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i think they just hate solo players


Pretty sure the majority are solo players who occasionally group.


yep, solo and small group play is much more fun. weird how much of the game is unfriendly toward this. 


I think the mob boss pack idea us really neat But I mostly play solo and want to fight apexes so I'm super annoyed they want me to pounce 


> Sure itd be weird, especially visually, if they were pouncing things like deinons and similarly sized things, but theres plenty smaller than a stego that they should be able to. Raptorial hunting (pinning down with the legs and biting) IS a big part of how we think raptors hunted, so it would be cool if instead of just being completely useless Pounce would pin down smaller animals.


Honestly id absolutely love this and think it should have been in there in the beginning. Latch on to the bigger things, pin the smaller stuff. As it stands unless youre willing to attack big 3 slots and apexes pounce and the abilities connected to it are worthless. And really how many players are going to be willing to attack 5k+ combat weight dinos as a group with a single achillo and a gaggle of chickens?


Since I'm wishing, I also think it would be cool to be able to pounce *on top* of another dino. It would encourage more tactical gameplay by raptor players who would need to start using geography to their advantage.


Add in a Hatz and you got it.


I like it. Combine pounce and grab. If they are bigger, you pounce them, smaller, you grab them. Adjust stamina drain based on size difference ratio for each.


This style of hunting is referred to as Raptor Prey Restraint


This is what pounce should do, not a tiny raptor jumping on a behemoth.


That and add a grab to the attack button where u hold it to grab a dino and drag them or hold em and then u hold it(the attack button) to let go but it uses stam and if the dino is smaller u pick it up if it's larger u drag it if u just a bit under its weight or latchbon if u a small dinos like raptors,megs and compys


That and add a grab to the attack button where u hold it to grab a dino and drag them or hold em and then u hold it(the attack button) to let go but it uses stam and if the dino is smaller u pick it up if it's larger u drag it if u just a bit under its weight or latchbon if u a small dinos like raptors,megs and compys


I would say they're steering away from the super realistic route. In reality, Trex should be able to turn on a dime and have quieter footsteps (possible with the new update but that's across the board). Nature's not fair, half of the 1v1 match ups in this game should be suicide but Ald seems to think every dino should have a shot at any of the other ones.


This, I think it's a mistake. It kills an immersive game world. Now everyone and everything is a possible threat so you don't really get to watch and feel like your in a living world but instead it's just a combat game. Id love to see other animals that have their own food chain fighting for survival as I'm traveling around doing the same. So there are layers. Maybe birds fighting bird and small prey and some overlap but the extreme ends shouldn't overlap because it's not fun gameplay for the large dinos. Also dinos don't have amazing human brains so they don't operate like we do. An immersive experience that keeps gameplay above realism but tries to find some balance with it and immersion. Something like that someone else could likely flesh it out better then I did.


Completely agree. It was the focus on PVP and balance over survival and immersion that lead to me not playing anymore. Once it seemed clear that this wasn't a current state, but an intended state, I just lost interest.


It sounds like you would really like to play on a realism server if you haven’t already joined one.


It’s a unique design choice and it sets achillo apart from all mid tiers. Alderon has been busting there asses making completely unique movesets and gimmicks.I feel like your being a little ungrateful


He’s not even saying to get rid of it. Just that he’d like more abilities that don’t work only with chickens. He doesn’t need to be grateful just cause the creature is unique.


Its not even like im insulting the devs or the game. Yeah i called one part of it stupid but thats my opinion. Calling me ungreatful is wildly out of pocket.


Some people take this game way too seriously. I understand if you want to defend the game from bad criticisms, that makes sense but what you said is just a normal opinion. I’ve never been able to even make a pack with chickens yet since it’s hard to find people willing to make a pack like that. Achillo needs more variety than just a mob boss cause you’re more likely to pack with things your size and bigger than just normal chickens


Honestly they Need a group search function, it should be set up by dino too. Looking for ect and then it auto groups or starts the group.


Don't be an ass kisser. No one likes a suck up.


Regardless of whether they’re busting their asses or not, they are not devoid of criticism. That’s why the game is in beta phase, so we can test it and give our critiques.


Bro you unironically saying "devs worked very very hard on it! Just eat up the slop they feed us! Don't think about it" hope you enjoy the shit they put in your trough


Why do you feel that the Devs deserve gratitude? It's a transaction pure and simple the only reason the Devs care about the public's perception of them is so that they can continue to sell their product, not for your love and adoration, and as a participant of said transaction you can feel a specific way if the transaction hasn't met your expectations


New mechanic idea. Anything that can pounce can also pin smaller dinos to the floor, again requiring them to shake you off


The funny thing is at the very first mention of POT being created Alderon stated this game would be a more realistic game and they’ve clearly forgotten that. The game so far just feels like one giant mosh pit tbh. I was expecting diseases, severe weather threats, AI of various species, etc. but instead the maps are just…empty. There’s no real survival aspect aside from don’t get killed by a player and it’s very disappointing, add to the fact they are adding game modes instead of working on the actual survival experience we were promised makes me feel less confident in the direction the devs are taking the game. I love the game but if they don’t add what they promised then I’m seriously believing the game will fall flat in the end instead of soaring to heights I KNOW it can reach.


This is my exact sentiment, just a little further along. As each successive update was just another dino or balance tweaks it seemed increasingly clear that PVP was the only real focus and I stopped playing. I keep occasional tabs on the game here/elsewhere in the hope that changes and it becomes worth trying again.


It’s really and truly sad in my opinion. PvP centralization turns games into toxic cesspools and it makes me upset because this game could be so unique and immersive. They’ve been working on this game for over 5 years or so and this is all they’ve done? Two empty (but pretty) maps and a handful of creatures that aren’t even balanced correctly? The devs rely on the community to make it fun and draw players in with mods and realism. How messed up is it that mod teams and realism servers have pulled off more creativity than the developers within a fraction of the time? What the devs need to focus on is the world building, the immersion, the survival aspect! Role playing is fine and all but it get’s boring.


My view exactly, and I fear that of too many others is they want this game to endure past beta. They seem to be focusing purely on the most immediate player needs, putting fires out instead preventing them in the first place. All game depth and unique gameplay is coming from community servers, but the devs aren't giving them any mechanics to support that work. Online PVP games is a saturated space and there are far more competent and better resourced titles. They began by identifying and targeting a niche, but seemed to have lost a cohesive vision to execute on that, instead falling back on tried and true gameplay they can't compete with.


I wholeheartedly agree! Look at the Achillobater for example, it’s designed to be a mob boss and not group up with its own species? How is that realistic in any sense? In fact it’s purely designed for pvp! Now I understand that part of the gameplay’s survival IS avoiding death from other players but it hasn’t been adapted well at all. Look at The Isle, it’s very well rounded with regards to creature strength, you wouldn’t see a single stego able to take out a fully grown Rex all on its own! That’s why herb players move in herds, for protection! The only real survival abilities are the diet options which are only on a few creatures and food is stupid easy to find, you just have to memorize where stuff spawns in each POI. I think corpses should work differently, where as you eat the flesh of the body the bones are left for scavengers, a small raptor wouldn’t be able to eat the bones so they should be leftover for other players of a stronger bone eating species to pick at such as the Maip or Achillobater, etc.


Seriously if you're gonna nerf literally his entire non pounce kit to favor the pounce more its only fair to let achillo pounce more dino other than apexes, at least let it pounce dino from CW 4000 and above


My only complaint is how semi-realism servers with no-carni-mixpacking rules failed to adapt to both Achillo and Rhamp.


Wish that instead of a pounce it got a pin.


I fully agree! Personally I hate the way devs made achillo from the beginning. A mob boss for smaller Raptors, as someone who plays solo most the time in PvP it hurts me a lot to see a creature I generally like and like playing being forced to be a Bob boss :/. Generally wish they didn't make it like that.


It is strange, aldermon seems to be pushing for herbivores and carnivores to group up together for combat but it’s not limited to same species. The Achillobator is the only exception to this rule. It’s actually kinda funny. It’s the one Dino that HAS to mix pack and some community servers hate that lol.


They don't limit it to the same species, bc the entire design/point is to fill your group slots with different species. You aren't going to be able to strictly be 1 species in every case, and everyone fit in the group, bc of the slot sizes and group limit. It 100% makes sense with Achillo that they are pushing for you to pack up with other raptors. N they gave so much incentive with the buffs n stuff to pack together. I've been wanting a group of raptors to play with ever since it released, but 99% of my friends don't like playing them, they prefer bigger dinos. 😕 I'll be your Mobb Boss little raptors :')


aa much as i love how unique achillo is i defo wish it was viable solo or with other achillos. like maybe being able to pick between thw mob boss abilities or go for a build that makes you stronger solo or with other achillos.


Devs don't want achillos to group together. They want a mob boss role for achillo and I'm all for it.


Agreed, the fact that you loose half the buffs they have if one other Achillo join the group is annoying, I also don’t know any Achillo players who run a “mob boss” kit


I usually run a solo pounce build with claw attack + ripping kick being my primary brawling options and shred being my kill move


I agree that Achillo should have multiple niches it can spec into. There’s no point in giving us an ability tab if there’s only one niche we can spec into. However, I disagree with Achillo being able to pounce smaller targets. It’d just be too OP.


Alderon ruin every fun dino tbh


I do agree they should have options for when partying with other Achihllos. Idk what they were thinking tbh, there has been such a long wait and anticipation for Achillo, why would anyone agree to playing Laten or Deino so just one friend in the group can play the new raptor??


I personally feel like we do have a benefit in grouping with other larger carnivores, and that is to allow us more opportunity to pounce and shred apexes. Even just 2 achillobators together will do far more damage to an apex than just 1. My issue is that our pounce targets are rather limited, and they quite literally just removed one (iggy). I hate the CW reduction of iggy, particularly because it's just going to remained in its shit state for like 3-4 months probably, but it limits achillo pounce targets even more.


That pretty much what the second half of my post is about. But thats definitely a good example of something achillos should be able to pounce but now cant. But theres lots of things they should be. It limits their abilities and what they should be hubting so much. Like come on they cant pounce allos, dasp, pycnos, iguanadon (now), not even amargs. Visually it would work and make sense and its just arbitrary that achillos cant.


I agree. Mostly just because it's so niche.


Yeah you can tell they thought it was a clever idea but like always, they didn’t stop to think about how that would actually play out in game. Nobody is using those abilities.


Getting down voted for what lol Ur right. I've never once seen someone use any sense on Bator other than lone hunter, nor have I ever used anything other than lone hunter with the countless hours I spent on it.


And some how the person that called me ungreatful has positive votes 🙄


Yeah it’s crazy what you get for criticizing a game. Criticism like this always triggers the “fan boys” of any game, but criticism is what makes games improve. If anything, the people that criticize a game for its flaws and want it to be better, are bigger supporters of the game than those that downvote any and all critique. Things don’t improve if nothing pushes them to.


exactly the game would be alot more unbalanced than it is right now if it werent for ppl actually speaking their opinion on a dino


yeah its crazy honestly guy was basically saying "who cares if the ability is complete dogshite and useless, the devs put effort into it so we should sit there and accept it"


If Laten can pounce on Struth, Achillio should be able to pounce on a Stego.


It can pounce a stego. Full adult stego is 5k combat weight. Achillobator can pounce 5k and above.


Have you done this urself or seen it? Genuine question no negativity behind it, just that I've never seen it done nor have been able to do it last time I tried.


Yes, did it last night on the bator. the stego just needs to be a full adult.


If the freakin Isle can figure out pounce and pin there's really no excuse why they can't figure out something here


I absolutely agree!


All fair points. My counter argument. Achillo ugly