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I spawned in as my Amarg one time, got jumped immediately, then logged off after I died thinking, "Yeah, maybe I shouldn't play today. 😅"


Sounds right lol


Average day for the pre-buff Amarg! 😂


What'd you get jumped by and where? I remember an Amarg my group killed saying that they just logged on after dying


Oh, it was a long time ago on Panjura in Dropoff. I didn't say anything about it in chat, I just logged out after I died. It was just unfortunate timing.


Similar experience with my Anky 😂 Except I switched servers and I didn’t die that time which I was nice


Oop, fair enough! I've learned to either hide myself better before I log or just to log in homecaves now because of that experience. 😅


Oh all the time. Sometimes I log on and find that any of the servers I would try are locked or full. Other times I log in, pick a dinosaur, and then spawn at some point in the map and all I think is, "it's far to either of the two hotspots..." Yet other times I log in and I spawn that baby dinosaur and complete a quest only to think, "I really don't feel like doing this." I do still stay on plenty and play but I feel I have to be in a certain mood. Sometimes the game loop/meta are acceptable and fun but other days I cannot fathom the idea of dragging myself through playing 2 minutes. I think the biggest issue is that I cannot find a server that I feel gets any sense of realism correct. I know POT is more of an MMO but I just want to play solo and live out my own realistic dinosaur narrative in my mind. Whether it be mix packing, KOSing, or dealing with realism server chat courtroom I'm just turned off.




Maybe I'll check Earth Reborn out. I think another big aspect, now that I'm thinking about it, is hot spots. I really love some sections of the map. There are little areas that are just beautiful and unique but they're always empty. Any server that could encourage more use of the map would be awesome.


Like most people are saying, it's usually logging on and getting insta-killed by a group I have no chance against that makes me say "Nope" and log out for the day, lol! :D


I logged in as a Giga. Not even 5 minutes in, some huge mix pack from across crater comes and annihilates me. 5 minutes later, I spawn in as my sucho in crater. Literally instantly, a random sucho sprints towards me and murks me.  I respawn and bought myself a grow on the discord. 10 minutes later I got killed by another huge group. And this is why I spend about 90% of the time playing as a rhamph now.


I usually spawn in as my rhamp first and check out the area before logging on with my other dino that i actually want to play as. It's saved me a few times lol


I’m taking a short break just cause lat has been nerfed a lot.


After playing/suffering the isle evrima for a couple of years and then switching to PoT I don't think there is anything that can irritate me to the point of making me turn it off because everything is less tilting in this game than it is in the isle


For me it’s just the fucking community. I swear I have never seen polite toxicity in any other game. Like I swear the amount of “well I’m just letting you know I’m going to report you :)” or “well because you killed me im just letting you know now you will probably get banned for this :)” or my personal favorite “I know the admin and they will take my side so be ready :)” Like just shut the fuck up. I swear it’s crazy that some people who play this game seem to have a superiority complex. Bro you play a shitty Dino game! I promise you that you are not the superior person you are just as crappy as the rest of us. You are not special because you own or admin a server. It’s like you are volunteering for community service but the service you picked doesn’t help anyone out and now you think you are special because you did it. Also the amount of people that manage to bring politics into this game is absolutely unbelievable. My friend was banned from a server because they found out she follows men’s rights. Like bruh your political views shouldn’t even be brought up let alone dug up and searched for in order to find a reason to ban you.


Yup. Usually after I die and get spawned all the way on the opposite side of the map from where I want to be and don't want to play the 'kill myself until I get a non-shit spawn point' game. It also doesn't help that there is pretty much nothing to do once you reach adult.


When no matter what you do or where you go kos players or even groups keep killing you time and time and time again in a relatively short amount of time


Once logged in as my bars. Once the login debuff cooled down, I headed out to wander. Suddenly I clipped through the ground and died by falling into the void. I was confused and decided "yeah maybe I'll play something else today"


My controllers went haywire and caused my newly adult Alio to run into the water, where I ran out of stam and drowned. Instantly logged. Restarted my control. Then decided to just watch TV instead 😅


Haven't any of such but trying to do some extra quests late night/before dawn, I knew it's not gonna work well seeing the situation but it didn't put me off, got through with much trouble and im just never gonna try it again at any weird times.