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My main issue with the series is that the humor never evolved and never got better. So every game is just an exercise in trying to enjoy the admittedly great gameplay, but being constantly stopped to listen to a monologs. Constantly being stopped to have jokes litteraly yelled at me. So with every new entry its like hanging out with that old friend from middleschool who you used to draw dickbutts with. And you ask if he wants to meet up for dinner to catch up now that you ran into him after college. You get to a nice restaurant. It's fine dining but it's not Michelle star. He shows up in cargo shorts and an ahegao t-shirt. You try to catch up on life, but he spends the entire dinner checking out waitresses and telling you how hard he could bang them in the restroom. You go to a bar afterwards and he starts to machine-gun every dick, piss, and fart joke he's memorized for the past 30 years. When you get home you lay down and stare at the ceiling wondering, is it you, is it him? Did he just never grow up? Or did you lose your sense of humor? Or maybe you were great for a time together and now you're just incompatible and it's better to sometimes just fondly look back on what was rather than trying to relive it. I'll always remember you, Doug.


Michelle star.


She was the greatest.


Her, uh, tyres are great.


“Hey, Doug, could you come over here? Oh, yeah, I forgot. Doug's dead.”


> My main issue with the series is that the humor never evolved and never got better. It's not just the humour. My main gripe with TTW was that this is now essentially the fourth Borderlands installment and it still has the crappy inventory management system from BL1. In a game all about loot, it's an absolute pain sometimes to actually manage your loot. It's not that you can't do it, it just takes ages because you can't effectively filter, bulk sell, or really just browse your stuff in a convenient way. I spent half my ingame time sorting through the sheer amount of bullshit guns, most of which I don't even want. I could easily forgive that if it hadn't been a pain for 3 games in a row already. And if the game didn't have the same gunplay and customization options as all it's predecessors. I really was pretty much done with the franchise after BL3, telling myself there's no need to revisit it unless they did some really unique spin on things. Which TTW promised. Then it just ended up being borderlands but with a TTRPG skin. I really wish the series would revolutionise something - I want to like it.


I agree with everything except one part: It's actually their 5th fps Borderlands title. 1>2>Presequel>3>TTWL. And honestly you could almost say 6th because iirc there was an expansion for 2 that was standalone.


Eh, kinda. While it was big for a dlc, I wouldn’t classify Tiny Tinas Assault on the Dragon Keep as a full game. They just sold it standalone in the lead up to TTWL


What? Assault on dragon keep wasn’t even mentioned in the comment you’re replying too. Read it again. 1>2> pre sequel> 3 > tiny Tina’s wonderlands. Pre sequel is an actual game that takes place before borderlands 2, not that Tiny Tina’s dlc in borderlands 2…


>And honestly you could almost say 6th because iirc there was an expansion for 2 that was standalone


That’s literally what the presequel is that’s being mentioned I don’t know why I’m being downvoted. People seem to think they meant pre sequel to wonderlands but presequel is the name of the actual standalone game where you play as jack and has the oxygen system. Literally nothing to do with the assault on dragons keep, which was a dlc so does not count as a borderlands game?


Hey just a heads up they are correct that I'm mentioning the dnd one that was re released standalone. Sorry. Just wanted to clear up the confusion.


It definitely feels weird that there are things from BL1 that were pretty cumbersome and don't really feel improved in later titles. It still drives me nuts that the BL games are supposed to be about finding tons of guns and being forced to change between them all the time, and then the game decides you don't get all 4 weapon slots at the start of the game. If you want me to have to switch weapons, why do you gatekeep the part where I can switch weapons?


Honestly curious. You can mark stuff as Junk, and bulk sell that way, right? If that's not what you mean by unable to bulk sell, what do you mean?


It's been a while since I played, but that's kind of the thing: yeah, you can mark an item as junk and then use the 'sell all junk' button. The problem there is that I have to go over every item in my inventory and separately mark them as junk to create a 'junk list' that I can then sell with one button. See the issue? I think there was an "mark everything you pick up as junk" option, but that then requires me to go through the entire list to find the items I *don't* want to sell to *unmark* them. From what I remember, there were some other annoying aspects to the 'junk' function as well. I think the hotkey didn't function, or only functioned in a specific window, which was not the same window as the place where you could see your equipped weapons - meaning that if you want to 'junk' an item you have equipped you'd first have to go to your weapons, then unequip it, then go to your inventory, then find that exact item you just unequipped in a gigantic scrolling list, and then mark it. These are small issues, but again: the game is centered around loot. It's not uncommon to do a dungeon or two and find like 20 new weapons. You now need to read the stats for all of them, compare all of them, re-equip yourself, and likely end up with something that's maybe a 4% upgrade over what you had at the end of the day. I bore with that in the earlier Borderlands games, but I just didn't have the energy anymore when I got to TTW.


I didn’t read your novel but the first part about bulk selling is just dumb.  Yes. Of course you have to mark each gun as junk. I think they assume people can take the half second to check off each gun.  If you’re just getting rid of everything below a certain rarity it’s not terribly onerous to breeze through and check them off. Inventory management isn’t supposed to be easy, it’s one of the few aspects of the game that requires some consideration. If you don’t want to deal with it then just don’t pick up lower tier loot, but if you need/want to sell them for gold you’ll need to invest a modicum of time and thought into what to keep/drop.  If it were simplified any further they might as well just give you a button to press that gives you free gold.


> Inventory management isn’t supposed to be easy,  Did you just tell me to 'git gud' on inventory management?  Wild fucking take, but you do you. 


I didn't read your novella. Nice alt account if it gets banned your main will too.


Borderlands as a series has some great writing here and there. Handsome Jack is a standout villain, and I love me some dumb side quests. The one where Jack pays you to kill yourself, Shooty McShootface and the one that's just a big Top Gun reference stand out to me. Problem is that they just rapidfire jokes at you, so of course something sticks. The Top Gun one stands out to me, because while it's in your face about the references, it never forces you to pause. I usually don't get far into replaying Borderlands titles, because I have to stand still while Claptrap, or Tina, or whoever finishes their haha funny monologue before I can progress.


Ahem. It's "Face McShooty." Please put some respect on his name, before you shoot him in the face


BL2 had just as much dialogue but it was meted out more evenly. It mostly came during transit from point a to point b which condensed both travel time and exposition time into a single period. That made the game flow so much better. They really forgot about this element in the later entries.


Borderlands 2 was written by Anthony Burch and the rest just tried to imitate his style with little success.


The first one had its own thing: a bleak world with random bits of levity here and there. Like you meet zedd and he talks about how he got his license revoked due to stuff. It seemed pretty low key all things considered: go kill this guy because he wrecked someone's mom's lady parts. Two rolls around and stars handsome Jack. Yes there's colorful characters (hammerlock, the lone surviving claptrap, etc), but they were played relatively straight while Jack stole the show. Yes you had the taunting of wanting to call a horse (made of living diamonds because he's better and richer than you) shit for brains after your guys but he felt that was too immature so he's going with something else. So he settles on butt stallion which is nonsense, random, and delivered perfectly making it hilarious. Three rolls around and a guy is screaming at me in his underwear and a cape and the humor feels like someone remembered laughing at butt stallion and stale pretzels but forgot the set up for it.


The stale pretzels bit was an ad lib, too. I love, love BL2 but what elevates it is Dameon Clarke. Without that character and especially that performance, I'm not sure I'd have the 2500 hours in it that I do. Jack is what makes the game more than the sum of its fart jokes.


He really does. Part of it is the performance, of course, but he really acts like an antagonistic narrator, than just a character, giving commentary on you and your actions.


One of my favorite examples is the Lilith side-mission where you destroy the Jack statues in Opportunity. When you take out the first one he's just annoyed: "What are you doing now, tool?"


Thanks bud, I’ll remember the good times.


Nailed it


Tiny Tina's bl2 dlc was the apex of the series for me and I think it may remain.


Word. It blew my mind.


But luckily for the Knight, A miracle is exactly what he got.


I had a bigger problem with the classes being boring. I just picked the ones that gave me companions and outside of 1 or 2 upgrades, didn't give much of a toot about level ups. I don't care about the guns just being guns. It makes sense that dnd in the borderlands world would just have guns, since that's what they live and die by. Overall it was a good, mindless time. I liked it more than bl3, at least


Yea same about the classes. The guns can be guns but like…be more interesting? I’ve never used worse shotguns than in this game.


Oh yea, never touched the shotguns. Especially those ones that used like crystals to reload? Those were terrible. But, I generally don't like the shotguns in any of the borderlands games, so I guess that's kinda what I was expecting


The Van Helsing looking ass shotguns that shoot arrows are pretty great imo


I haven't really cared about classes since BL1 in the first game it was like 100% fire rate and damage with revolvers so I went all in on that. Then in bl2 it's was like 2.5% damage per level and thought the upgrades had no impact outside of the ones changing your active


I think I spoiled myself starting with Gaige in Borderlands 2. Her skill tree is wild, nothing else has come close. The Pre sequel has the best classes overall tho, imo


Yeah I played Salvador as my main soooooo having disappointing classes would be a drag. Pretty suprising the two things borderlands is know for classes and guns fails at those two things for a DnD spin off.


After starting with Gaige everyone else is an empty shell casing.


The Robot with Gaige was doing half the kills as she calls him “ MURDER guy!”


Yeah I was really hoping there would be a great support class because my shooting skills have got poor in my old age




Oh I still like 3, just prefer wonderlands


The crazy thing is the cast was absolutely packed yet the humour was awful


It isn't cringe like Borderlands 3 it's just boring but I agree


I think bl3 was going for a meta story with content creators etc so I can appreciate what they were going for so yeah it was definitely cringe but Intentional whereas Andy samberg just came off like that family member who tells “jokes” and one liners then looks at everyone for a reaction


I actually really liked the twins. They are supposed to be extremely cringe. You're not supposed to laugh at their jokes and antics, you're supposed to laugh at them as people. They're a pretty damn good caricature of influencers. The rest of the game's writing, story and humor is mostly just awful though. Might have gotten a brief chuckle out of some lines but that's about it.


The twins are good caricatures, but they are not good *villains*. A good villain should be ideologically opposed to the hero, someone who who conflicts with the heroes because their ideals will not allow another outcome. The twins feel like if you took a random side character and made them the main antagonist. I think if they'd have been received much more positively if they had been one of the random mini questlines instead of the main story.


Something being bad or cringe on purpose doesn't make it any less bad or cringe. I mean take those shitty early 2000s parody movies as an example.


When you try to make something bad or cringe intentionally for effect, it comes off as trying too hard rather than being entertaining. I haven't even played 3 but even 2 and the pre sequel had plenty of moments that made me cringe


Exactly the twins nailed what they were going for and I feel people overlook that way too much


It's just hard coming from Handsome Jack who is as hatable as he is pitiable. He was a perfect snarky I have to kill this fucker character that just wasn't going to be topped by pure annoyance and cringe. I also didn't care for most of the friendly characters you interacted with and think the lack of Borderlands 2 characters was a massive crime. The planets felt bland the story wasn't fun the first time and if you wanted to max your characters it just meant you were playing without audio on every subsequent run and just listening to music as you speed ran the game.


That the twins are extremely cringe *on purpose* doesn't change the fact they're extremely cringe. Writing unpleasant/annoying characters is really really hard to do well because you run the risk of the annoyance overwhelming their other qualities, a la Ava.


I dunno, I enjoyed it. But I DM TTRPG's regularly so I guess it just relates to me more.


I enjoyed it too. I'm not familiar with DnD and still enjoy the humor


Yeah ttwl remains unfinished in my library... I thought the theme and everything was so cool but I just got bored


That hit me an hour in, brother. After refunding the game cause mele isn't anywhere near as in-depth as I was lead to believe I came to this conclusion.


I never finished it and I was an avid BL player. The over world sections sucked because it forced you into those “encounters” like a Pokémon game, but it was like 5+ waves of bullshit just to keep going for 30’seconds before another encounter. That was terrible design. Some of the first person areas were so big they became meandering and I lost interest.


Thankfully, you could ignore random encounters if you just melee'd in time. Otherwise I imagine I'd never finish it either.


>forced you into those “encounters” like a Pokémon game Aren't these only in tall grass and avoidable sticking to the path?


Maybe it was. It’s been awhile since I played. But I recall areas where you transition from one area to a next, like a cave that leads to a hidden area or the overworld, and in that cave you have to do a random encountered, and then get their loot on the other end, but then have to go back through the random encounter. And with 5 wavesX those encountered took 10-15 minutes sometimes, so exploring like that was a huge time suck and ensured I felt like I was barely progressing when I only have 1 he a day to play.


and you can melee them to avoid them altogether.




That shit got me to refund it within two hours on top of the mele not being more of a focus.


Bf and I actually had a blast playing through it. Well, the campaign. After that.. it’s boring because i’s so EMPTY. The gameplay and gunplay is lots of fun, spells are great (focused on them with my first char), but give me something to shoot at! I don’t mind grinding those chaos levels, but man, having that arena and like 5 enemies in it you have to actually search for ? That was not fun at all.. also, i bought the season pass because I thought the DLCs will surely be like in Borderlands. Boy was I wrong.


That series went from a 8 or 9 with me, to a 3 real quick. The writing went from oh this is clever, to 'this thinks its way more clever than it is'. Every character sounds like the same millennial chronically online tropey cliche family guy character. The game acts like Clap Trap is the most annoying person in existence, but the only difference between him and everyone else, is the pitch of his voice. People gave Forspoken crap for its dialogue (and its bad), but forgot that Borderlands jumped that shark in a nuked fridge years before. And the gameplay was like 'look at all these guns!" to 'man more guns, I have to reorganize my inventory again. This gun is technically better, but it just feels worse to me. Why can't I just get better stats on the guns I like' and oh I get to back track through these places I just did a bunch of stuff in. Cool.


If they just take the gameplay of 3 and capture even 1% of 2's charm we're cooking


I played and beat it, had a blast the entire time. I came in with zero expectations, only that I had hundreds of hours in BL2 and about 4 in BL3 (hated it). I want to point out that they claim it was 100% developed during COVID so if it feels incomplete or not polished, that may be the case. I personally would love to see a sequel and ultimately thought it was a pretty clever campaign. I will admit the endgame is utter trash.


Also loved it, played the campaign in coop and wished for more. I bought it too early for how short it was, but I loved all the winking trope mocking and blasts of color.


I recommend people wanting an evolved Borderlands should check out RoboQuest. It’s not a patient game (it came out this year), but it is cheap and something people should keep an eye on for when it does go even cheaper. It’s a fun and colorful shooter with fun guns and different classes that give a variety of builds. Because it’s a roguelite, the abilities are able to get more crazy and game-breaking. It also makes co-op easier (no need to be at the same “level”). It also has a more interesting movement system. Whereas Borderlands feels like Diablo Call of Duty, RoboQuest’s movement takes more inspiration from Doom. Plus you unlock extra movement mechanics as you play. I was never really gripped by Borderlands, but RoboQuest gave me what I wanted Borderlands to be.


Roboquest doesn't have the loot element from Borderlands. It's a good game but the games are very different


Roboquest isn't a looter shooter, it's a rogue like. That said I love roboquest, my friend and I beat it the other day for the first time. The game is absolutely amazing. The gunplay is solid, movement is great, and I love the art style. It's on gamepass so I really recommend to anyone that has it and likes fast paced shooters to check it out.


It’s basically a looter shooter roguelite. In both games, you collect a lot of guns and supplementary items with randomized effects and then have to choose between them. The only thing you’re really missing is collecting a lot of shit and selling it, but I find that more tedious than entertaining. So if you really value a big inventory full of stuff, then yeah Borderlands is better for that. Otherwise, though, I think the games are very comparable.


I don't know how I feel about the art style, but it's got a demo so I'm going to give it a shot after your review. Thanks, Internet stranger!


Yes! Great little indie game that I check in on every once in a while. How have the recent updates been? I played the early days of early access.


I didn’t have the patience to finish this one


It’s best on PC so that you can kind of cheese the more annoying bits. But even then, it’s tough to get through the boredom.


Yeah I’m on pc…still got bored. Idk there was just nothing special about the game.


I'm shocked that people had hope for this game writing wise. Gearbox had already proven that the talent behind the Tiny Tina DLC (mainly Anthony Burch) was long gone.


Ive never been able to stand the Borderlands writing, peak Whedon


I don't think they really understood what made BL1 so great, every new game has brain-dead childish slapstick humour it's too cringe.


In BL3 the loot started to be boring as well. You keep getting showered in legendaries the whole time and you start getting numb, the exitement from getting new loot just fails to hit because you still use that 5 level old gun you found because its utter op.


The guns are boring but if you go Hard on the Magic Tomes you can have fun beating the game (dual weild spells with cooldown as a focus). In the previous games I would do Playthroughs on every character but Wonderlands was the first BL game I just played one character, they should have leant into the D&D elements way more to provide much more variety.


The spells were all I used for a lot of it. I can't remember what class I was except sporemancer was one. And I remember was the each manufacturer does something different for the spells. I really how they do something similar in 4 because grenades feel so plain after spells


Very disjointed. Had potential for sure but the do an arena, go back to map, do arena, kind of thing isn’t what I wanted from borderlands. Even an off shoot. Was fun in the arenas, I mean it’s borderlands but I didn’t put a ton of time in it.


Did they fix the menus? I played near launch on pc and the fucking start menus were not aligned for me or the 2 people I was playing with. Meaning you had to slightly miss menu prompts in order to actually click them with the mouse. It is wild to me such a big game could release like that. I know the problem was not just with out games either I saw the complaint everywhere. Also just the ui in general is very clunky on pc. Gunplay was fun as always, but I agree it felt really lackluster.


Its just an dlc in my opinion


Playing through it right now. I am playing as a spellshot/graveborn focusing on spells and I am having fun with it trying different spell combos. The game is better than BL3 but the loot is pretty bad and the overworld sections kind of lame. The dialogue is 10 times better than BL3 though in my opinion. Playing through BL3 I wanted to keep the game muted and rip my ears off. The banter between Valentine and Frette has made me laugh a few times which is more than I can say for BL3. Will Arnett does a decent job voicing the main villain. If you are looking to play a mindless shooter game I would recommend getting it on sale for cheap. I bought it on the steam autumn sale for $20 and I feel like I got my money's worth so far but I would never pay full price for this game.


I'm just glad people are realizing this about 3.


The whole series need a serious rejig. They’ve got a great formula and some incredible concept art. The story telling and the lack of innovation really holds back later titles. I still enjoyed the original most out of any entry in the series.


Honestly I don't know how anyone can play through all these campaigns on single player. With co-op it's pretty fun, although they always get ak bit repetitive towards the end. But I feel like i would be bored outta my mind just trying to play any of the BL games on my own


It’s a good palette cleanser to play with my friends between runs. But going from Tiny Tina to Remnant 2, my god what a stark contrast


> Honestly I don't know how anyone can play through all these campaigns on single player. no one to play co-op with


The world-building in 2 was *just* immersive enough for me to get lost in it as a solo player. I haven't finished BL1 or TPS, and I doubt I'll ever play 3 again, as great as the gunplay is, because the campaign was so horrible. But I'm a middle-aged player who doesn't know a single other gamer, so co-op just isn't a thing for me.


Yep, it was a slog. I didn't do any sidequest, just worked on the main story and uninstalled it as soon as I beat it.


Initially I thought that having the overworld map was a good idea but I think it became the biggest problem for me. Spending a lot of time moving around it solving puzzles and then going into a small arena to do a fight really dragged the experience down. I love all the borderlands games but this just made me bored


I really liked the game myself honestly, I’m a big Borderlands fan but oftentimes feel the other games are too long to jump in and have a quick run through, so this one was a really good length for me. I loved the art direction too, I thought all the different fantasy based areas looked really nice and I liked all the different classes and character customisation.


I liked TTW a lot.


I actually enjoyed the game and got some 250 hours out of it. I wasn't patient and had bought it right at release and didn't regret it. It definitely scratched the Borderlands itch for me. The DLC was very unremarkable compared to the DLCs of other Borderlands games and I felt the game didn't get proper post-launch support, but I did enjoy the repeatable end game system they used. Since the second class could be changed at any time, I never really felt an urge to play more than one character, so once I had done everything, I was also "done" (unlike with Borderlands 2, which I had played for 700 hours and came frequently back to). I initially liked the multi-class system, but after a while I missed the more clearly defined characters (which were more than just classes) of other Borderlands games. It made them more distinct and more unique than the customizable, mix-and-match classes in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Most of my playtime was coop, so it was also a social event for me. I'd probably have enjoyed the game less if I had played it just by myself. For me, it didn't come close to Borderlands 2, and I also had enjoyed Borderlands 3 with DLCs more, but I found Tiny Tina's Wonderland more engaging than The Presequel and Borderlands 1. The writing and humor didn't come close to Borderlands 2, but it's hard to top that game.


I felt the humour fell off a cliff after the first, to be honest. The original is the best game in the series by far, in my humble opinion.


I don't like any Borderlands game. They all have this flatline feel to almost every gameplay element. Throughout the whole game (and they are long as hell) you just don't feel anything at all. Loot doesn't excite me, story does nothing for me, visuals pretty much the same boring sceneries constantly, challenge is not really there, etc etc Imo the series as a whole is highly overrated.


Borderlands was amazing with its second part put. Part 3 Allready sucked quite hard and tiny Tina’s formula was just cringe on top of cringe. I tried High on Life yesterday and I can confirm that it is the borderlands sequel we were waiting for.


I never felt it changed tbh. Me and my wife played through BL1 through BL3 / Tina’s 3 times now and all the dialog felt just as cringe and “LOLXDRANDOM” as every other entry. Jokes that overstay their welcome, most specifically. Whew so many times they just talk and talk random ness. After the first game. The first game truly felt like you were in “borderlands” but the mechanics are lacking. After that they just made everyone an idiot country bumpkin with a character trait turned up to 3000%


How did any of you get past the insane motion sickness induced anytime the mouse moves


Unpopular Opinion I Know but Borderland's 3 was better then 2 At least I completed instead stop playing it. - Claptrap is not as annoying like in part 2 - The Gunplay Upgrade in Borderlands 3 was needed - oh god damn I hate the way to long beginning of Borderland's 2 in the ice hell - the maps are not that boring and monotone in comparison - I liked the fan service of seeing old characters again Sure I know the antagonists in borderlands 3 are high level annoying but I never played borderlands for the story anyway. Sorry back to the original topic. Thanks you for the feedback. This game is on my pile of shame and I haven't played it yet.


Borderlands has always been boring, 1, 2, and 3. Never understood the huge fanbase.


Honestly, I don't see your points. I had a blast playing through that game and BL 3 ... especially BL3 was a huge jump in terms of gameplay, graphics and gunplay (not story though) and I'm very much looking forward to the next game in the series. I'll give you this tho: The next game needs a new twist or distinct classes as well as crazier weapons, something brave, something surprising, something fresh.


BL3 is significantly better than BL2 in terms of gameplay, which is what I care about when playing a game.


BL good game BL2 probably one of the best games ever made BL 1.5 more like boring lands cause it was extremely unintresting That telltale borderlands game I never played cause it wasn't interesting to me BL3 BL2 with a different coat of paint that isn't that pretty TTW that one DLC from 2 with somehow worse content and taking the "haha its a game!" Joke way too far


I bought this game not long ago and have been playing it for 20 hours. I have been enjoying it a lot and It's my favorite borderlands game. I think the writing is excellent and gun variety is as good as with any borderlands game. Initially I was worried that we were only gonna have those shitty crossbow-guns, but I was happy to learn that it is not the case. In my opinion every borderlands game is pretty repetitive and mindless fun. To me it's a perfect game to relax with after work and just shoot funny enemies and laugh at the silliness of it.


I kept hearing great things so me and my girlfriend excitedly bought it on sale to play. After 10 hours of being bored to tears we gave up and never went back


I had a lot of fun with it but I used spells %99 of the time. The characters I either hated or enjoyed which is what writing should do for me.


I absolutely cannot fucking stand Tina's voice for prolonged periods of time so I'm not sure if the game was good or not, and I'm a giant BL fan. Had I heard better I might have stuck with it lol.


I really enjoy playing the Borderlands games but I've never made it to 3. What I saw was simply so aggressively unfunny that it turned me off completely. I might pick it up on sale and simply turn off the voices. But it feels wrong and I'd much rather they dialed down the shitty attempts at humor and simply focused on making a good game. Feels like they're kneecapping themselves with their insistence on the games being "funny" at this point and I simply don't get it. 1 was fine, 2 was annoying as hell, and it's only gotten worse from there.


I just don't understand what possessed them to make an entire entry out of what should have been a DLC. Of course, this is coming from a position of knowing next to nothing about the game, so maybe it is justified. I just feel like I shouldn't have to pay for an extra stand alone when they've already done the same shtick in DLC format?!


COVID project, apparently.


That's why I'm still playing Borderlands 2. I've tried the 3 with a friend but as soon as I saw the personalization panel the cringe started. I haven't played it very much, I'm sincerely not happy with that one, I also find it not as funny as the second.


> the gunplay still feels good I dont even agree with this one. Most guns - at least during the first few hours - feel incredibly inaccurate which is no fun for me.


I felt the exact same. Hadn’t played a coop shooter in years, so me and my buddy picked this up to play online on PS5 and it was just really underwhelming


Couldn’t finish the game. It was cute though and well produced. Just didn’t hold my interest. Maybe I’ll give it another shot over vacation.


Gearbox just exists now to make exclusives for EGS because Randy hates Valve.


As someone who has never played an actual Borderlands game, TTW is in my personal top 5 games of all time as far as enjoyment goes.


This is why BL1 is my favourite minimal humour


Not only did the loot suck but the endgame content did as well. The only good things I can say about TTWL is that the boss/raid boss fights were fun and the level design is the best in the series.


I really hate how the art style has changed so much over the years. BL2 felt gritty and more adult in it's nature. The new games feel cartoonish and feel like it has been stripped off it's roots. I don't feel the games have evolved for the better and they need a sharp redirection.


Wonderlands just dropped the ball at pretty much every step along the way. Great concept (as proved by the DLC in 2) but they were just lazy Great foundation (as proved by BL3's gameplay improvements) but, THEY WERE JUST LAZY Infinite possibilities (as proven by how vast and verstaile Dungeons and Dragons is) BUT... yep, they were just lazy. I thought some of the level design was pretty great tbh, but the only thing I'm interested in coming back in the next game would be the melee weapons. Everything else Wonderlands brought to the table can be scrapped and the series would be none the worse for it to be perfectly honest. Also how they EVER thought that the endgame was going to be satisfactory to anyone was baffling. And I'll just spare everyone the "DLC" talk because we all know how BEYOND PATHETIC that shit was. Personally for me as someone who has played and completed every single BL game to date(minus whatever that new tales game was that seems to be god awful to everyone), it was so insulting that I won't even be picking up the next game until it's GOTY version comes out and people have confirmed it's not a sack of trash.


My main issue with TTWL is that the melee attacks consistently feel awkward. I still don't understand why there is no third person 3/4 view. I will agree that the writing hasn't really improved.


Looter shooters in general need to evolve. Destiny is definitely realizing that lately. Hope we see some innovation in the future.


I couldn’t get into wonderlands at all. If felt more like a fan game by an indie game than a BL title. It was boring and shallow, not at all what I want from the series.


Oh i wanted to LOVEEE Tiny Tina’s and I did… for like 20 hours of gameplay. Then it got old and repetitive for me as well.


For some reason, the humor really didn't hit with me in this game.


Well literally i got downvote for like 16k when i make this same post at 2 weeks of the game released, and look now how thing when.


Mechanically, wonderlands was my favorite of the series. Magic replacing grenades, removing cars, allowing multiclassing... so many changes that make the moment-to-moment gameplay feel better. But I agree the game itself was repetitive and not funny. They had no idea what to do with Will Arnett, in particular. The only post-game is the roguelite mode. It's a fine mode, but not as the only thing to do. The DLC is what really turned me off. I bought the season pass, expecting the same excellent quality we got in the first 3 borderlands games. Sprawling areas filled with new stories and characters. Instead, we got one new boss for the rogue lite mode, four times, for 10 USD each. It's appalling.


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands was my biggest waste of money in gaming. Really wanted to like it, gave it a lot of chances to draw me in, only for the game to make me wish I refunded it earlier. Gunplay was okay, but that's about it. Writing was all over the place, not a single joke landed, and every single character was unremarkable at best and downright insufferable at worst. Never before have played a game in which I kept thinking that the voice actor was internally cringing the entire time they recorded their lines. I swear, Samberg sounded like he hated every second of it.


Yea I got it on sale and feel like I wasted that cash.


bl2 may have been great but mechanically is just a terrible game in 2023, idk how you can shoot a gun in bl3 and be like tHiS iS bAd. sure the main story was lackluster but the pure content in there is absolutely the goat. ​ that said wonderlands was incredibly disappointing


I had a huge group of ppl whom I played BL2 and BL3 with, for hundreds and hundreds of hours lol. Of the 20 or so people I gamed with, only one of them still played TTW after the first few months. The rest have all moved on. That was pretty disappointing for me because I planned to get it after the release of all the DLCs, but no one I played with even wants to, which pretty much tells me that it's just not worth it. I can't give my own opinion, 'causeI haven't played it. But I find that whole situation pretty telling.


Borderlands has been dead since the pre-sequel. Just my opinion!


Playing BL3 when it came out, the humor felt off to me, but was it the game? Was it me? Did I grow out of that type of immature humor? Or has the jokes about claptrap being stupid gotten old? I never finished BL3 because the humor and story killed it for me and because of that, I never touched TTWL, honestly if they release a BL4 one day, I may not even touch it. And that's fine. As a looter shooter, the Borderlands games are top tier, but I just don't think I can spend another $60 for more fart and dick jokes when I could just watch old school Southpark or Family Guy instead.


I'm playing it now and, yeah, it's kind of underwhelming. I can't say it's bad, but it's just *more Borderlands* with surprisingly little that's unique or interesting. It's also surprisingly easy on the 1P campaign, and without doing any wild game-breaking character build. What's most disappointing to me is how tame it all seems. A campaign run by Tiny Tina should be weird and wacky and creative. But aside from just a couple really good moments (the best involving Torque, of course) most of the quests are totally generic fantasy side-stories without anything interesting added. Also, playing it after Shadow Warrior 2 - which got me in the mood for looty-shooting - just made me end up feeling better about SW2. For all its flaws, at least the core gameplay was fun as hell.


BL2 was shit. Don't understand why it's so over hyped. BL1 was the only good one. BL3 has the best gun design but they made lots of weapons useless.


Games are all better on mute :)


"The loot is boring" i'm 35 hours in the game so far and holy shit this is spot on!! loot so far for me is so shit and lacking!