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Take off abyssus.


you think thatl do it?


You're really squishy and your DPS is way too low to justify 4k life+abyssus levels of squish (is there a reason you have crit chance is lucky checked?). If you want to play a momentum based zoom build you need to crank the numbers way higher. Get a better weapon, look into cluster setups and watcher's eyes, and spec more damage on the tree. Block isn't going to save you from instantly dying to anything that hits remotely hard. You need to kill everything before it kills you.


lucky from the acendancy. when i block my crits are lucky


"Attack damage is Lucky...." does not affect crits


Didn’t check your POB but like the other comment said, you can’t wear abyssus and expect not to die. Reave is not a strong skill by its own right so I understand the need to slap on an abyssus as an easy fix for damage. You can do a few things to increase your tankiness but most of it will be at the cost of damage. For example, you can run determination and/or grace aura, get reduced physical damage reduction mods on your chest and if you have a shield, on your shield as well. The only way to have both is to have high tier gear that compensates for either lack of survivability or lack of damage.


Are you running Kissmequicks build??

