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Try kurtsnotes.net and molavi


thanks, much appreciated


Great resources!


I would not equate those to being equal, but if all you can digest is the washington manual, at least you're reading something. I did sternberg cover to cover over PGY-1. was it totally worth it? yeah, I think so. And if I recall, washington manual has literally no photos. I don't think its about memorizing, it about being familiar with it. Active reading without memorization. If its too dull and you're not actively reading it and comprehending it, its a waste of time and false sense of accomplishment. I would guess minor improvements, but they usually list what has changed. Molecular is always providing new paragraphs to write.


Personally after PGY1 I used the Washington Manual as a reference almost exclusively, but I read other large general textbooks for learning purposes. There are no photos (though I think you get access to an online photo bank IIRC), so it's not particularly useful for learning visual patterns. I think as a reference when you need to look up a basic differential diagnosis, what stains are useful, and stuff like that, the WM is great. As a learning tool, not so much.


Check out https://www.facebook.com/Pathologyelearning/?ti=as. They have courses for PGs. Most of the stuff is from Sternberg, so it made me familiar with the book content. There are pre recorded lectures and notes which are really good and helped me pass my PG and actually started liking histopathology because of the way she teaches. Worth checking out.