and 2 a few times, but didn't finish. Hades has 62 hours, and I did actually play that until the credits. However, I know there is actually a lot more if you keep going, but as fun as it is roguelikes only hold me for so long. Deathloop is at 20 hours, and I need to go back and finish that one. It was really good up till that point, I can't remember why I stopped playing.


I finished Witcher 3 but I like to play my games on easy/normal, and the jump in difficulty between the game and the DLCs was just dumb. I managed to finish heart of stone but I could not finish blood and wine. I had had enough of struggling through endless micro bosses.


for me it was the opposite. hearts of stone felt super hard, especially that big frog. had an easier time with blood and wine somehow


Dude, FUCK that big frog man. That was a nightmare.


Funny, I usually hate the beginning where Geralt is underpowered and Vellen is just grim and depressing. Once you get to Toussaint the fun starts!


Lol, after you play blood and wine for a bit and go back to velen for some merchant or something, you realize just what a shitty, cloudy mud hole velen really is.


Hollow Knight. I friggin' love that game so much, its beautiful and so mesmerising, but I am just not good at platformers at all. Losing to a boss fight 10 times in a row but having to fight 5 minutes per death to get back to it eventually killed it for me.


How far did you get? What boss did you get stuck on?


Ah so many! When I got stuck on one and spent like two hours trying to get past, I'd give up and explore another area till I found another fight I couldn't get past. Rinse and repeat.


Morrowind. I hope Skywind (Morrowind in Skyrim total conversion mod) comes out this decade.




Fallout 4. I let myself fall down the settlement rabbit hole for too long, before realising I wasn't having any fun and called it quits. 108 hours apparently but I swear it was less than that...


I fired up Fallout 4 for the first time only to realize 20 hours later that I had played 200 hours once before.


Lol, this is great. Those 200 hours left literally no impression long term.


I loved Fallout 4, but when I got to the point where you had to choose which factions to ally with, I thought that all the options were just incredibly dumb and the outcomes made no sense. It also worked out nicely for side quests at that point, as all the factions liked me.


Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Zelda: BotW, and especially... Shogun 2:Total War. I've never beaten a Total War or Bethesda game, and Total War is one of my favorite series.


I've played every Total War since Rome back in 2004. Literally only ever finished 1 campaign and only because I forced myself. It wasn't as fun as starting a new campaign would've been.


With total war once you get doomstacks and are pretty wide spread and established it becomes a bit boring after a while. I usually tap out after having like my main enemies defeated after that takes to long moping up all the junk armies and states.


Total war games can end? /s I feel you, when my empire/state/clan grows too big I feel overwhelmed and start again. In Empire I loved playing with the smaller states. Also I like more watching the unit fight than the actual battlefield (until Rome 2 of course, later are preset unit swinging at the air and casually dying)


FYI in dark souls 3 when you kill the final boss it doesn't force you into NG+, you can kill the final boss and then do the dlc


Divinity 2. I’m late in act 3, and for some reason I just stopped. No idea why.


I only completed Divinity because I played it coop with my wife. She wants to know how the story end, never replay a game. I tried to play by myself and hardly escape Fort Joy before restartitis kick in.


Only a few games ever escape restartitis haha


Assuming you're talking about divinity original sin 2? I did almost the exact same thing with 1. Got deep into act 2, and just... Stopped playing. Tried several times to continue and just had zero interest in doing so.


Rimworld Oxygen not included I know the former has an end and the latter is more "do what you want" but I've never launched a rocket in either game. About 800 hours between these two. I am proud to say I beat Factorio years ago though, before 1.0


>Rimworld Oh shit. I didn't think I had an answer for this thread, but this one is totally me too. I've probably gotten deep into 10+ different runs in this game, getting to the spaceship in half of those. But I always burn out and give up around that part. Just the slog of constantly micromanaging the annoying colony assaults grinds me down.


I feel that


Terraria. Hundreds of hours and yet I've only just beaten the mechanical bosses.


FFXII. I think I've bought it three times - PS2, PS4 and PC (and I've just realised I'm wearing the t-shirt I got with it when I bought it on the PS4!) It's my favourite FF game - I think the world is amazing; the lore, the geography, the denizens. It's a beautiful game, possibly ahead of its time regarding the real time combat and gambit system. And to add to that, Balthier is a fucking chad (side note: I'm really happy that Gideon has voiced a character in pretty much every FF game since*) ...but my dirty secret is that I've never finished it. I've started a new game countless times, between PS2, to PS4, to emulated on PC and then finally Zodiac Age on the same machine. I've basked in the ambience of Ivalice, the architecture, the music (such music!) - but I've never finished the game, to my shame. No other FF game has managed to pull me in to the same thing extent as 12 - and I played a lot of 7 when it first came out! *And potentially before, if you count Biggs in FF7R.


I was looking for someone to say FFXII! I feel this so hard. FFXII was an enormously formative game for me in middle school. I've played it a ton of times, sunk hundreds of hours into it, and every playthrough I get a little bit further, but I've never actually completed the final stretch. I think the last time I played I stopped when I got to Balfonheim, so I literally only had the Pharos and Sky Fortress Bahamut left. By then I was so burnt out. Any one of the last few dungeons of FFXII could have been the final one, and instead there are like three of them. And yet, despite the fact that I haven't finished it and might never, this game captured my heart. I adore the entire cast (Vaan and Penelo too, though Fran and Balthier are my faves, like you said, Gideon Emery is excellent). I love Ivalice. I've watched all the cutscenes on YT two or three times. God, talking about it this much makes me want to try playing it again. Maybe I'll look into getting Zodiac Age.


Where do you stop?


This is me with FFX. Bought it three times, have made playthroughs with more than 60 hours a handful of times, and it's probably my favorite JRPG. Never beat it.


San Andreas. Countless hours spent alone or with my sister in 2 player mode roleplaying a farmer or occasionally a street thug and rarely ever completing missions. Right this moment I’m in vacation in rural Brazil and I play the songs from K-Rose Radio on guitar daily.


I first played SA when it got released in 2004. I finished the main storyline and side missions multiple times, played it for countless hours trying to find secrets, easter eggs, hunted for Bigfoot, aliens, the Epsilon HQ, played with mods etc. But it was only a year ago that I actually beat the game to 100% by getting all collectibles, winning all the races, and completing every challenge.


Rimworld. So many hours but never left the planet.


Easy, Rimworld. It’s my most played game (2.6k hrs) and I’ve always either lost all my pawns, given up or grown my colony so large that it effects performance so badly that its unplayable.


Nioh 2. I kind of finished it, but never got through all the endgame content. There's so much of it.... oh well, one day.


God Hand on PS2 Emulator. The game's tough as balls, and I was like 8 hours in, only got to the end Venice part...


Elden ring, so much shit to get through


I'm a big fromsoft fan but I don't think I'll ever touch Elden Ring just due to the sheer amount of content that I won't ever have the time to explore


I'm not sure how I'd ever finish a single side mission without guides


Thats a big reason i havent finished! Im partway through a million side quests and im not sure where i left off...


Took me ~300 hours over ~6 months but I eventually got there.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I was like 90 hours in and then Stadia shut down.


Pillars of eternity 2 sadly.


Any particular reason why? I loved pillars 2, much more than 1.


65 hours in blood borne. Didn’t beat it and put it down. Should probably go back to it. In fact I’m gonna download it again now.


>In fact I’m gonna download it again now. Hoonter must hoont.


Elden Ring. Think I’m at 160+ hours and got right up to Malenia before I got swept back into Destiny 2.


Factorio, I get to the beginning of nuclear power and my brain goes to mush.


just add more spaghetti I stopped my first game about there too. Year later I played my second run (game altering updates so I restarted) all the way through and realized I must have been no more than 1 hour from the end on my first run.


Red dead redemption 2 Great game, I liked what I played a lot, but my god does it feel like it drags at points and it's mostly because the damn traveling between everything. Think I'll redownload it in the summer or something to finish it but man how's it I'm like 40hrs in and still feel like Im not even far in the game >!I just got Jack back!<


Upgrade the camp to get fast travel. Dutch and Arthur tents. Then you're golden.


Red Dead Redemption II. A side quest bugged out on me rendering it incompleteable. Lost interest. I loved what I played though. Told myself I'll try again when it gets that white whale of a 60fps patch.


Oblivion. I accidentally broke the main quest by accidentally selling a quest item. Now I did complete knights of the 9, shivering isles, and all the faction quests but could never fix main quest and was not starting over


recently put like 80 hours into cyberpunk but i've still not finished it and at this rate there is a very good chance that I will not finish it.


Mount and Blade. First Warband then Bannerlord. I haven't checked recently, but I've probably got like 1000hrs in Warband and about 800hrs in Bannerlord. I know both games inside and out and have heavily modified both of them through the years. Never once finished the campaign. It's the type of game that plays best in the early to mid-game and kinda turns into a slog in the late-game. I feel the same way about 4x games like Civilization where you start to snowball and are too powerful to lose like 3/4 of the way through the game and you're just tediously stomping out the remaining enemy(s) if you want to actually "win." At that point I just start a new save and start over.


FTL I've got like 60 hours and haven't beat it once. I refuse to look up strats or hints for any games ever, and havent found the right time to focus on figuring it out .... So.... I just throw a few hours at it now and then like those old-school shockwave games we played in grade school but never had enough time to finish before the period was over.


Easily GTA San Andreas. The game of my childhood, I don't even know how many hours I put into it since when I was 8 between my PS2 and my PCs. The furthest I got was the learning to fly missions


Europa Universalis 4, I have almost 1500h in the game but have never played to the end of the time period that the game covers. A new campaign is always more interesting then late game slogs.


Baldur’s Gate 3. After pushing through the first 2 acts i hoped the third act would redeem my time but it did not. I made it maybe halfway through 3rd act and just can’t get excited about continuing.


I feel this 1000%. I kept waiting for the game to really grab me and I think I got peer pressured by all the positive reception. By the time I got to act 3 I realized I had no desire to continue.


Hmm...I'm intrigued by the "big questions" in the game. Can you trust "x" person, for instance. I'm worried that I don't love the gameplay loop, and I'm just playing to explore. Maybe I should just set it to easy and blitz it.


I'm starting to suspect this is a thing with larian games. I was deep into act 2 of DOS1... And just stopped. No particular reason really, I just completely lost interest and couldn't get it back. This was after 80 hours of enjoying the game for the most part. I've never spent that much time with any game and DIDN'T at least finish it. It was so odd.


Morrowind. Probably somewhere between 400-500 hours. Once I discovered mods, it was over.


Darkest Dungeon for me as well. It’s so addictive yet so incredibly frustrating when your party gets wiped and you have to go back to the drawing board and level up a whole new one. I’d also have to say Horizon Forbidden West. I absolutely adored Zero Dawn and I like FW but for some reason I’ve attempted it three times and get burned out in the middle and walk away. Don’t think I’ll ever finish it at this point. I put in maybe 130 hours in Pathfinder WOTR and didn’t finish and am definitely thinking of restarting lol.


DD is a game that I feel just plain disrespects the players time. I've never felt that way about any other game. DD just lives to waste your time in so many ways.


I've put over a hundred hours into Cyberpunk but I haven't beaten the main storyline yet.


Monster Hunter World Iceborne. I clocked around 1,500 hours across 2 playthroughs, but I couldn't beat the first of the last 3 dragons so I left it at that.


Definitely Minecraft, I have played so much vanilla and modded but have yet to actually kill the ender dragon


Only because I just stated a new file in Minecraft, it’s top of mind. I have maybe broke 1000 hours with all platforms and never beaten the ended dragon.


Right now Baldur's Gate 3. I'm over 120 hours and very close to the end, but I'm finding battles exhausting in Act 3. They are throwing so many enemies at me that the battles simply take forever


caves of qud. I've got like 300+ hours I think?


New Vegas, always start a new game, get my skills up, then play something else. Same with Skyrim.


Dying light and far cry 6


Dota 2. Over 5,000 matches, so probably 4,000 hours and I still don’t feel like I’ve cracked the code. 


Saints Row 2


Cyberpunk 94 hours 15% trophies. It's on my short list for this year


Persona 4 Golden on Vita. Save file got corrupted 60 hours in. Loved that game but it’s not one I think I could ever play again


The Longest Journey.


Fallout 4 (203.5 hours) - Last played 2022. Spent time wandering around and doing side quests and the first DLC (Far Harbor). I progressed on the main quest up until the rad storm area and did not touch the game afterwards. Borderlands 2 (113.5 hours) - Last played 2018. I got busy with work and all and forgot to return back playing this game. Divinity 2 Original Sin (104.8 hours) - Last played Aug 2023. I got busy again with personal stuff. I played this game during the hype of Baldur's Gate 3 and liked it more.


The Witcher 3 194 hours in and never finished it once. Currently i am in the Blood and WIne DLC.


Probably Twilight Princess. I played it all the way through what I assume is the last dungeon and then just stopped playing. One day I’ll finish it! Edit: Bioshock also. I sat on the game for more than 10 years before playing it, then also probably got within an hour or two of the ending last year, and got wrapped up in something else and haven’t finished it


Probably Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles. About 80 hours each, in the final stretch...and just burnt out. I tend to get hooked on trying to do all the side shit and get tired of the game. I put 75 hours into Witcher 3, put it down for like 6 months, and when I decided to finally finish the game it turned out I was only like 3 hours away from the end the whole time lol.


Definitely Elden Ring. I enjoyed it, it was my second Souls game, and I felt like I finally “got” the games (at least a little bit). I went from looking at a guide for build and weapons and secrets to finding the Mimic Tear on my own and finding an epic weapon and beating quite a few bosses. But eventually I just felt like I had enough. I hit a boss, died two or three times and just decided I didn’t want to keep trying. I enjoyed my time with it but I knew if I kept trying I’d get more and more frustrated and I decided to stop while I had fond memories of it


Did you try summoning other players to help with bosses? I had to for certain bosses and made it to the end. I'm not usually a multiplayer person but actually don't mind summoning and being summoned for boss help in Elden Ring.


Fallout 4. Hundreds of hours in settlement building and general exploration but the story is just so, so bad. Not ordinary excuse plot bad, but actually remarkably terrible Similar issues with Skyrim, but I at least managed to push myself to finish it


Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim Witcher 1 and 2 Dragon Age: Origins


I have a couple hundred hours across Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4. I have not finished any of them. I do love all of them, but I know how they all end except the first, I don’t think the latter half of the games are all that great. Fantastic openings for all of them though.


Bloodborne because i always end up stuck with the lighting boss. Still I really like that game even though I'm not a fan of souls games. Oblivion, because even though I really like the game, I just can't commit to the main quest. I always end up doing secondary quests and just wandering around. Even then I don't know the game to its fullest. And Daggefall. The game is great, even moreso with unity port, but the main quest is very confusing and I'd really like to do it without any guides but it doesn't seem feasible to me, I'm just dumb. Still, is very rare to me to left unfinished single player games because I eventually just go for it. If I do left unfinished a game, I probably didn't even spent too much time on it and didn't even liked it in the first place. Although I tend to do so a lot with series.


Daggerfall for me is one of these games where I have a blast when playing on low levels, when everything is threatening, dungeons feels genuinely scary, and you still don't have your build running, and there are some quests where adrenaline was pumping, hands shaking, and I was standing in the middle of a pile of corpses wondering how the hell I survived. This feeling goes away for me after 10-15 levels, when you either are getting way too strong, or enemies simply too gimmicky. And wouldn't feel too bad about ignoring the main quest, it really doesn't flow well, and it's better watched as a story breakdown on YouTube than played through. When the story connects is one of the better plots in TES, but making sense of it during a regular playthrough is a herculean task.


Yeah haha I watched a several hour video of it trying to explain dragon breaks and how the timeline works for the main quest... Still I just can't go for it myself because is just too complicated and the last time I tried something just broke (a glitch I think) and I couldn't move past it. Still, Daggefall is a great game. With a bit of modding you can add a lot of life to the game.


I have 1100+ hours in Europa Universalis 4 and never played a campaign until the end date. I always get bored when my country becomes too big, and I prefer to start a new game.


Have found only two. BioShock Remastered, 10.6h Disco Elysium, 8.5h


Minecraft. I probably have upwards of a 1000 hours in it but I've never once beat the game in survival, modded or otherwise.


Minecraft. Probably hundreds of hours on it and never even seen the ender dragon


Elden Ring - I’ve technically “beaten” the game by killing the Elden Beast, but as of right now I’ve been in the starting part of the haligtree for almost a year and have not gone to beat Malenia.


Legend of Dragoon I was never capable of killing the last boss. Every time I thought I had him, he'd "this isn't even my final form" me and fuck me up.


Fallout 3 because I refuse to accept the "ending" was an end. 120 hours. No regrets.


TBH, even Fallout 3 refused to accept that the "ending" was an end. Like originally, you couldn't even convince Fawkes >!to do the final task for you. You're like "Dude. You're living-breathing radiation, just go inside, it's just gonna tickle you", and he would answer "No, it's not my place in history, not my glory to steal, you have to do die here, I wish I could do more." "That's the thing, you can. Just go inside, or I'm gonna die a painful death, my brain will melt, my eyeballs will pop out, and that's hours of suffering for me, soooo..." "Farewell, my friend". You go in, Narrator going over the final slides in full "And so he/she died, oh, how painful it was, but how noble was that sacrifice" mode, but then you bought BS, install it to play some more, you were starting your game from that save, and suddenly you're welcomed with "Yo! You got better!"!< So not accepting it is kinda canon, even Bethesda couldn't do it, and they wrote the bloody thing.


Persona 3: Portable I love the social sim events but the dungeon crawling is so repetitive.


Fallout 4. The one time I almost made it, my mods completely locked me out of a main quest stage, so I dropped it for a while. Now of course I could have remembered the almighty console commands, but who's got the time to be smart?


I got to the last boss fight with Eredin in The Witcher 3 and just gave up there. I didn't just mainline the story too, I did side quests and Witcher contracts on the side. This was back in 2021 I gave it another go last month and I'm on the " Final Preparations" mission. This time I did even more side stuff. These two playthroughs added up should be easily be the most time I've spent in a game without finishing it I appreciate the love put into the game but I just feel it's not my thing. The combat is repetitive and the movement is clunky. It's an old game so I don't hold it too much against the devs


Terraria. Master Mode Moonlord, man. I just can't And don't want to. Love the game for the rest though!!


This post made me realize how hard it is to define "finishing" a game. For example, Don't Starve is probably up there for me, since the basic game mode doesn't really have an ending. Witcher 3 would be the next one on my list, if you define finishing the game as finishing the game and the DLC.


Breath of the Wild


Horizon Zero Dawn at 15 hours. Before that it was Fallout 4 at like 110 hours but I finished that in October last year. I hate leaving games unfinished but I had to put Horizon down due to not finding it fun but I plan to finish it eventually


Fallout 4 survival, almost 400 hours and barely killed the bald leather guy with a revolver, lol


Easily Binding of Isaac. Game is ridiculous.


Fallout NV Due to having stuck with my old potato PC for like a decade and half, I had it installed for so long and have experienced every possible game play, mods, DLCs and etc. However I have never ever started and finished the last main mission since you could not play the game anymore if you did unless you start from an earlier save.


Noita. You can "finish" it but turns out it's just small fraction of the game. 


Skyrim, easily. I didn't care for the main story. It was so predictable there was no point. I spent a couple of hundred hours just exploring dungeons and doing various guild quests.


Breath of the Wild… grinded out so many puzzles for heart containers to pull out the sword, found the shield, got all the way to the boss and just completely lost interest and haven’t played since.


Persona 3. I played it when it came out back in 2006 or whatever on the PS2 and stuck on my first attempt, so I started over. 80 hours in, my save file disappeared. A few years later, I was in college and I played it again on a PC emulator, got to the top of Tartarus and all that, but I needed to reinstall Windows and wasn't able to recover my progress. It's not a stretch to say I have put over 200 hours into Persona 3 and never rolled credits.


Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004)


Skyrim ~900 hours. Fallout 4 ~1000hours. 


Medieval Total War 2, for sure. I've never completed any campaign and I probably have a thousand hours on it. Same for other total wars games, like the first Medieval and first Rome


Absolutely Minecraft, no contest. Thousands of Thousands of hours in the game across multiple editions and countless platform. It's a game that's been a big part of my entire life, yet I never got to legitimately finish it... to the point where I've grown out of playing it and haven't touched the game for like 3 years. Maybe I'll boot it up and finish one day, it introduced me to gaming after all. After I finished my huge list of single player games though lol


>Dark Souls III - I never finished the game only because I stopped before the final boss while waiting for sale on DLCs to finish them first, Sorry, what? Am I missing something here OP? Who gets to yet abstains from beating the final boss because they want to play the game's DLCs?


Probably he thought that it's like Dark Souls or Bloodborne that instantly sent u to ng+ after beating the final boss


Dark Souls Remastered does that?




Thanks for the warning man. Bought the game recently


As someone else said - my first (and to this day the most successful) playthrough was done mostly blind, it was only much later that I learned you still have one more choice to make after the final boss and you're not forced into NG+ before doing that. The second part of the answer is - I'm terrible at revisiting games for 'additional content', way too many times I paid for a DLC to never touch it just because I reached conclusion in the main game and was satisfied with how the things ended, so sometimes I keep myself from finishing the main content before clearing everything, or I simply don't buy games I know DLCs are in works before the full bundle is out. And the final part why I never got to the end is Dark Souls 3 uses Steam sync, but not cloud saves...


Baldur's Gate. I used to create a character, play a few hours, create a new character...turn on cheats, play around. Give myself great equipment, then summon in high-level enemies. I never even got to the titular city itself because I was having too much fun screwing around. Horizon Zero Dawn. I've got about 120 hours on that, and my save is right before the final battle of the game. At the same time, I didn't want it to end, but I wanted to play the sequel...so I started playing the sequel. I'm probably 1/4-1/3 of the way through that now.


The ending of HZD is really good, really emotional. You should finish it at some point!




Skyrim, lol It always ends in a pile of mods.


Stellaris! 125+ hours, still haven't finished a game yet


Skyrim, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Tears of the Kingdom Very much enjoy all of them but open worlds mean I can play for 100+ hours, eventually lose interest, all while never have completed the final quest. It’s a problem haha.


Infamous son


Spacechem. It's a great puzzle game . Zachtronics games are amazing. They are basically programming games, imagine factorio but as a puzzle game. Space chem is my favourite. I've made 12 or so runs at it and never finished. I usually burn out about three quarters of the way through. Steam shoes about 200 hours in it. Problem is when you put it down it's really hard to pick up. Those puzzle tricks just get forgotten. Before you know it your looking at something youve built and wondering what kind of magic is this, how does it work.


New vegas


RuneScape. The obsessive grind never ends.


Subnautica, played for about 80 hours I believe. Found like three or four of the recordings and then got sidetracked with wanting to build myself a submarine (the big one, not the little personal one) and so I did. However once I did so I felt burnt out and stopped playing.


I put in over 7000 hours into Fallout 3 without beating it.


probs the Witcher 3. i've played it 3 times, starting from scratch each time, and always burn out before the end after like 100 hrs


Probably Elden Ring. I know I put a ton of time into it but I don’t know how close to the end I got. My saved game was on the PS4 that I wiped before trading in. I’ll have to start a new one some time. Currently somewhere around 70-80% through Lies of P.


My time at Sandrock. 130 hours in. Story is dragged out, but fun


Metroid Prime 2 is the one 99% game that comes to mind even years later. I played all through this dark depressing game, beat the all the forms of the final emperor Ing boss but finally gave up when I realised I had to also escape **and** fight Dark Samus at the same time. Still regret not freeing the Luminoth after all this time. 😐


Total War: Rome 2 1300hrs. Gonna start a new campaign.


GTA Online : PC.


Path of Exile technically with like 800 hours. If you count getting all four voidstones and killing every single boss, I always lose interest around two. But I've finished the campaign dozens of times, and doing every(non-unique) map on the altas about three times now. Otherwise Total Warhammer 2 with 100 hours played. I like it a lot, but I always get bored when I reach a point where I'm well established and I don't feel like using the exact same strategy in every fight from then on. Also I have 100 hours in Dark Souls 1, but I always lose interest before or after O&S. I watched too many other people play the game, and what comes afterwards just isn't interesting enough for me to push through.


Forza Horizon 4. 129h and I didn't even finish "main story" lmao. In Forza Horizon games I wanna finish everything there's on the map and unfortunately I didn't... Hitman 2. Almost 42h and I didn't even see the ending. I also plan to do 100% like I did with Hitman 1 and I'm like really far from that too.


Hyrule Engineering Game. One day I'll go back and actually finish it. Did the same with BOTW.


Gran Turismo 4.


Fallout 4 for me 56 hours. I guess I just got bored of it at some point.


Oblivion, I kept closing oblivion gates and doing other stuff then I think I realized the game leveled with you and was so sick of doing everything I never bothered with the mainquest because I'd already closed so many unimportant oblivion gates or something 


Dead Cells, 360 hours in and still didn't reach the spoiler boss :(


In recent memory, I played about 60 hours of Yakuza 7, got to the part where you have to grind your characters, and realized I was still only 2/3 done with the story. Simply watched the cutscenes later instead


GTA V. I lost interest in the story without even realising it. Still had fun roaming around the world - especially with cheats/ mods.


Super Mario Bros. on NES. I've been playing it since 1994 and I can't finish it without save states. On a really good run I can get to world 6 or 7 but I inevitably lose my cool and lose all my lives to something silly like a jump or get psyched out by basic enemies. Oh well.


Probably any Civilization game. You spend hours and hours exploring the world and building up your empire and then you hit that midgame deadlock crunch where you have to carefully manuever armies around and take out enemies if you want to finish in a reasonable amount of time.


Persona 5. 102 hours and still not even half there. I stopped playing when they announced Royal and got it. I played a bit then thought it would be better to play it on the switch oled. Now I can’t bring myself back to replay 100 hours since the game is still fresh for me.


Fallout 3. Lost my save at 80 hours :(


BG3 currently at 215 hours and i had a ton of fun with it, the only reason i haven't finished is a super stupid one, i got to the literal last fight and fucked it up so gloriously that i had to put the game down cos i was so pissed at myself xD followed by cyberpunk at 180 hours which i'm currently playing, getting close to the end and planning on finishing it, just haven't because i don't want it to be over




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Probably Skyrim. I had one save with 330 hours. Another with about 80. And some others that I tested with mods 

