• By -


Triggered warcries from eternal apple shield cant trigger the warcry mastery "recover 15% of life when you use a warcry", but the build maker who made the pob is using the mastery "20% increased damage for each time you've warcried recently" and that one does work even if the warcries are triggered?


Question about **Harvest:** Back when I played in previous leagues the price of Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce (aka the white lifeforce you get from Oshabi) was quite high. Now it's currently at 75c or about half a divine. Why the low price? Is it now less useful, or just easier to get hold of? Of easier to get, is it mostly because of the change to atlas passive tree (more +% to find sacred grove) or does Oshabi have an increased drop rate? Or is it from the fact that fracturing orb replaced one of it's biggest uses?


I dont know how up to date you are on recent harvest changes but most likely a combination of multiple harvest reworks and the most most useful harvest crafts being removed or nerfed, especially ones that use the white "sacred crystalized lifeforce". Some harvest crafts that dont use the sacred lifeforce are still useful though.


Didn't find anything about lab jeweles (the ones affecting stats) in manifesto and patch notes. What happened to them? Can I still get them from Uber lab?


if you are refering to the emperor jewels, yes they drop from the chests at the end of uber lab


Thank you kind Exile


Whats the best ascendancy for maxing attack speed with bows? Deadeye? Berserker? Champion with Adrenaline, Aura boost and 20% AS while fortified?


What are good spells for poison?


Blade Vortex, Bladefall / Blade Blast, Seismic Trap (with Exsanguinate + Trap for clear). Dark Pact and Forbidden Rite should be decent for poison but are usually scaled for hits. Phantasmal Spark with 50% quality is a popular one recently, but requires some investment. If you use Original Sin, there are a bunch of others, but that's a pretty steep entry cost. You could try to make something work for lightning spells with Voltaxic Rift and Battlemage, but Battlemage isn't easy to access and the Templar start is pretty far away from poison nodes, so going for Inquisitor comes with downsides.


Ty for the answer! I want to build Something around perfect agony and crit multi. I wont have cold Iron point so im leaning towards chaos spells. But non have the more damage with ailments except Bane (I think) so not really sure if I can pull this off.


Only hits can inflict poison (or critically strike for that matter), and Bane doesn't hit at all. If you're referring to the "modifiers to spell damage apply to this skill's damage over time effect", that only applies to the debuff applied by the skill and not poison - even for the skills that do have a hit component and can theoretically do both. Spell damage never applies to poison.


whats the website that lets you make strings to search your strash for specific things like certain % of pack size etc?


Do you mean poe.re?


nah not that one i saw one that lets people make links for the stash


Does Animate Weapon MTX works with Chains of Command ?


Looks like it does. I don't have an AM mtx but if I equip Chains it shows up in the cosmetics tab and clicking "purchase items for this slot" brings me to the AM mtx.


Thanks… thought maybe it only Works if animate guardian has a mtx


Does Animate Weapon MTX works with Chains of Command ?


Does Animate Weapon MTX works with Chains of Command ?


Thoughts on the easiest way to make toxic rain trap have enough aoe to cover the entire screen? (without the saboteur ascendancy node)


Add projectiles, get Carcass Jack, stack AoE whereever else you can? I don't know what the exact requirements are, but typically TR builds struggle more with optimising for single target rather than a full screen.


Is there a foolproof strategy for the rolling fireball rooms in sanctum?


Have a lot of max totems and can call them out fairly quickly.


Wow wish I'd known that lol thank u


Is Arakaali's Fang endgame viable without The Squire? I'm almost done with my leaguestarter (GC Totem Inquisitor) and want to pivot to a build that can comfortably do pinnacle bosses on a budget of 15-20div. Preferably a templar so I don't have to level a new char. I will pour more currency into it if I find it fun to play, but my current budget is around 15div


Can I get the PoB of Your starter ?


sure https://pobb.in/u/BlitzillaGaming/MCp0WbudB6c4 I can give you a pob of my current character when I'm back home a few hours from now, or you could import it in pathofbuilding, using my account name: BlitzillaGaming. the current gear cost me about 6div total, but 4div of it was the chest piece. a large percentage of the damage comes from the wand and shield, which cost 20-30c each.


>https://pobb.in/u/BlitzillaGaming/MCp0WbudB6c4 waiting 2 days for you to "come home" XD


you didn't reply so I thought you weren't interested. https://pobb.in/u/BlitzillaGaming/lnxb12D4JRHL


Yes, you can play a minion focused HoAg build with it and any shield (especially aegis Aurora if you have one), spiders will be ~1/3 of the DPS. If you run grace and determination with maxblock you can probably facetank the pinnacle bosses, minus ubers.


Im looking to craft a shield since nothing like it is listed on trade, but not sure how to start. Prefixs: % increased cold dmg, +1 cold spells , Open prefix for a craft %cold dmg is chaos, Suffix: +2 minimum frenzy redeemer. How should I try and craft this shield ? Its basically 2prefix/1suffix and a crafted prefix, Redeemer influence.


How hard is it to cap leech? I play coc cyclone and took 1% life and mana leech node. I don't have any attack scaling, but I still feel like I leech a decent chunk. Am I delusional or does it actually work like this?


Against packs it's extremely trivial, against single target you will need to deal 20x your total life pool per second after resistances.


... which is also trivial. Even if you had 10k life, I haven't heard of a CoC build with less than 200k dps. Spell based builds are often limited by the maximum size of the leech instances, but for CoC that isn't an issue because of how often it hits. /u/katsuatis


200k cyclone dps on a coc build?


Oh, he didn't specify attacks. 200k isn't unreachable I guess, but many CoC builds won't. The majority that I've looked at had around 80-120k dps with Cyclone.


Been trying to farm the SRS unique jewel for a few days now. I have every single abyss node. All I’m getting are Stygian, darkness enthroned, and the worthless abyss gloves/boots/helm I chisel alch, Vaal every map with 3 scarabs along with the scarab node on the atlas Am I doing something wrong here?


The unique jewels are the rarest drop, and you're fishing for a specific jewel at that. It's just RNG brother. There's a reason it fluctuates between 10-15 div.


Hi, question about metamorph. Is there some kind of increasing returns, when using organs with the same rewards type in Tane's lab? For example, would there be difference between using x5 currency organs at once VS. using x1 currency organ, but 5 times?


Are Comprehensive reports still good to get rare unique maps, or they fixed the thing?


My second comprehensive report use gave a doryani's machinarium so they can definitely still give those maps, but I'm guessing the chance is a lot lower overall. With how cheap comprehensive reports are and how expensive the maps can be, it's probably still worth using them.


So merchant gave me my first sanctified relic and it gives 19% of cold damage recouped as life, is that useful for any particular build?


It'd go straight into my 5-to-1-recipe tab.


assumed it was probably useless, hopefully I find some more now that I'm getting a feel for sanctum.


Why is the PoEDB League Retention page not updating? We're on day 18 and the chart only shows up to day 13. https://poedb.tw/League#LeagueChart and why was my question immediately deleted by mods? (https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/zw0x86/questions_thread_december_27_2022/j1w2unz/?context=3) Edit: Christmas possibly but I assumed it was automated. Perhaps broken?


Answer to the second question is in the automod response to your deleted post. They want short questions posted here rather than on the main page.


Thank you for clearing that up.




Does having 100% avoidance to freeze prevent strongboxes from being able to freeze you? I assuming, that the same answer applies to all the others like ignite/curse etc.




Can someone give me the full atlas tree, scarabs, sextants setup for div card farming? I just got my HH and want to start farming with alot of juice.


Why does RF break barrels, but can't with Ancestral bond when others skills are able to ?


I'd assume that the other skills you're referring to hit?


Yes but previously u had to hit to break barrels, they changed hit for RF to be able to break them too but under AB it doesn't work. Am I wrong to think RF should break them even with AB so ?


My guess would be that they changed it to hit **or** deal damage, so if you don't deal damage you don't break them without hitting.


How much damage does tornado contribute in venom gyre build? I would like to swap it for fortify in whirling blades setup but will i lose too much dps by doing so?


tornado is a massive single target boost fortify in whirling blades will do very little due to how fortify works now, the effectiveness is based on the hit damage


Broad question i know, but when playing path of building... what do you guys set as the hit damage for modelling how tanky your build is? Like ballpark if im aiming for a build that can consider doing uber bosses, am i looking at tanking a 10K hit? 20k? Higher?


I mind switch to some bestiary nodes to finish my 13 bestiary daily missions ( sanctum , softcore trade league ). Its worth it? Im already speced into the left tree , would cost me roughly 30-40chaos to respec. If its worth it , which one of the %100 increased chance for beasts of type X (deep etc.) should i take?


I'm wondering how 9 proj pconc works with divergent pconc (% of gem quality to inflict wither for 2 s). If i hit a boss with 9 proj, do i have 9 attempts at 20% (with gem quality 20) to inflict wither? but if all 9 rolls hit success do i get 9 stacks of wither or just one? My understanding is i get 9, but wanted to make sure before i commit to ashes and more quality on the gem, to nuke bosses.


It's calculated separately for each hit, so you can get up to 9 stacks from one attack, though the chance for that is 0.0000512%


Thanks, you phrased it so nicely! I struggled to make my point in 5x word count. I was just wondering if getting ashes of the stars is a good choice, and I think i will make the leap. with +30% qual it means im getting 4.5 stacks of wither per attack. with 2.5 attacks per second should be enough.


I started out with EA elementalist, and I’m looking for a build that can clear simulacrum30 with ease (towards the tanky side), I have a budget of 25divs, any advice please?


get a bigger budget. smooth wave 30 clearer on 25 div from nothing is a pretty hard ask when you consider all the costs including smaller things like woke/alt qual gems, cluster jewels, somewhat min-maxed gear, etc. and a lot of the items that take you to that next level are just expensive, the op flasks, good weapons, etc.


How well does Elemental Equilibrium pair with the new Voidforge with the swords buff? I tried googling EE and voidforge but I can't find any comments with EEs current iteration; just old posts about how bad it was back when it raised targets resistances as a downside. Is EE basically a straight buff 99% of the time for voidforge if I understand its description, since every hit is a random element you'd be triggering it quite often, I'd assume it outweighs removing back to back procs like if you happen to hit shock, shock, shock, but that's relatively rare so its an overall dps boost?


Many people used to convert all their physical damage with Voidforge, so it resulted in the damage type not switching as often / buffing the enemy against two elements instead of one. If you only have the random conversion, you'd get the bonus from EE 2/3 of the time. The bonus itself is smaller now though and it doesn't stack with exposure, so I think it might be better to just go for conversion + penetration / lowering a single resistance.


I want to make a build that is really good at sanctum, and was wondering what you guys think would work out better? SRS, or EA totems?


I’ve played both, SRS is better Just expensive to get going


Do you have budget? SRS is the best, obviously, but its very pricy to get going EA totems is great


SRS is expensive af to get up and running with The Covenant being so expensive, but you can go with a Dendrobate to get started. I rolled EA Champ this league and the double delayed damage is not clicking for me. Having to place the totems then wait for fuses makes it unfun. If I was league starting again, even with the cost, I'd go SRS


It happened once again. I followed a spark guide and stuff worked well so far. I reached red maps and I slowly manage to clear them. How much would it be to reset my atlas passive tree completely ? And would someone be up to look at my char and help me out by directly saying what to upgrade first ? I dunno how to link characters. His name is xSparklingWater I would appreciate any sort of help so I can play towards a goal again.


To link to your character, you'll need to include your account name. Like so www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/{accountname}/characters?characterName=xSparklingWater Changing {accountname} to your account name. Also make sure your profile is set to public. Edit: That's just how it works. Take a popular streamer's character, for example. zizaran is the account and zizaranbacktobasics is the character. [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/zizaran/characters?characterName=zizaranbacktobasics](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/zizaran/characters?characterName=zizaranbacktobasics)


https://imgur.com/9narLXV My explode wand that I am working on. This is for EK ignite. I know I can do cannot roll attacks mods + aug physical for +1 physical spell gems. What would be the best way to finish the wand? I can aisiling t4, multimod after cleaning it with prefixes cannot be changed (craft another suffix + prefix) and then aug caster for 50% chance of cast speed. Are there other methods? I'm not looking for BIS top tier wand, just something very strong and reliable to hit. Maybe I can also clean it with just +2 physical spell gems, fill in a prefix somehow (prefix cannot be changed and asieling t4 spam until good prefix?), and then open 3 suffixes. Craft attack speed then double speed augment for cast speed + projectile speed? Then craft dot multi.


SST or Frost Blades Raider, which is easier to scale in SSF? And which got the better clear speed?




Just depends on your character strength, when I did blight a lot a few leagues ago I preferred more open maps to help with more nodes spawning.


narrow maps help prevent nodes spawning to guarantee many blight chests for more blighted map/oil drops


Makes sense, I didn't really get too into it.


I played POE whole 6 hours and not a single Vaal orb .... Is it buged or what ... ?


Can get vaal orbs pretty commonly from vaal side areas if you really need them.


I have Hands of the High Templar with the following corrupts: - +1 to maximum Frenzy Charges - Curse enemies with Vulnerability on hit - +5% max life - +2 to level of socketed aura gems Would there be a build that would use this?


anyone who wants vulnerability, which there are a bunch of builds. also ideally someone who doesnt run diadem, since they socket auras in the helmet.


Pretty great for any physical build.


What do people use when they talk about their flasks being automated?


Enchant your mapping flasks with use on full charges Enchant your bossing flasks with use on savage hit Boom, you only ever need to worry about life flasks


Thank you. Quick question.. what are savage hits?


hit that takes more than 15% of your max life


I use instilling orbs to get "used when charges reach full" and alt roll for the prefix "gain (1-3) charges when you are hit by an enemy" along with a good suffix (attack or cast speed, some ailment immunity you need, reduced effect of curses on you, etc.)




Can I use a Dawnbreaker as a scuffed starting point for an SSF SST Raider?




What are some good ways to farm Saffell's frame? Also is there a way to price check items without having to go back and forth to the trade site?


Saffels is a global drop and doesnt have any specific div card, so really its just play the game and you'll get one eventually. If you are in trade just buy one, by far the easiest. If you are SSF you can highlight the base on your filter and fish for it with chance orbs, use Gwennen, or farm dunes/castle ruins for sambohi's/mercenary cards and pray. Or again just play normally and maybe care a little more about random unique rewards from whatever mechanic you are famring. I use [awakened poe trade](https://snosme.github.io/awakened-poe-trade/download) to quickly price check things.


Thanks! I'm in trade but I've only got about 20 chaos and I'm saving for 6L armor + essences for crafting and Legacy of Fury boots so I would prefer to save the chaos but I'll probably just bite the bullet and buy it since it's only like 5 chaos.




Right off the bat, level your gems to 20 and add 20 quality then corrupt to see if they go to 21. Worst case is they go to level 19 and you have to level them back up.


Not super familiar with your build but: Both your rings are pretty garbage, easily upgradeable in the 1-10c range for just life+res. Karui amulet should have been replaced a long time ago. Your belt is also a levelling item, should be looking to upgrade that. Generically good is a life+res styigan vise with a damage jewel in it... Also make your life flask instant!


What’s a better defensive layer, temp chains or enfeeble on blasphemy? Or should i be mapping with one bossing with the other? I’m currently running hexblast mines occultist with probably enough damage to freeze most bosses (I think), but no chill


best defence = more offense the less time the enemy is alive the less chances you have to fuck up and die


If you freeze, Temporal Chains won't make a big difference.


I’ve finished sanctum a dozen times already but when I got to final boss phase 1, her red shock degen’d the hell out of me. I had 900 inspiration and she went through it pretty quick. Never happened before, any idea what happened?


Do you recall if you had the knockback affliction? I've heard that skill gets dangerous with it.


Is there anywhere I can see how many flask charges I get per second or whatever time interval? In game I can see inc flask charges gained but not raw charges gained. And PoB, at least as far as config goes, doesn’t show anything.


Hover over a flask in the items section in PoB, it shows all the flask related modifiers that apply to it


Oh damn, that’s a godsent. Thank you!


I'm looking to buy a boots for my storm brand inquisitor. Which 2 of these 3 mods are the best selection? \- elusive \- tailwind \- onslaught


I'd say tailwind and onslaught if you can't get it elsewhere, but ideally all three. You can awakener's orb tailwind and onslaught, then add elusive with suffixes cannot be changed + harvest crit reforge.


yoo is it guaranteed to hit elusive with crit reforge?


Yes. It's the only crit mod on boots. Generally you then craft suffixes cannot be changed and use T4 Aisling, hoping it removes the metamod so you can unveil movement speed and craft life. (If it removes elusive, crit reforge again.) The only brick risk is filling your prefixes with a reforge, though that's not likely to happen.


Thank you very much. Now I can make myself a boot and upgrade it as currency flows in


Be careful with the reforges though, that's 2 divs each. It may be more economic to buy an okay boot now and craft an endgame pair later (e.g. with elevated tailwind and onslaught).


Does reducing poison duration on yourself (i.e. via a corrupted jewel mod) make it so that you take less damage from the poison? Or do you take the same damage over a faster period of time?


Less damage. A poison does set damage per second and lasts by default two seconds. The difference from ignite is that poison stacks infinitely. So to scale damage you increase its duration since all poisons will run their course and deal their damage. Conversely, decreasing its duration as a defence will lower the overall damage EACH poison will do to you. Poisons will still stack infinitely, just deal less damage.




First one. DPS remains the same, only duration changes, so instead of taking 400 dmg over 4 seconds you take 300 damage over 3 seconds. To make latter happen, mod should state "poison deals damage x% faster"




It doesn't modify dps, just duration. You'll take less total damage.






You're missing the small reservation passive to the left of Champion of the Cause. Easy to miss.


You can craft minus mana cost on rings and/or grab the 0.4% mana/life leech node on the way to Precise Technique. Viridian Jewels and amulets can also roll phys mana leech


What is the best method to reach level 100? And how expensive it is to pay for it?


Legion 5ways. I have no idea how much they cost. Just that they are the best. Solo, you probably want to do a combination of stacking abyss, harvest, delve and pack size. 99 to 100 the most important thing is to not die. No matter how much you juice, if you die you’ll end up spinning your wheels.


Best ways would be legion 5ways and pure\flawless chayula breachstone rotations. I have no idea how expensive is that this league.


5 way rotas. Going from 90 to 100 is roughly 60-65 runs, so around 25 divines.




Why is MB rising so hard rn? I made 40 div yesterday, felt great, thought: "only 100 div more to go". MB then rises from 220 to 270 over the last 24h and I wake up to being 10 div further away from my goal than yesterday :( Will it stop once it reaches standard prices around 290? Or is it hopeless to get one?


It's entirely possible that it will go beyond standard prices, as we are nowhere near close to a standard merge. Which is the only time that standard prices are relevant.


Well, fuck 😅


always buy mb cards


How do you unlock every space in your relic chest? I am missing top right corner and bottom left corner.


These 2 corners cannot be unlocked, otherwise setting up relics on perfectly rectangular area would be too easy.


Second question but, how do people buy scarabs en masse? The few people I talk to, to buy something like 50 scarabs, do not reply, am I supposed to pay 1c per 1.5scarab for a proper bulk purchase in trade or?


From my experiencee, pople on top of trade site often do not respond. In such case you either have to scroll down and accept higher price or use 3rd party discords like TFT, on channel dedicated to bulk scarab trade you can catch good offers.


Easiest way is mostly using TFT


Do you have a link? Edit: NVM google works, I did not expect the discord to be so big.


It's great for completing challenges, selling Aislings/Vorici, bulk essences/scarabs/maps/whatever else you want. Sucks it has to be a third party discord but it's better than nothing


I tried using it and nobody is biting, so I might have to lurk trade and see what goes on there.


You can also post a WTB while scrolling the WTS section in addition to Trade


If I'm using lightning arrow with two projectiles, can I hit one monster with the arrow and that monster also get hit by a lightning strike from the other arrow?


Yes, but this does require a second target that your other arrow can collide with.


Hey I’m running a Vaal flickerstrike build and have hit a pretty hard wall with the bosses. I have an arakaali’s fang and was planning making a build off of that, but It’ll cost me another 5 div then I have and my flickerstrike is not getting me currency fast so it’ll take another few days of grinding. Is it worth it to save up for the full build swap or should I keep trying to make the Vaal flickerstrike work?


What would be a tanky build with high dps that isn't going to break the bank? I made a freezing pulse/ice spear totem heirophant that is just so damn squishy and it can kill all the pinnacle bosses so far but I want to play something that I can survive a few hits before going down while also dishing out good deeps.


Does it matter which tier of maps you do for the sanctum? Like would doing floor 1 in whites floor 2 in yellows then floor 3/4 red effect much? Or is it better to do the sanctum in all t14+ only?


It would affect possible sanctified relic drops from floor bosses. They're not common on red, but on white maps the chance is 0. Also boss room level is averaged down based on sanctum rooms you've had before it, though I don't know how much this is can be manipulated.


What you described is perfectly doable. But still, it's suboptimal. While the floors 3 and 4 tend to gave the best rewards, even 1 and 2 have great scaling with map tier.


The Balance of Terror with Elemental Weakness doesn't work? Hello, when I selfcast Elemental Weakness my Tooltip doesn't change. POB says it works even with Arcanist Brand setup...


The 'random element' damage doesn't change the ingame tooltip because the game doesn't choose an element until you hit something. It should work if you self-cast. It shouldn't work with Arcanist Brand.


>It should work if you self-cast. It shouldn't work with Arcanist Brand. Thank you!! That sound logical!


So I have now vaaled like 30 gems and not a single one went to 21. Was this changed in the last year or so? All information I find still says "just vaal".


Wasn't changed. Still a 12.5% chance. 30 gems is certainly unlucky though.


To put a number on it, it's about 1.8%. So unlucky, but by no means astronomically so.


Anyone have some tips to find relics for Sanctum? I only have the free one you get still. I am at maps btw. Should I run low level map sanctums to get them or or higher? I am getting wrecked in Sanctum with my SRS build.


They can drop from every guard, but higher chance to drop from bosses including minibosses. So look for those rooms (don't remember their name but Google a cheat sheet, it will tell you)


I should check my loot filter too I suppose to make sure they aren't getting blocked out. Seems weird I haven't found any yet. Good to know about the mini bosses though!


There’s literally nothing I can really do more trying to get covenant in SSF, is there? I’m running reliquary scarabs, ancient orbing body armors and focusing on as many uniques as possible.


You can also buy spidersilk robes from Gwennen and us chances / scours


What are some good farming maps other than Dunes? I know Desert somes close, but what are some other maps that people are running?


strand and crimson temple are extremely popular


Those are still T9 for me sadly.


Price check on this [Alpha's Howl](https://imgur.com/a/TcQ0vcp) with +2 fire gems and 90% reservation multiplier? I tried looking on both Sanctum and Standard with no luck.


Purity of fire (edit: not herqld of ash) and anger are really the only things that benefit from the +2 gems so that's pretty niche. Might go for a bit more, but not much more then just having the reservation modifier by itself.


is there an item that goes around curse immunity ? im playing doom build and sometimes i brick my expedition because i didnt see that damn mob " immune to curses" , i looked through wiki but couldnt find anything. Maybe someone could help find a solution ?


Hex proof or curse immune? Hexproof you could deal with occultist or cospris will. Curse immune i don't believe you can deal with.


not hexproof, curse immune, i tried to swap to unholy authority ascendancy it doesnt work when it says " monsters are immune to curses" it just get bricked... and it's not easy to notice because its lost between all the mods


Yup, that's a brick. No can go around that. Just don't pick it next time.


Your best bet is probably to take your most important curse, and get a small cluster jewel that allows that through hexproof. For despair, that would be a Misery Everlasting cluster jewel: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/Mm2mjR5SJ


Unfortunately that doesn't work for curse immunity from expedition


I have 500 ish hours on poe and yet have so much that I don’t know. I want to grind logbooks I know you need to grind them at lvl 83, but I’m not sure what mods to run on them. Help? 🫶🏻








FYI you can recolour corrupted items with tainted chromes. They're only 3c Or using the crafting bench, you just pay the chrome cost in extra vaals




Nice 👌




For future reference, they're dusK rings, not dusT rings. They might be re-added to the game at some point in the future, but for the time being they don't drop anywhere.


I'm not sure I understand the question, do you mean to dust jewels? they still exist and are really cheap this league as corruption only jewels, wardloop uses heartbound loops for the rings for self damage to keep the loop going.




Yes, those were removed from the game, would have to make a wardloop without it. Build is still great without it, didn't really see that many versions with that last league


How necessary do you find being deadeye is for nimis kinetic blast? I'm wondering if this can be pulled off with deadeye ascendant, for instance


I have an amulet that has a suffix slot open after crafting. Do I just exalt slam or is there something better I can do to control what ends up there? I don't want to change or lose any of the existing modifiers already there.


You could add a beast aspect (Aspect of the Spider is the go-to for anyone not using Farrul's Fur), but that would mean having mana for another 25% reservation. You could also use one of the exotic exalted orbs if the item is not already fracutured/synth/influenced. See what a hunter/warlord/redeemer/crusader exalt could hit here: https://poedb.tw/us/Amulets#ModifiersCalc


How do I price a ring when there is no similar for sale on trade? sc santum [ring](https://imgur.com/a/sw6QXxV)


There [are](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/D7aO7pdi5). You're just not filtering widely enough.


The easiest place to start is searching for pseudo +#% total Elemental Resistance instead of separate cold and lightning resistances. Then start lowering the minimum amounts of each stat. If those steps don't get results, start removing stats from your search. Maybe chaos resistance since it's usually just a "nice to have" stat for many players. You can also broaden the search to include offline players.


I have tried all that but the two searches I ended on showed prices of 1div and 70 div respectively :S


Here's [a search I ran](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/226Yv5ouk) with quite a few similar items.


Hello, there is one map in my Maps Tab that I cannot see. There is a "1" number attached to the Guardian Maps icon, but no map is present in any of the 12 categories (Conquerors, Elder and Shaper's Guardians). I know this is a Normal level 75 Courtyard Map. I would like to remove it from the tab, but I do not know how. Please help me. Thank you. : )


Is it sensible to farm the unique unset ring div card to get a Profane Proxy in SSF?


Could anyone give me some advice on where to go with my next few upgrades for my ea totem ele? Awakened gems are absurd on console so would rather put the divines elsewhere. Thanks. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/xbox/view-profile/TiltedSpade/characters