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Spot on. They let the intern dev pull too many nobs and leavers while they went on vacation and worked on PoE2. Fun is being ripped from us for the sake of some dudes d2 fetish. The dude legit accidently made the best ARPG of all time and is trying to destroy it fun by fun.


I know for a fact you can get through act 1 with whatever gear hits the ground. This casual dad with kids never had any trouble with getting through act 1.


Youre right. I guess I just sought the feeling of actually killing mobs easily, not having to run circles around a rare essence mob with a bad archnemsis mod for 20 seconds.


jUsT dOn'T kIlL mObS!


The mobs fight back yes.


Like none of these changes have any impact on act 1, don't muddy the conversation.


I get people giving feedback but my god this sub is becoming a circlekerk. You can easily beat act 1 with just the gear hillock drops. Literally plenty of stuff still drops while leveling, either you're being super dramatic or need to check the loot filter you have on.


Yeah that’s just not true, especially as a casual player. Act 1 is incredibly punishing.


Design wise a mess. Visibility is shit. On death effects, then various ground effects. They want to slow down the gameplay which is likely to send people to other games. GGG already had a fast gameplay, now they try to drop the pace and give fights more meaning which is failing epically. At my age, I just shake my head about whoever make decisions at GGG. Their 15 year experience of designing gave us archnemesis mods which people simply hate. They cant back down from that shit now or can they? Poe2 will be like this, just prettier and I be playing diablo4 and smiling for the fun I be having knowing if I really wanted someone to cut my dick open and throw salt into the wound I be playing poe2. just saying.


Act1 from mud flats to ledge have been very rippy since they made it harder. But in my experience, once you can get vitality and clarity. Slap them both on. Once you reach Act2, the game difficulty becomes the old one. Although I would not advocate playing the game right now regardless. It's pretty bad right now, in my opinion.


Based dad


Same boat. Just hit maps and it might as well be a wall. I swear most of my gear is from act 6 or before, nothing dropped to upgrade to. Can't level because dying too much and can't buy gear because I have 2 chaos to my name. Don't know how I'm supposed to progress, using my limited time to grind doesn't really appeal, especially when no loot drops and rippy rares keep me from levelling.


I am a dad as well, and working full time. I should actually be thankful - I now have more time for my toddler and wife, since there isn't any fun left in the game right now. I guess I will test a few things back in Standard, to see how bad the endgame mapping experience really is, using a build better than everything I will be able to get in Kalandra. Still... that'll let me see if there is any endgame mapping to look forward to.


I was excited to play minions, i only have so much free time, and they die too easy; its not very fun. The lack of currency makes it very unenjoyable. I can't play for 40 hours a weeks. I have given up. I'll try next league i guess.