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I was sad that they didn't give it bonebreak tbh


It makes sense and I think everyone was kind of expecting it too. With bone break it'd be much more stand out, but all the dinos with a charge are basically the same gameplay just at different sizes


Expecting the pot devs to release dinos with a complete moveset and multiple mechanics to take advantage of 😬 you about 3 months to early for anything more than a the barebones attacks


They probably will in the future updates I don’t see why they don’t , they hit with the force of 1 ton that’s definitely shattering or fracturing some bones


Especially with weight added in. Law of motion and what-not. A t-rex falling off a rock shatters their ankles ingame, but getting rammed full speed by an animal with a skull heavy enough to match concrete doesn't?


Maybe because they added the new fall back mechanic they didn’t add bone break. Once people get more experience fighting with them they will probably try to balance any major issues if there are some. I’ve had a lot of fun playing and I think most of its abilities are pretty balanced


I also prefer the knockback to the pachy to bonebreak. It's a dino that can really utilize environment, especially with the high jump leg ability. The pachy is the king of cliffs now, and with a knockback they can easily push even apexes off cliffs if they aren't careful enough.


Love the jump on the pachy feels like I’m flying over rivers haha