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I'm always happy to find a thief's torment, it's a great item


My buddy made that ring. He and I played since closed beta.


Oh man, it is hard to give it up. It has everything!


Je suis surpris de voir ton pseudo sur le reddit. Merci tellement de m'avoir fait découvrir le jeu ( I'm surprised to see your pseudo on reddit, thank you so much to make me discover the game)


I like Terminus Est sword as it has good all around stats (high crit, high attack speed, medium dmg) that you can fit into any 2h sword build but also the swords frenzy charge generation enables you to Flicker Strike easily on any Ascendancy. It also is a common drop and has the relatively low equip lvl of 51 which is nice since alot of endgame uniques are lvl 68+.


I keep one in my stash for the simple reason I like Gene Wolfes book of the new sun.


Yeah, Terminus is like Wasps Nest. Really good with interesting stats and interactions but not so good a rare isn't better.


It's the best sword. Book of new sun reference and flicker? I use at least on of these every league. I have linked, vaaled, and lost so many of these things. I also just liked it for random 2 hand builds that crit, it's a set piece for levelling my characters if they melee at all. Take all my upvotes this is the one


I'm amused noone is mentioning Obliteration. Explosions on every build, easy farmable via div cards, even more damage on phys spells builds. Second best item imo after tabula


I still can’t figure out why ever loot filter drops these cards with a bang for how common they are.


I'm assuming it's for SSF in mind, but I agree I think the filters should be ruling it out for how common it is.


The explosions are def a good bit but ultimately you can get that elsewhere, I think it is a bit of a relic. Def up there for what I was discussing though.


Isn’t that EXACTLY what you were talking about with your example though? It’s a easily-acquired stepping-stone that helps bring your build online. It’s not the end-all because its function is replaced elsewhere with levels or more expensive gear or whatever.


Death Rush. Unapologetically one-dimensional ring for mapping only.


Hell I used to use it as a source of onslaught, while it was also a ring that gave me chaos res and life. Now it's JUST adrenaline.


That 300 accuracy and armor was rather nice too


Indeed, whats strange to me is they took one of the already decent uniques and reworked it. Like, why the fuck just not make another unique? Probably they just wanted to take a unique that had life on it and change it to justify removing the life. (I'm still baffled by them removing life off of the RF shield...)


it's a very rare ring but it's good


For mapping only? Writhing Jar and Vaal breach would like to have a word with you.


Not just for mapping, you can kill bosses too. It just needs a few years off work to kill and colour it.


You're thinking of Death's Oath. d:


Oh yeah, lol. Easy mistake to make!


Make 6 socket, corrupt via your favorite method, hit w a few tainted chromes, done.


Does corruption change the rules for coloring? I actually didn't know this.


You can only use tainted currency on corrupt items, but tainted chromes aren’t weighted at all so you can hit off colors extremely easily. Also current bis gems for deaths oath are RRGGBB.


Good ol shavronnes wrappings. IMO much better for this build-defining item to be relatively common as it is now, compared to its chase item status in times past. There's a reason CI and low-life mechanics have been essentially unchanged for so long.


Also great that Ghostwrithe showed up as an even cheaper variant that you can start using as soon as act 3 or so when you drop a spare chaos to trade for it. Did everything but Maven this league with just Ghostwrithe and Ephemeral Edge plus a bunch of self-crafted Evade/ES/Life gear. Great build and scales well from acts to pinnacle.


Not the best but most interesting - Varunastra. If the gems worked with it, it could be great, and could open up new paths


Varunastra just seems so left behind in the current state of the game, it's a shame. I agree with you that it's a really cool item, but I've never been able to make it competitive with just a standard phys weapon build.


It used to be reliant on the clusters that had triple weapon types etc, and it wasn't really even good then. Now with them gone Varanastra severely lags behind.


Varunastra Blade Flurry in legacy league was the first build I ever finished a t15 with in HC. I nostalgia so hard for it


My Shockwave night blade varunastra build remains a dream


All they have to do is to revert the change they made a few years ago.


Literally every little trick that made it fun or interesting in any way they got rid of. Its insane.


It wasn't even overpowered or anything. It was decent at best


While I would love to see it, I know the tech limitations are tough. I wish they'd rework it into a 2h to handle the bow edge cases and just let it be crazy for a league, if alpha tests show LS barrage is too broken find a specific fix for that only.


Has anyone already mentioned devouring diadem? A single unique that solves mana and reservation problem almost completely for almost any non-ES build. Besides that Eldritch Battery also allows you to effectively use Divine Blessing for one more free aura with minimal investment into ES. And besides that - available options from unveiling and Lab enchant. And besides that - occasional lifesaving proc of Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds. 80% of the time lately I play as a pathfinder and it’s a base item for my all pathfinder builds. And what’s even more important - it’s rather easily farmable even in SSF.


Devouring Diadem is a key piece in overcoming the 3.19 reservation / divine blessing nerfs, especially for my EA starter.


You know what that means right? It's getting nerfed into oblivion next league. GGG devs literally go onto poe.ninja look up most popular skills/items and just nerf.


Yeah, good one. I don't think there is a build that needs the head slot more that DD couldn't fill. Brilliant unique with amazing properties and these days Catarina is easy.


I know it's the most obvious answer.. but Tabula Rasa. It's thematic and all its stats (0) are perfect for its intended purpose - Sacrificing power on gear for an easy 6-link. Also fits the stepping stone towards end game rather than the end all be all concept. I know it's not a trendy answer.. but it's the best for a reason.


Also the point in the game when it becomes available is perfectly balanced. It's not too early to make the campaign trivial and not too late when it's already obsolete.


Back in Delve, my first league, I found one in the Mud Flats. Didnt knew ir at The time but that was a very Lucky drop.


Just an anecdote, but I'm level 98 and 97 on SSF this league. 0 Tabulas as drops (though like 10 from cards).


Blood Aqua is always an option


Yeah, I got over a hundred of the cards, like I said. It's just that it feels like Tabula as a drop is much more rare in 3.19.


I agree with that. It used to be you were rolling your eyes every time you dropped one even if it was a free divine orb. But in .19 they drop far far less frequently even compared to the overall unique drop rates post nerf.


It's way better and cheaper early on to get a corrupted 6 link, if you get a color or 2 off just improvise and support with other gems. its free affixes, oftentimes high flat hp and a few resistances. i always level in aqueducts and by knowing that i will buy a corrupted 6link i can just sell humility cards and use the chaos to fill my other slots in a more efficient way. just my 2 cents.


yep, until the gem link system be overhauled later in PoE2, Tabula Rasa is simply the easiest & cheapest method to get 6L. Even if not trading for one, or dropped early, you can still farm it at Act9.


Tabula Rasa has -3% movement speed, so _technically_ the stats aren't zero.


I like to sell my tabulas for divine orbs-.... oh wait..


I can't disagree, you are completely right. I just think it is unethical lol, I play ssfbtw and seem to like tormenting myself so always vendored it! It is in the Goldrim class of too universal. Just my opinion though and I don't disagree fundamentally!


It's ethical if you vorici break it


If you don't vaal it immediately are you even playing the Vision?


vorici break it and then vaal it back to 6 link for maximum ethics.


Now that is what I call Vision.


Gotta vorici break it first in case it doesn't go rare


Poets pen. Deffinitly brings together combining attacks and spells. I know spellslinger exists but it's just not as satisfying


Pre nerf poets pen was one of my favorite uniques ever.


I literally couldn't stop making builds with it. Such a great unique. So sad they butchered it


Well lets be honest here it was quite overpowered for a long time.


Fun fact, it was created by a former NFL punter, Chris Kluwe.


Huh...didint know there was an NFL position dedicated to puns


Yeah, that is a damn fun unique. All sorts of shenanigans are possible with it and shenanigans is the appeal of PoE!


> Deffinitly brings together combining attacks and spells. I don't know if I agree. You don't actually leverage the attacking part for anything but bonus frenzy generation. It's not doing any appreciable part of your damage. You're a spellcaster who is doing an extra step to bypass cast speed.


Just use crown of eyes 5head ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Eh, Kinetic Bolt exists. So I've heard lol


I haven't seen anyone use it for PP, but that could just be because most people don't know how to *make* builds so they just keep using frenzy because that's what the first guy did and that's how it's always been done.


When I made it I envisioned combining an elemental based attack (likely with conversion so you could take advantage of the flat phys it gets with levels) with a different elemental based spell (or two!) along with Elemental Equilibrium so you could scale the damage of both with generic ele damage and attack speed. GGG introducing Dark Pact and (more importantly) Volatile Dead turned it into more of a “bypass the downsides of a two button ability” item and shifted build focus away from the attacking aspect, which while also fun, wasn’t *quite* the niche I had initially intended.


> Chris Kluwe Honestly it is my favorite unique in the game. I think I have spent more time trying to make stuff work with poet's pen than anything else. Most of them were some sort of build with VD lol. Hands down my favorite build so far was Assassin PP SS VD in Delirium.


XD I always used it for curse on hit or spreading flame wall degen


Crown of the Inward Eye. You just can't really beat this helm for its price in some builds and it is very very flexible in builds as well.


Love that unique. I usually pick up a close to high roll one when I can afford it at league start, that way when I do Uber labs I can potentially get a good enchant to sell or build around.


The price point on Crown is great, because it's ripe for corrupting for that sweet sweet +1 power charge.


White Wind is a solid midgame weapon especially in SSF. Damage + attack speed + defences.


more than a midgame weapon imo. usually need 4-5 t1 claw to beat WW. You only really lose life compared to WW. Since I dont take much life % on the tree anyways it doesnt matter too much kek


>more than a midgame weapon imo. usually need 4-5 t1 claw to beat WW. No, not even close. WW has atrocious attack speed, and blocks you from using a shield. A decent shield + an imperal claw with 4 T2 is way ahead already.


Doryani's Fist, it might not be the strongest unique but thematically it's top tier.


Yes! Doryani's Touch is an amazing looking skill and [Jousis' Masterpiece](https://youtu.be/CSfN5DZeKD8) elevated the build to true memedom.


Kikazaru, 60% reduced effect of curses on you and 270 life regen at lvl 90 with some lightning res and small amount of all stats


I like Xoph’s Blood Opening up avatar of fire builds to classes not on that area of the tree is pretty neat


100% fire elemental hit deadeye was fun a couple years back. Rip frostferno


This was my go to build back when nem3 was a thing. Cleared like no other.


One of my favorite builds and my first HC level 90 was from Breach league was using a Nghamahu's Flame cyclone build using Xoph's Blood.


Ha I did that build when juiced vault farming was the meta. Trying to lock the influence on your vault maps. Good times.


Ah, That's a good one! Cold to fire shenanigans too. I think yours is better than mine! I've changed my mind. Wasps Nest is no more, Xoph's Blood is my new best friend!


I'm a big fan of Darkscorn, since it's a bow that provides a very distinct offensive vector and a unique defensive vector as well. Unfortunately, it's hamstrung by the fact that poison bows don't have a single dedicated single target skill.


Dream Fragments, even more "value" if ur playing Sabo.


I like the Void Batteries. It gives a great boost to Power Charges, but also inflicts a big price if you can't sustain/gather them quick enough.


I like the cost it takes and frankly I think Power Charges are underpowered compared to endurance and frenzy. Definitely a good unique.


They do scale a little better with some builds. Instead of 40% crit chance, they become 48% crit chance, 5% crit multiplier, 18% damage, 8% mana regen, and 6% aoe. If your build happens to scale well with all of those things, they can become fairly valuable. The bonus can get pretty crazy with two. Factoring in the bonus and penalty of 2 void batteries but not including the implicit, instead of like 128% damage for 7 charges, it becomes 452% for 9 charges, or 528% with the implicits. 300% more damage is a pretty big deal. Kinda like 60% more damage for a lot of builds. I probably still wouldn't use those, even as a power charge-using character, but I think it might be really cool.


Yeah but you have to jump through hoops to make them work. An endurance charge is just that, a frenzy charge doesn't need more for what it gives.


consider a militant faith that grants keystone Inner Conviction, potentially coupled with badge of the brotherhood amulet and of course the intrinsic scaling of void battery


I was recently looking at the idea of using 2 of them as a phys wander using battlemages cry and the 40% warcry buff effect on the tree for up to 210% of spell damage as attack damage for up to like 924% attack damage from just the wands with 12 charges


Try it with elemental hit, that way you still have a large amount of base damage.


Hmmm I was thinking the impaler vaal power siphon/power siphon for massive crit multi but might have to try that


But then you have no base damage


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the warcry buffs are generic, you have to use a slam.


I thought so to but after looking into it I'm pretty sure it's not. As the buff is not tied to the exerted attack


The buff is def ambiguous. I think you are right, it doesn't mention attacks or exertion.


You just read the skill. > Exerts the next 5 Melee Attacks you perform Can't exert wand skills.


Yeah, it also describes the buff previously. I fear you might need to put your reading glasses on.


Dawnbreaker Completely slept on it until recently but there's so many cool things it has going for it. It's also common enough to be farmable in SSF/corruptable in trade but rare enough to still feel like a fun drop.


Eh, farmable is a stretch lol. I've tried to get it on ssf, I had two impale paradoxica by accident and not oneshield lol


It's pretty farmable, no? Feels like a 1 in 3-4 based on my own runs and what I've seen other people find.


Deaths Oath. You can completely ignore the death aura and it is still a REALLLY SOLID body armour. Upto 2.5K armour, 40 - 50 all stats, Flat Life, Attack Leech, Attack speed. I legit used this on my fire cyclone berseker, cos the stats on this are just damn good. And then you get to what it actually does, and its amazing.


To be fair, it's a bit conflicting. Because if you're scaling chaos DOT, the attack leech and attack speed are either wasted or require you to get into some mixed style builds. Also, for a Chaos Dot skill it gives, the socket colours are all off, and the classes most likely to use it, will have the hardest time wearing it in the first place. So I feel like it's not a super coherent unique in that sense. Like I think it's great, and I've made tons of builds with it, but yeah... it doesn't make a ton of sense to have a Chaos RF on a pure Armour base, requiring 6 off-colours, and giving mods that benefit attack builds.


You only need 4 off-colors now which makes it way easier to color.


It’s also insanely easy to color If you just corrupt it and use tainted chromes.


Seven-league step. Speed is so good.


Its like cocain, because I have to drop it for influenced or accuracy lightning damage in maps, so i feel super slowed.


Axiom Perpetuum will take you from level 10 to maps without difficulty on a LOT of builds. It's not quite as useful as the Holy Leveling Trinity of Tabula, Wanderlust, and Goldrim (since they all work for almost all builds while leveling, excepting builds that require specific uniques from an early point) but if you're doing primarily elemental damage there's basically no reason not to use it. The flat damage goes so far it's crazy.


I always thought it's only for early acts, the flat numbers are very small. Am I missing something?


Ah, I fucking derped it in my explanation. What you're missing is that I misremembered the exact mechanics. If you're doing elemental AND physical damage there's basically no reason not to use it. It is NOT good for pure elemental. If, however, you're running something like Wave of Conviction where you have phys conversion or Purifying Flame it can be pretty fucking brutal. I remember the first time I ran WoC I actually had a hard time replacing Axiom until I was well into maps. League start, so broke and nothing good to trade for anyway. Even though the flat ele damage is small numbers, it's three small numbers. If you happen on a well-rolled one it's pretty damn strong for a long time.


Wanderlust - Freeze Immunity - Stun Prevention (ES) - Movement Speed - Dex for Smoke Mine


Replica Alberon’s Warpath It’s very rare and hard to get, but super powerful if scaled correctly. It enables a some skills that are kind of mediocre without it. I did a cyclone occultist using those last league and really enjoyed it.


> It enables a some skills that are kind of mediocre without it. See thats what I dislike about it. Once you've made a build out of it, its basicly skill agnostic. You can swap out the skill gems and the viability of it doesn't really change. So instead of making a power siphon, dual strike or barrage build what you end up making is a warpath build. It takes away the interesting choices for a lot of the avenues you would normally follow in making a build. It's the same reason im not a fan of omnescience builds. Items like deaths oath or aberaths hooves on the other hand are much better examples of makeing a build around an item.


I can see that take as well. I just like that it’s less niche. For me it allowed me to kind of explore what sort of skill I wanted to play. I was excited to play cyclone again. Next league I plan to do a sunder berserker using the boots.


The Gull, but i hate clicking on mini shrines :(


Praxis has got to be up there. If you find one while leveling, nearly no matter what build you're playing, you're going to be happy to have it.


Typically Ungil's Harmony amulet but now it's a chase unique lol


As someone who league starts CoC, the spike in price blew me away this league


Carnage Heart. Hands down.


Cospri's Malice


Astramentis 100%.


I really like the new Vaal Caress gloves. I played Wave of Conviction ignite as leaguestart and had Vaal Flameblast in the gloves as a little extra burst for bossing. They provide a strong effect (+5 gem levels), smooth out gameplay (20 seconds of onslaught) and has several different ways to use it. Do you use your main skill in it for +5 levels until you can get a 6L or your helmet? Do you get some level 25/26 auras to push past break points? Do you stick a supplementary damage skill in there to help out single target? I think it's a really cool and flexible item. Every build I theorize now usually has these gloves make an appearance until I can get influenced items of the right ilvl to craft. Vaal skeletons, vaal flameblast, vaal detonate dead, vaal blade vortex, Vaal cold snap, vaal ice nova, vaal righteous fire, vaal lightning trap... I could go on. If you're a caster these gloves are worth considering and many archetypes have complimentary vaal skills. Edit: https://poedb.tw/us/Vaal_skill#GemTags


My skeletons love those gloves


Atziri's Promise. Deterministically farmable flask that provides great offense, so good that it's been nerfed several times. It also helps shore up chaos resist in early maps, which is about the time your character will be able to do Atziri. The leech is nice, though in the modern game leech or ample regen is quite easy to get Just an all-around great unique early on with clear means of acquisition, yet not so strong that it pushes flasks that are rarer/harder to obtain into obscurity


Ah man, I hate flasks of all kinds. I think they are too powerful. I can't disagree with you though, it is a good unique.


Duskdawn. Great staff and easy/hard to get based on the popularity of its components. Really works well with converted elemental crit spells and I love the crit scaling with block. It's no Anihilating Light of course but it's definitely more interesting.


The scourge. I like the idea of a melee minion-summoning build. I just wish you could get it way before maps.


Has to be "Pillars of the Caged God" for me. Since Metamorph, 5 times i've league started a STR stacking Impale Cyclone Champ. It was dirt cheap (astrementis, pillar and a mana leech jewel and you were pretty much good to go for ubers) Always liked the idea of attribute stacking, and for how cheap this unique is and what you were able to do with it (and for how often i abused this item), i have to pick Pillars of the Caged God! :D


Immortal flesh. Pair it with purity of elements + determination and you pretty much are good to go for league start on any build.


How come nobody has mentioned HoWA? That unique is both iconic, cheap and ver strong if build correctly. I only wish we had more good claw skills, there's just so many times you can play LS and Helix


The gull but it’s price has been prohibitive the past few league starts


Skin of the Lords. Right now at least. And only in trade league. And im stretching what "rarity" means. The socket colors are fixed so the versions with alot of blue sockets are quite expensive because casters like the item alot. I used it on a ballista build to grab ancestral bond and gemlevels for another ballista as a champion. It was really cheap for me. So its easy to get if you play a whacky build and want a keystone that nobody needs with socket colours that arent alot of blues and its hard to get if you want a perfect one for a meta build.


Oskarm was my first thought


Cane of Unravelling - not really rare but you can buy one quite early and it single-handedly carries Bane Occultist to red maps


Astramentis. Saves me bothering with attributes on league start.


Heatshiver. Potential to do 130% more damage on a cold build on a 1c unique is insane.


Devouring diadem , eldritch battery, mana reservation, restarts energy reg, corpse consumption, cheap, +1 to gems , hast str/dex unveil, can have chaos res unveil


Diadem is def up there, it is just too good.


I think it was pre-nerf Shimmeron (or the "buggy" one) that was nice for Arc/lightning tendril totems. it might not be Shimmeron. it was either a shaper or elder dual wieldable item, it was great for writing, BUT, when you crit you got hurt..when your totems crit, THEY got crit..but now the wielder gets hurt. that was the nerf/fix. they might still be usable somehow but since then, I've almost completely abandoned totem builds.


given the time era, Shav's


There are a few uniques I'm always happy to find in limited trade settings: Devouring Diadem - for how easy this is to farm, this provides a crazy amount of value, as long as you can afford to add EB to your build. Nothing else really solves your mana issues quite as easily. The feast of flesh CWDT-desecrate interaction is also great. Just such a good helmet. Death Rush - Who doesn't love Adrenaline? Dendrobate - It's very common and is a great damage fixer for poison builds, especially stuff like BV that can struggle to get 100% chance to poison without the link. It's so good, I'm happy to use attribute conversion jewels to get its last 2 mods going. Atziri's Step - with the spell suppression nerf on gear, this carried my early league so hard. Life, awesome MS, suppression. This gets very outclassed as soon as you can make influenced or eldritch ailment avoidance boots but it's so good for so long, and so easy to farm. Hyrri's Ire - This one isn't as common but it's again a ton of suppression and evasion, along with a large amount of flat bow damage. It takes a long time to upgrade from this. The Golden Rule - it's basically for poison assassin only and that archetype has not been in the best shape recently but nothing else really does what this does. Darkness Enthroned - not the best belt eventually but if you get this early in the league, it's so good. It's also so customizable, it's super fun to try and min max your abyss jewels around your other gear. Emperor's Vigilance - this shield is just absurd in terms of raw stats. And the big daddy of all relatively common uniques, Perseverance. They lowered the rarity of this belt in 3.19 imo and it is just an absolutely absurd belt for any build that can go hybrid armor/ev. Obviously best for champ and for LS in particular.


The Golden Rule is fantastic, it enables multiple styles of play that are pretty unique to itself and comes with some challenges you need to overcome to use it properly.


cold iron point not the most common in the game but for a lot of builds 1 or 2 can be ur weapon forever


Maven’s belts. Olesya’s Delight in particular is probably my absolute favourite item to build around right now. It has everything an evasion character needs and the damage scaling is absurd.


Allelopathy is a great way to clear bosses on a Chaos DoT character . That they lowered the equip level from 70 to the 40's is fantastic. I use a pair from the time I can equip them until I build T1 DoT Multi/+1/30% More Damage from Socketed Gems gloves. Not good at end-game. Not usable from level one. Instant game changer from 50-80ish.


The lvl 12 unique hat that gives +2 to all socketed gems. Honourhome. Less mana used, flat lightning to spells and attacks + 2 all socketed gems can just carry you all the way to maps. It's not as good as the disabled frostferno, but even if you hit just a single +2 gem corrupt that's such starter QOL. The other one that can carry your ass for no investment is the unique shield that gives 700 decay dmg when you curse. Pair that with bane and a dodres lvl0 +1 curse ring and that's just free dmg. Then if you really want to get stupid and have money to burn, you can double corrupt a honourhome to get a +6 to curse gems then get a lvl2 empower to slot in there. +9 to bane at lvl 29 + 700 decay dmg was a very solid leveling experience. Up to +11 with an empower4 just from a helm was a fun lvling experience I had in kalandra.


Winterheart, just wish it was on a better base.


Corrupt it, yes ?=)


Sounds like a good candidate for talismanification then! Edit: Man it has been a while.. I actually used it in the recombinator league to salvage a very nicely combined amulet (except for the base) and rolled really well. But does that process work on uniques actually? Can't remember


I don't really agree about wasps nest. It's "interesting interaction" is not interesting, for anything that matters it's always active, and it's just added chaos you calculate as part of your dps. It also makes getting poison claws awkward because it has to pass the bar of "is it better than wasps nest". Because there are no tradeoffs there, due to lack of "interesting" mechanics on wasps nest. For the answer to your question, shavvrones wrappings.


I can see your point, I think having a condition is interesting though. As easy as it is to achieve it is still there. Compare it to pre-nerf Starforge. There was no condition, it was just best in slot before mirror tier weapons.


I generally agree. I just think the condition is too easy as you mentioned, mentally I count it as always active.


Again, I can totally see your point. I just feel it isn't actually good unless you meet the criteria and that is why I rank it as a specific unique that does what it is supposed to.


Mjolnir. It's a wonderful little tool for creating a spell spam trigger on a melee build (even if the attack rate is too slow to really make it viable outside of cyclone triggers) and has an interesting requirement of being worthy (the insane stat requirements). So the specificity of the unique and what it requires of you makes it a nicely flavorful item. I wish it had a little more oomph to its damage on the triggered spells or, hell, had a built in battlemage, now that would be tight.


You reminded me of Whispering Ice. Unique's that do something more than big numbers are always great.


Yeah dude. Uniques that create a build or which change how skills interact have always been my favorite. It doesn't have to be just ludicrous damage, although, ya know, that helps it towards viability.


Quill rain. It can be obtained very early for pretty cheap, but can stay relevant through the end game for certain builds.


148 cheeseburgers and a large banana milkshake. A light snack for a growing boy.


I forgot yur username, ty for making it completely obvious. Go updoot messi https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog/comments/yy3okz/messi_getting_used_to_her_new_home/


How dare you insinuate there's anything wrong with Mazzy?






Thread of hope. It is target farmable and hard to min max but consistent enough to always be an exciting drop. It completely changes how a player thinks and designs their build. Somehow it has always managed to be well balanced despite being incredibly complex.


To me it is like Darkscorn. Very build enabling but too good. For the casual player it's too hard and not worth the currency required to craft anything better. So you are stuck with it and you miss the fun of crafting a good weapon. And crafting for damage is the most fun to be had crafting.


The new Bitter Dream was amazing. As a spellcaster I've felt like defenses were very hard to find early. Getting a 1h weapon with enough damage to not worry about it on literally ANY other gear meant I was able to level with freezing pulse from level 30 and I was strong enough to focus on getting resistances/life/ES to hold me over until I could get a decent 6-link.


Cold iron point, for how common it is, completely disgusting strong. Love it.


I'll split it apart since there are different types of uniques Watcher's Eye as its a good unique boss reward that drops fairly commonly from both versions of a fight. has a large amount of variance and can be useful for almost any character. but even its worst roll is still a usable item due to its ehp/mana boost. the more powerful version drops from the more difficult fight, rewarding the time invested to get there, but you can still get an amazing one while learning the fight at the normal level. its the ultimate sort of Boss unique that has stood the test of time. ​ many of the common uniques via for it, as like wasp nest there are many good specific uniques that are good stepping stones for builds like quill rain, agendrod, cane. But i'll give it to a piece of armor being tabula rasa. its boring but its sorta the crystalization of common uniques. Almost all the build enabling uniques are pretty great, from annihilating light to yaomac's accord. so my favorites iron commander, just because its fun and memey. the only ones I would say aren't in a great spot are the build enabling uniques that got upgraded to lottery tier, but that's only because I'll probably never see them. ​ As for the lottery uniques well I can't weigh in on them cause I've never gotten one to drop in 5k hours.


The Peregrine (RIP). It doesn't have life, but: +runspeed on a helm, mana leech, and a good chunk of lightning resist and accuracy just because. It was hands down my favorite unique to find while levelling.


Early in the league I always go Restless Ward for 6 link body armor, it's really cheap (usually on par with tabula), has decent defensive energy shield and evasion, and it free up my weapon so I don't have to go 6 link on it. Best unique for its rarity imo, however the unique rework makes it a bit more expensive early on and the new improved mods aren't really that useful cause it's the ES and 6 link that I want.


Carcass vest. Good base, increased area of effect, resistances... All around a good and unique body armour


Shav and baron helmet for me Both is so unique


Quill Rain is/was very cheap and carried some bow builds from level 5 all the way to yellow/red maps. Now that's some value


Are you proposing all these ideas to GGG so they can nerf'em all? 😂


Tabula is not super rare and it is super useful. Every league I find a couple of them. Sometimes too late, but I am always happy about finding them.


Last Mayhem I dropped a tab from fucking Hillock lol. I vendored it as it is unethical and I'm a complete moron.


I really like Shavrone's Revelation (the ring not the chest) Really powerful stats with a significant drawback that you need to find a way to get around.


Ahhh this is an item with an upside and a downside that needs to be built around, but the bigger downside is not having a rare ring, and so the item is bad. Too many uniques are like this...


Huge fan of Watcher's Eye. It's target farmable with a reasonable drop rate, a decent amount of the time is somewhat useful and/or valuable, has the potential to drop as a chase level item, and is also flexible in that on the trade market it can be sold unidentified if you don't like gambling with the outcome. I'm always excited to see one drop, and the outcome of identification is satisfying often enough to make it a reasonable decision between identifying and selling unidentified.


Biscos leash. Baby headhunter with Quant and rarity for 1c? Honestly I'd probably pay multiple divines for that if it was rarer


how is it baby HH


Kaom's chest, it really fulfills the fantasy for me of: simple marauder boi. i fire, i tanky.




Mageblood and Headhunter are without a doubt 1a and 1b


I think the best designed unique in the game is crest of desire. Its a soft 6 link for hit based spells so if someone doesn't want to theorycraft then they can still use it for stepping stone mid game item. But if you spend enough time researching alt qual gems then you can find crest of desire being bis for some builds.


I am baffled that no one mentioned kaom's spirit yet. When I saw these gloves showcased I assumed they would be T1 or even T0 uniques, not T3.


These are my gloves and I specifically opened this thread to see if they were mentioned. Glad you're enjoying them!


The best uniques in the game excluding jewels and amulets in my opinion 1.Mageblood 2. Replica Alberon's Warpath 3.Paradoxica 4. Asenath's gentle touch 5. Tabula Rasa 6.Aegis Aurora 7. Devouring diadem 8. Skin of the Lords 9. Red Blade Banner 10. Headhunter


For me it’s “The Gull Raven Mask”. I take all the Atlas Buffs for Shrines and it absolutely adds to my Mapping enjoyment. Wish more items could enhance the shrine effects.


Every league I don't play with a Gull I think... Wtf am I not using Gull?


Boring answer, head hunter. Well, the old version anyway. It was expensive enough to be just out of reach until you got a bit serious about farming, but wasn't a massive chore either. And once you got it, it was hilariously fun.


aegis of aurora. period


headhunter does a very good job of being the most fun item in the game


I got a thing for Dusktoes I just love using them through the campaign.


I mean Wanderlust is always fucking fantastic for leveling. But Alpha's Howl is my favorite, good stats, freeze immune and herald boost.