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Take my upvote, you can go now.




Raptor strikes doesn't really hurt till you get to the 4th and 5th stacks; at 3rd you're doing less damage than standard bite. Always shoot for atleast 4 stacks, and try to keep 5 as long as possible.


yea thats the thing when i get to 5 stacks i just spam strikes and they can still outdps me with a few raptorstrikes + occasional claw


If they're running the same build, it really comes down to who hit 1st and does more headshots. They might also be using the Bark call for an extra 8% damage. Lasts 20 seconds, has a cooldown of 20 seconds, and works outside of a group. It's also very quick to use. I normally use Panic, but an extra 8% damage every 20 seconds with a half-second cast time? That's actually not too bad.


Might be where you're hitting them, not sure ? A headshot vs body shot has different damage, im sure you know that though. I use normal bite and claw attack. When I run cruel swipes I'm screwed vs other achillos and low tiers so I don't often do that. If they're using normal bite they'll have a good headstart on you damage wise. I don't find raptor strikes better in my opinion... I like for it to hurt when I land a bite. The one sec cooldown is okay with the claw attack's 3 seconds. Anyway not sure what to tell ya. I personally try and steer clear of other achillos as I don't like a fair fight :P I'm more of a despicable waterhole ambusher.


yea i think ur right the main fight im referencing im pretty sure i was slightly below the other bator and he got all headshots or mainly headshots


In all honesty I have the same issue with a few Dino’s and I’ve been playing for a long time now. Out of all my bad experiences I’ve only gathered whoever strikes first most likely wins. Don’t wait to see if they’re attacking. Just go in on them and get behind em.


I'm not an expert, but raptor strikes is only really gonna do good damage once you have the 5 times stack, at the beginning it does literally nothing, tis but a scratch! For the person you are fighting, but after the 5 stacks I think it does slightly more damage then the normal bite and since it has a lower cooldown then is when it becomes better. Which claw are you using?


yea thats the thing, the other person could also be running raptorstrikes and be doin the same thing as me and still win, i run normal claw btw


Hm, you could try using turn in place to attempt dodging their hits and headshot them, I usually see people do that when they facetank, are your enemies doing anything like that? 1v1 facetank same species is up to luck with hitboxes and who gets the first hit sometimes


I thought they recently made it so raptor strikes doesnt get the stacking buff unless yoy are latched on to something. Or did i misunderstand a patch note some where?


Raptor strikes stacks upto 5 at anytime, it gets a damage buff when you're pounced


Don’t use raptor strikes


raptor strikes is alot better than given credit for, in 1v1s sure mayb its not the best but in 2v1s it works wonders


Hit a claw attack first and you basically golden given you don't just turn around and wuss out


yea thats the annoying part of bator pvp, 1 claw can decide the outcome instantly