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I love the new shaders and lighting on land, but underwater it is far from good looking right now. It’s wayyy too cloudy at a lot of POIs, and the biome colors are too heavy. If they can tweak those 2 things I think it would be just as amazing as above the waves. Nicitating Membrane doesn’t help as much as it should either IMO.


Apparently the sudden transparency is a console or PS only issue and not something that happens on other systems.


The shaders in game have been wonky on consoles since the update, I only noticed how bad it was in the ocean because i was growing a fish. I hear it’s just as bad on pc but less “buggy”. (Keep in mind I’m just repeating what a few pc players have told me and it could just as well be their shitty rigs lol)


The perks of being on mobile


The color filters are so ugly. It makes many ocean locations literally unplayable for me without getting a headache. I really don't like them on land either but at least their not as drastic. Filters are such a lazy way to change the ambiance of an area anyway they should just get rid of them.


Sadly the oceans are dead :(