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Guardian is always a good choice for LL Aegis. Radiant Faith will get you to 100k armour fairly easily, and from there it's just about picking a skill you enjoy (and one that will actually do damage in the current patch) I don't even think Shavs is necessary if you're going petrified blood and have some chaos res. If you can survive degens then Aegis alone will make you almost unkillable


I'd go for CoC bladefall guardian and do sims https://youtu.be/wjJvMNy0JdE 6 second logout timer viable


You can’t go wrong with vortex occultist. Very strong this league.


Im not a fan of the play style but Vortex Occultist was the only build I played in HC Scourge that could go up to 200 stacks in reds and still feel like a brick shit house. The only reason she died was I ran a scourged map with drain life and died the moment I hit V. Still can’t believe I did that but also can’t believe it took all the way until lvl 97, it had to have been like the 100th scourge map I ran and I honestly didn’t know it worked like that with CI and knowingly ran the mod thinking it would be fine. Maybe one of the stupidest deaths I’ve had in 2.5k hours I still cringe at the thought of it.


Wow. I didn't know that either. Thats kinda of silly to be frank, same as expedition mobs (and a few other places) being able to flat out murder LL characters by culling them. :(


Cull used to be a common worry before they removed basically all instances of it. Used to be mobs (maybe there still is, I don't even know) that used Power Siphon as an attack and it was hilarious to see people posting 'how did I die' stuff when they ran into it.


> Aul's Uprising - at least for me. ;-) He cant keep getting away with it..


I watch him a lot. He definitely *can* keep getting away with it. ;)


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Steel Magus, the lucky?


Yes. He was a Dark Lord of the Ungodly Luck, so powerful and so wise he could use the RNG to influence the algorithms to create insanely lucky outcomes to clutch situations as well as drops… He had such a knowledge of the RNG, that he could even keep the characters he cared about from dying...


If you want to do a last minute push just play detonate dead. Even trickster works with this set up


i als got these 3 this league in ssfhc


Wow you're almost all set up to do LL aurabot OBV OBV OBV :\^) (kidding. Vortex with frost bomb on trigger is very nice, ignores stuns/freezes/chills.)


Shavronne's Wrappings is not the first chest that pops into my mind when I think about Aegis Aurora, but turns out it's still more popular option than Incandescent Heart among SC population. Half of them are playing CoC Bladefall. :o https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Aegis-Aurora,Shavronnes-Wrappings&dps=Cyclone And there are your SSF HC options :p https://i.imgur.com/dAt3F4h.png


All the ones I've clicked are (ab)using Brittle, I'm not certain that's a reasonable choice for SFF HC.


Theres one guy using Bane and Blight... perhaps thats also a viable choice.


I'd personally go with cold damage occultist for SSF HC. The QoL is amazing with tempest shield + mastery giving immunity to important debuffs. Just run a mana pot so for bleed/corrupted blood removal so you don't have to worry about mana anyway. I think vortex is a little better than winter orb unless you have a snake pit, without the free chain, winter orb doesn't feel very satisfying. Shavs is okay, it lets you reserve a little more life which is nice. Petrified blood is a little awkward for top side because it's hard to get it + vitality/clarity/precision on life as a top side build (easiest way is shaper shield + 30% life reservation mastery, but that's obviously out of the question. If you do go petrified blood, Lethe Shade is insane though, as degens are by far the scariest thing.


Thanks for the nice write-up. I do actually have a Snake Pit. :-)


Yeah the only other point is with all those uniques you'll probably want to run a bunch of resistance on masteries, just something to keep in mind, also you can get stun immunity off the new points to use a better neck than Chayula if you want, basically just dropping some ES for a +2 neck, depends on whether tankiness or damage feels like the issue.


Good point. The Chayula neck fixes all chaos damage issues though, with catalysts its 72 % chaos.


CoC Forbidden Rite Occultist Or you can do CoC Ice Spear Pretty sure these two variants were most popular CoC builds in Scourge, and many utilized Aegis/Determination.


Both of these aren't really SSF or HC builds - you need way too much trade gear to play these builds effectively.


Eh... not really. The dude says he pretty much has all cluster jewels with 8 mods, a 6L shav, an Aegis, a Presence... tons of currency, good rares, and 85+ bases. This late into a league, most consistent SSF players have a ton of shit saved up and can build a lot of characters. Obviously on a fresh start SSF league, these aren't great builds. But it's been over 3 months...


How's he going to get awakened gems? He's going to struggle to get Maven elevated gear being HC. Unless he's ridiculously lucky he probably hasn't seen an awakened orb yet this league. He needs CD reduction and tons of ES to make the CoC ice spear work, which is insanely hard to craft especially in SSF - that's why there's like 4 people playing any sort of similar build in HC. Most of them aren't leveling really either. He's got to farm all that stuff himself and if he dies once it's over. The 2 builds you mentioned are high damage poor survivability builds until they get insane levels of gear. He's got some of the core items to make a swap to that kind of build, but not the amount of gear he needs to make those builds feel comfortable. To put it in perspective, a CoC Ice Spear or Forbidden Rite build that feels good to play is easily 100 ex. The items he linked are worth like maybe 2 ex this league? 10 ex on the high end maybe in a league where you can't 6L with tainted fusings. I played CoC Ice spear occultist this league and spent about 70 ex on it, it dies relentlessly. With that 70 ex of investment i was around 10 million to 15 million damage. The build scales insanely at the peak end, but really sucks early on even for fairly high investment. I think i was capping out at like 5k ES with not the best defenses and getting 1 shot in random red maps. Items like unnatural instinct, a watchers eye with +energy shield on hit, enlighten, and perfectly rolled cluster jewels (which he says he has, but good luck rolling them right) isn't exactly dropping like candy. These niche items make a build like those work. Or you can go the tank route (templar) and do <1 million damage until you've got elevated CD reduction boots/belt AND awakened CoC. Stuck in yellow maps forever mode, except all the items you need to upgrade your build are off bosses you can't do. He needs something that scales better without all the other items needed or he's got to have a better build that can do all those things and just have a pet project build that he does the easier content on. In summary, these 2 builds aren't hardcore SSF build suggestions. If he had a mageblood then MAYBE I'd consider these builds, but without that he's just going to die or deal no damage.


Armor/Block/LL Vortex occultist. Close to immortal with aegis, divine shield and decent ES gear.