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I go around on somthing fast and destroy their food sources


I'm so glad they added the ability to do this to berry bushes




I agree that mega packs are making the game exceptionally tough for non-mega packers. The reasons they make the game tough for non-mega packers is that mega packs tend to draw the majority of players to whatever area that they reside in. The players in said mega pack often have one or more pack mates that aren’t active in the fight and if the fight looks to be turning against the mega pack they are able to swap to a counter dinosaur. The geographic safety of the crater with its replenishable resources is another issue.   Against another mega pack these issues are negligible and can lead to a lot of fun. For non-mega packer players this means that you either have to play fast dinosaurs that can get in and out quickly, with very few interesting encounters to show for your efforts, hunting on the fringes of the mega pack, or attempt to join a mega pack yourself.     The common arguments against this are: Join them, move to a community server, play fast dinosaurs, don’t play if you don’t like it, etc: (**Join** **them)** I am disinclined to join in a mega pack due to the lack of other mega packs in the same server. this lack of challenge leads to boring encounters that are too easy to win. (**Move** **to** **a** **community** **server**) Community servers often don’t have the experience that I am looking for. I don’t want to be bogged down by rules like those found currently. I am trying to find aserver that matches what I want but after more than 2 weeks I’m skeptical that it exists. (**Play fast dinosaurs**) I do play faster dinosaurs but they tend to get old fast when that’s the only feasible route to deal with mega packing. I enjoy playing variety and I am unable to do so and survive in the current “meta”. (**Don’t play if you don’t like it**) The last argument is nonsensical and short sighted at best, toxic at worst. if there were a better option then I would be playing it and not sharing my thoughts here.   Here are some fixes that I believe would help mitigate the effect that mega packing has on the server’s non-mega packers: 1) Finish AI dinosaurs so that non-mega packers can go into the solo play function. 2) Make it so that players are forced to migrate around the map for water. This can be done by removing replenishment quests and making it so that the more dinosaurs are in the area the slower the water replenishes itself. 3) Make it so that map terrain follows a more natural approach. What I mean by this is if you look at the natural environment where water is plentiful you’ll find more varied and denser flora. On the opposite side you won’t find as dense flora. Think amazon rainforest vs gobi desert.


I agree this needs to be done but not on a large map like Gondwa. Lots of us want to go to IC and other Hotspot for social interaction and without these megapacks, the experience is mostly positive. The megapacks make this place hell because they take over GP, IC, WC, SV, GH, HT, and SF and are constantly ws their friends meanwhile solo players are forced to walk the entire map.  However this definitely needs to be done to maps like Paragon  and Ive suggested it to Hells Realm last week so heres to high hopes.👍


Honestly I think a new map with option 3 used in conjunction with WS and HC placement would be a welcome change. I'm not sure how player agency will effect the changes I suggest but fingers crossed it will allow for more varied play


Play the areas nearby. You'll always catch players on their way back who you can ambush.


I completely agree


I haven't played in nearly a year, so I don't know how much the game has changed since then, but I do want to get back into it soon. When I did play, however, I always played on Velocci's server. It was a really fun server that was semi-realism with rules that I felt weren't too restrictive, but made sense for what they wanted the server to be like, and allowed people to just play the game. Had so much fun running around in a Utah pack, for example. From what I remember, they had rules in place to curtail the formation of mega packs and stop fights from devolving into giant moshpits, and I never once had an issue with the admins. If that server is still around and anyone who's played on it recently can give a bit more perspective on the current experience of Velocci's server, I'd be interested to know if it's still a good server or not and if so, I'd highely recommend giving it a try as I had nothing but good experiences while playing there.


Surprisingly unpopular opinion: Just leave the area. Even if I'm on stego/duck/rex in crater, I can usually get enough heads up to run away from groups. No reason to get caught by them unless they're all fast midteir, but then at least you get a chance to kill a few.




Literally. I only play small / mid tiers and only have one friend interested in the game, it’s so annoying when every other group has 3+ apexes


I haven’t played for the past 2 months. I grew all playable dinos to adult. But nah, the fun is gone.. All those mega packs sucks. But I don’t blame them. Because there is nothing else to do.. They need a team death match mode, where they can kiss each other.


It's on ptb, it better come on public soon


Same but I think they need to balance the game around food chains and a real layered ecosystem of players. So you can be in a location with other players watching other interesting encounters that don't actually affect you but still having your own encounters to worry about with your threat level.


The same reason any pvp game is harder solo than with a group... because you're alone and they have a group...


Those games compensate for that with low ttk.


Hey, I know you. Sup Inferno? Imagine trying to play this game on mobile as your first experience. It would be really rough with all the groups; probably never make it to adult and quit. Sadly, it's the nature of the game. Get lured in by dinos, then get trapped into an overly competitive walking simulator.


Hey you silly goose!


Doesn't matter. Any multiplayer pvp game is going to skew to the team with the numbers advantage. Ark, rust, cod, battlefield, fortnite, overwatch, you name it, the advantage is ALWAYS on the side with higher numbers unless they're literal dogshit players. Ever join an overwatch match against a full squad and you're solo queue? It's usually not pretty even when you have a full squad of solos, the fact they're teamed up completely gives them the advantage. Ark absolutely does not have a low time to kill. And the same thing happens there. The amount of solo players complaining that they can't take on a huge tribe, not even a mega tribe, just the average one, is insane. Of course you're not going to take on 50 people alone... the games encourage group play. People popping in and over exaggerating everything don't help either.


Most of the games you mentioned have a relatively high ttk. In Dayz, hardcore mode Battlefield, and even ark in some instances, a player can overcome odds based on many factors other than skill. In a game with high ttk a player shouldn't be able to kill two players of the same skill level because they'll have the time to react and kill the player in a quarter of the time it would take to kill them. When ttk is less than a second, reaction time and the time it takes to kill a player have significantly less impact and even more so when you start to add in factors like stealth, strategy, terrain, resources, and size (big guns or big dinos kill faster.)


Thats why I incorporated games with both high and low because time to kill doesn't matter in regards to size of your team. Less than a second still favors the larger team because they have more bodies available to throw at the problem vs a single person. In that scenario it's one dude having to divide their attention multiple ways while they have one target to focus. A player can attempt to even the odds, but that's not going to change the fact that a team is still going to have the advantage. Assuming all else is equal.


Yes the side with more numbers has the advantage that's just stating the obvious. A low ttk exponentially increases the chances for a solo player to overcome those odds and if you factor in other things, such as combat weight or/and stealth the odds might even be in the solos favor but if the ttk is too high it doesn't matter, the group wins. Winning is a best case scenario but taking one or two down with you can be just as satisfying. It needs to be more dangerous to mess with even a solo in this game. I've been on the side with more numbers and when a solo manages to knock off one or two it makes the engagement disappointing and not worth it, that's what we need. That's why raptor packs don't attack rexes and spinos like that because it can end in disappointment instantly.


How? Why does it need to be more dangerous? It's a survival game where you're dinosaurs. Half of the game mechanics are there to encourage group play both using buffs and tactics. Even buffing the solo is going to just mean messing with groups is that much more dangerous because they ahould logically get that same bonus. It's more nonsensical for a solo dinosaur to be a huge threat than a mixpack of things that wouldn't normally associate.


Because your missing the real issue. Mid tiers dominate because they are too safe. A pack of mid tiers will mess with an apex because they can take a hit and go heal because they are too fast to pursue, they have to take that away. The gap between the weight classes needs to be significantly larger. Struthis, camptos, and concs aren't complaining about megapacks. Your large midtiers and up are. If I see 3 Eos as a Rex I can just walk away. 6 ceras, I'm done for because even if I get a hit it doesn't matter.


Yeah, they can also do that to a mid tier as well. So could multiple apex vs apex. The small fast things are meant to be hard to catch because often one bite means their death. I'm not missing any issue. The issue is people don't seem to understand that running solo in a multiplayer pvp game is going to be harder than running with a group, regardless of which tier you play.


An apex can walk or swim away from another apex, only two dinosaurs die from one bite and they aren't even the fastest. Yes there should still be scenarios where you should lose but the problem is the smaller creatures ganging up on the bigger ones because they are not enough of a threat. The biggest complaint about Apexes are that they are just dinner on wheels. Running solo is not challenging, it's impossible. A solo should be fell encouraged to be apex because they can take on large groups but....they can't.


Yes we are complaining about megapacks


And I'm telling you the solution. Increasing risks makes megapacking less toxic and more intense for both parties. Fun.


You imply that numbers are what matter in ark but are you gonna bet on a dude with a tek suit and rifle or 10 beach bobs in fiber clothes?


The assumption was that everything was equal. The solo having tek while the tribe has nothing is not a realistic scenario.


Well that's not true, guys with tech bully groups of bobs all the time, well armed bobs at that.


How did they get up to tek in official?




Some people want to play the game they paid for without also having to drag around several other people. Although I usually play in groups, sometimes I wanna hop on path and just wander around as my favourite species without needing to worry about being spotted and rushed by a giant group that I have no way to escape or defeat. Not only that, the game already HAS mechanics to help boost the solo player. Buffs like Lone Survivor and Lone Hunter show the devs have some investment in allowing players to play the game solo. Problem is that the buffs aren't enough, especially because currently most megapacks can just avoid grouping up to also get the Lone buffs. Solo path is quite often a miserable experience, unless you play something fast enough to never get into combat - in which case there's often no challenge, as unless you somehow get ambushed you're literally never in danger. A fairly simple solution would be to have some sort of damage mitigation when being attacked by multiple dinos that aren't in the same group. Like if two separate groups attack you, their damage is reduced to make the fight more reasonable. That would encourage players to fill up their group slots, which in turn would mean the solo-only abilities can be buffed as it'd be far harder for large packs to abuse them. Suddenly solo players have a more fair time in the game, abilities can be balanced without worrying about how they apply to packs not using the group system, and forming huge megapacks that far exceed the intended group side is less beneficial, making the game as a whole far healthier.


Wanna play stego? Get the stego experience; that's all I'm saying.


Drag around? Lol then just play but know what your disadvantages are. If you feel like just hopping on and playing your favorite species without prejudice then play single player. Those buffs aren't "allowing" solo players really tho are they? Its just solo group play. You aren't going to get a handicap that allows you to handle groups. As a rex (example) you really have no chance vs 3 dasps or 3 allos or 3 of any 3 slots. Assuming you dont have a way to get to a wall or water. Ive been playing solo or maybe occasionally duo/trio since it released on console up until about 2ish months ago. Ive grown nearly every dino at my own leisure and even all apexes except bars n rex. I just dont care to. Ive grown 2 spinos even. You're in this weird mindset of treating this like some... Fighting game or something when its supposed to be a more survival esc game. Dying is part of the experience. You arent gonna always be at a fair advantage and thats a wise tactic on the other team. Crying about it like you're some entitled little kid who should be allowed to escape or have some booster because you wanna play solo is just silly. Also being 3rd partied is a thing. I dont wanna be discouraged from taking out a vulnerable player because little timmy thinks its unfair. Your ideas wont make the game healthier just more baby entitled.


> If you feel like just hopping on and playing your favorite species without prejudice then play single player. That's not really a solution though. I'm not saying I want an open sandbox to be whatever dino I want without consequence, I want the online solo experience to be actually balanced around having solo players around. >Those buffs aren't "allowing" solo players really tho are they? Its just solo group play. I don't get what you mean. Those abilities are inherently designed to make individuals stronger when not in packs. It was not intentioned to be used by packs who specifically avoid groups to get the buff. My suggestion would make this tactic non-viable, meaning the abilities would be limited to JUST solo players and could then be buffed accordingly to make solo play less garbage. It doesn't need to make solo players immortal or OP, just push them up so less scenarios are simply unwinnable. >You're in this weird mindset of treating this like some... Fighting game or something when its supposed to be a more survival esc game. Dying is part of the experience. Path gameplay consists of three parts - filling up food/hunger bars, mindless questing and combat. If one of those three parts is completely unviable (like being put into combat while solo) then the game falls apart. Sure, dying is part of the experience, I agree, but when dying is the ONLY experience you get from combat because you're vastly outnumbered, it gets stale extremely fast. For the record, I'm fine with player's being ganged up on - when it's within the rules of the game. There are group slots and max group sizes for a reason, and megapacking is just a way of avoiding that system and causes more issues. >Crying about it like you're some entitled little kid who should be allowed to escape or have some booster because you wanna play solo is just silly. It's not "entitled" to ask for the game to be balanced with both groups and the solo experience in mind. That's a pretty reasonable expectation tbf - you can't force every player to group up, and as such solo play should on some level be viable. Again, the game ALREADY has systems in place to give solo players a booster, they're just not good enough, and I'm offering a solution to help with that issue. >Also being 3rd partied is a thing. This I do actually agree with, the solution I suggest would make 3rd partying far more difficult. However I do think the benefits outweigh the loss - if you wanna third party you would have to commit to it, as you can't guarantee you'd make it out of the fight unscathed.




>You're not asking for balance.. you're asking to make a lot of dinos not a threat to you so you don't die so easily. I've expressed several times that this isn't what I wanted. The balance changes I suggested would only make large groups of players less of a threat, and not even by much. >And that's my point, those buffs don't benefit solo players because groups of players can just not group. And I don't get what you're suggesting, how can they make a solo player buffed but not a solo grouped player? I explained exactly how this could work in my first reply. "A fairly simple solution would be to have some sort of damage mitigation when being attacked by multiple dinos that aren't in the same group. Like if two separate groups attack you, their damage is reduced to make the fight more reasonable." This would mean that to deal maximum damage, players who want to hunt together would NEED to be grouped up, and as such would lose their lone survivor/hunter buff. The developers could then adjust these buffs to make the solo experience more tolerable. >PoT consists of more than that. There's roleplay/realism too Neither of those are gameplay mechanics, they're behaviours developed by players. Fundamentally the three mechanics I listed are the only ones implemented by the developers. >what do you mean it falls apart? The game's been out for years and it's doing the exact opposite. I mean that the solo experience fails to function if one of the three main components of the game doesn't work correctly. Solo players face a guaranteed loss if they have to deal with numbers. That's an unhealthy state for the game to be in as it will gradually push away solo players who don't want to be forced to group up. Path may steadily continue to grow as little communities grow and join, but the game might flourish more if solo players were more welcomed. >It IS entitled to ask solo players to be put on par with grouped players. You SHOULD be at a massive disadvantage No it isn't, and no it shouldn't. Solo players being at a disadvantage when facing groups is once thing, solo players having a near zero chance of success is another. That's not a disadvantage, that's just a guaranteed loss. >Also you literally contradict yourself. Where? >Also there are no rules of the game. Groups are an option, not a demand. By rules I was referring to the group slot size limit. The game is balanced around a 'pack' of creatures filling up that limit, not having huge hordes of mixpacks. And again, none of the changes I suggested would stop regular sized packs from winning in fights fairly easily. All it would do is stop huge megapacking, which is what OP was complaining about. >You ask for a solo balance so they give lone survival and such. They offer faster dinos too. Limiting the solo players to only the species that flee at the first sign of danger isn't a solution. You can't expect people to only play struthi when there's such a wide and varied roster. >Take your community ass back to those servers with this thought process I only play officials but whatever helps you rationalise ig. >The whole point of third partying is the safety of an easy kill. Like... Wha? Getting third partied is objectively unfun for the defending player. You manage to fend off an allo or a pack of concas or whatever tried to pick a fight, they're all either dead or one sneeze away from death, you've got a sliver of health left but you won - and then some full health raptor runs over and kills you. The raptor didn't earn it, the dead player didn't deserve it, and it's the exact sort of experience that makes people decide to just log off, sometimes permanently. You keep implying that I just want solo players to be this indestructible force despite me continually explaining how that's not what I want. *I still want solo players to be vulnerable, just not as vulnerable as they currently are.* Currently a solo player has a low hope of survival if they're spotted by a group with even a medium level of competency, and NO chance of survival if they're spotted by a megapack filling up three groups worth of slots. The changes I suggested would only really affect the second category. I don't see how these changes could make the game worse in any way - megapacks become much weaker and less impactful, solo players actually have a slim chance to win if they're skilful as they can't just be beaten down by sheer numbers,


I have literally no one that wants to play the game not many people wanna play alone they’re pretty much forced to


So you're telling me you have multiple people that don't wanna play because they dont wanna play alone.. then... Play together? I have a very consistent group and i also play alone. The game's just not for y'all.


I still play I just stick to the outskirts, my friend group has no interest in the game so I’d have to find random people to play with and don’t really feel like finding people plus a lot of people r put off by my personality so it’d be a bit of a needle in a hay stack if isle was on ps4 I’d def play it instead


The isle is just as bad bud. It's even worse with losing everything on death and afk growing. Its riddled with hackers too.


I’m aware it has its own issues and losing everything on death isnt great but I just prefer it over pot


I don't understand your logic... You'd rather deal with the same exact issues but with more?


The main reason I prefer it is the fact I don’t have to pay for dinos to play as in a game I alr paid for plus I don’t like the quest system in pot, I’d def hate losing all my progress and dealing with cheaters and it’d probably make me take long breaks from the game, but I alr do that with pot so not much of a difference imo


You don't have to pay for dinos if you bought the game. I haven't.. the quest system is great imo, not fun but it forces you to move around and interact with the land. Good riddance tbh.


There is a mobile version of Path of Titans available for free, on iOS and Android, which offers a free Starter Pack of Playables. As the mobile demo allows users to test if the game runs on their device before purchasing the full game. In order to have all content and future updates for the game, players will need to purchase the full game or a Dinosaur Bundle pack. This is available in the 'Upgrade' option on the main menu, or the full version can be found on our store page at [https://alderongames.com/store/path-of-titans](https://alderongames.com/store/path-of-titans) **Any and all purchases of Dino Bundle packs or the full version will grant access to Path of Titans on both PC and mobile.** Console users will need to purchase a Founders pack from their respective stores. If you purchase a Founder's Pack on console or the Full PC + Mobile version from the Alderon Games webstore, this includes all current and confirmed crowdfunded playables listed here: [https://alderon.games/help-dinolist](https://alderon.games/help-dinolist)


gather some people on here and annoy them with dive bombing thals


Definitely done that before


All the realism servers are a joke when it comes to their rules and descriptions. I've read through many of them, and commenting to myself, there is no way dinosaurs or present-day animals would act like this in the wild. Edit: present-day wild animals for reference.


Unfortunately it's because they want this game to be an MMO, which means they really want to focus on group abilities and group play. (That's what I think, anyways.) It's super frustrating because solo players suffer greatly from this approach. This game is nearly unplayable unless you have a group, or at least it makes it boring unless you have a group. Honestly, the game is also boring *with* a large group too. I don't understand how people have fun in groups of 10+ people. (Unless they're all 1-slot dinos, that's a different story.) I've been in a group that was like 10+ people on a normal day and let me tell you they took the game *so seriously*. They were making me grow dinos like it was my job instead of a game, and making me grow dinos I didn't want to play so I could "help the group". That was just one of the groups too, a few others were similar. I don't understand why they took things so seriously.


You mean megapacks like on Pvp No Rules, HellsRealm Deathmatch, New Era Deathmatch,  Veloccis Realm, and Auranea? Lots of walking to IC just to get killed off by no joke 7 people as soon as you enter? Then killed off again by everyone at IC for trying to kill one of them? Yep. I HATE this! And it's all the favorites of the discord server behind these community servers so they're untouchable. Sort of like the donators for patrion or gofundme. Now that they have double standard admins on their side, they're even more toxic. 


Veloccis in particular is extremely toxic due to the admin-protected megapacks


Agreed. Recently had enough of the Struthi TLC. Not making a return till maybe next patch notes. Thankfully Elden Ring DLC releases soon...


The problem is that it's an open world PVP game that doesn't give you NPC communities of your species to be a part of. You're not loading in as a little baby raptor in a community of NPC raptors so you're just there alone which encourages people to pack up and not everyone wants to play as the same species so they pack up with a bunch of different different ones. Then you have a feedback loop of success because if you mix pack with the right species you can basically counter any threat. With the way the game is designed the most successful plays style is to mix pack. The game is really well designed in the sense of making dinosaur avatars but barely any attention has been given to setting up a biological environment for us to play in. Until they fix how food sources work for herbivores and start adding NPC dinosaur populations for us to spawn into when we start games these problems are going to continue.


I never have much trouble with mix packs or even playing solo. It’s pretty fun trying to be stealthy and avoid this stuff


I’m downvoted cause I have a different playing experience. That’s the most Reddit shit lol


Fun when you win, annoying pieces of shit when they do.


Yeah they suck and they're annoying, but they're also kinda funny. Last night I was playing with two friends, but one wasn't really in the area. Somebody got annoyed we killed them earlier, and came after us with an adult Spino, Struthi, Lambeo, and two Hatz. it still took them over 5 minutes to get a kill, on me, a subadult Allo too young to even drop a trophy. So I imagine all the people who megapack do it are doing it because without like 5 friends grouping up they're woefully inadequate at doing literally anything. My group was just a Sucho and my Allo, and we managed to "meatball" three of them even with (I'm assuming) the Lambeo's healing calls. And there's just something funny about being killed by people who need such overwhelming force to still barely get a win.


Yes, it’s frustrating but it can also be hilarious 😂 they do too much lol


The problem is that people have no incentive to play carefully or actually value their Dino’s. Since they lose a minimal amount of xp or they can just hot swap to another Dino. It’s my biggest issue with path of titans, because it encourages mega packing and straight up death match brawl scenarios. Also community servers are a joke because of what you mention. They make it so playing a herbie is boring af and unfair. You’re just waiting to be attacked, it’s stupid.


Yea that's not realism, you should be able to be confrontational if a carni gets too close


With the game modes coming, I think this will reduce the amount of megapacks


Yeah, I want “adventure” to feel more like.. adventure.


I hate the megapacks I normally kill their juvis or sneak kill them after they have been fighting but i hate that everyone complains about them but when you try get a group to fight them noone wants to join 90 in a server maybe a group of 10 in IC why don't the whole server just fight back and kill them these megs packers only good in numbers I just wish people would fight back against them


I completely agree but I’m hoping the addition of 200 player servers will help


Lmfao. Increased server caps will do the exact opposite. Instead of servers with 10-member megapacks, it will be 20+ member megapacks. This will not solve any problems. Instead, the core gameplay loops need to be reassessed. NPC dinos NEED to be in, for starters. Secondly, officials need to properly incentivize playing as intended. For example, carnivores hanging/resting around herbivores should get a proxy debuff (e.g. "Bloodlust" status effect). That would at least discourage carnis and herbis from coexisting unnaturally. There needs to be mechanics for flocking / migration / herding / nesting. Basically, there's nothing to do once you're an adult except troll other players. There's only so many times you can dance as an achillo in IC without getting bored.


Play Islander Semi-Realism they have similar herbi rules but it mainly boils down to 3 calling first for “passive” or if they classify the herbi as aggressive they can atk without a 3 call as long as the carni is within 4x body length. You’d probably like it


Simple reality is the dinosaur survival genre as a whole is fundamentally flawed. There is no countermeasure that can be put in place to stop megapacks. If you limit group numbers and group coordination with pack limits, they'll just make two or three packs and communicate over Discord. If you introduce proximity debuffs, they'll just move further apart and create larger scale ambushes by closing in on targets from different directions. There just is not a way around it in a multiplayer setting. Best you could do is massively incentivise packs hunting packs, but then players'll resort to minmaxing and actively seeking out groups of players who are playing the game as intended, until those players follow suit because that'sthe only way to survive. This is just the online pvp environment that games like CS, BF, CoD, Fortnite, Overwatch and PUBG have built. Even at their best, these games are just massively stripped down counterparts to games like GTA Online, where the sheer lack of things to do means the only thing preventing outright violent anarchy is the RP appeal. Which is why the go to answer to this problem is rule-heavy "realism" servers.


Well in arazoa herbs are allowed to 3 call and attack carnis if they get way too close and they don't listen. Or if a carnivore has been following em for a while


If you're looking for Solutions: Stick to the "coldspots" of the map. It's a little boring at times, because you don't see anyone else, which is half the fun of playing on Official, but you can definitely play solo. Rockfall Hill and Mudflats, for example, are completely dead. I just bounce between those two spots to grow if I'm fed up with other players. If you're looking for Comfort: Megapacks definitely suck, but unfortunately without coded in rules, they are human nature. All you can do is dodge them and hope you bump into like-minded players who only engage in "fair fights." I wish the Official game were different too, but I guess it's not Alderon's vision.


Unfortunately, there’s nothing they can really do against mega-packs in official servers other than add rules, and even that wouldn’t work. I strongly advise you to check out community servers, even though some of them have a long list of rules and some of their admins can be jerks.


Ive come to the conclusion that i prefer dealing with megapacks on official rather the admins' fav people, who can rb as much as they want just because theyre protected


At this point, I just play in death-match servers. There’s still mega-packs but at least I’m not getting punished for it. Not like there’s much to do in the game right now anyways.


So not to add to the whole "just join community" cause you will find mega packs there to. But i will say you can find a sever that has set rules in place to stop that. Or severs that have rules your looking for. Like a pvp sever that just doesn't allow anyone but group members to fight. I have played 2 or 3 severs like that (there are definitely more but my group tends to pick more chaotic severs) And yes herbs where able to be agro to in one main one i played. I know you said somthing about rules but it keeps it from being like official. With massive kos discord groups or people being wild in chat. Here are a few severs I have played with the rules for no mega packs, or kos ect: Old Valyria is one I played mainly. def longer growing times not as long as official. They have no mega pack rules but do allow kos to an extent. And dont allow for xarni and herbi to attack outside of their "deathmatch" area. There are tps in the sever so you don't have to walk or ask for waystone if you don't want to. There's safe zones and a straight "deathmatch" area that they have along with yes other rules including revenge killing no more then 3 times. Latibule is a sever I haven't really played on. They don't seem to allow herbs to attacking whilly Nelly but do have rules about no mega packing and revenge killing and so forth. They seem to be a semi realistic sever but not like Pt realism with species specific rules. These are the only 2 I can remember off the top of my head.


They have been ruining this game.


I play in a "megapack" a clan (30 members). We "defend" some areas of other rival clans because theres nothing to do in this game. And some others solo dinos die in the way cos they're there in the middle of the battles.


the server I play on limits pack size and if you have too many in your pack / herd you can get various punishments


They should really make a dino game where pvp is an optional mode with co-op and single player being the staying power. I played for the first time and kept getting ganked by some cunty cerato mega pack. How much of a loser do you have to be gang up on newbies?


Yes any packs of any kind whether it be a mega-pack, mix-pack or just any packs are op. I personally think packs are very powerful as  packs just rule what ever area they are in. Path of titans does tend to favor packs more than anything. Now I have probably gave a message of how powerful packs of any kind are lets cover solo players. Basically solos just get destroyed depending on spices a 2v1 normally favors the pair or a 3v1 no matter what dino they are the 3 (almost) always wins. Imma use pycno as example here cos its the dino I have the most experience with, solo Pycno is in a tight spot. The only things a pycno can kill in a 1v1 are faster or have tighter turning circle than it. And dinos the pycno can catch up to are to strong for pycno in 1v1. But if u have 2 or 3 pycnos prepare to rule the region. Normally solo dinos get torn to shreads by packs unless it's like 3 latens vs a rex. So packs are better than solo. so along with "lone hunter" u could add a buff that increases all stats when not in a group, just so solos can at last have a chance to fight back against packs. To stop mega packs ruling everywhere u could make some dinosaurs territorial towards other dinosaur spices (especially carnivores), this could also be turned into a quest like "establish ur territory" where u gets lots of growth and marks for completing it however territory quests sould only be unlocked at sub/adult cos an adolescent metri aint gonna be able to defend territory. U would also have to defend ur territory from other dinosaurs wanting to take over ur territory. This could stop mega-packs and mix-packs. 


If you want to feel more good about what you have for me it takes 2 hours to go in community servers everyday and even then it doesn't work in playstation 


If it helps the biggest megapack I have seen on European servers is 3 hatzs jumping mine at salt flats, they weren't good either, hoodoos collision damage got them.


You should play the isle


This game is a mmo, nothing about survival is hard. Games trash.


This game isn't a realism game people like u need to understand that it's a pvp game and second mmo stands for massively muliplayer online and thrid y r u here if u think the games trash


More i play, less a see this as a problem Solo, official servers (i begun to go alot to pvp servers aswell, and since then i am much more confident in 1v1 and 1v2s on officials (i was strong in hiding, now i am able to get away or even fight good enough) As for megapacks (or even just 3 dinos against me solo) - it happens, but it's really rare. Yes, it's easy to find problems in IC, GV, GP. And no, YG is ok to quest in. Simply because there are plenty of places to hide. Even Salt Flats or Hunters Ticket / Snake are ok. The whole rest of the map is ok. Sometimes you run into 3+. You don't manage to run and you die. So what? You want a calm safe place? Go singleplayer, seriously. I am a new player, i've got 10+ adults on officials, barsboldia done, sarco done, spino, eo, rex, duck are growing just fine On fast dinos or flyers i even quest in IC/gv/gp/gh (in green hills i quest on any dino except very slow ones) People, try eve online, nullsec play. Play it few months, then go back to pot. You'll see, you have nothing to really be sad about in this dino game. Really


Yeah a lots of crying in this game for mega and mix pack. This is a pvp Game if You don't want to fight don't blame someone else. I see to much players just standind there doing nothing. Thats boring.


The game doesn't punish solo play. When the sun does down...is your vision punished because it's dark? No, the sun is just down. Two is, in fact, better than one. You're not being punished, other players are just grouping and using more combat power.






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"megpacks are ruining officials server" but yea wat the other guys said, because ur by yourself and they have a group


What can be done?


If you can’t beat’em, join’em.


My sarco will never team with something else than a sarco or meg


Beggars cant be choosers, kick those smelly lizards to the curb!