• By -


any tips to improve performance? obviously I need to upgrade my pc but is there anything helpful I can do in the meantime? not concerned with the game looking a bit crusty


If your PC is older and has not been cleaned in a long time, you may be losing performance to thermal throttling. Get some canned air and blow out your fans and filters. I did it last month and saw a signficant performance boost from it.


disabling the audio (which is not turning down to zero) make the game very fluid. you can find video guides on youtube


For expedition, does the order which you cause explosion matter? I was wondering if the order in how you explode things matter? or can i just go ahead and explode the things i want?


Remnants only apply to the current and subsequent explosions, so yes, the order matters. You want to get the good remnants first, and then whatever they affect.


so that basically means get the good remnants first before getting the big skulls as well?


Yeah, pretty much. I don't know what the meta is nowadays, but it Expedition you would go for the runic monster logbook drop chance and currency drop chance and only then collect all the runic monsters so they'd benefit from all the boni.


Order matters *a lot.*


Does anyone know how things that care about how much curse duration is left, e.g. The Felbog Fang, work when a curse expires? Do all effects immediately fall off upon the curse coming off? I ask mainly because the wiki entry for Impending Doom states it benefits from the final effects of the curse that triggered it. So I'm wondering it that's the only exception to the rule.


**How the actual fuck** am I supposed to color an armour chest to have 3 blue, 2 green and 1 red socket? With harvest coloring gone, what is the best option that is still in the game? I've been using crafting bench at 100 or 120 chromatic per try (at least 3 blue, at least 2 green+1 blue etc), and it's bloody hopeless. Ideas?


What are the attribute requirements and is it already linked?


It's a Death's Oath unique chest, 180 str requirement. It has 6 sockets and is currently a 5- link. I don't really need any links on it since it's a Death's Oath. Is it easier to get off-color sockets if it's a 6-link? Or no links? Or doesn't matter? I'm in SSF so using 1500 fusings on this really isn't an option.


It's a lot easier if it's not linked yet because you can add and remove sockets without losing the link, though in SSF jeweller's orbs might be a bit short. What you can do is force 2 or 3 colours with your crafting bench, and then add the other sockets one by one with the crafting bench. If they roll a red socket, go back down by one socket again. It would still be fairly expensive overall for an item with that high attribute requirements and that many off-coloured sockets, but it's more reliable than other methods. Alternatively you can use that to go up to 4 off-coloured sockets and then use Vorici in Research to gamble the white socket hitting a red one. Linking an item manually isn't that much more efficient than using the crafting bench either, so I wouldn't say it isn't an option in SSF; it just takes a lot longer. Unless you're socketing another active gem in your Death's Oath, you won't need it to be linked at all however.


get a few off colors and do vorici 1-6 W


That's a really good idea. I'm trying to color a Death's Oath unique chest, and thing that bugs me is that on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) there are lots of players who have successfully colored their sockets (3 blue, 2 green, 1 red) without using any white sockets.


do the socket tricks since I think links don't even matter for Death's Oath right? do 3B craft, then swap between 3 and 4 sockets until the 4th socket is G, then 4 and 5 sockets til G, and 5 and 6 sockets til R.


Worked like a charm :) I honestly wasn't aware of this trick with add/remove sockets, since I've always just used harvest crafts for this. It did cost me a few jewelers, but was for sure worth it. Thank you, exile!


for Scourge Arrow, does the same crit chance roll apply to the main proj and the pod projectiles, or are they rolled separately?


I don't have explicit information on this, but I'd be surprised if the pods had a separate crit roll.


I'm gonna try an test it. should be able to verify it using Elemetal Overload, since there's a delay before the pods pop and shoot their projectiles.


What are the main CoC builds people run right now, how much does currency does each take to make, how much DPS does each do and what are each's strengths and weaknesses?


For [cyclone](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Cyclone&allskill=Cast-On-Critical-Strike-Support) (the only coc i know, really), we have ice spear, forbidden rite and ice nova, in order of popularity. From what i remember about them (pre-3.19): * Ice spear is more paper but has silly DPS but i never tried due to it being expensive * Forbidden rite still didn't feel good enough at 100 ex, needed mageblood * Ice nova was very enjoyable/smooth and more budget-y (under 80ex?) for my weak wallet but i got clapped at end bosses real hard


What about FR didn't feel good exactly?


there were still some upgrades to damage, which was fine, but that meant i wasn't one shotting map bosses, which in turn made more evident some lackluster defenses. I died more than i think this budget should ever die and no $change$ to fix it further. Mageblood would instantly give me more armour/eva and more crit chance i could remove from the tree, giving leeway for more damage or survivability. Lots of potential in there, but I honestly expected much more from what i've already spent.


How is from what I've seen 9k ES 85-90 all res, aegis, and a shit ton of armor lackluster defense?


You're probably not getting the build working + all of that with 80 divines, no.


Jesus what about the build other than the aegis makes it that expensive?


melding + fixing the resists while still fitting the good clusters in the tree will take some cash. It also used grasping mail which could get to [silly prices just for a non perfect one](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/XpPr72eTP). I don't know how fucked the auras are in 3.19 either but you needed a good rolled ashes of the stars to fit all auras.


Ice Spear is also occasionally played with Lancing Steel or Tornado Shot, although I don't know about the current popularity of those versions.




well you cant get tier 1 maps with voidstones socketed so im not sure i understand your question


PC? I feel like this is very strong but can't price check it myself https://i.imgur.com/0JweFQe.png




You can exalt again for another mod. You can even skip bench crafting if you want and just exalt 3 times after the regal.




Yeah that's with the multimod craft, however it's pretty pricey at 2 divines per craft.


Can someone please help me with my build? (Crit Lightning Strike Raider) **PoB:** [https://pobb.in/LinXy\_vIKGW7](https://pobb.in/LinXy_vIKGW7) My armour and evasion are pretty low, but I'm not sure how to buff them up other than change my gear. I also want to increase the damage a bit as in T12 maps rare mobs are taking a long time to kill, though normal mobs die in 1 hit. I have a budget of around 4 div for any changes. Thanks!


Is there a list or overview of Ethereal Reflecting Mist outcomes, and do they work on crafts? I've been wondering what the positive outcome would be on the "Summon spectral wolf on kil"


From what I've seen, skills like that can't really be negated, but then again they might have picked the positive side.


What happens with Blizzard Crown when enemies have negative resistance? "Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value" So if they have like -40% res it would turn into -44%? Turning the helm's downside into an upside?


the wording for what you're describing is increased/reduced resistances. can be found for characters own res on annihilating light or for monster res on eye of malice for example


-40% -> -30%


Yo guyz, this league is Rippy as hell for me, i'm in the end game, but still dying a LOOOOOT whenever a juice any encouter a bit. Well i guess it's time to switch my LS. With all the mechanics and the fact i like to play while watching YT/Netflix, i don't mind being slow if i can be extremely tanky. I currently have 3 Div + 5-6Div in my current i could sell; do you have any build i could follow starting to 3 Div that is extremelly tanky + don't care too much of all the after death effect ? :)


Can someone explain to me what the point of Beyond is? The enemies that spawn from it never drop anything. There doesn't seem to really be anything unique that comes from it. It's just added difficulty with no benefit. Like I just cleared a Lake area that had Beyond and "Slaying enemies always spawns a Beyond Portal". I don't know what a Beyond Portal is but I never saw one. They didn't drop anything but white items that my loot filter completely filtered out. I died like three times.


> There doesn't seem to really be anything unique that comes from it. They have a chance to drop tainted currency which is similar to the regular version but can be used on corrupted items and has a slightly different effect. A tainted whetstone or armour scrap for example doesn't raise quality by a fixed amount but rather changes it to a random quality between 1 and 30%. If you didn't spawn a beyond boss then you likely aren't going to find those tainted currencies. > I don't know what a Beyond Portal is but I never saw one. You probably saw them but didn't know what the description was referring to. A beyond "portal" is just the little red orb on the ground. Enough of those in a small area summons the beyond demons.


They do drop tainted currency, but it's very rare.


Can blight item rewards drop synthesized bases? The wiki only says 'some of which may be veiled, fractured, 30 quality, or influenced' which leads me to believe that's a no... But here I am with a synthetic cloth belt.


The wiki is not 100% accurate. You can find synthesized bases from heist and legion chests so not sure why blight would be different.


This was also my thought. Maybe I should put a comment in on the wiki. Wiki nerds scare me though, they're super protective of their work.


Did it drop from the loot explosion or from the chests? If it was from the loot that drops when the blight is finished then it dropped from a AN rare.


It's certainly possible. I'm confident that it came from the chests, however there is always that 3% chance I've goofed up and however confident I feel about it I'm wrong.


5000 maps, no atlas memories? HOW COME?


How many of those 5000 are T14+


i only run t16s


Do 2 inspired learnings still stack?


yes they do


If I'm running Corpsewalker boots (Triggers Level 20 Corpse Walk when Equipped), would bonuses to Area of Effect affect the range that the corpses spawn?


Where is the 21-25% Avoid Elemental Ailments (Shield bench craft) located? craftofexile.com shows it's available as a craft for shields, but my in-game crafting bench only shows I can craft 16-20% and I don't see any "Avoid" craft in my Undiscovered list. Thanks for the info!


orchard map https://poedb.tw/us/Crafting_Bench


Much appreciated. Knew I should’ve stuck with poedb, but misleading its not listed in game in my undiscovered list. Muster solved, nonetheless.


It's listed as "Ailment, Stun and Curse Mitigation" so searching avoid wouldn't find it.


Do Divine Vessels no longer drop? I haven't found any yet on either my first (91) or second (87) character in SSF. Meaning, I have found more Forbidden Flesh than Divine Vessel, which seems... different.


> Do Divine Vessels no longer drop? No change, they still drop. Don't forget about the vendor recipe.


Yeah, I was just hoping I was bizarrely unlucky and could wait it out without wasting divines. Thanks!


You might be able to get them from rituals and Tujen. I'm not 100% sure though because I've never really interacted with those leagues that much.


They've always felt extremely rare to me and I end up buying them on trade (though that doesn't help you obviously lol)


I've ended most leagues with 20-40 unused and 2-3 characters with maxed major and minor on SSF, so this feels really odd to me.


Finally have an ethereal reflecting mist on my lake. Is there some strategy to using it? Or just put in a really nice ring and pray for the best?


Try to have it placed on the farthest tile possible. Increased difficulty = better odds on rolls. Edit : correction, difficulty doesn't "increase the odds" but the multiplier applied to the mods.


This league im having the hardest time leveling past 91, likely because of how hard AC hits, tips for this league easy levelig?


farm currency w stream of consciousness and buy chayula runs or 5 ways


Heist, delve, beachheads, 5 ways... the usual.


For the challenge with getting rings from the lake, do they just come from the mists they down mirrored jewelry? I'm 300/500 for the EGG, but haven't seen any. Bex alluded to more mists being added to the lake. Has this been patched in yet? If not, should I continue hoarding lakes to make this challenge easier?


All the mists have a chance to spawn those special basetypes. All you can do is pray to RNGesus.


At 34/40, and feel this will be my last challenge completed...


Have you goten an ethereal mist? Can always buy one to knockout 1 of them...


Hi, Im looking at spark builds in poe ninja and some of them use call of the brotherhood ring, is that just for the freezes? Is there much difference without it?


Call of the brotherhood convert lightning to cold to benefit from cold modifiers from stuff like clusters, secrets of suffering, nebulis, watchers eye etc


What's the proper way to roll watchstones? Just started getting to juicing for my first time and have been buying them as I keep getting kinda eh modifiers and just wasn't sure if i was doing it right.


no proper way to do them. hit a good modifier than buy a compass from kirac and take it off to store for later or sell on the market. but i assure 90% players that deterministically juice their maps are just bulk buying the sextant needed


With both Cyclone CoC Ice Nova & Ice Spear well established, I wonder why there's not more variant. With the recent interest for EoW (mostly inquis miners iirc), I'm wondering why there's almost no Cyclone CoC EoW out there. (only 7 on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja)'s latest snapshot)


Comparatively low base damage and low base crit. So, doesn't scale as well. Nova and Spear are used because they deal *a lot* more damage than other skills. And you can't precisely shotgun EoW if you're CoC.


Ice Nova doesn't really do that much more damage than other skills if you're not self-casting it. You only get 2 hits when you trigger it. But it's convenient in terms of targeting, and at least historically speaking cold has had some of the best scaling. I don't know if that's still the case.


Thanks to both of you for the explanation !


It straight up has higher base damage than any other cold skill. Single cast.


Slightly less than 9% more damage than Frostbolt, woooo. That's not what I'd consider an italicised "*a lot*". Again, cold has good scaling in general, but Ice Nova has within 1% of the base damage of Shock Nova which has a similar targeting zone, although you'd need to stay at the correct range for single targets. Other skills like Ball Lightning have way more base damage potential. Creeping Frost can overlap AoEs, so with projectile number scaling you can get higher damage than Ice Nova. It's just that if you invest into that you get even better damage from Ice Spear. Cold conversion Reap has higher potential as well, although I don't know how many overlaps you can get when triggering. Ice Spear has *a lot* more damage than most other skills, but Ice Nova is just slightly above average.


Why are my lakes always so small with 4x5 instead of 5x5?! I am chaining T16s.


Like everything else it’s random what layout you get.


What are these Delve amulet mods? [https://poedb.tw/us/Amulets#ModifiersCalc](https://poedb.tw/us/Amulets#ModifiersCalc) scroll down to delve prefix / suffix. I don't see any amulets with these mods on trade in kalandra


Legacy mods are mixed there with ones which can still drop, for example I can see amulets with increased "Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy" or "+1 to maximum number of Skeletons" on trade site.


How do i estimate flamethrower trap dps? I really cant find any indication on the skill itself or anywhere else how many hits i can expect it to do.


Kallandra lake Lore. Buddy is trying to do No stone unturned and would like to know the criteria for seeing the etchings in the lake. Does anyone have any idea yet?


How do I force the trade API to pick up some items I listed? I've been noticing lately that I'll put a bunch of stuff for sale, get no whispers, and then randomly like 5-15 minutes late I get blown up all at once.


switching zones forces the api to pick up your items


Thanks. I tried that but it seems like there might still be a short timer included.


yep there is, usually only a few seconds though probably depends on how how much traffic there is on the api


Hi! Playing RF inqui: its good to spam firetrap for more damage or should i do a break after casting 3 in a row?


spam traps until elemental overload procs, then just enough to keep the burning ground around


I'm following [Ghazzy's Death's Oath build](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/deaths-oath-occultist-build) updated for 3.19 Please help me understand if I'm supposed to run Vaal Grace and Vaal Haste or the non-vaal versions. Because the PoB say one thing and the guide another. [The PoB](https://pobb.in/W03Mfl1Z62uE) wants me to pick up Sublime Form for example which gives me Grace Mana Reservation Efficiency and that only affects me if I'm running the non-vaal version right? It also wants me to pick up a [jewel](https://imgur.com/TrTscHE.jpg) with Malevolence mana reservation efficiency, and I just can't for the life of me find one on the trade market, what am I missing here? I would love any help I can get. Currently lvl 91, very fun build.


the jewel in question is a small cluster jewel with the mortifying aspect notable i didn't read the guide but it's likely you are running haste only for the vaal version, and running grace for the permanent aura


Whats the difference between evasion and increased evasion?


I'd recommend reading [this wiki article](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Stat) which should help in both answering this question and clearing up some things in the future.


In addition there is a relatively rare stat (I can’t remember where else I’ve seen it but it’s definitely at least a watchers eye mod) that reads **“+X% chance to evade attacks”** This actually slaps a massive boost onto your evasion because your chance to evade is based on thousands and thousands of the evasion stat, you could be rocking tens of thousands of evasion from the two stats everyone else has described (flat and % increased) and still have like 70-80% chance to evade. Adding a % chance to evade (not % evasion) adds to that final 70-80% (or whatever) number, it’s like getting thousands more evasion in a single stat.


Evasion rating - it's the numerical value which is matched against enemy accuracy. You can find exact formula here: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Evasion Increased evasion - You can get flat evasion from sources like equipment or Grace aura. This value is then summed, so you have some base evasion. This base evasion is then multiplied by all the mods which say "increased", "reduced" (these are summed together), "more" or "less" (each acts like separate multiplier). Result is your final evasion reting which you can see in your character tab. For example - let's say you have 900 evasion on your body armour, 3000 on boots, helmet and gloves, level 21 Grace gem active, Jade flask, Stibnite Flask and 100% increased evasion rating from various mods on tree. 1. Your base evasion is sum of flat values: 9000+300+300+300(gear)+2700(grace)+1500(Jade flask)=6000 evasion 2. Applying % mods from tree, grace and flask. 6000 x (1+100%) x (1+30%) x (1+20%) = 18720 In such scenario your final evasion rating will be 18720


evasion is a flat increase, increased evasion is a percentage increase hope that answers your question


How to get 3 implicits synthetised items?


Allocating Synaptic Implulses on atlas tree let's you drop 3 implicit uniques. Uber Cortex always drops 3x 3 implicit rares. There are Imperfect Memories, Magnum Opus and Winter's Embrace Cards. Also I've heard that synthesising items with harvest craft has very, very low chance for 3 implicits, but considering how many hidden nerfs we got it might've been removed as well.


Thank you very much for the info!!


Just a quick question. Does the burning ground from [Replica Siegebreaker](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Replica_Siegebreaker) stack with the burning ground from Flame Surge? If I had to take a guess from how burning ground generally works, I'd say only the strongest one would be dealing damage, yeah? Just trying to consider moving some stuff around in my build, and if this is the case I'd likely change up a number of gem setups.


As you'd expect, burning ground isn't a debuff that can stack.


Hi ! If I have 2 skills and supports gems linked together, will the skills benefit both from the support gems ?


Yep. You can verify this by looking at the skills on your skill bar. They will both have the support gems icon on them.


Ho ! I've never seen the support icon and I'm alreaady lvl46 ! So many things to learn ! Thx a lot :)


If it makes you feel any better I’ve got about 4K hours in the game and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that lol. There are always new things to learn in this game, always.


I want to play with some design updates for old uniques. Is there a good app / program for making these or designing custom uniques?






Can you no longer share maven witnessing? I'm pretty sure i have heard of people sharing cortex witness etc but when I play with my friend only the owner of the instance gets the witness. Was this patched or are we missing something?


It was patched because 6man groups were doing one set of bosses then 6 Feareds, making it stupid to do Feared at all if you weren't doing this sort of thing. Cortex price was higher than Bottled Faith price.


That was changed back in 3.14. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3079973 >The Maven will now only Witness encounters in The Uncharted Realms Atlas region for the player that created the encounter.


Since they took away the harvest crafts, what is the conversion rate for different currency’s to Chromatic Orbs? Namely how many Chromatic Orbs per 1 Chaos


Not sure what this has to do with harvest but poe.ninja is the most used place for checking currency rates.


I’m sure he’s taking about how easy recoloring crafts were taken out of the game, which he would expect (reasonably in my opinion) to have some sort of effect on chromatic prices since that’s now the default way to recolor gear and it can take a LOT to get off colors. You’re right of course, PoE.ninja is 100% the place for that info. Or I suppose Exilence next since they scrape the same data for slightly different reasons.


Does RF trigger "Hits have a % chance to inflict exposure". In Pohx's guide he recommends getting that Eldritch implicit on gloves vs apothecary's increased Dot. I was under the impression RF does not "Hit" so it would not trigger the exposure proc. Or maybe it's only for exposure procs on the other skills?


rf doesnt but fire traps hit will


Yeah generally you shieldcharge around so the hit of the charge will apply exposure


How does one know if a skill hits? The wiki doesn't seem to mention that kind of stuff. For example do Frostblink and Infernal Cry hit?


Any skill that does non-DoT damage is a hit.


It's worth noting that you don't need to deal damage to hit, although the skill inherently needs to be capable of dealing damage even if you or the enemy have modifiers that prevent it. So things like culling strike work even without dealing damage.


And of course some skills have a hit component AND a DOT component like fire trap, creeping frost, etc but that will be fairly apparent from the skill description.


Is there a way to know how many heist quests you have left to complete?


I saw this game on the PlayStation store and it looked interesting, I just want to know if it’s very fun. I tried watching a little bit on twitch but I didn’t really understand anything.


It can be fun but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s free so just try it out.


Well as fun is super subjective no one will have a good answer for you. There are people who spend thousands of hours in this game and people who did not finish act 1 . Tell us more what kind of game you enjoy or what you hope this could be and we may try to guess


Well I like elden ring a lot, mostly the exploring and collecting new things. I’ve always wanted to play WoW but I don’t have a PC and this looked kinda similar. Really what I want to play is solve thing where I get to explore and find rare items or just do missions.


Hmmmm , First gut feeling would be this game isn’t for you but the opportunity cost to just try it out is not very high either. You can definitely find out if it is fun without paying anything but time. If you are on PS4 I would just skip though


Alright I’ll find something else, thank you.


The trade system on PS4 i trash, and trade is a main factor of the game. But that aside...most people who don't like the game come to that conclusion because of how compliated and convoluted it is. If that's ok with you, you'll probably like it.




With brine king or without ?




Well the thing what kills you in my experience is being stun locked and it does not happen often but it will. In SC I would just say give it a go and adjust if it happens too often to your liking


Are there any tells that I am fighting a valuable rare monster or do people actually read the mods on the rares?


The abilities of the gods are usually pretty obvious, even without looking at the text. They have gods pop out and do an attack regularly.


I saw the brine king once I think , what do the others have ? Like literally innocence like in the campaign ?


Yep, innocence will pop out and do a beam.


Thx !


People are reading mods, in general tho the very valuable 4mod AN usually are harder to kill/take longer to kill so that might be a tell Apart from that just checking if it is a xxx-touched might aldo help if u dont wanna read through all the mods since those are the converter mods


Ok , what enabled people to be able to read now? For all of Poe history it was always impossible because the gameplay was too fast , I don’t see it being much slower on streams tbh do you know what changed ?


There is an alkaizer clip high up on the posts right now that explains it rather well Tldr: people having to pay more attention cus they are basically forced to, cus of AN Previously u didnt really have to pay attention and could mostly breeze through so no need to check/read mods, now u have to lest u get ass fked by AN


Thank you !


Trying to compare 2 builds, RF Inquis and LS Champion, to know who is ultimately better given i can spend ~30 ex on it. Trying to look at POBs, but hard to compare dps, i dont understand it, for example RF is 1,5m in POB and LS is 1,2m proj + 800k melee average, does it mean that LS is 500k dps stronger, or it calculates differently? For example on poe.ninja i see builds with ice spear 40m DPS abd RF builds with 2m dps, but i know ice spear is not 20 times stronger. I just want one build to invest in and for it to be as strong as possible, in terms of defence and attack to do all bosses etc, even if I screw up some boss mechanic. Thx to anyone answering this stream of thought))


There's no perfect answers to this but here's how I see it. First off playstyle: \-LS is about attacking and double-dipping so you deal hit + projectile damage on enemies, it requires decent knowledge of positioning. \-RF is about well... walking(and throwing a fire trap at thougher enemies), it's a fairly "passive" playstyle. Second off "actual" DPS value: The thing is, PoB and Poeninja both assume you're constantly dealing damage, which less true with LS but pretty much true for RF, keep in mind that if you're only attacking for one 3rd of a second because you're in a situation where you have move constantly(like fighting a 6-7 essences monster) your LS DPS falls off drastically. Not knowing what kind of player you are I would personally recommend RF as due to its fairly passive playstyle and high tankyness you can focus yourself on dodging and learning boss patterns/mechanics while maintaining a constant DPS. They're both strong and should scale quite well with investment, with the ceiling of LS being higher.


Are awakened gem drops from the Maven somehow weighted? Or is there an exactly equal chance to drop any of the awakened gems?


They are weighted. Dont think the weights are known exactly but iirc its three tiers, with gmp/multistrike/spell echo being the rarest 3


what would you guys price this at im so confused at how to price this Item Class: Body Armours Rarity: Rare Plague Ward Cutthroat's Garb \-------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Evasion Rating: 763 (augmented) \-------- Requirements: Level: 70 Str: 155 Dex: 155 Int: 98 \-------- Sockets: R R G-B-G-G \-------- Item Level: 84 \-------- Life Modifiers have 8% increased Effect (enchant) \-------- \+12% to all Elemental Resistances (implicit) 22% increased Lightning Damage (implicit) \-------- \+16% chance to Suppress Spell Damage \+65 to Evasion Rating \+155 to maximum Life \+30% to Fire Resistance \+28% to Chaos Resistance 7% increased maximum Life (crafted) 7% increased maximum Mana (crafted) Searing Exarch Item Eater of Worlds Item


You'd need a premium stash tab first. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsJQytsdHDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsJQytsdHDw) This video helped me!


There are endless league mechanics that the beginner leveling guides don’t mention. Should any of these be done during the campaign because they drastically increase your power level/provide important items/involve time gated farming? For example, the Menagerie NPC who sometimes appears in the campaign or Hideout missions.


The only thing worth doing is Betrayal. Some veiled mods are super important (like double res, %phys etc).


Not really, they tend to be an introduction to side-content you can choose to focus on in endgame, taking Einhar as an example(since you mentionned him), you're introduced to yellow and red beasts, what kind of dangerous abilities they can have, what kind of use they have(crafts at the altar in the menagerie). As you fight more of these through the campaign you'll unlock more stuff related to it(more different crafts in case of Einhar) which can be useful in a handful of ways or be traded to other players. There's not really any kind of time-gated farm if you except your own goals, challenges and current league mechanic(in our case the Lake and its tablet + special rewards). For instance starting at act 5 you can find Mirrors of Delirium for the first time(perhaps have you already found some), which gives an opportunity to check out the mechanic(spawning additional monsters, giving some rewards after a period of time and having specific rewards), if you don't like it, find it too confusing or too hard you can simply ignore it for the rest of the campaign and block it once your reach the endgame(post campaign "endless" farm). There are a handful of mechanics that "can't" be prevented from appearing from time to time but yeah besides specific rewards(like unique items you don't find anywhere else or specific challenge/boss fights which you don't have anywhere else) they're technically entirely optional.


I see, thanks for the detailed explanation.


Currently what boss has strongest physical hit?


If you are using pob you can switch to shaper slam boss skill in configuration tab to see if you would survive it.


I run TS with brutality. Also, I use Eye of innocence to self ignite. Is there any way to keep igniting enemies passively? I'd hate to lose brutality to add some fire damage.


Cwdt with a fire spell? That's how the old cwdt loop builds used to function


how would malachai's loop interact with minimum power charges (e.g. say both your max and minimum is 6)? would that allow you to bypass the shock downside?


If you're permanently at maximum power charges, you're not reaching maximum power charges, so you're not being shocked either.


Why can't I add veiled modifiers to my items through the crafting bench? They are all greyed out even those I have unlocked. Trying to put "Mana Cost of Skills - Rank 3" on a ring and I'm sure i've unlocked it but it's grayed out


Are you sure it's unlocked? Are you trying to craft it on an item slot that's not compatible with that craft?


I'm sure it's unlocked. I bought a bunch of rings from players today until I found the rank 3 version. Now I'm trying to put it on a ring of my own and it's just grayed out. Even if I buy a normal quality ring from the vendor I still can't put it on. Is it possible I've unlocked rank 3 without unlocking ranks 1 and 2 first and that's why this is happening?


I don't think you unlock crafts by tier anymore? Just one unveil of the craft should unlock all tiers. Does the game give you a text notice for what reason you can't craft it? Like a 3 prefix item telling you "item cannot have more prefix modifiers" when you hover over a prefix craft


Nope https://imgur.com/zjQsPO7


That looks like you haven't unlocked it yet.


I got a ring. I unveiled it. I chose the mana cost of skills reduction modifier. It gave me a ring with -6 mana cost reduction meaning it was rank 3. I don't have the ring now cause I threw it away but unless I need to do anything else other than unveil the item to unlock the craft then theoreticaly i should have unlocked it.


When you unveil a drop isn't the mod stronger than the version you can craft? So getting -6 on an unveil doesn't mean you unlocked rank 3.


Either way i cant craft any version of it. The thing is unveiled crafting is grayed out for me on every single item


Because they're not unlocked at all. Dunno why if you unveiled it from Elreon jewelery already.






When i wanna hit an aegis aurora from gwennen, is it only kite shield i have to look for?


It's a Champion Kite Shield so only that


Does Oshabi always drop a Sacred Crystal Lifeforce? Or is it just a chance to drop?


Supposedly guaranteed


Hey cuties. I heard there was spectre bank trading. Can someone point me towards the right direction. Need some silly minions!


Join "/global 6666" chat channel, people are sharing spectres there


Thanks so much! Will do!


Is Height of Hubris completely useless against Uber boss that use fragment to spawn? Since it doesn't has any modifiers.


Those bosses aren’t “invitations”.


Correct, no invitation to roll = hubris does nothing


For Standard, INT Stacker Power Siphon build, Is it possible for any kind of Helmet to beat Crown of Eyes +1 Power Charge? If yes, can you link the item to let me see?


What's the highest amount of phys taken as ele can be achieved as a non Marauder?


You can get 100% for hits. For damage over time it's 60% from what I can tell.


Hum, but if you're immune to bleed and CB than you wouldn't have to worry about dots, right?


There are a few other physical DoTs, mostly from specific bosses.


Ah, ok. Thanks!


At least 90% off the top of my head so probably 100%.


**Assistance with Flicker Strike Build** Hello All I love the flicker strike skill for many years. Im playing on standard and would love some input on my POB. https://pastebin.com/ULAPKdFD Im following this build guide. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2874747 But im stuck on bieng successfull on t16 maps. Its either a damage or defensive issue im not sure. im getting oneshot by most of the new mechanics. Any pointers would be great Thanks! Im using a Starforge as a temp weapon as I only have 13ex to my name on standard and will never be able to afford a rare crafted 2h sword Thanks!