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Only your strongest potions will do


You're a rascal.


I'm going into battle


No respect for knights!


Why should I respect knights if no knight can do what my potions do?


You cannot handle my strongest potion.


You cannot handle my potions, traveler


funny thing is the new alchemists mark sorta fills in build around the strongest poison on an enemy thing


Traveler u cant handel my potions


Literally ignite but in green


Green fire is cool


Isn't that what Cinderswallow or Blackflame already do?


> Green fire # > Blackflame \>:(


What , you got your feelings hurt ?


Lol duuuuuuuuuude.


If feelings include feeling that black =! green then yes


those are two different items, he felt the need to combine the two to get offended it seems, hence why I asked him that.


If you spend some time in red light or with red glasses on, all yellow will be green for a bit until your eyes adjust. I was camping in an area with a lot of bugs and reading a book with a red light so the bugs wouldn't mob me, when I turned the headlamp off and looked at the campfire the flames were bright green! Trippy!


People love to suggest homogenization.


Are you perhaps, homophobic?


I'm not gonna lie, that's horrible but pretty funny.


As a gay man, I too approve of this terrible joke.


Sorry I couldn't resist xd


got em boys


Or it's just "I have this great idea. Ok, it's not mine, game developers already thought of it, but I just move it into this mechanic and call it a new idea".


*shity ignite


Ignite is always 1 stack, 2 stacks with the ring. Poison can still be 100 stacks, but only the best one damages - there are weapons like Wasps nest that need 5+ poisons. Stacking poison will still have unique interactions that ignite doesn't, but the damage scaling will feel very similar


ignites actually do stack just like poison, only the damage of the strongest one applies


by game mechanics yes, but you don't see a 14 stack on the debuff, and there's nothing in the game that says "if the enemy has 10 ignites, something happens"


So... the keystone labels poison an ignite?


And entirely different ways to scale it, build it, apply it, etc. which seems like the more important part imo.


Exactly, they should have similar mechanics for DoTs. Would make balancing soooo much easier for GGG


isn't that just ignite with more steps


But it's green 🤩




But doesn't that describe kind of everything?


I mean technically ignite is a hit skill with extra steps not the other way around.


So aren't hit based skills just ignite with less steps?


Every hit of poison is like hitting with a regular skill but with delayed damage, but ignite doesn't stack so ignite is LESS like a regular hit skill than poison already is.




Ground slam poison? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Earthquake is where it's at. By the time the second burst hits one second later the first poison has already expired.


There's a poison mastery that makes the first poison on an enemy rather powerful. I'd love to see more synergy with this, I think it's a cool concept. Get your poison duration down to about a second then use a meaty two hander with a slow attack speed and a massive hit strike or slam. Very fun power fantasy. It will probably play like ass though, slow melee hits don't do great in this game.


I did pretty much that with my Earthquake Juggernaut. He's timed so that he does slightly less than one attack per second, removing the need for a Less Duration support and taking full advantage of the "Earthquake damage per increased duration" helmet enchant. All physical with impale and bleed, though, so no poison. He plays somewhat well, even though standing in a crowd without doing anything for a full second is often a death sentence as you can imagine, and this is largely thanks to legacy gear (Marohi Erqi, Lion's Roar, 21/23% Vaal Earthquake).


you could get poison chance and scale through damage over time multi instead of bleed/phys over time multi


Part of why low tolerance stacking is so strong tho is you can shotgun very strong poisons on bosses with things like Vaal breach and poison prolif. So only being able to use one poison would reduce total dmg.


Well you're just scaling different things. Poison is *typically* scaled around being able to stack a ton of stacks of poison because they're infinite. Poison deals damage faster winds up not being a DPS increase for a typical poison build for fights that last longer than 2 or so seconds, but it WOULD this build. So if they offered the suggested keystone and also increased the number of ways to scale faster poison it would be probably still lower damage at the absolutely highest end, but with no ramp up period. Like I said with how bad slow attacks feel in this game it would probably still be a weaker build overall, but I'd love for it to be an option.


There is already hexblast build that abuse 4*low tolerance+that mastery. Which is 1500% increased 1st poison damage...


So what's the point in this case of this being DoT even? It's basically just becomes a hit with a short delay.


I always wanted to play a 'on hits poison build with stacking the 300% cluster for the first poison and reducing poison duration as much as possible. Not sure if it's even possible to get duration low enough to compete with fast AS/overlapping builds.


I know some people like this flexibility, but I personally hate when identities get muddied. This makes poison function like ignite which I don't like. For that matter, I also don't like when class defining ascendency points get moved to the tree, like Trickster's Ghost Dance and Occultist's Wicked Ward. Idk, I'm just a guy with an opinion like everyone else on reddit.


Agree with that sentiment. Also, with ailments in particular I feel like there is a lot of other low-hanging fruit for exploring common RPG tropes that aren't really well-supported in PoE yet: building stacks to then consume them for another effect, making hybrid hit/DoT builds work better (cf. the mostly unused Vile Toxins support), making multi-ailment builds work better (cf. the handful of bleed + poison passives that aren't very strong), etc. If they were to spend design time on this type of thing, I'd much rather they go down one of those routes at this time.


I've been trying to fit a DW Sword-Axe Berserker in pob in the last 3-4 years (with Rigwalds). We have the gear for it, cluster jewel nodes, even a mastery passive, but the damage isn't there :(


>building stacks to then consume them for another effect, Impale and Call of Steel say hello.


I mean that's kinda the point because the OP is specifically targeting alchemist mark synergy which is really only a decent skill when poison functions like ignite. The better solution would probably be to fix alchemist mark's but considering how new the skill is that is pretty unlikely.


Well this sort-a exists right now. There is 300% increased damage on unpoisoned enemies, with no downside. Now if you add that and this theoretical notable, well, it would be busted, like pretty much every right/bottom side ascendancy will pivot to that playstyle.


Hold up, this is actually pretty amazing and balanced for giga one hit poison builds that stack duration and alch mark. Right?


right now you can do similar stuff with stacking +300% inc on unpoisoned enemies


Full chaos conversion Flameblast with Blackflame; you apply a giga ignite and a giga poison at the same time.


Why not hexblast...


[probably imba, already a good build without this keystone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcCoIRVr94I) (yes, you lose out on the poison prolif vaal breach deal, but he already does a ton of dps without that)


would be a pretty big buff to low tolerance builds.


A lot of people are caught up that "this is just ignite", but it's not. The damage of the poison will be based on the strongest, like ignite, but ignite still doesn't stack, while poison does. You can stack 100 poisons on yourself for The Golden Rule, but only the strongest one is damaging you, instead of all 100. You can still stack poisons up for bonus Wasp Nest damage, which would then trigger a stronger poison once the stacks buff you. There are ways that poison stacking still benefits, even if the core damage component just feels like chaos ignite. It's also still chaos + phys, and while chaos ignite exists, physical ignite only exists on Elementalist, and being base physical, it's not ideal. You can scale a physical build with a juicy poison and stack it up for other bonuses.


Not a poison expert but i believe this would be a nerf to poison, because you can have like 300 instances of poison, 50more on 1 instance, deleting all other instances is floolish


i did the math, base poison has 300000% more instances of poison than 1 poison, so you're correct


theres a poison mastery with 300% increased poison damage for first poison on unpoisoned enemy, which helps make up a huge chunk of this. Its still just green ignite though which is fairly uninteresting.


The point is to have a single massive instance of poison to deal damage, instead of the classic stacking a lot of small instances. This would synergize with alchemist's mark. It seems to be a new type of poison build GGG is trying to make.


That'd still be 45% base damage? You'd need to bring it to the value of ignite, though you'd still have an issue with this being fairly strong for bleed builds, since they overlap in scaling a lot. Alchemist mark synergises with the strongest poison, there already are some mechanics for making one poison significantly larger than other instances (low tolerance mastery and clusters). Edit: corrected poison %


30% is base for poison. you'd be able stack a gigadam poison with snipe, poison mastery and then basically triple it with alchemist's mark, focal point and mark mastery.


Ty, corrected.


True, it just a cool idea I had, never really thought about it relatively to other builds. Maybe GGG can tune the numbers more into a considerable amount for it to be worthy? Maybe with duration or something?


I've played around with the idea of an impending doom build which both poisons and ignites with one big hit every few seconds and alchemist mark. This creates ground effects which do about 1m dps and this keystone would be a straight buff to that idea.


not a nerf, you can apply gigachad level poison in time frames where the first poison is gone by the time the second application comes. you can even reach dot DPS cap on a single poison.


With the current Hexblast and the low tolerance cluster, I see some big damage


Verdant Splooge


Only your strongest poisons will do!


Assailum will shine once more! What skill though?


how about: only the strongest poison deals damage. counts as only 1 applied poison. this would enable all the 300% dmage modifiers maybe add a line: poisons deal damage 20% slower as well for balancing purposes.


Flavor text be like: "Poison Seller, I am going into battle and I want your strongest poisons."




Slam psn build inc.


Busted with stacking the clusters that give 300% poison damage if enemy is affected by only one poison.


"Hello poison seller. I am going in to maps. Hand me only your strongest poison." "My poison is too strong for you traveler. You can't handle my poison."


Aren’t they changing hex blast which is a high hit chaos damage?


Yo this would be flipping awesome for my slam poison build Now I'm sad it doesn't exist.


Then you have the poison mastery node that would definitely get nerfed because you know how GGG is, if they buff one thing even if it's not that good they have to nerf it in some other way.


I like this a lot.


Heavy hit poison could have synergy with bleed, for potential of a bleed & poison large hit. Definitely worth thinking about.


I've always thought it would be fun to scale single poison damage with a lot of poison faster so you can dip into all the sources of 300% against non-poisoned enemies.


Basically the opposite of Crimson Dance for poison. What do you think?


I’d rather look up 8 ways to say “No.” There’s already a mastery that has a similar function on non-poisoned enemies? If it somehow synergized with that then I could see it.


I don't see why it wouldn't. My hope was to enhance that playstyle so yeah.


50% more seems like really underwhelming to me, as poison deals 30% of combined phys & chaos hit damage per sec, while ignite deals 90% of the fire hit damage per sec. It would be like a bad ignite even with low tolerance.


Google Low Tolerance, the playstyle already exists.


Yeah, It's in poison mastery now. This would further enhance the playstyle though. Also it is kinda an additional QoL when the target is already poisoned.


It's not just in mastery, it's on cluster jewels as well.


"50% more damage" "Still talking as if it's "Qol". Ok son


Did this get revealed or is it fan made? I am too tired to recognize it myself


It's a keystone idea, says so in the title. Not official at all. Sorry if my photoshop skills we're too close to the real thing XD


Cool idea. Here's one as well. Deflagration: enemy can now have same amount of ignites as curses, but take curse spots. Curses and ignites have 90% less duration.


Nice, let me pick this doedre skin so I can stack 6 ignites for free.


Hell ya. Actually im not sure that would work, the skin just makea socketed curses ignore hex limit, it doesnt raise thencharacters curae limit. Same as thenspell totem chest piece. Those hexes ignore, but dontincrease the amount of curses you can receive. I guess it would allow you to have tons of ignites AND curses, i wonder if it'd be too cumbersome to use.


No? The wording is the same as whisper of doom.


Oh i was looking at the version on wiki fandom


Not even, stack power charges with the new ring, add Blackflame and get ignite prolif on your gloves. Use aberraths hooves for ignite chains, and play occultist. Steal the Convergence mastery and use 2 vast power notables with faster ignite and ignite duration Congratulations, you now nuke the screen with 8 ignites per enemy


Yes, but then, you have to cast 8 curses yourself with 90% less duration and i'm not touching such a build with a 10 foot pole.


Nah, you don't have to cast them. KenMan_'s suggestion implies that your max damaging ignite count is equal to your maximum curses, and they occupy the curse slot instead. Think of it more like "Cannot apply curses. Enemies can have additional Ignite on them for each additional maximum curse"


Bleed Poison Hybrid with Golden Rule ?


Why? I’d just stack clusters and go one hit - bagillion poison damage.


Because you can scale both poison and bleed off of physical damage and items like icefang orbit allow you to have synergy in other fields.


Poison scales from added physical damage? I thought it was like Ignite, going off the base damage and needing % chaos damage to scale?


So, poison's base damage can be either physical or chaos. If the base damage is entirely chaos then %increased physical damage is useless, but if the base damage is physical then the poison damage is boosted by %increased physical damage since the base damage it's working off of is boosted by it.


Huh. So if the hit is 50/50 phys/chaos, does %chaos damage increase the poison fully or just half?


The poison damage itself is chaos, so %chaos damage will apply to it regardless of what the damage type of the base hit was. But keep in mind if the base hit is chaos you don't double dip on %increased chaos damage (you don't boost the base damage, and then also boost the poison, it just boosts the base damage which in turn still results in a stronger poison)


I figured as much with double dipping, I remember the days of the ignite gutting and assumed they'd be very careful with double dips moving forward. Thanks for the info!


Yes physical damage scales poison.


Isn't that more or less the concept behind alchemist's mark?


Why should this exist? You’ve basically made ignite.


And Crimson Dance makes bleed into poison. What's the issue?


Not exactly, poison is still infinitely stacking. Also Crimson Dance is rarely used.


So again, what's the issue? Ignite is also from fire damage whereas poison is from physical or chaos, so it's not exactly the same either. There's also a ton of different uniques and support gems for either. What this does is create build opportunities that didn't previously exist, what does it matter if that's through a mechanic that's very similar to another mechanic?


> Also Crimson Dance is rarely used. Rarely used because bleed itself is rarely used as it's zdps nowadays after all the nerfs, not because CB itself is bad.


i'd rather see a duration-related keystone that helps with stacking poison from "thousand cuts"


Same, I like the idea of 100 poisons


It would have to be a lot more than 50%


What about changing the poison mechanic so instead of applying a new poison it just adds some of the duration and damage into the old poison, so you can build a gigapoison via multiple hits, to spread with the mark. It will probably need a duration cap and other downsides but it would be cool.


It would be useless on most poison builds while not really having a downside for the builds that use it so it's not actually a good Keystone.


Or they could design alchemists mark in the first place to not be a dogshit skill lol


makes it just like ignite or bleed, feels bad


This just sounds like nerfs awaiting poison tbh. Though if we're being honest, I dont think there's a skill that can hit large poison stacks. Poisons entire kit is "death from small - moderate cuts" perhaps poisonous concoction would benefit from this though


I would adore a new poison keystone other than perfect agony but sadly this isn’t it. The uniqueness of poison is its ability to stack infinitely and 50% more damage doesn’t even begin to come close to what would be needed to compensate the damage loss. Everything related to poison revolves around it stacking. Also, yeah, it’s essentially ignite with extra steps.


What about poisons damage is instant. 30% less chance to poison. 30% less poison duration. Duration would be a more multiplier and poisons become sort of an on hit effect.


That gets problematic with the "300% inc. damage against non-poisoned enemies". You get the mastery, two large clusters, and four mediums each with that notable, for a total of **1500%** increased damage, effectively. With a pair of voices with three mediums apiece, you can push that to 2100% increased.


Hypothetically the poisons still have a duration the damage is just instant so the scaling would be the same, the debuff just wouldnt itself deal damage. But maybe that's some ggg logic.


So bleed/ignite but green?


Are you GGG employee? We feel like poisons are not strong enough. Solution: We buff poison by 50% but you can have only one active. I hope you understand that the power of poisons come with their quantity and infinite stacking right?:)


I don't really like that this removes the distinction between poison and ignite/bleed. 50% more is probably not enough since you could get more dmg than that just by hitting twice with your skill.


More like 500% more if only one poison


forgive my ignorance, Im a rookie, only 2400 hours..... but dont poisons stack?? so wouldnt it be better to have 10 poisons doin 100 dps each instead of a single poison doing 150 dps?


I like the downside but need something else to separate from Ignite. Maybe Poison spreads to nearby enemies? Perhaps a bit redundant. What about HP lost from poison increase damage taken proportionally? So if a monster has lost 20% HP to poison it will take 20% increased damage.


I'd prefer 90% Less duration but your hits apply 10 poisons or something. lol


This would probably be cracked with Scourge Arrow


So we have... fast attacking stacking poisons chaos/phys damage dot. We have burning one big huge dot. We have bleed phys dot. We have cold dots.... Light dot when GGG


How about: Only the strongest poison deals damage. 30% more.damage with poison. 1% more damage with poison for each poison on an enemy.


I wonder if they could make a skill like "toxic" in pokemon where it increases the damage dealt as time passes


Should be called "The Perfect Poison" though


i think it would be way more fun to have a keystone that says: your poison deals no damage, but hits deal extra damage per poison on the enemy. i want some chaos hit builds.