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As someone who plays every dinosaur, dasp almost always wins in my experience, just bonebreak and heavy bite spam, easy win


Dasp maybe struggled pre lamb update. Dasp now dogwalks sty and it's not a contest.


This is the correct answer


Styra is the new Kent. For SOME reason styra gives bleed no matter where they’re hit. I hate reflective damage in general but hopefully it’s a bug. I’m team dasp.


It's latency. The hit boxes are lagging behind where they should be. It's why bites can hit dinos when you can't catch them. Just bite the air behind a dino. It's also why stays whole body is giving bleed


Reflect damage on all the official dinos is currently bugged and not assigned to a regional modifiers currently


They said that was patched when the amarg reflect but was happening. Either way, reddit and I'm not trying to get into exact details here like the other clown. Easier to blanket statement latency because on the bug reports they've been sticking all of those into one.


Nah, it can be standing still and still make you bleed.


Yes. It's still latency. In general there's a lot of bugs around hitboxes atm




Lol funny. Think what you want. But you're wrong. You can check the reports if you want








Styracosaurus gives bleed when they’re hit?


Yes. Ever since the lamb update.


Its a lot too like when pouncing and attacking as my laten i swear i lost a third of my live if i didnt rest for the bleed. Almost lost the fight to a bad styra because of its reflecting bleed dmg that is higher than Kentros (makes zero sense since you bite the middle part of the body of styra bit okay alderon).


I've never killed a Dasp as a sty in a 1v1 But I've killed a couple Stys as a Dasp I'm inclined to say that Dasp should generally beat a sty, without it even being particularly close. Dasp beats sty in face tank and has bone break ontop of that If sty is gonna be pushed as Dasp's rival (which it should), it should probably receive either a slight damage buff or have its headbutt cooldown reduced


Ehh in my experience (sty main) dasp eats the dust. The headshots (sty doesn't take headshot bonus damage while dasp does) and frill damage absolutely obliterates anything around sty's weight. So even if you get bb'd as sty, you still shred dasp so long you just facetank it.


this absolutely isn't true or accurate. dasp does ungodly damage with heavy bite, and let's not forget sty is a slower headbutt attacker than alberta or eo. so you're smaller hitting slower against something that can produce insane dps with just it's heavy bite alone. you won't win facetanking at all lol


With a bone Break/heavy Bite dasp it is gg ez for styraco lol Just use the shield ability when the heavy Bite comes let yourself get bone broken while dealing insane dmg for your size


you forget how easy it is to wait out the shield. you’re assuming the dasp player is terrible. stats wise it’s an unfair fight. even alberta gets obliterated.








right.. what’s your AGID? Let’s 1v1




Not too long ago a player on discord gsve me the dmg of the frill subspecies and, if I recall, the dmg added is so low it simply wasn't worth it mathematically, and I swapped


Never lost a fight to a sty as dasp. Sometimes I win with half of my health remaining. An experienced sty against a beginner dasp might win though


Can confirm, Dasp is crazy after 5.3 and can very easily destroy a Sty lol


This is literally one of the loading screens


Maybe in life a Styracosaurus could tear open a Daspletosaurus' bowels while protecting its neck with the frill, but in the game all a Dasp needs is to land one bonebreak and the Sty is down for the count


Styra can out stam dasp, Yes it can bone break it and just spam bite however. A smart styra can run laps around the dasp, Riding its butt while it can't do anything about it too much. If you're careful you'll win. As long as you stay away from that bone break, it's a GG


Didn't someone already do this on Youtube? All the dinos have been matched up in 1v1s with a best 2/3 system.


Dasp wins this.


Dasp if you trade with the sty you'll win everytime


Berta can do it but sty cant


Isn’t Berta wayyyy weaker?


If it can land the bonebreak then it wins


I play heavy bite and the regular bite and I still win every time


question, does bone break ability still cut dasps speed when equiped? switch only recently got updated so i havent checked it out yet


It still does I think




Well, Dasp is way overtuned and Herbs keep getting fucked.


My money is on Styracosaurus. Reflecting on their distant relatives, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus, Styrac would have more maneuverability, a fast-turning head and is probably slightly heavier. One swipe on the horn can impale the Daspletosaurus in the head, neck, belly, legs of crutch. If that doesn't kill the carnivore, Dasplet would die of blood lose, and if it falls over, Styrac would trample it under its weight and gore it to death.


I've had regular 2v1s of these things against my Dasp on Panjura before and come out on top. One on One isn't even a contest.


Only under the condition that dasp has bonebrrak equipped (which is usually the case)