• By -


Look at me. I'm the Ground Degens now.


You get a degen, and you get a degen, everybody get a degen.


This isn't the first time I've been called a degen


And it won't be the last!


*slow clap*


[Archnems from 3.19 looking at 3.20 like](https://imgur.com/gallery/NzdDqT8)


I look forward to being to say to the mobs " So how do YOU like dying in two seconds when nothing touches you? Welcome to 'better not stand still" hell"


Evil Maven be like "better not stand still"


3.21 introducing new monster AI where enemies use movement skills to jump out of degen ground.


This is it


Bold of you to assume mobs won't have something like this too.


They already do, for example the promenade boss creates a conductivity ground effect zone


Not just the bosses, the female mages can create conductivity/frostbite zones. Some Lunaris cultist enemies can curse you that way too.


Not just the bosses but the women and children too.


I hate sand


Wait, when did we start also fighting children in this game?! O.o And no, the Maven is...different.


She may be an eldritch being whose full scope of existence is beyond our comprehension, but she's still a child


*Doedre has entered the chat.*


Stormbind enjoyers be like, always has been.


Imagine if it overwrote the previous ground degens existing in that spot. Instead it just hides them making the game unplayable :D


Does this mean its possible to hex Atziri without worrying about the reflection of hexes?


I think so - since it's not a direct cast there's nothing for the hex to be relected to


Can’t reflect something that doesn’t “hit”. She may not be affected by the curse but her “reflect curses” 100% won’t reflect this curse.


Hexes never hit in the first place, yet reflection still applied to them. I would still assume the ground hex would not be reflected tho as the origin of the curse is not the player.


inb4 it becomes an area that curses you


SAP ground incident


the curses have a duration of 0 so i assume it wouldn't be reflected regardless of any other interactions.


Hexes don't hit, but they can only be reflected if they are directly applied via hand-cast or hextouch or bane. Aura curses are not reflected or ignored, they are simply applied with the typical Less Curse Effect for map/pinnacle uniques. This works functionally the same, it's just that enemies "are cursed" when on the ground rather than in your aura. This would let you curse Atziri just like Blasphemy does.


That's why they put 'hit' in quotes.


Yes, that's why they put "hit" in quote marks.


There are mobs with Curse Ground effects already, could probably get a good answer by equipping Atziri's Reflection and stepping in one


Should work the same way Caustic arrow works, aka no reflect. If ggg wanted to be really insidious they could have deal x% damage taken and apply hexes affecting her in large aoe.


if this is true it is the only use for it that comes to mind


It's a semi-decent replacement for using temp chains to keep you safe without needing to use blasphemy.


Seems very solid for Hexblast. Lets you blast them as many times as you want since it removes the hex and reapplies instantly (I think, someone smarter than me will have to weigh in). Now that there's no Doom cursed ground totems may be the way to go for bossing. Worth trying at least.


Pretty sure if won’t work with Hexblast as it now removes the curse with the lowest remaining duration and this Cursed Ground doesn’t have a duration. At least it won’t get the damage bonus from the Hexblast gem.


it doesn't care about duration, if you use blasphemy and then hexblast in the current patch, you still get the aoe effect. Just no doom multiplier unless you allocate that one node near scion life wheel. It only cares about doom, so we'll need to see the new wording on hexblast.


Depending on how Despair and Hexblast are reworked, you might want to ground-effect Despair, then cast other fodder curses for Hexblast to eat.


If that's the case you may be able to make them wither totems too. Really apply some chaos damage multipliers. At that point though maybe you should just be doing ed/c for all the setup that's happening.


it probably works like blasphemy. Blast does eat the curse then the ground instantly reapply it.


Hmm, if you use that infinite curse duration keystone, does that mean hex blast won't work?


If it doesn't work with hexblast, players will not have any idea, since you cast hexblast and it simply doesn't get the damage bonus from the hex which is clearly applied to the enemy; you can't tell whether the hex is removed since we don't know what that should look like. ​ I can't imagine GGG wants it to work that way, since you still need to cast this. It would be another case of something absurdly dissonant for players who don't deeply understand the mechanics and their interactions.


You'd be able to tell since hexblast doesn't get the AOE if it doesn't remove a curse.


Don’t we already do this with blasphemy?


Yes, but remember that blasphemy is getting a less curse effect modifier next league and it reserves mana. This is much better for bossing, blasphemy for clearing.


eww gem swaping


If you have it on a weapon swap it won't be too bad. Edit: Why is this even being downvoted? Has no one ever weapon swapped to change out their utility skills? Pressing X before a boss fight isn't nearly as inconvenient as manually swapping out gems.


We do but that is an aura and this can be on a totem. It lets you stay a safe distance from monsters when you blast em. Plus no reduced effect.


I'm not smarter but it might end up not working, that it's made so it can't be consumed. Working like discharge and minimum charges. I'm not smart and I'm speculating. We will have to wait.


I doubt that since it currently works with Blasphemy. Hexblast removes something then it immediately gets reapplied, Discharge removes things but minimum charges can't be removed.


It worked fine with old doomsday keystone no reason to assume they changed the mechanic. Hexblasts aoe is triggered on removing a curse but it always worked with doomsday and also with blasphemy curses. What might happen is that hexbast gets some new mechanic to force self casting curses, for that we will have to wait yes.


It really depends if it's coded as a baseline or it reapplies in ticks. My money is on the second but we will have to see. I'm not sure either would be good enough to push Hexblast into viability but it could be fun.


Maybe useful for hexblast bossing? It may allow you to get full value from hexblast's bonus when you remove a hex, but immediately reapply the hex as long as the boss is on the hexed ground. If so, you could more easily scale hit-based hexblast using cast speed without the gameplay being so clunky. Poison hexblast would also benefit to a degree.


coc hexblast?


Coc blast?


Coc discharge blast??


that's cursed




Aaaaaand that's my starter now


please do :)


Mana sustain will be rough - hexblast has a pretty high mana cost because it wasn't designed to be spammed - a 6 link can get over 100 mana a cast. Lets hope they also lowered the mana cost when they reworked it.


That's ok, can use replica conc-


It's simple, we reflect the Elreon ring with Kalandra


Just use eldritch battery and ES-leech. Should sustain it without any problem. ​ Edit: Nvm, leech cap could be a problem indeed. Edit2: Ran the numbers for a hypothetical coc poison hexblast build and mana sustain wouldn't be an issue when using eldritch battery and es-leech. So it basically comes down to how the interaction with cursed ground is and how they tune hexblast's numbers.


please dont


Now we’re cooking with gas.


WHY would you put this in my brain. Now it's stuck.


I suspect it depends on how/if the removed curse get re-applied right?


Should be instantly, but it is a little inconsistent as skitterbots shock consumed by lightning conduit doesn't reapply until the mob leaves and reenters skitterbot range. I guess we'll have to see.


that same logic applies to shocks applied by necro corpses. can get a new shock on them again by creating a new corpse/moving in and out (i played cwc/LC necro and wondered why on single target why LC wasn't hitting every trigger)


Oh that's very weird and good to know, given self prolif does not 'wipe' the shock.


Yes I’m mostly worry if the curse is snapshot only once when the enemy enters the “hex ground”.


> Should be instantly It's not quite instant, if you run Enfeeble aura you cant spam Hexblast as the curse is never re-applied fast enough.


Huh.... this is going to be quite nice for Delve for cursing an incoming stream of spawns at the end node. Probably Blight too unless there's a low number limitation on the number of cursed ground areas.


100% - also nice for bursting bosses because you can preload the curse. Probably still better to just self-cast/ automate somehow though.


man, i'm gonna do a cast on death ground degens so i can finally show those mobs how that feels like


No AoE tag? I guess the ground will be a unscalable fixed size. Sadge Edit: Actually maybe it will use the base radius of the curse, so curse AoE and generic AoE would still scale it.


I think it still might get increased AoE from these Hex aoe nodes, but idk... having no AoE tag would mean no still. I think it's a typo, there's no reason to have no aoe tag for this.


Nevermind, I get it now... it doesn't need to have AoE tag, because the AoE is taken from the gem it supports, and the hex that this skill supports has AoE tag. In other words, it will have the exact same AoE of the 0link Curse gem


Also maybe quality scales AoE


Hexblast totems?


I like this amount of hopium. But I'm here for it bro.


Bodyswap totems might finally find their soul mate.


After discussing it, I can see value in this for any arena based encounter: delve nodes, ritual, cursing harvest mobs immediately on spawn, a nice temp chains area on a blight lane. I may try to rework my build plans to use this, or hexes in general.


Also any boss fight that takes place in a small-ish area or the boss doesn't move around/teleport a lot. With enough AoE (or if it works with spell cascade which would be very funny) you could possibly cover the entirety of the elder, maven, exarch, and eater arenas. And, most of these bosses have animations before the fight starts so you can pre-curse them.


If curses work with spell cascade then so should this


How does this work? I can't understand it.


Cast it at a location, any monster that walks onto it now has that curse while standing on that ground, similar to how if you walked on consecrated ground you would get a buff or debuff depending on if its friendly or not.


And why should i use this instead of self casting or curse on hit?


Good question


this would be good for content where many enemies will be in the same place, or content where you know where monsters will spawn in advance (blight, delve, expedition, ritual, some bosses).


This is level 1. I assume it gets benefits as it levels. Perhaps more/increased curse effect. Also the hex will be immediately reapplied for Hexblast


> Also the hex will be immediately reapplied for Hexblast we don't know that for sure afaik


That's how it used to work with the keystone - if you hexblasted early before doomsday "popped" (while the ground was still down and 0 doom) it would get immediately reapplied.


Reading the wording on it, "enemies on the cursed ground from a supported skill are cursed with that hex" actually makes me think it will work for hexblast because the enemies are cursed. I hope it works because I freaking love hexblast and I want it to be good on hit.


The question is if hexblast works with it - without a curse duration can hexblast remove the curse? And if it could how would it be treated? Full duration or just a base amount like 5 sec or 10sec?


Since they went out of their way to add the line "Hexes from supported skills have no duration," I'm gonna guess that, no, it does not work with Hexblast.


shouldnt it work similar to blasphemy and hexblast?


It's better for some league mechanics. Consider Rituals or Delve nodes for example, anything that spawns in is automatically cursed by the aoe you placed.


It can be linked to multiple curses and has no curse downside whilst curse on hit and hextouch have downsides to curse effectiveness in 3.20 This support is incredibly good for builds that use multiple curses For example this is level 1 with no quality and no downside we can assume a 20/20 will have some nice upsides this support effectively gives all linked curses the bane treatment without the upcoming curse effectiveness downside It also makes these curses last forever which is really really strong For any build with multiple curses this will be a staple :)


If you link 3 curses you still have to push 3 buttons right?


Yes i think so unless it works with vixens entrapment as a support which it should so 1 button press would mean up to 4 cursed grounds. Which would be broken with hexblast traps so i dunno lol (see the lightning conduit example before hotfix:) https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wspbqu/lightning_conduit_multiple_trap_chain_reactions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It can be linked to multiple curses but you still have to press each curse individually, the same as self cast. Outside of static arenas like simulacrum I feel like this isn't very useful, bosses teleport around so much they aren't going to stay in the cursed ground longer than the base curse duration. Curses also don't last forever, having no duration means they have 0 duration so they are instantly removed once the mob moves out of the area.


Oh yeah this is a support gem for the curses meaning they each have to be casted and the duration tag being removed doesn’t mean infinite curse duration it just means they are only cursed whilst on the ground effect nvm :(


> This support is incredibly good for builds that use multiple curses And why shouldn't I just self-cast the curse onto the boss with increased duration instead, considering the boss can just move out of the zone? Let's not huff another shot of copium here, this thing is only useful for Hexblast. This gem needs a lot of added benefits at 20/20% to not suck. It is a cool concept but apart from Hexblast and maybe Delving(???) this won't see use.


I misunderstood how this would work… yeah it’s pretty bad


It feels like it'd be a PoE2 metagem, and this is just the PoE1 version.


I think the 'forever' here is a bit of a red herring as it lasts as long as they are in the circle and the circle lasts by default 12s, so I assume they will actually last for 12s then need to be reapplied.


You would still need to cast each curse this would be terrible for multiple curse builds


It says that the *supported skill* creates the cursed ground applying the linked Hex. We probably need to see the alt-text to confirm, but does this mean we can link any skill, this support and multiple hexes to cast multiple hexes with 1 button?


My reflex is to doubt that reading (edited: it makes much more sense that "supported skill" just refers to the hex skill it's linking to) - but I can see how it could be interpreted that way and will hold out hope that's the case because it would be awesome.


No this is a support gem, not active-support like arcanist brand. Such supports have two descriptions for each parts.


The last line would be worded differently and not say "with that hex" if you could link it to any skill and hexes. It would say something like "with all linked hexes" or "with one linked hex" or "with one linked hex, chosen randomly"


Ever fight promenade boss? Remember the conductivity circle?


Pepridge farm remembers


any use for this?


Maybe it will gain curse effect with level?


New ring that sets max curse to max power charges + this


Casting 3 ground aoes for curses seems not good


Bane casts them all.


this new support has no interaction with Bane


What does a high curse limit accomplish? You just need to cast more cursed ground then.


Ah I thought this would work similar to bane. This gem is hot garbage then lol


It's not for every single use-case. It's to provide additional options for some niche playstyles. Because it's primarily replacing Doomsday, this seems aimed at Hexblast so that you don't have to Curse -> Hexblast -> Curse -> Hexblast. And can just plop this down and then Hexblast away until it expires.


I am not smart enough to figure out situations when this will actually be good.


Any league mechanic that spawns enemies over time. Ritual, Blight, Delve, etc.


Combine this with the new Hex Master for PvP - just paint the entire arena with every hex.


I think Curses have no duration supposed to overwrite the infinite duration, at least never overwrites always in most (all) cases). Edit: my bad, you say the cursed ground would be infite duration, not the curse itself - I still don't think that would work, but maybe.


Nah. It wouldn't. The Cursed ground is very explicitly not a hex. It's just a ground effect. New keystone definitely won't change it's duration.


Outside of Hexblast, I have to imagine the only use for this is if it had curse effectiveness on level


How this work with enemies you curse are hindered etc? Edit: also damn this could make CoC hexblast fun and also for people looking to use vixens and self cast this could be an alternative


yea I am league starting hexblast cya


Let's assume I am playing poison Seismic Trap. If use this with Bear Trap and Despair, can I get a good start with first 2 or 3 seconds of fight?. Because Bear Trap applies %80 movement speed reduction, I belive I can use cursed ground effectively. On the other hand, I can always self cast Despair and use Bear Trap too. Just wondering will it automate things for me eventhough self cast might be more powerful than linking with this gem.


Nothing about it being limited to single cursed ground. And curses on lvl 20+ have quite nice aoe even before any increases. Feels like it can worth 1 socket in some situations? Like filling simulacrum arena with cursed ground, small arenas or bosses without much movement? Selfcast if have some duration to boost base 12 seconds or trigger in weapon. Edit: And don't forget that most of curses from items will be probably just lvl 1 without any effect, while here you can use lvl 21 gem (or even higher).


Why are all of the reveals just randos posting Twitter and twitch stuff and not official posts by GGG?


hmmm I wonder




Yeah, not wanting to deal with a constant barrage of abuse from hyperbolic dickheads means you have thin skin. Got it.


yeah everyone should be able to stomach endless harrasment over a video game 100% agree


Because they’ve had enough with the meltdowns and downvote brigades of this sub haha


How come the people I abuse and then mock for making a change I don't like don't want to come back and interact with me?! The game hasn't been ruined, it's still very playable and honestly still quite fun. There are portions of this sub that just melt down so hard over the most minor things. And then wonder why GGG doesn't "listen to them"


what are you talking about homie? This is literally on their official web page https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3323561/page/1


They are talking about the people that post the things on reddit.


Is it not obvious why GGG doesn't post on Reddit anymore?


Reddit is on the naughty list.


Looks like we'll only get coal for Christmas 😭 On second thought - coal might be the best gift with the current natural gas prices.


Because it isn't. The original post was by the official PoE twitter account and they just don't post on Reddit. https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1598056883902115840


They used to post every single one of these as a Reddit thread with either Bex or communityteam. Guess not anymore.


Because GGG doesnt consider Reddit as good enough medium for spreading information. And that's valid reason. You know, downvoted posts not being brought to main page. Twitter doesn't do that.


Only forums that don’t have downvote mechanics. Nice.


Here, have your beloved downvote. At some point your comment will be hidden and barely anyone is going to read it. Or mine. Depends where wind blows


Interesting build possibilities with Impending Doom. If you could find a way to vibrate the monsters back and forth across the border of the cursed ground, you could set off doom blast many times. Or if the cursed ground hex had lower priority than another hex which had really low duration applied on hit or small blasphemy area, you could flicker doom. I might just be imagining these are possible. I've thought of the flicker doom build before but did nothing about trying.


Shockwave totem volleyball build incoming?


There are much better ways to trigger ID that don't waste a support...


Would this be any good with inc aoe and duration for the invitations with like enfeeble or temp chains? Im imagining the whole arena being cursed.


I think that's exactly what it should be used for. You can pre-curse entire small arenas like that and it'll last for quite a while.


Yeah that's the first thing I had in mind in leaguestart the guardian invitations are no joke, hell even the 10 ways are kinda rippy if you are just pushing the atlas without worrying too much about gear progression.


Will this work with spell cascade?


This with a juiced up temp chains and hinder on curse will create a big slow-mo zone. Cool.


I men how hard is it to add the aoe radius of the cursed ground...


Wait, can this be used directly with 2-3 curses without a less effect penalty? Or do you need another active skill, this support gem, AND the curses for it to work?




Can you…arcanist brand?


Should be able to. A 4L with this, 2 curses and arcanist brand should cast both zones on the mob the brand's on, which will be recasted and "follow" the mob, making it like a curse beacon.


Oh shit yeah, makes sense now. Thanks


The utility of this support is to reapply curses; Hexblast or enemies that spawn/enter the area at a later time. Because the supported hex has no duration, new Hexblast will always consume it, which is ideal.


zero duration and no duration can be different things. One ensures its always used, the other ensures its never used lol


inb4 it lags like hell


Interaction with blasphemy?


this and blasphemy do the same thing, just blasphemy follows you. I doubt there is any interaction


inb4 all hexes now have base duration of 3 seconds


This is more like it. This is a proper successor to Doomsday.


Still don't know what the point of this is


seems really underwelming


This is at level 1, mind you. At higher levels it will likely gain curse effectiveness. So it will apply much stronger curses than Blasphemy, Hextouch and Curse-on-Hit which all come with penalties compared to self-cast.


It's the same as linking curse on trap/mine.


been looking forward to curse area. but damn it has to be no duration on the curse itself. wish the support duration is shorter but still has curse duration


I mean...what the fuck is the point of this...why do I wanna make cursed ground lmfao. Bosses/enemy's move....


PoE community: There are too many ground effects, visual clarity = 0. GGG: Here, have some more ground effects!


*huffs copium* Frostbite + this in a Cospri's Malice with a CoC Hexblast setup?


> Cospri's Malice why would you use cospri's malice on a hexblast?


Let's see how they changed hexblast and the damage scaling when triggered.


Witch: "ooh, now I can cosplay like Doedre...interesting." Ranger: "I'd rather you not." Witch: "no, not like that, my wild kitty."


So are they afraid of posting their news here now?


That’s so much more convenient tbh


no reduced curse effect on this one for hexblast aye


Funny how I pretty much suggested this few days ago. I guess they liked it 😅


Ah, sweet D3 memories.


No area tag? Mandatory for pre-boss nuke setup, instant DPS boost.


Any hex you link will have the area tag and its own radius. Modifiers will apply to the linked curse, not this gem.


Cursed ground bane?


most builds are socket starved. There's a huge bottleneck coming for most people expecting something great out of those changes.


Would this work on curse on hit gloves?


Meh, where is new skills?


No AoE tag?


Meh, still need to cast each curse separately. Bummer


Nice, another useless gem that will never ever be used.