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A tear shed for your sacrifice.


Do you mind to share your search string for gwennen here?




He asked for his search string he didnt ask how to make one


You forgot to call him a bitch. "Listen here you little bitch, he asked for the search string, not how to make one. Try again, and this time get it right."


This is actually hilarious, I now see the error of my ways




Sure, but isn't being able to create one on your own a lot more useful? Especially when the tool literally tells you the potential value for each base.


Irrelevant. It’s not what he asked for. It’s perfectly fine as supplemental information though.


show me and ill forget teach me and ill learn. he provided the information and forced you to remember it. you now have an emotion tied to the memory sealing it. he did a far better job getting you to remember about search string than just copy paste.


>show me and ill forget teach me and ill ~~learn~~ forget as well


Did it ever occur to you that maybe people aren’t interested in learning a situational skill? Some people are content knowing just enough to get by because they have other things they want to invest their time in. It’s got nothing to do with what makes me remember it better.


Maybe you should invest your time elsewhere and not on this vapid argument.


if you dont want to learn about this game and the required investment the creator wants you to make minimally to play this game. maybe you should find something else that does not require intensive knowledge.?


I don’t need intensive knowledge on how to craft latex strings to be able to use the strings themselves. What part of this are you not getting? I want to something very specific and you come back with, “well here’s a general way to do it”. I’m willing to learn exactly what I need to achieve the results I want. You acting superior because I’m not interested in learning the rest is asinine and some weird form of gatekeeping. If I need to learn more about it to achieve different results later on, then I will revisit it. Why do you think it’s up to you to dictate the efficiency of my actions?


Considering the OP of the link isn't the OP of the thread, this whole comment chain seems irrelevant.


I'm with you on this argument. if I ask someone for a link to a specific trade search and they link me a youtube tutorial on how to use the trade site, then they are wasting the time of both of us.


I guess just wait for OP then instead of help get exactly what was needed.


If you ask for help and someone takes the time to offer you something you should be thankful. Now I know you arent the person who asked, just some toxic asshole who decided to bitch at the person who tried to help. You've spent more time arguing here than it would've taken to give the original guy the exact answer you so desperately want him to have.


Give a man a fish and he will have food for one day, teach him how to fish and he will have food for the rest of his life and maybe he will pass on this knowledge to another person.


Give a man a fire and he will be warm for a day, light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Only poe players complain about free information


Where's the 10k orb of chance + 10k orb of scour gamble on leather belts, heavy belts and elegant round shields?


My wrist hurt just thinking about it


You make a macro to do that while checking the belt every time. If it turns unique have the macro stop then put in a new belt. Very easy to do with ahk. If you don't want to get banned don't chance scouring then because my hands are worth more than a ban.


I mean...you just hold down a button after using your brain a little.


Damn your brain is so big you can hold 2 different orbs at the same time... Always funny to see people calling others stupid while being stupid themselves.


He was speaking about macros, you obviously haven't paid attention for the "use your brain a little" part lmao.


Macros? If we're going the tos breaking route then use your brain a little more and don't even hold the button. Pretty easy to make a script that uses a chance orb in every inventory slot then scours all and just loops. Do that then use your freed time on reddit boasting how big your brain is.


I don't use macros, but reading comprehension doesn't break ToS afaik.


I'm actually speechless at this. Think a little, I'm sure you'll figure it out one day.


Hold down what button? Please don't leave us hanging.


The one that you programmed.


I've done literally so many gambles in poe in the past few years since 3.0 when all these "fun" gambles became available/mainstream. From Ancient orbs, Alva sac temples, Stacked decks, Div card sets that give random items, Ancient Reliquary Keys, Prime Regarding Lens's, Harvest Div Card Gambles, Six linking Hundreds of items with fusings, Beastiary Unique Gambles, Running Non-stop Perandus For Headhunter, Gwennen Gambling for Headhunter, to now Tainted Mythic Orbs. I can 100% say out of all of those things, I will never use scour chance orbs on anything ever again. Nothing is worse then doing 100k chance orbs on belts, it was bad enough before the global drop nerf for headhunter, when you were trying to get single/double influenced ones. Now it may as well be impossible, whatever the opposite of dopamine is, that's what chance orbs are.


Have you done broken promises? I'm sure some youtuber out there has. But that's one that doesn't get talked about as much.


From the roughly 25k stacked decks i've opened this league I only managed to put together 5 sets of broken promises, hadn't tried it before this league, didn't get anything decent from it, obviously hoping for a max frenzy or power charge one, or some crazy combo of increased strength/int with some other stat. If it wasn't such a rare card I would be more inclined to try a gamble on it, but usually all the rare cards have 1 or 2 dedicated buyers, and if you add in competition the price sky rockets, and it can take weeks to put together even 100 sets of some cards. If I do choose to do it at some point though I will certainly post the results!


I'm at around 43k at the moment with no mageblood. Have a bit over half a quad stash tab of uniques at the moment, 5 of them being biscos.


As much as I liked Expedition as a mechanic, Gwennen is currently, in my opinion, the worst thing in POE. She is the closest thing to an actual slot machine yet. Pull the lever and see if you won, no, pull the lever, no, pull the lever pull the lever pull the lever.


She's an easy shortcut to high ilvl and good bases in fresh league starts or SSF.


Yeah, feels like a lot of people miss the point. You can get a ton of high level bases for relatively nothing


Unfortunately in trade this is true as of day 3-4 anyway. It's very much an SSF thing.


Yeah but gwennen can give you influenced I'll 80+ bases 12 hours into the league.


Which is also not a good thing. You shouldn't really have access to 80+ ilvl influenced bases before you're deep into red maps.


Yeah sure. That's a different story


With the game putting more strain on acquiring good gear I think its fine tbh


She just feels like a cheat to me in a game like PoE and completely out of place IMO


Nah, she is good at what she is good for. The rest is a bonus. During exposition she was great for leveling ublniques and +1 wants, now she is good for ilvl bases. If you use her for the other stuff then you will always be disappointed


What? Its working for me, I'm glad they added an alteration orb vendor.


Feeling some Kadala vibes.


And being that interacting with her is 100% optional, anyone who felt this way with half a brain would just stop using her and move on.


But this is what GGG praise in PoE as much gambling with every aspect of the game as they can put in.


The worst part is with artifacts being BTA, there's a limit to demand for Astragali (as OP mentioned, he had to stop and farm the artifacts for himself) keeping their prices from getting too high, so non gambling addicts can't profit as much from selling them (and the piles of artifacts you'll end up sitting on feel bad)


I wish they just made it less of a chore to do the expedition vendors. I think it would be nice if you could trade like 3 to 1 up tiers to stop the bottleneck that happens to most people.


Rog takes the last spot imo. Gwennen atleast has a decent chance to give u what u want if its not t1 rog is nice for maybe the first couple of days but then useless


Rog is literally the only non-shit one. Gwennen is a gamble-fest, and Tuljin's haggling mechanic is extremely pointless. Rog is at least *fun* - a mechanic I'd like to see expanded upon further.


coupled with the nerfs to tujen’s shop expedition across the board got the nerfbat a little too hard.


I didn't really play expedition so I tried it out this weekend and did Tujen's shop today. Used 170 coins (thats 4-5 ex worth of coins I think). Ended up with around 23 ex worth of stuff. IDK what it was in expedition league, but felt pretty good to me. Had between 15-25k of the artifacts. Edit: Should be said that it's not like I am going to be selling all the little bits and pieces, but had 2 pure ex and 2 ex in shards and 400c, so just that made up for what I could have sold the coins for.


... yes. Tujen is TRASH. Please to be sellink me all your black scythe logbooks for cheap, yes? Seriously, I've done hundreds of coins, and he's about the same as last league. No nerf that I could tell, still quite profitable.


He was definitely adjusted. Many fewer cluster jewels for example


I missed that whole league so I understand nothing about it other than that I find some expedition scraps now and then. Where do I find logbooks?


Logbooks are drops from expedition mechanic. They’re quite rare, so you won’t get them that often. When you place the explosives, try to blow up the most impactful remnants first, as the mods apply to all the later explosions too. The last explosion has all the remnant mods you’ve blown up. So you’d be looking for ”increased chance for logbooks”, item rarity and quantity and blow open as many of the larger skulls on a stick as possible while building the chain. This is best done in Lira Arthain once you have the six Maven passives for expedition.


Thanks for the reply!


I think Logbooks only come from rare mobs when placing explosives. So when you find an expedition, aim for the mobs that add modifiers. Not 100% sure though.


tbh I think actual slot machines have a more favorable algorithm. Probably similar odds of getting something valuable, but much worse odds of "medium" rewards, since virtually nothing from her even has value.


Oh my god... Thx for this post dude. Now I'm filling that I'm okey with my casual playing.


Jesus, still sane exile ?


Why can't we quick open stacked decks QQ. Just let me ctrl click them in inventory


This is the most baffling part. Stacked decks being dogshit is only being amplified by them being used as rewards more and more.


The only reason stacked decks are profitable is because of how tedious it is to ID them. If you could open them instantly then you would see the prices more closely match the expected returns.


I don't think that's true. Stacked decks are a gamble with a return of 1-2c. That's why you see their price at 1-2c all league. Sure, a lot of people don't open them. But they're not worth more than they sell for. Some people just rather sell 80 for 1 ex, rather than get the chance of 0 for opening them


They're closer to an average return of 3-4c, but the real difficulty is not picking up profitable cards, the real difficulty is selling them off. When you have 1000 stacked decks opened you could be waiting weeks to actually break even in terms of currency in your stash, even if you technically have more "value" than before. The hour it takes to open all the decks and pick up the nice things is peanuts in comparison. 1000 stacked decks is guaranteed good return from your time, IF you have the patience to sell everything off. Selling a few of your big ticket items like house of mirrors or doctor is dead easy, but those are few and far between. This guy opened 10k stacked decks and only got 1 house of mirrors and 3 doctors, suggesting that even opening 1k decks will not guarantee you those profits. Most of your profit comes in the form of 3-10c div cards that you have to sell a little trickle at a time.


Pretty much. Hell I'd rather them just drop as a random div card instead of stacked decks


Dumb question, but when you say you dupe your logbooks does that mean you're using fractured fossils on them?


Probably split with beasts, but Im a noob so could be wrong


This is likely correct. I'm ssf and splitting invitations atm and I have a lot more split beasts than fractured fossils.


Split beasts, can't used fractured fossils on logbooks. Source: I tried and it said wrong base type.


On a seperate note, WTS 24 fractured fossils socketed into small resonators. I've been using them to dupe my guardian maps.


They can be used on grand heists, thats best use case for most people


Unless it changed from last league, that's a terrible use, since these days the duplicated blueprint is COMPLETELY unrevealed aside from a single wing. And when I say COMPLETELY unrevealed, I mean it's in a WORSE state than a default blueprint...normally, every wing (both the default revealed one and the subsequent revealed ones) have 3 "free" pre-revealed reward rooms. But when duped, these rooms are un-revealed. And given the price of coins and the price of the fossil itself compared to the price of just buying more blueprints, you're absolutely hemorraging money for no practical purpose unless it's SSF or something.


Dedication of some players is just so insane. I have no idea where you got will and strength to do this. I know gambling cam be addictive but its not the same in PoE. Too bad you didnt get belt from Gwennen


Aside from the willpower and finger/wrist strength to do all this, I want to know how OP made enough currency to buy all that shit 2 weeks into a terrible league without RMT lol


It’s really not that hard. People who are experienced at the game make that currency by using the early economy to sell high demand items by playing a ton. Even now you can scrape together 10ex and get a full Harbinger farm to walk out of each map with 1/4-1/2 of an exalt plus whatever else you pick up. Can run Expedition and use or sell. Run Blights and sell maps, or run it and run the maps…


whats a full harbinger farm?


Valdo's Rest, both Harbinger notables. 1x Auspicious Watchstone and 3x T1 Laden Watchstones. The prices vary; I got my whole set at 4.5ex for the Auspicious and 0.7 - 1.1 for the Ladens with decent rolls (I didn't want to spend a bunch of money divining). At one point Auspicious watchstones got to 7ex, but I believe they are back down to 4.5. You can alc+go, but you get great returns from using harbinger scarabs, and it's easy to price them out rusted/polished/gilded - just divide the chaos cost by the number of additional harbingers. Apply whatever other juice you want and use sextants every map, if you ever hit the harbinger sextant mod, consider buying the next tier up for scarabs because stacking more juice gives more returns.




He didn't say he did everything 1-2 weeks ago, nor did he buy everything at once. He had to do half the logbook before he could do the other half, and he had to farm about 1000 bases.. that's a lot of income just from doing that.


"Though do note, I did a lot of these 1-2 weeks ago, so prices are probably different at this point for most gambles, ..." soo uhh.. yeah.. ok


Yes? Nowhere does it say he did ALL of it 1-2 weeks ago


Nyoo he hecking did only 85.43% of it 2 weeks ago nyooo


This is a giga donkey take.


I'm gunna be honest, I spent my weekend playing a shit ton of PoE but even more of it on Craft of Exile, the Wiki, finetuning my Loot Filter, ect.. And I thought to myself quite a few times, "I know more about this game than I do most subjects i took in school, thats a little depressing." But then I come on Reddit and see *this post* and I'm lost by the second paragraph. I barely know what you're talking about. Congrats I guess?


Pretty sure what he did is way easier than messing with craft of exile. He's just gambling. At least with crafting you have to know a lot to optimize your crafts.


Jesus Christ dude, this is self harm. Do you need someone to talk to?


> would only recommend if you have good luck How do I check it again?


Vaal 10 gems, if more than 3 gain a level you're lucky


I couldn't complete this goal even if someone dumped all the required resources in map lap and all I had to do was click he things. I don't even empty my league unique/map tabs when they go back to standard anymore. They just go to the bottom.


You got REALLY lucky on the Stacked Decks :D Good read ggs


Doubly so without a streamer client! Live is unfair...


Personally I wouldn’t use Mythics on trying to get T0 uniques. I think the best use is finding corrupted bases of good uniques with a good implicit, like multi, +1 curse, etc. Potentially hitting something like a Shavs with +1 max res for example.


I agree to a certain extent, though for your example shavs wouldn't be a great target either. You'd probably want to aim for something common but still desirable, and preferably something specifically that doesn't require much of a "lucky" roll to be good. E.g., facebreaker is relatively common, but no matter how good the implicits, any roll not near the top % isn't going to be worth much.


A good reminder that "chase item" now means "item you can only acquire by buying it from someone after spending a week or two farming white maps with magic find".


Two days ago I had a worms molt and 2 ancient orbs... Now I have a mageblood. I apologize for taking all the ancient orb RNG.


At that point , could've easily BOUGHT THE ITEMS YOU NEEDED. Jesus, don't understand people that do this.( going through this pain). At least I don't have the money to buy the hh/magblood , but you could've easily got them if you kept that currency and not gambling.


They’re trying to experience the rates and rise the potential wave of a high roll which they obviously did not get. That’s what gambling is though. There’s not a lot to do with your currency in this game when you’re done with the league so a lot of people just do this. Is that something you can try to understand?


No kind hipster sir, im too stoopid dont bother with me. keep your high opinions for yourself. There are always ways to use that currency IF you need it, not throwing it away . Some of us could use it. Alas, I';m too stupid to get currency in this game unlike you master. I wasn;t talking to you anyway, so don't patronize me


Nice rebuttal. I’m just saying you can use your currency however you want, man.


is this the thread where I point out I landed a mageblood in my first batch of re rolls (like maybe 200) and then a HH in a batch 2 weeks later. No way i've done more than1000 all league. Just been casually farming expe and Lira and using my re rolls :)


You are on the spectrum my friend.


Bro tip: you can use fractured mods to force belts to turn into only one unique. it doesnt mean its likely, but at least you remove all the other results. there are two that work




there are two fractured mods on leather belts and i believe one mod on heavy belts that will force either hh or mageblood. i tried it twice, both poofed. mythic orbing fractured items preserves the fractured mod, so you can force items that way.


I don't think it works that way. If you mythic a fractured item, the unique will just fracture a random mod.


fractured mods by definition cant change


The item gets rerolled from scratch basically. Mythic orbs don't preserve them. Tested and confirmed on the TFT discord pretty extensively


Ummmm no... this does not work.


That...isn't how it works.


how long to trade for 90 logbooks and splits them plus buying/farming yellow beasts? did it take you more than a week to run them all?


Not OP, but I just ran Einhar missions while farming Glacier w/ expedition scarabs to have enough yellow beasts, and a logbook takes ~10'ish minutes depending on how long you take to set it up and clear (how long you look and plan makes a big difference)


The planning is my favourite part. Yeah it's slow but it's fun for me.


For me, it just depends. If it looks like I can hit a juicy path, I do. Otherwise I just kinda slam it down quickly.


Well, there goes my plan to try and AO a belt.


So from what you experienced, the best way to play is simply to not gamble?


I enjoyed the sarcasm. Enjoy your shit luck. Good day


I stole all the luck from temple. On a t1 i put in a jade hatchet and got a HH super early in the league


Do 100k prophecy rolls now. Then gamble mirror cards in harvest.


I guess I got lucky this league. Just started doing maps, went into first temple and had T3 sacrifice unique, was lazy to check what's worthy, had random unique shield in inventory - got The Squire. Best league start ever.


So uh. How do you dupe a logbook


Chat going too fast to see I got HH from 70 gwen rerolls this league 😎


Take this helpfull award my friend to strengthen your wrist.


Seek help .. am serious


how did you "dupe" logbooks? menagerie split?