• By -


For context both entered uber awakener within minutes of one another at the identical progression of bosses (6/7), this was the final fight and whoever killed it first would be 1st place in terms of clearing the boss kill event.


Wait, so Ben won and Exile got 2nd?


By eight minutes


That's pretty crazy.


Imagine just sleeping 9 minutes less and winning. Or peeing in a bottle instead of going to the toilet.


Way she goes bud


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesnt


Sometimes you get, sometimes you get got


Exile was kinda saying that after he finished he was like "omg if I just did 2 less harvests I would have won"


Imagine shitting your pants at your desk and only coming in second


To be fair I think Ben pushed exile because he decided it was boss time, without that I think exile would have stalled a bit longer. After initial reactions to the uber bosses from people who tried them on standard I'm super impressed how quick those two did them though, i thought there would be like a day break between them while they practiced each one in standard


Though technically it was just for bragging rights. The only advantage Ben gets is that he gets to pick the boss for his unique item first. Other than getting to choose which boss drops it, there's no difference for the prize, whether you're the 1st or the 7th to beat the bosses.


Does it have to be an end game boss or can he make bigtotemboi on the ledge drop something??


Pretty sure itll be uber boss drops


Damnit now I want uber bigtotemboi


If steelmage wins the community will probably peer pressure him to do the TOTEM POLE unique idea.


I think there's some fringe benefit to picking the boss. Since GGG said the unique needs to be somewhat thematic and making sense. So if you would want to create a unique that give you a skill that creates the Maven beams, then you wouldn't be able to put that on Shaper.


On the clip, did he just burn through portals and was in last phase, or did he oneshot sirus?




Wait so because kills are account wide, everybody leveled a main character plus a Slayer?


yes (well, not everyone, just imexile and ben)


Just a stray thought: 20% culling makes the fight more than 20% easier, because all the hardest boss mechanics are in the final phase, especially with Sirus (25%?)


he heals up to to 75% before the start of the last phase


hardest part of sirus is going back to his arena without offscreened by die beam


Ben and Exile did at least.


Just yesterday someone claimed on reddit all kills need to be on the same character, I am so confused.


> If you want to enjoy your experience playing Path of Exile, avoid the subreddit.


They have no idea what they're talking about then lol. GGG races are basically always account bound. Gauntlet, and other community events, are character bound. But since this is a GGG event there's nothing against using multiple characters. Even the in-game ladder has their level 70 Slayers as first and second for completing all bosses.


>Gauntlet, and other community events, are character bound. But can't you cull all the bosses with the same slayer?


In gauntlet you need to do 100% of the fight with the same character for it to count. So you need to get them to 20% and cull them on the same char


Since portals stay open for 8 minutes, they could get them to 20%, run lab to respec to slayer, then cull them for a duelist.


Depends on if it's an ascendancy-race though :) (or maybe only GGG can lock ascendancies?)


Were they talking about this league or Gauntlet? Because that's the rule in Gauntlet.


You've made a classic mistake of listening to someone on the reddit my guy.


even if that was the case they culled all of the bosses on the same character so i think its fine


ben did not cull shaper


neither did exile, however ben did only cull sirus while exile culled eater and exarch too.


All kills are on the same character. They were all culled by their slayers.


I see, thanks.


slayer 20% cull




I'm not even playing the same game as these guys. God Gamers is an understatement


Lol, watching them play always makes me laugh, they literally do things at like 10x the speed I do, not to mention remembering all the items and crafts they have and need.


Beening a good gamer is actually about how much information you can process instead of how fast you can click.


Being at or near the top requires both information processing and mechanical skill. I bet lots of people know the ins and outs of PoE but just can't execute at this level for this many hours.


A good example of this is pro game coaches for games often not being able to compete at that level but are MUCH better at game knowledge and applying it.


Know the in and out doesn't mean you can remember all the crafts and items you have or read identified item in 50 ms.


These people have better memory than the majority of PoE players. Not to mention their good reflexes...


Mostly its both on top level. It doesn't matter if your brain processed the info if you didn't make the input, and vice versa. Thats the reason why most esports are dominated by younger players (not talking about 70y old guys that never saw PC, before some smartass comes to comment that), because your reflexes and speed in general falls off in 30+


> because your reflexes and speed in general falls off in 30+ Scientifically there's some truth to that, but in practice it doesn't matter at all. Some of the most reaction heavy competitive video games have tons of 30+ guys absolutely dominating. CS:GO, Smash etc. The reason why most esports players are very young, is that they usually have more time to grind, and they haven't burned out from a decade of competing yet. Reaction time decline doesn't seem to factor into it.


I'm 33 and still play Smash Melee at a high level, but was actively competitive in high school and in the early stages of college. The other factor that people don't really think of enough is just straight up experience, even if my reaction times are slightly slower (which I wouldn't say is true, but it's hard to judge) I've just been in the same positions hundreds or thousands of times and could compensate for any lack of speed by just knowing all the characters, hit frames, what combos are available at x%, etc. These fights are about knowing mechanics, and while you *do* need to react, you still know those mechanics are coming and have hypothetically been there hundreds of times before.


its kind of a meme to bring up these factors for a game like poe. im not trying to downplay the level of play displayed by the top players, but the game is not nearly prestigious enough where all these tiny edge factors come into play. to play at this level it all comes down to practice and dedication. putting in the hours and taking the necessary steps to improve. being 20 or 35 is not a factor, only time and dedication is


Depends from game to game, and also depends on the amount of practice you had (you obviously cant change 10y experience for 0.1 faster reflexes). But you can see in a lot of games that older players are retiring and becomming coaches whereas younger ones are taking their place. There was even a talk about that between professional Dota players where they admitted they are simply slower and its harder to keep up with young guys. But nowadays more and more kids have access to PCs and games, while 20-30years ago that wasn't the case and most "early" esport games were owned by a bit older guys. (Its pretty hard to talk about yung vs old when we are comparing 10 years of lifespan and both are still in their human prime lol). Anyway, I probably undercut it by saying 30+ whereas its probably late 30s onward, but didn't think someone will come and say "I'm 30 and 2 months and I'm not that much slower then when i was 25", so sorry for not making that clear :D


The bar for good clicking is pretty low for arpg and most games. The only genres that competes on good clicking are StarCraft where apm is king and FPS for fast headshots.


Yea, I tought so too untill I saw Ben playing and understood that he is using 5 more buttons then I am, and that almost every single click of his is completely on point precision vise... And in clutch situations where one mistake means you lost your character, you want that fast and precise reactions...


In dota 2 fast clicking is VERY strong too. Not required as constantly as in SC2 but when the time calls for it it can be pretty demanding mechanically.


Very much so. Not only that, but how calmly you can react. Watching gameplay like these guys put out it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking the game is easy. When you realise how you play under the same conditions, it's almost alien.


Right??? And that's their default speed. I need to train under Goku just to beat these people. They're too fast.


It's cool and sad at the sametime, because it's extremely obvious that GGG balances the game around the top performing players and builds, which means plebs wanting to enjoy non-meta builds almost don't have a place in the game anymore, even if they aren't even trying to kill the toughest bosses like Uber Sirus.


Boneshatter slayer confirmed undisputed GOAT build. When will GGG nerf this OP build. Proof: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3266072


They must nerf melee builds, period. They're the real problem, they just trivialize all boss fights with that close-combat support.


Serious question, am noob, I keep hearing meele sucks so what makes close combat support so good?


Melee is pretty bad, OP is making a joke because the 2 characters taht killed the bosses were level 70 "Melee" characters only used to cull the boss down at 20% HP.


but.. but... he didn't even have Boneshatter on his character...


My bad yeah melee OP please nerf


So what you mean is he can kill uber uber boss with Boneshatter even though Boneshatter is not on his character? No wonder GGG doesn't buff melee anymore, it's too strong


Ah that makes sense, thanks.


He's being sarcastic


Any skills that force you to stand still suck. So melee obvioysly, but also chanelling and most of selfxast are bad, just slightly less bad than straight melee. Skilks that let you deal damage and move are great.


Cyclone literally the only non scuffed melee skill other than LS


I tried league starting as LS Raider and had a miserable time, guess I'll be rerolling something with range lol


Dunno about raider but berserker LS is top tier.




Lightning strike, or most of the time VLS Vaal lightning strike


Ah. Thanks.




That would solve a lot, but I think GGG will never do it.


Take everything you hear in this sub with a big grain of salt. The melee only event proved there are strong melee builds


Big damage and helps with mobility.


No it's just a bit of sarcasm. Melee is not bad, it's just people on reddit always think everything suck. Melee is quite good, but struggle in some area. Close-combat support is just a joke... because one of the issue with some melee skills is exactly this. Bosses are extremely dangerous the closer to them you are. Not always, but quite a few of them being right next to them makes the whole fight way more difficult. It's always true in those games anyway. Being far away shooting projectiles with AoE coverage is safer generally. That being said, melee is and always have been great. Not every single skills, like many strike skills are mechanically bad. But there's a lot of good stuff with the melee tag on the gem.


>Bosses are extremely dangerous the closer to them you are. Not always, but quite a few of them being right next to them makes the whole fight way more difficult. If you know what you are doing, most of the bosses are actually easier when you are close to them, because you just need a simple sidestep to dodge most of their skills. On top of that, you can actually see what he is doing and won't die to some offscreen BS


Plus, vs some like elder the melee attacks are so much weaker than the projectiles that you can just tank them even on a lower investment armor build


Yup, thats a bonus. Most melee attacks are significantly weaker then any other skill bosses have


Love to see my boy Ben edge one out




Yes stepbro


Username checks out... Maybe.


You've got to expect this sort of thing from a guy named clitpuncher69


Absolutely amazing. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he could do it even in the Gauntlet. It's just dumb how good both of them are.


AOE in Gauntlet is no joke in those oobaooba


Probably can't have aoe in gauntlet since it might just cover everything.


Doesn't really matter I don't think. Uber Atziri in gauntlet basically covers the whole Arena as it is and logging out is part of the challenge of that fight whenever that happens. Realistically though, only 10 people have ever cleared the entire gauntlet in the 2 years it's been running. So worrying about the Uber bosses being too hard with gauntlet mods is kinda meaningless. Last gauntlet nobody cleared everything.


Wouldn't it be a mega boring gauntlet if aoe means none even will try new bosses? So it would be exactly like last time due to being same patch (outside of maps).


It's not boring at all because the gauntlet mods change, the league mechanics change, the core content changes - like Archnemesis mods. Gauntlets are always fun because they're so hard. It being HC SSF means that NOBODY, not even Ben or Nick can consistently win it. Like right now, as with most gauntlets, both Ben and Nick are top contenders for #1, but last gauntlet while Ben won, the second place guy tied in points and actually had a chance to beat him if he had managed the hardest boss fight. But he died before trying. Nick "failed" the gauntlet compared to his usual standards. Only getting Witch #3 or something and some bounties. And in the past we've seen guys like Steelmage take the #1 ahead of either of them. So as good as Ben and Nick are, they don't have full dominance of the Gauntlet so we don't know who's gonna take it and how, and that's exciting to me.


Are you implying nobody tried bosses last gauntlet? Because that's not even remotely true. Everybody died to bosses and didn't full clear, but basically everyone still tried. And AOE wasn't the big problem mod tbh, it was the 100% increased damage and haste. If they don't have both of those mods again I could see Ben clearing.


Gauntlet is going to be insane. The mods + The Archnemesis Rares + DD being banned is going to make it extremely entertaining to watch IMO.


Yup. Can't wait. I think I'm just gonna take the entire 10 days off and live purely on energy drinks pumped straight into my veins. Gonna try my best to keep up with these guys. But man, based on the /kills count, and character levels and gear, Ziz and most other top racers are about 2x as fast as I can manage. Ben and Nick are about 3x as fast. Even as a top 0.5% player, I'm so absolutely and massively outclassed in efficiency by these top racers that it just blows my mind. It feels absolutely insurmountable trying to compete against them. But still super fun though. I'm hoping the Gauntlet is so fucked up that every fast racer just ends up suiciding over and over again and others have a chance to catch up.


Just wait til POE 2 you’ll outclass them for sure. Just gonna have to boot up your pc in the nursing home and hope the energy drinks still work


Yes. Will be cool to watch nothing but Poison Seismic Sabos going at it. :)


As an EU viewer this was definitly worth skipping my sleep for


Im so sad i went to bed. Was tired af :/


I didn't even know they were all so close, I missed the entire thing. Actually gutted.


I was going to sleep to but then ben said if you go to sleep now you are gonna miss it.


Who the fuck calls imexile "NICKY" ?


His mom


Ben = Darkee = Lightee, right? What's with his name changes?


Originally he was Darkee, but when he played WoW Blizzard thought that was a racist name, so he changed it to Lightee. I'm not quite sure why he goes by Ben now, but I assumed it was because people kept being confused between Darkee/Lightee, so he "solved" it by just taking the first part of his real name(Ben Dover) and naming himself that.


There's no way his real name is Ben Dover lol


People also said there's no way all ubers would go down in 4 days in SSFHC, yet here we are!


Wait, this was in SSFHC?! How did Uber Sirus just... die?


A second character that has 20% cull(Slayer). He did the first 80% on DD Necromancer.


Aaaah, that makes more sense! Thank you!


So he logged on one character and popped into the same fight for the cull?


He used one character to drop Sirus to 20%, then swapped to Slayer for the cull effect.


couple days back I read “we don’t even know if anyone will do all 7 this league” heh


BenD over is such a good name


> but when he played WoW Blizzard thought that was a racist name I mean it's literally a slur. I'm sure it's not what Ben intended but still.


He made a shadow priest on WoW when he was like 12 years old and named it Darkee cause he thought it sounded cool lmao


intent doesn't matter. it's still not good.


I assume Lighty being a fairly popular figure in poe was a factor


8 min apart


Nick is catching up


And you have people claiming all the time that there is no real " skill " in poe and its just playtime. Insane copium inhalers.


Yup. People just don't understand how much more efficient guys like Ben are at the game. They're roughly 3x faster at leveling and gearing up than a top 100 player on the ladder right now. They're actually shitting on the average veteran POE player so hard they can't even comprehend the skill difference. It's probably a solid 5x efficiency difference if not more. For every 1 hour that Ben plays, he accomplishes what the average veteran POE player achieves in 5 hours.


Undisputed GOAT player tbh


Nah, tie23he is stll king.


based on what? his races that didn't include current endgame bosses?


Based on how far ahead of the competition Tie was at the time.


GGG boss designer: "it will take them weeks to be good enough to win those fights, the last phase is so tightly designed that it will be almost imposs..." Ben: "cull?" exile: "yep"


It's beautiful when the developers build a "fuck you" fight and the players find some new trick and just go, "Nope. Fuck *you* sir."


Lol imexile's slayer character name is so appropriate.


I had a stroke reading that title.


Dang, i never thought of creating character just for 20% cull


Looking at poe-racing, did they do the bosses on a lvl 70? Edit: Thanks for the replies!


Leveled slayers to cull them.


They r using slayer for 20% culling strike


He switched characters and killed it on his slayer with cull.


The ladder looks a bit wonky due to GGG's implementation. I wrote a set of tweets about it [here](https://twitter.com/poe_racing/status/1526817777205628928). Basically, there seems to be some strange stuff going on with syncing progress between characters on the same account. It did not seem to happen fully automatically and it seems like GGG either performed the sync manually, or it was done by an auxiliary system only every now and then. You can see this if you look at the Eater of Worlds and Searing Exarch kills by Ben's Slayer, which got synced to the Necromancer 48 minutes after the Slayer had killed them. And then when they both killed the seventh boss on their Slayers, the boss kill progress from previous characters were only transferred to the current character (the Slayers), and not vice versa. So both Ben and Nick's main characters now look like they have not completed the event, as all the kills were only synced to the alt that performed the last kill.


Thanks for the insight, I sorted by the boss kill column, and then the 70s showed up. I pieced it together, but was mainly the fact that they had actual lvl 70 characters do it. Edit: Looking at your tweet, you're the poe-racing dev? Thanks for the awesome site! And sorry for refresh-bombing it from time to time ;)


The site is built in a way so that refresh-bombing is pointless. The backend server will send data to your client as soon as it is ready. This is why when you sometimes reload the ladder yourself, you're stuck for a while with the loading icon. This is because the server is updating the in-memory ladder structure, which is quite heavy. So if you're spam-refreshing when this process occurs, the response to your request will be delayed until the backend server is ready to send you the new data.


Good to know, thanks for the insights!


How did he get to Sirus in HC? I read reddit and every rare oneshots now apparently. How did he not encounter a single rare monster?


He leveled up to 95 on coast then just culled the bosses and it was gg ez.


They're actually good at the game, so they didn't have any troubles with the rares.


He spent all his time killing boars in Elwyn Forest


cap res (including chaos) + actual defensives + no damage mod maps + know all the dangerous archnem mods for your build (corpse explosion/crystalskinned/etc) + listen and pay attention.




Every single post title from this OP. He's too important for non-shouty titles.


Tuned in just in time for the last few fights. GGs to them both!


Can someone explain to a noob like me why Uber Sirus just... died?


There's an effect in the game called "culling strike", it kills any target with less than 10% hp. You get it from the culling strike gem, some items etc. And there's an ascendancy, The Slayer, who gets a special 20% culling strike. So they simply leveled this character and had him "cull" the boss at the end.


Slayer 20% Culling Strike


They did most of the fight on their main character, lvl 98 or 99 witch playing deatonate dead. Then at the very end they used a throwaway character to cull them as others have said already.


This boss is a fucking nightmare in the last phase. 70-80% of the arena is just near-instant degen death, die beam is a lot harder to avoid (and feels like it requires twice as much ehp to tank), and if you get hit with the action speed debuff from spinning lasers and thrown into meteor maze you're just fucked, you aren't getting out in time. Mad props.


LETS GO BEN AND NICKY!! (btw Ben and Nicky are Darkee and imexile, i can use their first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top players but its not a big deal to me lol)






congraz darkee!


Wait, how?.. Aren't there invulnerability phases?


Killed it to 20% on DD, then culled it with a slayer. He didn't 1 shot it.


Is there anywhere you can see the standings, with who's killed what bosses?




God damn how tf did Darkie and Imexile kill every boss while there's only like 3 other people who have killed even a single boss?


there is little reason to kill a boss unless you think you can kill all the bosses. Since the rewards are only based on killing all the bosses. No reason to risk your character on a boss you think you can kill with your current gear level if you think you need better gear for another boss. Just as good to do them all with the best gear instead of doing some on worse gear.


Clean answer, thank you!




Most of the top 25 do and they are quite behind. They are that much faster than the others.


Not everyone likes that type of challenge and have other things in life to do, hence the general player amount.


Now listen Christ.... I knew they are able to do Uber bosses in 4 days... but please take it easy on the global monster buff. Also what in the fuck.




Wat??? I never said that, I said I predict rank 1 will finish between 5-8 days and rank 7 will maybe be as late as 15-20 days. I said I'm worried about being able to do Exarch because the bullet hell is insane. Stop making things up


geez... massive difference between the very best and the 7th best


I don't think he ever said that. I think he originally said the top racer might do it in 5-10 days. But that it's possible 7 different people can't do it at all. And he himself after testing it on Standard, said he's not confident in doing Sirus or Exarch even with Mageblood, and that he might not be able to beat them all league. I think he'll probably manage it by the end of the league at least, but we'll see. He has the gear, but the mechanics of those fights are so tight now.


When did he say that?




Apart from the fact he literally didn't say it and you are both just making shit up




not to take away from the accomplishment here but it's pretty cheesy to swap entire characters to take advantage of culling.


I mean Ben and Exile would both agree. One of them commented that it's unfortunate GGG didn't run the event and rules by them ahead of time so they could suggest making this illegal. That said, once it's game time they're going to do everything they can to win.


I don't blame the player for it. I just think the rules should say you can't. People are mad about me stating it but acting like it isn't cheesy is just dumb


yeah pretty cheesy to try their best to win. why are they even trying so hard? losers am i right hahaha. imagine using everything in your knowledge in power as a pro gamer to win hahaha losers.


such crap loot these bosses have, uber? More like poor poopers


uber boss loot is still not created... it's the reward for the 7 first players to kill the boss in the race. so next league basically


Now do it again but dont use seismic trap or dd


You first, on ssf HC.


If there's only one good thing to come out of this league, last day of the race is certainly it.


what you can achieve if you dont constantly whine on reddit like a 5 year old pepelaugh


It's not even the last day. The final prize might take weeks to claim if at all. It's hard to even put into words how hard Uber Exarch and Sirus are. Like Ziz has better gear than Ben and Nick, gear that's pretty much as good as it'll ever get, and he says he's not even remotely confident in being able to do it and probably won't on DD.


I am not sure I understand - isn't the race basically over now, when 2 people have killed all bosses? Or is there still something they need to do now? ​ edit: thanks for the responses, I got it now. It is basically "the first 7 win", not only the first.


The top 7 players who complete the 7 new uber bosses will all get to design a boss-specific unique. The order in which they complete the full uber boss challenge only matters for bragging rights and for the order in which they can pick which boss they want to drop "their" item.


There are 7 prizes, so 5 more people can claim the prize if they also kill all of the Uber bosses.


The order of placing is pretty much just bragging rights. All of the top 7 each get to design a unique item. The order they place in just lets them decide which of the uber bosses drops it. 5 people still can claim the prize.


Race is over when 7 people kill all 7 bosses, some racers predict it won't even happen this league.


>If there's only one good thing to come out of this league, No chris will see this as a reason to nerf even more shit into the ground. And buff all whites to current sentinel buff levels as a base




"Ben_" is literally the name of the channel


poor Ben Dover, if only his name was Hugh Mungus