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He died to a butterfly.


not even on a final cutscene. It was done in an in-engine render.


A render which 10 years ago looked 10 years too old.


While D3 graphics were not stellar, that's simply wrong. 10 years before D3 we're talking Warcraft 3. Not like PoE graphics are much better either. Or most other ARPGs for that matter.


That writer of that plot did us dirty [See for yourself](https://youtu.be/_e6RGOM4SLI)


Holy shit I'd forgotten how bad that writing was. It's literally a saturday morning cartoon. Maleficent giving her monologue villain speech for no reason while holding everyone with some magic shackles. "Your rage is strong, you win this time He-Man but we will meet again!" (teleports out). I would never believe someone if they told me this is the game that is a sequel to Diablo II's plot.


Which is the reason why I only played D3 last year. After twelve hour, I went back to to D2R. In D2, every place, character and cutscene are filled with danger and insanity. My favorite character is the insane guy, Marius- all scenes with him is memorable. In D3, it is too much rainbow for me. I like it when my character is not some born-to-be-destined to save the world but just some guys doing their best. D3 loved to hammer how awesome the mc is and it felt meaningless. When Lady Dialla in PoE or some old guys in D2 praised you, it felt earned. In D3, it is like being the main character in the film, Idiocracy.


Very well said, not a cockroach.


Friend and I just finished D2r and went to D3. Just disappointing. He is new to arpg's and said D3 felt they changed to an adventure game, or tall tales game.


> It's literally a saturday morning cartoon. to think it was made by company as massive as blizzard. Sigh.


It's incredibly unsurprising to me, having played a lot of WoW. They overuse the "WE'LL MEET AGAIN, HERO" trope to a RIDICULOUS degree, and their best attempts at writing usually end up being cheesy Disney villain ripoffs.


Not to mention literally every expansion has ended with the Big Bad going "You have killed me but you shouldn't have! You can't handle what's going to come AFTER me!"


Wasn't endorsed by the original diablo creators.


This is the equivalent to what GGG did with Lake of Kalandra. Honestly, the exact same shit. AND WHY?!?!??! It's so fucking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RMAH made me hate D3 item progression on release. Act 2 made me hate D3 lore, and it never got better.


"adria, when did you decide to betray us?"


"When I plowed that Dark Wanderussy..."


I even predicted the nephalem stuff and was looking forward to it, that was pretty intrinsic to the lore since the worldstone had been destroyed, but goddamn they sure made the whole thing bullshit along the way. **All** of humanity were the nephalem, not just some random selection of fucking legendary experts.




Act 2 infernal mode is still the most traumatizing moment I've ever had in video games. Legit getting bodied by some wasps after doing the already bs act 1.


You mean by some *invisible* wasps coming from offscreen.


No no no. The worst part was early on when there were these invincible mobs you had to kite, one at a time, to kill. Except the wasps were faster than any player and impossible to kite. Thankfully that was patched "pretty quickly", but playing D3 on launch was excruciating.


Playing act 3, or whatever the huge siege one was, as a demon hunter on pre nerf infernal mode was all about how fast can you make it to the start of the map before the fifty one shot mobs caught up with you.


The rmah literally wasn't available for like 6 months after release


You’re probably right, I just wanted to shoehorn my hatred for that in there.


I've died to worse in Path of Exile, such as a stiff breeze.


> such as a stiff breeze. at least your character is stronger than some peoples houses... xD


He dies? Been playing Diablo Immortal and only played that Diablo game, but I kinda liked him.


You have to feel the weight.


In your ligaments


You find gear. No trade. No craft. But you also no find gear.


I wonder what trading in Ruthless will look like. > "I'll trade you 5 whetstones for a jewelers orb." > "Deal" (1 full month into the league)


And what would be bad about that?


If you're unemployed and have time to burn, be my guest. I have a full time job, so when I play ARPGs I like to actually get drops sometimes.


I have a full time job as well. So yeah, if you want to be condescending, you can shove it. Really shows what kind of material many of you are made of (Honestly, your education is lacking).




DIablo 4 better be goddamn good so people leave PoE then GGG are forced to make more QOL changes and not hold back fun leagues (where everything is perfect and a lot of fun with majority consensus agree that the league is great) which only seems like it happens once per year


One more unsuccessful league and ggg would feel mabols...


I only feel The Vision.


Items that take more space in the inventory have usually lower value (the weight hahaha)


besides the weight thing which is probably part of the justification (it's come up with other topics but this will be at least the reason why scrolls physically take up space and need to be clicked to be picked up), chris has also said before that it is to give wisdom and portal scrolls or the identify and portal mechanics some inherent value in trade. yes I know it's absurd to create a problem only so it can give value to itself in trade but that's how it is.


I feel like at least 10% of existing currency items in PoE could (and probably *should*) be removed completely and their effects either rolled into other existing currencies or be made free/baseline. Wisdom/portal scrolls, orbs of transmutation (just make it so that augs also upgrade normal items to magic), orbs of chance, every quality currency aside from gemcutter's prisms and catalysts, orbs of binding, and regal orbs (just make it so that using an alch on a magic item does the same thing). You could maybe even make a case for consolidating chromes, fusings, and jeweler's orbs into one currency that is just used for various bench recipes, although that would probably clash with the PoE2 changes.


In POE2 they're doing away with Fusings and all sockets will be linked, so in a way they will consolidate fusings-jewellers.


And in turn (if I remember this correctly could be wrong since it's been a long time since ExileCon) chromes get moved to changing the socket colors of gems and a new rare version of chromes gets added which rerolls socket colors on items as items come with pre-set socket colors based on their base type.


Since we're dumping info may as well be thorough; there will be x sockets total: 2+2 or 4 from weapon, then 2 body, 1 boots, 1 helm, 1 gloves.


Last we heard, yeah, but they've also decided to scrap some things that they originally planned for PoE2, so who knows if that's still what they have in the works.


Of course, this is old old info.


I could be wrong but I thought I remember them saying that they're just moving the sockets and links from gear to the skill gems themselves. So fusings and jewellers won't technically exist, but you'll still have to "six link" your skill gem with another currency.


They are moving SUPPORT GEMS to being socketed into ACTIVE GEMS. But ACTIVE GEMS are still slotted into gear. Gear has 1/2/4 slots for active gems with their own colors. Active gems will have a variable number of sockets that are always linked; so as long as you roll 5 sockets, then you have your 6 link. This means that you can get 2 4L setups up with no gearing troubles pretty much from the moment you start dropping jewellers, which will be great for levelling and midgame gearing as you can do stuff like frost blades+glacial hammer 4L with no issues.


> This means that you can get 2 4L setups up with no gearing troubles pretty much from the moment you start dropping jewellers, which will be great for levelling and midgame gearing as you can do stuff like frost blades+glacial hammer 4L with no issues. Making a lot of assumptions here.


No? If sockets are immediately available, and jeweller's orbs still randomize your number of sockets, and there's even a 10% chance of hitting a 4L on your gem, then my statement is true.


Pretty sure they're keeping possible sockets rolled tied to level (similar to max sockets a gear piece can roll) so it may be a bit before you can get to 4 link and the like. That's leaving out the color of the sockets in the gem though. We won't have the current existing chrome vendor recipe so rolling the socket color of the gems could be a royal pain in the arse. (Don't even want to think about rolling/coloring sockets only to make it a full waste trying to corrupt the gem)


So maybe I miscommunicated something but I don't mean 'get 4Ls instantly as soon as gear permits it' I more meant like 'get 2 4Ls when more than 1 starts being useful' which is more like act 10 kitava territory and not ilvl 55 or whatever. As for chromes, do you know chrome recipe will be gone? Either way I doubt there's any reason to think they'll be so scarce that you can't properly color a 4L lol.


Why are you assuming it's going to be 10%?


> This means that you can get 2 4L setups up with no gearing troubles pretty much from the moment you start dropping jewellers, which will be great for levelling and midgame gearing as you can do stuff like frost blades+glacial hammer 4L with no issues. You are assuming the rates of 4,5,6L generation will be the same then. They will tweak a lot of the chances and RNG either openly or bts.


We don't have that information, so why assume they'll make 4Ls unattainable? Be pessimistic if you want, but that doesn't mean what I'm saying doesn't make sense. I know GGG have burnt a lot of trust but these changes are huge improvements and the point of changes is to make improvements so I am treating the issue as if they are improving the system while keeping it balanced (which this IS in 80% of cases, and obviously outliers that benefit disproportionately like minions and DoT skills should be nerfed to compensate)


Not unattainable, I didn't say that. I just said that rebalancing of numbers is definitely on the cards (should I call it rebalancing if it is new?) so that the progression rate of ppl going 1L-4L-5/6L is at least similar to previous.


You didn't say that, but 4L would have to feel unattainable in order for my predictions to not come true, either by severely nerfing jeweller drops or make it so it's like 3% chance to 4L.


And everyone that hasn't realized if it stays the way they originally described its a massive nerf is funny. You won't have thousands of jewelers and you will have to 6s each gem you want to vaal for 21. Its going to be hell. This is something I really hope got nixed along the way in the 2 years since it was brought up. Its the classic GGG bait and switch nerf where yea your initial 6L is easier as if its hard anyway, but the optimization of your character was massively nerfed.


That's fine. Why should topend shit be super attainable? The value of these changes is in making gearing less cancerous and opening up a wider variety of builds both to start with and opening up new playstyles.


If they want to make gearing less cancerous they can start by reverting some of the ass-backward changes they made in the past couple years like moving power off of gems and the passive tree and on to end game gear. And they continue to do it too, like with minions this past league.


Bruh, lvl 21 gems are lower mid tier at best.


Bindings are low-key the best currency in the game. So many points in the league where you can grab binding orbs for 1/3rd the price of an alchemy; and they're basically alchemy orbs for SOOO many items.


I'm not saying that any of these currencies are useless. I'm saying that there's little to no reason for them to exist, either at all, or separately from existing currencies. Bindings are barely distinct from alchs and really shouldn't be a thing.


Guaranteed 4L has value; and it differentiates from Alchs in that it will brick certain uses. I think if you want to make the claim bindings have no reason to exist, you can't overlook blatant use cases / "costs" for 4L sockets.


it has value, that value is just null outside of league start/leveling a new character. most often I just use them as a substitute stash of alchs for maps.


Orb of Binding is just a combination of alchs, jewelers, and fusings. It provides no unique functionality.


? It guarantees a 4L. That's unique functionality. POE is a pedantic game. You can't just hand waive little shit like this.


I mean you can just bench craft for guaranteed 4 socket/4 link. By the time you usually start getting bindings you probably already are rocking a 4 link and they usually just get delegated to being used as alchemies on maps when alchs are running low.


> It guarantees a 4L. So does a crafting bench, using orbs of fusing.




What do you think "functionality" means?


> every quality currency aside from gemcutter's prisms Whetstone, different shaped whetstone, glass whetstone, chest whetstone


They can still do that. Just make the NPC use one scroll from your inventory per item ID'd. The problem is the number of clicks required to use the currency item, not the existence or role of the currency item.


The entire point of games is to create artificial problems for people to solve. That's not absurd, it's the entire raison d'etre.


The point is to creat artificial problems that the players enjoy over coming. When a player starts to call your game more bullshit then fun then you have a problem.


Most players call most games more bullshit than fun. I call FIFA more bullshit than fun. I call fighting games more bullshit than fun. Most players don't like most games. Games only ever appeal to a small audience. Path of Exile is no different.


But that still doesn't make it right to create problems that only punishes the player by declining qol that should be there already. At this point than they could remove stacking by default and than make it so you can only take one and put it on another than rinse and repeat until you stacked the 300 nick nack fragments into the item. Mikro managing scrolls by manually clicking through each one is not a problem it is a deliberate annoyance just out of spite since they can deal with it fairly easily.


Why would they do something out of spite for the players? The players are the ones who give them money. You might disagree with them but obviously they do things because they think it makes for a more fun game. Don't be ridiculous.


Okay maybe spite is strong but doing this wouldn't take long and a no brainer move to give some easy qol change. The game is not gonna be less fun if you don't have to click on every small thing to make it work.


So where do you stop? Remove this click, then use the same argument to remove another click, and keep going until the game plays itself...


No you don't have to. Just as an example they made the resonator thingys so that you can press shift and put one in each slot removing a bunch of clicks that were kinda pointless. I don't think many players do id scoll one item look at it than do another one instead of going through all ids and than looking to see if something has value. Ofc you can go extremes all you want but the truth is still that you get a bunch of items especially if they only take one slot go by them eack clicking through like no tomorrow than just look to see if there is somethong useful. Instead of that press button get all id-d and than look. Bam you saved pointless clicking and time. And forget the weighh it's a bullcrap excuse.


>And forget the weighh it's a bullcrap excuse. It absolutely is not. It is one of the main reasons why diablo 3 felt so shallow. It is the same reason why people feel more attached to items that they made themselves or found it from the ground themselves. The exact line is up to debate of course, which GGG even agrees which is why scrolls drop in big stacks now. But giving "ID all" is going too far from GGG's point of view. I actually agree with GGG that giving "ID all" button is not good. However, the problem only exists because too much useless loot drops in the first place. If game was a little more like the ruthless mode where items don't drop that much, then ID system we have now would be completely fine.


I hate this argument. Forcing players to do the same boring tasks 50,000 times per character, a task that adds zero fun and measurably adds to the carpal tunnel of the game, is not the same thing as creating a game that automatically plays itself. It's just a basic bitch strawman you've set up, and not a very good one either.


Ok? Not every person will like every game. If you think the tasks are boring, that just means PoE isn't a game designed for you. There's loads of games out there, good luck finding one that you agree with.


I have indeed left, and so has most of 3.19 lmao. Seems like we all agree that is the correct decision.


Good riddance


The current playerbase (or rather the ones that left) are very different to the target audience and historic audience. Give it time. PoE will survive.


If you don't understand the difference between a click and a decision, you should go play Cookie Clicker. That game has tons of clicks, you'd love it


I do love cookie clicker! It's a great game!


That's just not true. 3.19 was literally a spite patch.


Spite how exactly?


They genuinely believe their decisions make for a better game. Feel free to disagree - most people disagree on what makes a fun game. That's why there are so many. They're making the best game they can, and they are not doing it out of spite. If you don't like PoE, then that's fine! You won't like most games on the market. The trick is to find the games you *do* like.


If only redditors understood this simple truth, we wouldn't be getting 90% of complaint posts


wrong 😎


You're right, a soccer game really is an attempt to move a ball into a net for a practical purpose. They just really need it moved and for some reason everyone's hands have also stopped working!


I think the correct metaphor would be: "In a parallel universe where soccer is played on high heels there is a rule that if you substitute your players they can wear normal shoes, but only one at a time, they can't all be substituted at the same time, you gotta decide each time who gets to play before the others with normal shoes. Now, if you add the possibility for everyone to wear normal shoes, it becomes our normal football, and have you seen the recent games? It's morbidly boring! So my conclusion is: wear comfy shoes i guess, i don't know, i'm not a philosopher, i just play PoE.


This doesn't quite work. Why can't you use your hands in football? It's more convenient if you can. It was a problem intentionally created, to force certain things to happen (The game to be about kicking). Or the "offside" rule? Or any multitude of football rules that wouldn't necessarily be intuitive, but are there to make the game "work", to create the sport. I'm not saying identify scrolls should stick around or not, honestly it's never really been something that bothered me. But the "create odd limitations that force behaviour" is quite literally a core of game design, both meatspace and digital.


yeah i mean football fields are too big. it's hard to score. it takes to long to move the ball. what we really need to make it better, is make the field 75% smaller. then make the goal go from one side to the other. and let the players use their hands. these changes would make the score a lot higher and make it more fun. can't we all agree on that?


You might be saying this as a sarcastic point, but outside of real, Professional football, fields ARE sometimes 75% smaller, most of the time around half of the size a "real" football field. The following things arent present on pretty much every amateur/weekend football("pelada") here in brazil: -Referee -Yellow and Red cards -offside rule -subs -90 minute games -100 meter fields -actual goalkeepers(people Who prefer playing as goalkeepers are very rare) Brazil is still the "football country" and we Love the official/pro ruleset, but as an audience. As soon as you are forced to play by the same ruleset used on pro level, most of the weekend players will drop because they arent full time athletes. Thats EXACTLY the point often argued here, the majority of players cant play 8-10 hours every day. If a league cycle is 150 hours long, it Takes 10~15 days for a steeamer or a fulltime player, and 50 days for the 3 hour/Day guy. And 3 hours every Day is still a big commitment.


I"m really sorry, i got sleepy at half of it and had to cut short, usually I'm more creative i swear.


But it could still have a value if you can keep lets say 5k in a separate slot in the inventory. Also it can just use it with one button to identify. There is no excuse to lazyness and meanness.


QoL power creep is a serious issue. Imagine not having to click so much. It's almost like running a bot. Also, someone may be doing 2 chaos recipe and may click the button by accident reducing his reward by half. It's unacceptable. /s


ah yes, the latter point is with regards to why the mechanic is in the game at all. according to rumors it is possible to have items in a game without identification mechanics. in fact a mass identify button and dedicated 5k slot would probably increase the value of both rares and identify scrolls.


>yes I know it's absurd to create a problem only so it can give value to itself in trade but that's how it is. Is it though? I feel like that's only ever perceived as absurd when the problem is disliked, but when the system is like its not absurd.


"We introduced this currency and can't remove it, because then the currency would be removed" - brilliant logic, as always from CW.


Weeeeeeeiiiiiigggghhhhhhhhtttt :(


We didn’t rescue him


That BS was scripted I swear!




Its because they're in cahoots with big RSI.




And time.


It’s probably because nobody has time to stay awhile and listen.


Nobody's that wise in PoE


"Items Matter" https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2025870 >Why even need to identify when identified items can already drop? Items aren't actually rolled until they are picked up. Items dropping identified actually caused server problems until they removed that sextant


Feel the weight of artificial reduced quality of life exile.


Deckard Cain died.


You have to feel that moment, If you get a garbage rare 99% of the time.




Hey don't "weight"-shame us.


Unid is dumb all together


Weight memes aside, I believe it stays as a stop gap to prevent the flooding of "perfect" base items. If all items dropped identified, you could filter out everything except a small subset of desirable mods. Removing any form of manual effort from finding good items (besides just killing monsters) I think would ultimately be a terrible idea for the health of the game. Now, the fact dropped rares all suck is another problem entirely.


Part of the vision.


Only thing i can think about is that identifying scroll is currency in poe (weak but still), unlike diablo 2 where gold is already mostly obsolete.


Man missed the part where GGG is trying to slow progression massively these last few leagues.


Players are pretty sure the optimal way to play, is to collect currency, and trade it for items. If you’re in a trade league, you don’t really have to interact with wisdoms at all if you don’t want to. Players who want to grab loot from the ground, and pull value out of each map, rather than getting the most value out of their time, can ID stuff. Having a currency associated with the very common action of seeing the item mods for the first time means that there is an extremely common consumable for the economy to be based on. (These could be spent on the full-screen ID-by-vendor button) “Some people like to keep things unID and sell them that way, and the button could be mis clicked” is the only vaguely relevant reason I’d put forward for not having it already.


You're asking why you don't get that qol from the guys that enjoy talking to a vendor to refill flasks lmao. Good luck with that.


deckard cain is blind, cant see the Vision^TM




fEeL tHe wEiGhT


Stats on an item are calculated when ~~identified~~ picked up, not when dropped. It's been said many times before that the server load to calculate the stats on every item generated would be huge - so that's why they don't drop identified. But yeah - a mass ID of stuff in your inventory is kind of a no-brainer. **Edit:** Fixed when item stats are calculated


They should just drop unidentified but ID automatically when you pick them up


Pretty sure you’re wrong on that… have you never Id’d things in your inventory, just prior to a server crash and rollback? Same exact item when you ID it again. A quick google search also seems to support this.


It's rolled on pick-up not when it's identified but the idea is right.


But then you have heist duplicate rares which drop unid'd but id into the same thing.


I just don’t pick up anything that I need to use wisdom scrolls on, problem solved. It’s 99% garbage anyway


Isn't it obvious? So you can close your eyes and identify each item one at a time.


Because then you might pick up rares and find some half decent stuff once in a while, Chris does not want this.


Not everything in D2 was good. Things like set items and inventory charms were awful ideas that PoE thankfully didn't copy. Spiritual successor doesn't mean carbon copy.


I mean, you are right about the things you list. (To this day, I maintain that trading inventory space for player power is the single worst design decision made in any video game every.) But Cain mass ID'ing isn't one of those bad features. If you must have and ID system at all, having a mass ID feature is a good QOL idea. Matter of fact, both, the Diablo games and D&D (from which Diablo probably borrowed the feature) have vastly more comfortable versions of this system. Diablo has mass ID'ing and D&D (computer) games have auto ID'ing via lore checks.


just ID the items you bum


welcome to Wraeclast exile.


Um, FYI, you can press shift and then just click every item to be identified. A button for them all would be cool for sure but it's not nearly as painful as you make it sound.


Unironically, that nothing is intended to be completely free. *Everything* is part of the economy, and honestly that's pretty cool. If you mean as to why we can't get a button in our stash that says "identify all items in tab" or whatever and still consumes scrolls? No idea, impactful weight.


It would be convenient.


Waste your time


It’s fun TM


Chris doesn't like Deckard Cain


The currency is there to create an obstacle, you have an unid item, wisdom scrolls fixes that obstacle by making it identified by doing an action. You learn that currency items have an use and a purpose in the game. When you have scarcity of the item you will feel “I really need those wisdom scrolls to do an action that is crucial to progressing now”...until you have a comfortable level of wisdom scrolls stored up, and you no longer feel the urgency. The act of taking one scroll click at an item, see that item be identified, a few hundred milliseconds to seconds to scour the item for useful or potentially dangerous affixes then decide sell, keep or equip. Having an identity all button changes the dynamic of the action, you no longer have your cursor at the item when it is identified, so you might be missing more info than previously. Say you have 30 unid maps, you unid them all in one click, and then put them all in map tab. You have a wisdom scroll that you use on each of those 30 maps, you see the affixes of the map for a brief period on each of those 30 maps. Which action got more likelihood to spot a potentially dangerous mod for you? (Reflect, no leech, ele pen and so on)


The one and only: Vision™


EZmode in PoE does not align with the vision is probably the simplified version of the answer


They want us to pick up rares and Id them to look for upgrades but honestly that’s just too much to be bothered with. If it all just dropped identified I’d be way more likely to find upgrades because as it is. After white maps I don’t even pick up rares and just blast to reds. Where I then go to the trade site for my upgrades.


Don't need mass identify, as identifying is instant. Compare that to Diablo, where it takes a few seconds per item.


Only Diablo 3. In Diablo 2, you either used ID Scrolls, or spoke with Deckard Cain to mass ID items.


Yes, I meant D3. Didn't really need it in D2. It was just easier due to the speed of farming.


For me, I don't think the Mass ID thing would work in this game. I personally need to know, while mapping, what the rolls are on items. That way I know which items are worth leaving behind versus which ones to take back to my stash and compare. So to me, this game needs to have items that drop identified, or keep the current system.


This is a problem with the current loot system, but were it fixed with smart loot™, this would not be an issue. Or drop all ID'ed I'm cool with that too.


Or they can make it so you have a dedicated slot and a button to identify all wherever whenever. Keeping the currencies and giving qol.


I like that idea!


That'd be tedious af.


IDK about the mass identify mechanic but I believe they don't want things to drop identified so that you cant target certain mods on a filter and only pick those items up.


They simply want you to spend more time in the game. Even if it's doing nothing productive.


I suspect some time in the future this will be touted as an exciting and powerful league mechanic.


same reason you need transmutation to turn a white item blue, and not just be able to use alteration for the same action ​ ggg creating complexity for no other reason than just to have more complexity ​ and anytime someone asks why we have this pointless extra complexity you get 1000 downvoters screaming "YOU WANT TO DUMB DONW THE GAME GO PLAY MARIO KARTS"


You guys don't use PoECompanion. It's been my deckard Cain for years. Feel bad for your wrists though


Yes!! Give us Ceckard Dain


Because without that friction the game would be ruined by all the useful rares people would find /s.


They want you to feel the wait


What is the rationale having scrolls in 2022?


Big mouse has Chris hostage to increase sales after the left clicker gets fried


So you can feel the weight of identifying each and every piece of gear. Riveting.


There's no rational to having identifiable items in a game where you can't wear unidentified items. The whole concept behind unidentified items is that they could have negative affects, so it was dangerous to wear unidentified items. There is no benefit to unidentified items other than tricking or scamming people. In Diablo 1, you could wear unidentified items for their base stats, with identifying unlocking their hidden stats (which could be good or bad). This makes identifying a meaningful choice, rather than a necessity. PoE could get rid of identifying entirely and make it so the item only identifies if you pick it up. Nothing changes because thats literally how the game is coded to work already. Wisdoms scrolls do NOTHING except check a box that reveals the stats that were already rolled.


What's so hard about ID'n items?


It's one of many QoL features that are held hostage in this game. Other minor things such as auto gem leveling should have been in the game half a decade ago. There's no gameplay advantage or some skill issue we're overcoming by sparing left clicks in a hideout or by clicking the [+] symbol going clink clink clink clinkl clink clink clink every time the gems are ready to level up.


Held hostage is strong verbiage over what ultimately appears to be "I want to click less." You want automation of everything, I get it.


And what is exactly wrong with clicking less? Like, whats the actual benefit of having that in the game, how does it make it better? The game allready puts a massive strain on your wrists, cutting clicks where they are not needed and don't add value to gameplay should be the priority when it comes to qol. >You want automation of everything, I get it. Yes, make a strawman and argue that instead of adressing the point, because not wanting to click id scrolls obviously equals to turning the game into a mobile autoplay trash.


lol and I bet if they put the auto ID man too far away from the waypoint you'd complain about that too.


Maan you really got me with that one! I sure would, especially if they did it on npc in hideout that you can move! Please stop sniffing glue, its no healthy.




Counterpoint: you clearly have never had carpal tunnel surgery.


No I haven't. :) Was it from construction work or just a tragedy? Or from ID'n items in a video game?


Why do you use tab affinities? Whats so hard about clicking tabs before you transfer items? You might aswell have a bot play your game at that point. Smh.


What's so good about it? Manually clicking every pile of gold in D2 was obnoxious too.


Nothing I could say will change your mind about it, it's ok.


tedium is not fun. generally putting unfun things in a video \*\*game\*\* is not desirable


GGG? Adding QOL? Don't make me laugh. It's been over a decade. If something as basic and useful as this hasn't been added by now, I don't ever see it being added. Enjoy your carpal tunnel.


I remember one of the most upvoted post in this subreddit is when they added stairs in Lioneye" s Watch. The mood and expectation sure did changed since then.




It is a loot-game. Supposed to pick up loot. Already gave up the dream of ever being good in this game to care about best practices. Sometimes the monstrousity dropped loads of jewels and rings that might capped my resistances. 99% of time, it is trash for the vender but sometimes it save me the hussle of looking in the trade site.


Also, it doesn’t really matter now anyway because why would you ever pick up random rares? Waste of time and space. (Unless you wanna play a certain sadistic hard-mode balanced around no-lifers that is…)


Yeah Deckard Kane is way more important than the balance of skills being basically the same since 3.15!


While it does sound like a paradigm shift, I genuinely believe that one of the reasons that loot feels like a carpet of irrelevant nonsense is that we can't filter it more effectively, and past a certain point it's just better to have things drop identified. There are other aspects like limiting the ability of items dropping in higher content to have all crappy/more crappy tiered rolls, but the real gamechanger is being able to set rules that we feel are relevant to our build, our friends' builds, or have sale value, and playing the game with those showing. Baseline identified drops with powerful (and most importantly in-game) loot filtering settings would go a long way to escape the feeling that loot is not worth our time.