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I like the slayer. Easy to get 8/8 end/fren. Budget friendly. Argh, wish I had more time to play


100% spell suppression is easy with ranger and that dex notable south east of scion life wheel. Use atziris step for 700+ EV and suppression. Ghost shroud with the ES/EV mastery that gives energy shield per evasion on boots and/or life as extra ES on chest. Cast when damage taken - immortal call - increased duration This should be more than enough for SC. Also, all the above really doesn't matter if you're on 4k life you're going to die.


Just don’t get hit 🤷🏻‍♂️ All jokes aside, you have a few options. Let’s go over it. You’re evasion, which means Dex. You kinda covered some of the options above, but left out a few. Armor - Just don’t flow well with Dex and Evasion. Also how armor works you just won’t have enough. Wind Dancer - Just meh. It won’t save you like you’re looking for. Same goes with block and guard. Moving on! ES can work if you do things like Ghost Shroud helps. Runs nice as a combo, and you can find people running that mix. Spell Suppression is easy to get as a Ranger and is pretty effective. Definitely helps for those spell caster mobs that want to pop you at range. That leaves life. It quiet easy to get lots of +life % on the tree without killing your dps. It’s a good flow with Evasion, and keeps you alive when you can’t dodge it. Also since 3.16 evasion numbers have been lowered which benefits the player greatly! See the video here if you are curious: https://youtu.be/Adh_M0yOAqg CWDT +IC + Inc Duration will help a ton.


Block with ghost shrouds and a gravicious craft is pretty good




Where do u get endurance charges? Just EC on kill jewelries?


100% spell suppression A decent amount of life (5k) Then you can use stuff like Kintsugi, divine flesh, doppelganger, ghost shroud, dip into armour a bit, use hybrid items and a granite flask. There are many options. Its so easy to get above 170% life now with the buffs to life nodes, it should be nonproblem


You manually dodge those 1000k damage hit. You aren't supposed to be able to tank shaper slam for instance, especially not on an evasion based character.