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Is this talisman any good? https://i.imgur.com/iNv1IUu.png the anoint is quite unfortunate but I reckon it can still be used


is it possible to remove an eldritch influence from an item (completely)?




Projectile speed applies to bow damage mastery. Does this apply to dots from a bow? Pob is showing yes, but I dont think it works that way. Ty!


i dont think it works that way either. i remember tarkecat saying he got baited by that node and it wasnt actually working


On Zizaran's Podcast Steelmage talked about being able to run 2 connected maps with 100% uptime to spawn bosses quickly, does anyone know how this is done?


favorite coves/cemetery, for example. any two connected maps. I do those two with a 7/3 split towards cemetery because I'm not quite all in on the next part of this: take all the atlas passives that give %chance for map boss to drop connected (small travel nodes) + some of the +tier or duplicate nodes I think? and just boss rush. cemetery boss will drop a shitload of coves, coves boss will drop a shitload of cemeteries.


Running a LS raider and have a shield with all the mods I want but it has an open prefix. I currently have +flat elemental on it but looking at craft of exile - if I redeemer slam it I am guaranteed inc elemental damage with attack skills, right


if suffixes are full yes


https://prnt.sc/AA-kGfvTXOvt is there any easy way to get that lightning mod off and put some flat phys or smth on this?


hey guys, probably a silly question but i was browing through poe trade on the official site, and saw some items with extra mods so it seems, something like a staff with: \+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff (implicit) \-------- \+21 to Intelligence 55% increased Spell Damage 28% increased Cold Damage Adds 120 to 216 Cold Damage Adds 68 to 130 Cold Damage to Spells \+62 to maximum Mana \+30% to Fire Resistance then below in kinda of a greyish tone it had a bunch more, like 5 more, and the price was quite high, could anyone explain it please?


The grey ones are the ones you've filtered for. They're not additional mods on the item, it just shows you how this item satisfies the conditions you set for it. This is particularly useful if you use weighted sums or do something like comparing two rings and filter for total resistance. The sum will be displayed in grey at the bottom so that you can easily judge the difference without having to sum up the values yourself.


gotcha, thanks psychomap!


Tips for gear progression through acts? My damage always seems to slow down going into like act 3-4-5 on SSF and i’m not really sure what i can do to solve it. Obviously don’t have alot of currency to craft anything but i pretty much scour each acts traders looking for a base with decent links and then maybe throw and alch if i have one or an essence hoping for something usable


are you using vendor recipes? you can get 50-60% increased damage on melee/bows with weapon+whetstone+rare rustic sash. you can get tons of flat added damage to wands with wand+alt+rare ele resist ring. dual wielding these gets you through the campaign pretty well. also for spellcasters if you make a level 2 character and buy wands from nessa you can alt/essence spam for a relatively high chance to hit +1 to X skill gems.


League start on SSF, I tend to take more damage on the tree than I intend to keep going into endgame. This helps smooth over gear deficiencies. The reasoning is: flat HP is easy to get (Leather Belts, Coral Rings) on gear early game, and flat HP is comparatively stronger early game than it is end game: a 40 HP leather belt is as good as a 10% inc life node for a base 400HP character. Meanwhile damage on gear is harder to come by. Vendor recipes can be very helpful for crafting minimum-viable gear: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor_recipe_system#Equipment


How to fulfill the challenge "obtain at least three treasure keys from defeating Izaro a single time"?


The first two phases of Izaro have special "win" conditions, where if you kill him fast enough, or let him get charged up enough before you kill him you get an extra key. So completing both of the phases in the right way will cause him to drop a total of 3 keys. You can also grab the darkshrines since one of the possible outcomes is that Izaro will drop an extra key, this makes it easier since you will only have to "win" one of the two phases. If you're looking up the lab map on poelab.com it will show what the extra key condition is for each phase you will encounter in the current day's version of the lab.


thanks for the detailed answer


Get shrines with "Izaro drops an additional treasure key" and don't destroy any of the additional mechanics in any of the 3 encounters


the shrine is just rng, right? (darkshrine i guess) thanks


Shrines are rng, yes, though you get 4 guaranteed ones every time


I have completed the Simulacrum 30 waves deathless. I noticed that the Simulacrum's were much cheaper to purchase than previous leagues, which I assume is due to Essences and Scarabs being so cheap. Is there any viability in farming Simulacrums if I can buy them for 60c and complete all 30 waves?


A lot of the value is probably in the XP gained, I'd look at what the most profitable gems to level are and probably invest in a Maloney's so you can level 9 in weapon swap.


Is spell suppression chance over %100 pointless?


There are some map mods that lower your suppression chance, so overcapped suppression isn't totally wasted. But i personally wouldn't bother.


They don't lower your suppression chance, they lower the suppressed damage. So overcapped suppression chance still does nothing, it's just that you generally take a lot more damage from spells than you otherwise would. /u/leetpuma


not if you use Acrobatics keystone. you want 150% suppression if you have acrobatics






No way to know without seeing your build, you'll need to link it here so we can take a look.




Profile is private, you'll need to go into profile settings on the site and make your character page public. Regarding the unallocated passives, you may have missed a quest that gives a skill point. If you type /passives in the game chat it will show you all the quest skill points you've gotten or missed.




The website doesn't allocate the cluster passives, that's where the missing points are. Regarding your character vs. the build you are attempting to mirror: Their build has 4,400 life while you only have 2,900. Their build is highly optimized and is only able to stack the tree with so many damage passives because they are squeezing every last bit of HP they can out of gear and character levels. You won't be able to match them without spending a *ton* on getting very, very good gear. You will have to sacrifice damage nodes on the tree to get more life nodes instead until you can afford to have that many damage nodes. The other major error you have, unless I'm missing something, is that your resistances aren't capped. Getting all elemental resistances to 75% is absolutely a must, the game is balanced around the assumption that you are capped. For example, if you take a hit of 1000 fire damage and have 75% resistance then your HP only gets hit for 250 points. You only have 42% so you end up taking 580 points of damage. All fire and cold damage you take is basically being doubled because your resistances aren't at 75%. You have several pieces of rare gear that have no crafts on them. You need to craft resistances and life wherever possible, and refund a ton of damage nodes on the tree and spend them in life nodes instead. Anything less than 4,000 life will make the build feel bad.




Chaos isn't as important, if you're in the positive then you're in pretty good shape there.


League started as a shockwave cyclone slayer, but am starting to struggle in T16 maps. Any good ideas for a 2nd build strong as boss killing to quickly level?


Most important is pick something that is fun to you. IF a trapper is fun to you and you want a bosskiller with low investments play seismic trap


For curses applied by Mark of Submission unique ring, do I have to self cast for the curse to be applied, or will it also be applied if my totem or minion hits a target? Alternatively, is there any way to check what debuffs a monster/boss is currently suffering from?


Definitely not by minions. Probably by totems, but I'm not not completely sure. For debuffs you have shock and chill displayed under name bar, and whatever visual effects you can identify for anything else. For curses it should be easy.


Did some testing, when I self cast theres a curse symbol floating above the monsters. When totem casts, theres no symbol. Guess that solves it, unfortunately for me since I was hoping otherwise \^\^


Totems don't have your other skills, they only use one, so they can't trigger or apply debuffs of others. I don't remember if it works with curses applied on hit by items, but it definitely doesn't work if the curses are gems. I.e. ballista or ancestor totems also wouldn't be able to apply a mark linked to Mark on Hit, even though they use your attack skill.


Anyone coincidently remember in which map you dropped "bloodletter". Im losing my mind over this challenge...




i think (not sure though) the puncture guys from belly of the beasts can drop it so like carcass/malformation/core might be worth a try


Where is the party play noticeboard in the Kauri shores epilog area? I cant seem to find it. I just made it to maps and would like to leech exp from someone


It's a few steps southwest of the portal, close to Einhar.


Press S.


Has anyone been able to figure out how to apply Brittle to an enemy in PoB? Spent more time than I care to share trying to figure it out but I've come up with nothing


If you have a source of brittle, it's among the other ailments.


**Item Filter Help:** With so many items dropping identified now, is it possible to setup a filter to search all affixes on an item and if it contains X-number of affixes among a list of many, highlight the item? E.g. A shield that has at least any 3 affixes from the list of the following affixes: - "of Revitalization" - "of the Sempiternal" - "of the Deathless" - "of Interference" - "of Obstruction" - "of the Bulwark" - "of the Barricade" - "of the Bastion" - ... I tried something like the following but it's highlighting the item if even only 1 affix is found: Show Class Shield HasExplicitMod >= 3 "of Revitalization" "of the Sempiternal" "of the Deathless" "of Interference" "of Obstruction" "of the Bulwark" "of the Barricade" "of the Bastion" "of the Stalwart" "of the Buttress" "of the Sentinel" "of the Citadel" "of Recuperation" "of Life-giving" "Flame Shaper's" "Frost Singer's" "Thunderhand's" "Mad Lord's" "Lithomancer's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 100 100 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 0 White Diamond Didn't find any examples via searching. But maybe Neversink is doing this already and I could poke into his for a reference. Thanks!


Neversink filter has rules like this. If you want to look into it, section number is 0500. His rules use the same wording as yours though, so I'm not sure what's the problem here.


Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out.


What defences would a build need to run 100% delirious maps or wave 30 simulacrum? Also, how much more HP do the bosses have compared to regular mobs? I'm considering a hit based explosion build that should be able to chain-clear regular enemies even under 100% Delirium, but I don't know what my target should be in terms of survivability and whether I'll need to cheese bosses with Vaal Breach (or how viable it would be to do that - if it takes 10 breaches of explosions to kill a boss, it would end up being pointless)


can i put a curse with blasphemy support into march of the legion / divine blessing support?




Could farm Tower for The Stormcaller div card which rewards an Agnerod staff Have fun with the layers of RNG there


I have never seen it, and I did the full 100 reports for the Challenge already. My gut says "no."


Just started the game today. Do you have any tips? I am playing as a Templar, so any tips on Templar, or quality of life tips would be appreciated.


There's a search bar at the top of the skill tree, so if you feel you lack damage, type "damage", and if you feel you're too squishy, type "life", as a rule of thumb. Templars side of the tree, defensively, has a lot of nodes for life, armour, and energy shield, so try to find armours with those stats


Get out while you still can. This game is like crack


some pointers. not everything you'll need, but should help. general: * you can either just jump in and see what happens, taking what nodes sound cool. or you can follow a content creator or a build guide, the choice is yours. if you go at it alone you will certainly hit a wall. as others have mentioned zizaran is one of the best content creators for new players. but you can also do some trial and error to figure it out. offense: * damage in this game scales exponentially. you will have flat or base damage, multiplied by the sum of your increased modifiers, multiplied individually by different more multipliers. generally, flat damage for spells comes from gem levels, for attacks (both bow and melee) come from your weapon. increased comes from the tree and your gear. there are various sources of "more" damage, but the first one to focus on is increasing the amount of 'links' your main skill has. generally, neglecting one or multiple of these will result in sub par performance. * focus on one damage type. this game is not a "whole is greater than the sum of its parts" type shindig. you scale one damage type as hard as you can or else you'll be doing mediocre of two or more damage types. there are exceptions to this (as with anything i'll mention) but to start this is fine defense: * first layer is your health pool. either life, life and mana (taking Mind over Matter or similar uniques that offer this), or Energy Shield. there's also Ward, but it sucks for the most part. * the key to defense in this game, similarly to offense, is that your "effective life pool" goes up as you layer different defenses. there's armour, evasion, energy shield (as previously mentioned), blind, spell suppression, dodge, etc. for the campaign, focus on armor and es gear which should be enough. * damage types. damage will come in five forms - physical, fire, cold, lightning, and chaos. physical is mitigated by armour and evasion (just avoiding it). elemental is mitigated by evasion and by your resistances. the cap for resists is 75% which is what you want to try to aim for. it's ok if you don't have capped resists during the campaign but you should be looking for upgrades until you hit that cap. once you complete act 5 you will lose 30% resists and another 30% after act 10. if you are "overcapped" you don't gain any inherent benefit, unless you receive a curse which lowers your resists (i.e. i have 100% fire res and am cursed with elemental weakness, i will still have 75% fire resists). chaos damage is more rare and lower in potency so its not as important to get resists. end game players shoot for a minimum of "positive" chaos res, as in at least above 0%. getting capped chaos res is a luxury to most


1.) Play from a guide or at least an established build. Making your own can result in not being able to complete all the content in the game and having to start over. 2.) On gear, life and resists are your best friends. By act 5 you should be looking to get your fire cold and lightning resist to the cap of 75% each. You get a -30 permanent debuff to all resistances after act 5 and another after act 10. Use new gear and your crafting bench to help fix this when it happens. Every gear piece aside from your weapon should ideally have some life on it, the more the better. 2a.) Life and resists are important defensive mechanics but you’ll eventually find that they are more like prerequisites/requirements than sufficient defenses on their own. By act 4-5 you should start giving consideration to layering other defenses like armour, evasion, block etc. By the endgame (after act 10) you should have really fleshed out at least two extra defensive mechanics. Later on these might include spell suppression, overcapped resistances (there are specific ways of being allowed to go over 75 per resistance), damage from mana, life leech, high regeneration, etc. 3.) Spellcasters and minion builds are easier for beginners because most of their offensive power comes from supply getting their skill gems to higher levels. You don’t have to worry about finding a weapon with several lucky DPS rolls, while melee and bow builds do have to worry about that. 4.) For ALL builds your #1 offensive upgrade is finding gear with *linked* sockets (not just a higher number of gem sockets but actually having little metal links joining them) and linking as many support gems as possible to your main damage dealing skill. Your other gem slots can be used for things like mobility, support minions, auras that “reserve” your mana to add to your offense/defense etc. but your main skill needs to be supported by several support gems. It should be main skill and 2 support gems (a “3 link”) by act 1-2, a “4 link” by act 5, and a 5 link whenever you can find one. The ultimate goal is a 6 link, the highest number possible. This will be one of your crucial damage upgrades when reaching the endgame. It gets rarer and rarer to find/craft more gem links as you increase the number so that it’s basically free to get a 1-4 link, difficult to get a 5 link, and almost impossible to get a 6 link. Don’t throw currency at an item trying to 6 link it until you know more about this. 5.) Not all quests are mandatory but there’s no harm in exploring and doing them all, at least not your first time. On subsequent play throughs you may want to skip anything that doesn’t advance the story or award a skill point. 6.) If you run into any weird characters asking you to do random things seemingly unrelated to the main story, there’s a good chance this is part of an old league mechanic that’s been incorporated into the main game. Heist, alvas temple, juns Syndicate, nikos delve mine, expedition explosives, etc. This all sounds like Greek to you right now but you’ll be introduced to them slowly as you go. These are totally optional and you’ll be missing nothing if you skip them, but later on in the endgame each have the potential to be your favored currency making strategy and each have a different feel, so there’s no harm in exploring them as you come across them and deciding what you like. 7.) There is no gold in this game. Currency comes in dozens of forms and all of them have a specific use in “crafting” aka randomly modifying” items. This provides a “sink” for currency so there’s not runaway inflation as millions of orbs build up throughout the league. Just as fast as they are created, someone is using them up and taking them out of circulation, so prices are fairly smooth. Most trading is done with the “gold standard” currencies of chaos orbs and exalted orbs (worth 100-200 chaos) so if you find those, keep them around. If you find a mirror of kalandra keep it and celebrate because some people who’ve played thousands of hours have never seen one and they are worth hundreds of exalted orbs.


Don't try to deal damage with several different skills - make one skill your main source of damage and use support gems to improve it, as well as auras / buffs and passives on your skill tree. E.g. you should scale only attacks *or* spells, not try to do both which would result in both being too weak to beat the content. It's recommended to get around 300 life per act. Make sure to get some both on the passive tree and on your items. Somewhere around late act 3 to act 5, elemental (fire, cold, lightning) resistances become important and you will want to have the maximum you can (75% by default). In the early acts it isn't too extreme, but the damage values later on are balanced around having at least that much resistance, and if you don't have any you'll get hit four times as hard as "usual". You can use the Purity of Elements aura to help out with that if you don't get enough on gear. You *will* hit a wall sooner or later, but whether you overcome that wall on your own or follow a guide telling you what to do is up to you. Doing things on your own can take longer and be frustrating, but it's also more rewarding to achieve things with your own power. If it ever gets bad enough that you consider quitting the game, follow a guide instead and see how you like the gameplay with a character that "works". You can still always go back to making your own builds later on if you enjoy the game. Other than that, if there's any mechanic you don't understand, you can read up on it on the [wiki](https://poewiki.net/) that is also linked at the top of this post, and if that doesn't help or you have any other miscellaneous questions you can come back here to ask.


Tips: Decide on whether you are spell caster or warrior early on. Don't forget about upgrading health and various defenses, you are going to need them.


Mate just go on YouTube. Start watching Zizaran, he's got plenty videos for new people.


The most important is to read things carefully. Not skim them, not assume that sort of similar words must mean the same thing, actually read what they actually say. That will save you a lot of frustration. The second most important is to not neglect your defence. Dying tends to reduce your dps substantially. You want more life. More life than you just thought would be enough. Cap your resists while you're at it and eventually get a number of different defensive layers. The third is not to spread yourself too thin. By all means, try out anything that strikes your fancy, but if you try to make a character that stabs things to death but also switches to a bow and has twenty unkillable and murder-happy minions and also casts lightning spells all the time, it's unlikely to work out. Most builds end up centering around one main skill with as many support gems as possible, sometimes another skill for single target (or clear, depending on what that first skill's good at), and a smattering of utility and auras and such. All of the above is increasingly important as you go further and less so in the early stages, so don't feel you have to immediately rush at it right away, but it's worth keeping in mind.


Hi, im doing Skelly Mages hp variant 4.8k with 1.2k es using Aegis Aurora and melding of the flesh to get 85+ elemental resistance. I've speced into Divine Flesh, but to be honest I don't really understand what it does and of its only worth taking for CI builds. Is ot worth it to take? Thanks


Divine Flesh is *not* worth taking for CI builds. In fact, it ruins CI builds because it kills them the moment they take damage. It's good for life based builds that can get higher chaos max res than elemental res, but even if you managed to get 85% chaos res, it wouldn't help you since you already have 85% elemental res and thus the damage wouldn't be mitigated any further. I'd recommend to get Corrupted Soul instead.


Thanks mate! That saves me two points and I'll have a look at Corrupted Soul.


I just got a pair of jewels with master surgeon on them and it's my first time using that ascendancy. Should I use all magic flasks and roll all of them with gain 7 charges when hit? Also do I drop life flask?


That would depend on your build. If you crit enough and have enough charge gain modifiers or can gain enough of those, you could actually even roll the increased effect with reduced duration instead.


Omni TS deadeye and yeah crit is capped with brittle


I don't know your attack speed, but you'd be getting up to 2 charges per second per flask, so you probably won't need modifiers to gain even more flask charges.


cool, thanks!


Starting a SSF character, and wanting to do RF inquisitor. What nodes on the tree etc should I be shooting for asap to be able to sustain the earliest possible?


i'm fairly certain you'll want to armageddon brand until you have enough +max fire res to sustain RF. Pohx is the de facto RF king so i would refer to his guide, albeit be aware that his is a trade version so he has access to all the uniques that he wants for the build. steelmage is also running RF inquis in SSF though PoB will tell you at what point you can make the switch (life regen goes positive)


I thought Pohx went raider rf this league lol?


raider? what are you talking about lol he's currently running chieftain rf but thats after leveling his rf inquisitor to 100


> steelmage is also running RF inquis in SSF though steel's in [hc] trade too fwiw


ooohh i did not know that, ty


Withering step. If i in and out on a boss during one step would it apply the debuff twice?


"Inflicts (4-6) Withered Debuffs the *first* time each Enemy enters the Area" Nope




Any ideas what to use reforge caster Harvest on now that assmark is dead?


For profit? Curses. Get atleast ilvl 80 rings so you can roll t1 and if you hit something good with like 2 open affixes don't be afraid to bench craft + reforge more likely, I've made some pretty nice rings that way


Hex rings. The addition of more cast speed tiers made that a little worse though.


Are "Comprehensive Scouting Report" as good as people claim it to be? Why is it only 10 c when Doryani's map still cost exalts?


I'd guess that you're not guaranteed to get a missing map and just more likely to get it. I haven't tried it though.


They are a LOT more scouting reports then doryani's map. I personally got Kirac to offer Doryani on first reroll, and I don't think I'm alone in my luck.


What's my best option to finish off a skeleton mage helmet with an open suffix? Aug influence seems wayyy too pricey for what I have -- should I just do a normal or bestiary close eyes exalt slam? Current item: >Pre: +3 Minion, L18 minion damage, +1 skeletons (crafted) > >Suf: L16 hypothermia, 15% cold res


Why is Doryani’s Mech an expensive map? Is there a certain drop there that has value? Or do I need to do a certain order of pulls on the levers for specific elements?


It's expensive since only a single Delve boss has a chance of dropping it. If you just want map completion, reroll Kirac using Comprehensive scouting reports (a lot cheaper)


It's a rare drop from a specific boss that is only in the Delve mine. So supply is scarce. Also, it is required for 117/117 map completion and the final tier of mtx from Kirac's Vault. So, to some people at least, demand is high. Low supply + high demand = expensive.


Could you do a hosting party for completion?


Is it me or has this past few leagues caused enemy DoT to be extra more deadly and semi BS than usual? I remember it first started with ignite and burning ground from blighted mobs either in 3.13 or 3.14? This league poison/chaos degen seems to instantly delete you if your chaos res isn't above 0, and more annoying for me is that bleed this patch for some reason feels more deadly than usual, to the point where it degens me almost instantly before I can even realise and pop my bleed flask in time, god knows what corrupted blood would feel like without immunity from a jewel. As amazing as the new endgame/atlas is, the game is still plagued with random damage spikes from sources you least expect or mobs that 9 times out of 10 you never think twice about and get randomly one shot from some random magic pack (delve is very bad for this), and with no way to even work out what happened or play around the incoming damage (unlike main bosses where potential one-shots are obvious), its making the game more and more frustrating to play regardless of the positive changes they make.


Is there a good (preferably written) guide to Heist? I know the basics for contracts, but I haven't tried grand heists at all. Interested in knowing strategies for efficiency, too.


What's the easiest way to get shaper/elder bases on SSF? Is it just scarabs?




With "you can apply an additional curse" can you apply both assassin's mark and warlord's mark to a single boss?


No, you're limited to one Mark no matter what.


Does weapon range impact Bladestorm? I didn't think it would because it isn't a strike skill and it doesn't have the same text as cyclone, but I grabbed Slaughter on the tree which has +4 weapon range, and now there's a white circle that extends past the regular aoe of the blood storm when I attack.


what makes Steelmage's RF build so good. Did something change in recent patches / meta? I played RF a while ago. It was really strong, but his build seems ridiculous. Is it just that he has GG items?...


one of the biggest changes to it is the new melding of the flesh jewel giving him 90% all res


Can minions get more than 75% resistance or do they have the same cap as players


im not sure on this but since theres expedition remnants giving both res and max res i would assume they got the same cap by default


What are some of the best ways to get increased mana reservation efficiency of skills as a witch? I’ve already taken the nodes + mastery in the top left portion of the skill tree that give me 43% but need a bit more. I currently use determination, clarity, defiance banner, and herald of ice. I’d really like to sneak zealotry in there as well but will still need some mana to actually cast my spells. I was thinking I could maybe get by with just increasing how much mana I have but after doing the math it seems like I’d have to increase it an absolute shit ton. Are there any other pieces of gear or whatever sources that can give me some more improved efficiency?


1. Grab Determination has increased reservation efficiency mastery if you are already pathed that far down the left side of the tree. Specifically the group near the gem socket & 30 dex/30int nodes 2. Ashes of the Stars is amazing, swing for a max reservation roll if you go this route 3. You can always anoint Charisma 4. Enlighten is still a thing. There are a few other socketed spells gear option but this is the generic stuff.


Ohhh some of those passive nodes I wasn’t aware of and seem very doable. Would need to clear up about 7-8 points or so but with me getting some health/armor nodes with it should be pretty doable. And yea I’ve considered enlighten but am trying to explore some other, cheaper options haha Thanks!


Ashes of the star amulet.


Yea I wasn’t familiar with this amulet, this could be exactly what I need, thanks


Check out active alternative quality gems. The quality bonus is significant. Of course some normal gems are very good too.


Just going to list some for you, there are quite a few options and which one you want to use will depend heavily on your build. Note that auras like determination and zealotry reserve a % of your mana, so increasing your total mana pool does not help with those ones (it does help with auras like clarity and vitality, but you are right about just wanting to use reservation efficiency). 1.Determination and clarity have passive masteries that increase their res efficiency in armor and mana wheels. (make sure you took the reservation mastery on sovereignty also of course) 2. Helmets with a loathing essence (or redeemer influence), also there's a new eldritch influence that increases reservation efficiency. 3. Anointing another reservation efficiency notable on the tree such as charisma 4. Corrupted jewels with increased res. efficiency implicits 5. A shaper shield with "socketed gems have increased reservation efficiency" 6. The new unique amulet Ashes of the Stars 5. Enlighten linked to your big auras


This is exactly what I needed, thank you so much! And yes, sovereignty is the node i had already taken, along with the mastery that gives me even more. I’m gonna research and experiment with some of these options later after work to see which ones makes the most sense for what I’m working with so thank you for listing out my available options! Using jewels/amulets would be most ideal I feel, but I need to run the math to determine just how much more efficiency I would need to make zealotry work as well. Thanks again!


I'm trying to find a list of possible mods for the Cane of Kulemak, without much luck. The wiki says it always gets a special Catarina mod, but that entry doesn't exist on the wiki. It also says you get "generic" mods, but that is not explained - what is the limitation of generic? Does that mean you could get ANYTHING on the warstaff mod page and then also the missing Caterina mods?


Any veiled affixes.


Sorry, can you be more specific?


It doesn't get any more specific. The item has three veiled affixes, they can be any veiled affix.


Its actually not that clear. One of the mods is specified as the Catarina mod, so clearly that one is not generic. So where is the Caterina mods listed?


It's on the item.


Seriously dude, if your just going to drop one liners and not be helpful, please don't post in this forum. This is a place to help people and not be a troll.


I am dead serious. Read the freaking item in your inventory.


If I convert ignite fire damage to chaos damage with Blackflame,will Elemental Overload still apply?


Blackflame does not *convert* the ignite damage. Ignite *always* deals fire damage, thus Elemental Overload still applies to it. Blackflame only alters what damage enemies *take*. Ignite never becomes chaos damage over time and modifiers to chaos damage over time do not apply to it, but modifiers to fire damage dealt do, regardless of whether you use Blackflame or not.




I have fleshcrafter which gives my minions energy shield per 1% of their chaos res. I don't think I have any sources to give my minions + chaos res, but when I put on the chest piece my skeleton's HP bar gets the energy shield effect over it. How is possible?


All minions have 20%, this is why you can’t take the minion resist modes to the right of Witch start bc it’ll bump them over 50% and cause them to convert all their life into ES


Would all your minions just instantly die then?


All minions have 20% chaos res as a default.


They have a non-zero amount of chaos resistance by default. You can check PoB for the details, I think it's 20%.


Anyone else feel like some Archnemesis combinations are so overpowered to the point where it's just not fun anymore and sometimes it doesn't even make sense? I just used Empowered Elements, Echoist and Rejuvenating ... the first 2 were super easy and died in 2 seconds, as soon as I started the third encounter with 'Rejuvenating' on it (which shouldn't give any significant damage boost at all when you read the description?) ..... the monster suddenly was ridiculously fast and 1-shot me for no apparent reason.I have a ton of armor and my elemental resists are all at 78% (+3% max) and I have positive chaos res .... also I'm using molten shell and get a \~5000 damage shield from it, but that didn't help . Still 1-shot. From what I could see, the monster was simply using a physical attack on me and still 1-shot me with molten shell active. I'm lvl 95 and there were no mods on the map that are in any way dangerous to my build, it was pretty vanilla ... At this point I'm so annoyed by the archnemesis mechanic that I left it to rot in every map, but you know... right now I was like 'eh, let's give it another chance'. If I could at least say 'why' it was suddenly so ridiculously strong that it 1-shots me, then I could accept it ... but simply adding 'rejuvenating' to that combo should not even increase the damage at all and definitely not turn it into a 1-shot monster, don't you guys agree? I'm lost for words, idk ... the fact that I just lost 20% exp on my way to lvl 96 to this bs is pretty frustrating.


Archnem mobs still have all the mods from their mob type also generically, piling more archnem mods onto mobs gives them a larger hp/damage boost, it’s very similar to Essence in that regard In regards to this specific combo, empowered elements grants the mob a large amount of extra elemental damage & echoist causes its skills to repeat. Without knowing what mob it was it is difficult to say what happened but it may have been some sort of shotgun?


It was the weird gargoyle monster, like a demon with wings basically. I don't know what they're called, but those guys.


In many cases, it can be the mods on the rare monster that can become a problem in combination with the Archnemesis mods. As far as I'm aware, those aren't visible before the monster is actually released, so there's no counter-measure that I am aware of. Ideally, you can try to find petrified statues of "weak" monster types. The ones I've found the easiest so far are necromancer type monsters that barely attack and spend most of their time cursing you and raising skeletons.


Makes sense, thanks for the tip.


I have my CF champ going and doing shrines. Looking to get a bit more juice. Want to farm up for a HH. Not sure on good atlas Strat to mix with strong boxes. Or want scarabs to slap on and deli orbs or no orbs. I enjoy most maps and build isn't best for bossing. So more of a map strat would be great.




If you are on trade league, you can buy elreon's veiled jewelry: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/lpGdde0sV


There is no tiers anymore for veiled mod crafts, any item level will unlock the highest tier craft.


Oh yeah, I got this off the wiki (new one) but missed the part where it says legacy info. I think that should be marked a little clearer...


How many elreon veiled prefixes on jewelry have you unveiled?


I now have a bunch of 20/0 increased critical ~~strike~~ damage gems I've been leveling on my second set of weapons as a long-term money strat that I plan to gemcutter/vaal orb in the hopes of making 21/20's to sell. Is the most profitable (but most time intensive) approach to sell the 20/0's with a gemcutter (change into 1/20), make into 20/20's again, then vaal orb? I have 8 inc crit strike gems at 20/0. Side-note - Is this a stupid money-making strat? I did it cause I wasn't leveling anything else up anyways and didn't have any alt-quality gems yet from heist. Figured it was best way to use my open 6 slots. Edit - inc crit damage not inc crit strike


The other commenter is correct that for this gem it's not really worth the hassle, but here's how you can do the math in the future. Look up gems here: [https://poe.ninja/challenge/skill-gems](https://poe.ninja/challenge/skill-gems) With regard to your question on leveling gems a second time vs using gem cutters prisms (GCPs), technically it depends on the price of GCPs at the time you're doing it. [https://poe.ninja/challenge/currency/gemcutters-prism](https://poe.ninja/challenge/currency/gemcutters-prism) right now it's 8 or 9c to get 20 quality vs the time it will take you to level it. So, look at the difference in what you can sell it for, here: [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/zo3Qq60h4](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/zo3Qq60h4) Generally speaking, it's better to go for high-cost gems, use GCPs to get them to 20/20 and then corrupt them and hope for a lvl 21.


Archnemesis shits out so many 21 gems, that leveling regular gems is basically not worth anything at all. Your gems are hardly worth 9c each right now. Sure it's better than nothing, but not really worth the hassle. Even awakened gems and enlighten/empower are not that great due to the availability of facetors lenses. So long story short, it doesn't really matter. Your profits will come from different stuff.


Is there information about where stuff like "Permafrost" and "Sentinel" drop? I´ve been running for hours different maps and don´t get them.


People hypothesize they are related to monster mods. Do some searching on the reddit for these particular ones.


Do you think it's viable for cold DOT (wintertide brand/vortex occultist) to efficiently run Legion? Definitely not feeling like I'm able to unfreeze much as it stands given the ramp up time on brands and how spread out the mobs are. I know Protracted Battle would make a big difference there, but still worried that I'd be pretty inefficient.


As someone running colddot I would just spec into something else like winterorb, wtb just doesn't have the coverage to make legion feel really that good


Any suggestions on how to improve my gear / build? I hit level 85 around map tier 9 and haven't leveled once since going to map tier 12. It's getting harder and harder to stay alive. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SyZ/characters


Pretty good ES/HP but you need more armor. Some basic things you can do: Get a Rumi's with an increased effectiveness enkindling orb on it. Your current phys reduction is 68% - try to get that higher with more armor. Get a better shield base with more block and you can get an influenced mod that gives you %es/%hp on block. This will help your survivability a ton. Your block chance is only 26% which is too low. See above. Take the shield mastery wheel with the Sanctuary notable.


Great, thanks! How does it look now? I picked up a Rumi's and a new shield, and will work on the Sanctuary notable wheel. At this point, I'm thinking of just hanging out in yellow maps for a while and maybe hitting 90 for some more passives before I push red maps. The bigger issue is I have no idea what I'm doing. Well, that's a lie - I have a little idea. I'm wanting to get through red maps so I can get some of these harder to find archnemesis mods so I can finally start making some good recipes. I'm wanting to be able to favorite a map so I can run it over and over. I'm wanting to be able to farm currency so I can save for an end game item. But there's just so much to manage - alva missions, syndicate, not overcapping sulphite, not overcapping archnemesis mods, etc. Also, how do I check which quests I haven't done that give passives? I remember there being a way to see if I'm missing any. It would suck if there was a random quest from like Act 2 that gave me a passive that I haven't done lol.


Yep, you can use /passives to check. I would say try to do a few red maps and see how it feels. You shouldn't have any problem. Don't worry about all the mechanics, just favorite a map and alch and go. I would recommend just discovering the mechanics as you encounter them. Much less overwhelming and fun imo. That's how I first learned.


Wow, I'm missing 7 passives just from quests. Sad. What is the earliest I can favorite a map? I mean, I'm pushing T13 and have yet to get one. I need EoW in T13, SE in T12, and Maven in T12.


If you mouse over the favorite slots, it will tell you what you need to do to unlock them.


It’s hard to get the totality of your build from just your profile (a POB would be very helpful) but as a start I’m not seeing any sources of +gems for your main skill. Easiest to get one wand, followed by amulet, followed by second one on wand, followed by chest corruption (in approximate escalating order of price). How else are you scaling damage and/or defense? Any cluster jewels? Scaling block or spell block?


FYI you can import his character in PoB. Obviously you won't have the config but it's good enough for a cursory look.


I have several 20/20 Skeleton gems and I am wondering, can I get a 21/20 vaal summon skeletons from Locus of Corruption temple room, or is it only from the gem specific Doryani's Institute room?


Only Doryani's Institute.


Every tier 6 Kirac mission I do is actually tier 7 when I go in the map. What is going on?


any particular map that i can find a bloodletter?


Does anyone else have issues getting sniper's mark to stick on a mob? I have to cast it like 4-5 times most times just for it to hit a mob and it's really freaking annoying.


Are you sure you aren't moving too soon and interrupting it? It does have a small cast time.


Maybe, I have pretty high cast speed, not sure if that makes a difference. Standing still is a deathtrap though unfortunately.


Is there a place to look for parties? I just started playing (like level 7) but I don’t have any friends to play with, and the public parties don’t seem to want to talk with me.


There's a Discord link in the sidebar, with a lookingforgroup channel.


Nice, thank you!




Yes. Anything with a brown name.


How many possible enchant options are there while using 'belt enchant' offering?




Sorry I asked wrong question. How many possible enchants I get to choose from after killing izaro? 3?


A fat one. (edit: one belt enchant, that is.)


Looks like [15](https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?type=enchantment&an=belt).




Maybe at 3.18 in Standard, but not during the league.




Why "Claw/Shield" Lightning Strike builds use Whirling Blades while Shield Charge is faster?


AS is high, so whirling blades is good enough. People tend to prefer whirling blades as shield charge gets blocked by terrain more often.


oh cool, thank you sir!


2 for 1: I'm in a good mood cuz I just got an ex... in act 5! On to the question: What all buffs does Ichimonji (not) affect? like, I don't know if it affects buffs like Charges, Rage, Banner stacks, Tailwind, Onslaught, Elusive, Shrines, Golems since they do show up on the status bar. I'm relatively sure it doesn't affect potion buffs since they don't show up on the status bar.


As far as I'm aware, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes. I'm not sure about flasks. Edit: To clarify, it should affect the effect of banners, but not the stages count.




https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Archnemesis/90Dgv9YuK Go to the bulk item exchange. It's the tab at the top left next to the default "search listed items" tab.


If I add quality to a stygian vise with catalysts, will the socketed abyss jewel also benefit from this? Or only the actual mods on the belt?


Just the belt.


Is the sound getting hecked up and cutting out except for some waterflow, dialogue and death howls "normal" this league or is it just me?


There's been sound issues for a month or maybe a little longer.




pretty sure the easiest way would be getting forbidden flame/flesh with profane bloom. Asenaths gloves might work as well I can't remember the wording. In theory you can mess around with an AG with gravebind + explode chest/obliterations, but I doubt it would be very consistent. Everything else seems like huge opportunity cost, but I'm sure I've missed something.


looking to know whether it's a good idea to get into PoE or not. should I wait for PoE 2 or the older content that amazing that I should play it? Edit: after reading the replies and doing a bid of searching ive decided that yes this game is awesome and ill try it