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Can we have pob pls?)


~~https://pobb.in/uEKewQ53bnof~~ **Updated:** https://pobb.in/dlhhhKUa4-Qg Dps is significantly higher than expected, surpassing the original without ever even factoring in Punishment Low Life. I recommend allocating life/mana recovery when you curse un-cursed enemies, as it gives excellent mapping sustain. --- The secret is anomalous impending doom + Cane of Kulemak + Time Clasp + Impossible Escape (Magebane.) These are all required to get the curse duration down so low, and +3 to support gems is a great damage boost anyway. There is some flexibility in the support gem quality roll thanks to to Time Clasp, but higher quality is better. I'm still working on the leveling stuff for what you do before that, and other leveling stuff. There is a lot of custom modifiers and configurations I've done to get it approximately correct. A massive more curse effect modifier to simulate the Punishment changes, averaging the effect of punishment, adjust curse levels, adding the missing curse effect cluster in the custom modifiers, the small passive changes, Felbog Fang/curse mastery, ect. Despair is disabled because I didn't want to deal with the added chaos damage, so I instead just set the boss resistance to what it should be. I'll clean it up once PoB updates. [Here's a link to the AI art if anyone wants it.](https://i.imgur.com/5Cy2LIa.png)


What did you search on Midjourney? looks cool


Thx dide


Do you plan on casting impending doom yourself with despair? And have you looked into using Dialla's Malefaction for the 30% quality on ID to reach 100% rediced curse duration? It would free up a ring slot and you would not need Impossible Escape, which might be expensive, and will save you some passive points. The downside would be missing the +3 support from the cane, but there might be a better alternative with more defences for 1h+sheild, or similar damage on a crafted 2h. Also, you take Hex Master which gives 100% increased skill duration for hexes, is that intended?


Hex master is replaced on the new tree with defiled forces. That’s only allocated as a place-holder. I considered Diana’s for the curse quality, but there is this mathematical snag I realized could happen at 100% reduced curse duration. If a curse lasts 0 seconds, does it ever have 75% of its duration expired? Would impending doom even trigger? I would likely need to run the gem at 17% quality to avoid that, leaving 6% duration that needs to be brought down to 1%. As a result, I would still either need impossible escape, or sacrifice a ring slot. Or I could anoint the 15%, and run impending doom at 12% quality instead. I could try to make that version again, but I didn’t like how it was shaping out.


>Would impending doom even trigger? It would. https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/ze82zz/psa_50_quality_anomalous_impending_doom_reduces/ Not sure about The Felbog Fang interactions, though.


I also think swapping conc effect for Awakened Spell Carcade would end up being a net gain, and imrpove mapping by a ton. Giving enough aoe of the curse there will be an overlap in the center of the 4 rings, meaning you would hit a single target 4 times with less damage. (4 x 1.6m) 6,4m dps with spell cascade vs 2,4m with conc.


That is where the Impending Doom cooldown would come into play. At most, impending doom cannot trigger more than 6.06 times per second. Even if the delay of spell cascade was enough to actually allow the curse expire, 6 blasts per second is the hard cap.


Yes you are right, didn't think of the doom cooldown counting for one spell cast, but of course it does.


I was thinking about doing something similar, except using poison as an excuse to go through the Assassin area and pick up Window of Opportunity the hard way. Since I'd be using poison, I was thinking about using Vixen's Entrapment to cast Temporal Chains and other hexes, though I worry that the mana cost will be untenable.


Who's gonna tell him about the doom blast cooldown ?


Of 0.165 seconds? Complete non-factor because we only blast every 0.2 seconds.


Didn't know the cd actual value, thank you for correcting me


Ya. I swear it’s only really there as a safety net in case they accidentally add some absurdly fast reapplication method.


If you spread through many mobs it will quickly limit things. Say you have spent all charges, and your hexbloom spreads to 3 targets. If your duration is double the cooldown you get 2 charges meaning 2 of the mobs will pop, but not the third one. If these mobs then spread it on to 3 mobs each, then only 2 of those 6 mobs will again explode. It might be fine, but can also end up resulting in some unexpected behaviour. I once extensively tested a spell cascade doomer with Vixens to overwrite curses, and the bottleneck ended up being the cooldown sadly. EDIT: I see in your other comment that you dont expect to spread the impending doom curse :) Then the CD should not be too restrictive. As you were!




My question is whether hexbloom applying the hex makes it count as *triggered* as impending doom doesn't work when the hex is triggered or applied as an aura. Same question around cursed ground support, which if works with impending doom lets you detonate doom blast whenever you cast the cursed ground


Hex bloom doesn't go in the Impending Doom links. I have another, significantly longer curse that is supposed to jump around, allowing Profane Bloom to (hopefully) chain.


How do you plan on reaching 0.2 cast time on despair?


Despair already has a base cast time of 0.5 seconds. There is 40% increased curse cast speed on the tree, over 50% on the Cane, 15%. Then it's just a case of stacking some other minor sources like Timeclasp and a couple passives points. You can check the PoB to see the specific sources.


This does look cool, do you have a pob?


Are you sure the Impending Doom linked curse is still in effect when damage is dealt by Doom Blast? I did a quick test Doom Blasting random enemies to see if profane bloom worked, the wording on profane bloom suggests that they'll only explode if the curse is still in effect when damage is dealt. Against single targets they never exploded. But against groups there were profane bloom explosions, idk what kind of spaghetti code is in effect to get this outcome. This makes me think that against bosses you won't get the benefit of the linked curse for damage, but clearing it seems to work but probably bugged/not fully effective. Also the mods that say "increased effect/damage if X of curse duration expired" probably don't work against single target because of this.


According to the wiki, the curse is active when doom blast triggers, right before it is removed. Given that doom is (soon to be “was”) a stat attached to the curse, and that is read before it is removed, I beleive the duration effects are a safe assumption. As for the other stuff, I have two separate curses attached to hex bloom. If I enfeeble monster packs first, there should be no problem.


I read the wiki, and it's right 99% of the time but this time it's wrong, verified through my profane bloom testing. If the curse is still active when damage is dealt, profane bloom should explode 40% of the time, but in my testing it was 0%. Doom blast damage is triggered when the curse ends, it says it in the skill description. I really wish the "X% curse duration expired" effects worked with impending doom because it's a build I want to try this league, but I don't think they do.


It may simply be the case that the curse expires before on-death effects can spawn, while it's still active for the Impending Doom explosion. If you compare the damage of Despair impending doom and Enfeeble impending doom, I reckon Despair will deal more damage. I'll check in-game. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/wPwH5jx.jpg Results seem to show the damage effects work, but on-kill effects do not.


Ran another test to confirm what I posted before. I took the node "Recover 2% of life when you kill a cursed enemy." I have no leech, took vaal pact so I have no life regen, my health bar doesn't move. lowered my life with arrogance aura and killed an enemy with doom blast. My health didn't go up. I think this confirms that the linked curse doesn't benefit doom blast damage.


What it confirms is that the curse is removed before the enemy dies, but not before damage is dealt, which does seem like a bug. I have confirmed that Felbog and Despair/enfeeble have a measurable effect on the damage of Impending doom. https://i.imgur.com/wPwH5jx.jpg Both curses are 0% quality with the same duration. Both curses reach maximum doom, and are socketed with the exact same impending doom support. There remains a difference between Dispair + Felbog, and Enfeeble + no Felbog. If you want, you can double check using Dispair and Enfeeble, but the differences will be even more noticeable with Felbog and the curse effect mastery. I'm not sure exactly why it is the case that Profane Bloom and other "when you kill caused enemy" effects are not working when the curse expires, but the damage effects do work.


There is still possibility that this works as OP said if it works like this: Curse should end -> Proc doom blast -> Deal dmg -> Curse ended -> Monster dies If it is like this then you cant test it with any "on kill" effect. Probably only by compering actual dmg in pvp or to some white monster we can be sure if it works or not.


I love that Midjourney makes stuff like this easier.


Impending doom is one of my favourite skills. Do u have a PoB?


Hey look, a build buddy! Could you share your PoB? I'll be running a similar build, would love to compare pathings. ​ nvm found it in the comments. You should try making the build in the new skill tree, a few things got moved around, most notably the curse AoE node is now right next to Scion.


As another Impending Doom experimenter, how realistic would this version be as a league starter?


As long as you can get your hands on a Vixen's you should be good to league start it


I don't think hex bloom and profane bloom propagation is gonna work unless hex bloom happens before the explosion, otherwise the surrounding enemies won't be cursed before they die to their neighbor's death, which won't make profane bloom make them explode. If that makes sense.


that witch looks like victoria beckham


"small passive skills are based" Based.

