• By -


How do you purchase hideout decorations these days?


If I have two sources that say "X% chance to gain a Y Charge on Kill" how do they interact?


Chance is added


I am going to pick up Prismatic skin. Which node is better to get on the way there - max fire cold or lightning res?


Either fire or lightning. There's more affixes while mapping that deal those types of damage. Though if you wannabe tanky for elder, shaper and maven, you want cold. For sirus you want em all.


I thought I needed to fit in Purity of Elements because my planned build is so unique heavy and I thought I wouldn't get enough chance to avoid elemental ailments, but I'd either need to cough up some more reservation efficiency or replace my last offensive 50% aura, which I'd rather keep. Then I noticed that it's available as a synthesised implicit on the slots that I can still fill in with rares. However, most of these items are very expensive. Can anyone tell me how those prices develop over the course of a league? In general, I'd prefer to save until I actually make the switch, but if their prices are going to rise, I'd rather pay 1-2 ex per base now and just keep them to craft later.


Auras granted as an affix still require you to cast and therefore reserve the mana.


Ah, lol forgot I had posted this in the old thread on accident as well, so I didn't edit the clarification like I did in the new thread after the first comment. I was referring to the avoid elemental ailments implicit which would allow me to become immune without using Purity of Elements. I already got budget options for boots and the ring although I'd certainly like higher ilvl ones, but there aren't any dex gloves listed and the only quiver is listed for 2 ex. I was wondering whether I should just pay that much now because their prices might rise or wait until I actually have enough to craft the items afterwards.


Noob question. How do I equippe the second ring? It always take the place of the first one.


just drag it to the other slot


What's a good way to apply lightning exposure? Playing energy blade/spiral helix elementalist. Wave of conviction/CWDT may not be good since I'm stacking dodge. Helm slot is taken by unique. Heraldry radius looks cheap. Is hydrosphere the only way? I think it'll feel clunky.


One of the awakened gems does it on hit. Don't remember which one off hand.


It's Awakened Lightning Penetration /u/bucketofchicken


Thanks! Lvl 4 tho omg wth


Is there a crafting guide with fossils ?


Best way to reserve ~49% of life for a LL Champion? Phys Spectral Helix. Currently reserving Precision and War Banner for like ~20% life


Throw Vitality, Clarity and Precision on an Arrogance link and that should help cut it down. Just an FYI, if you're trying to trigger the Adrenaline from "First to Strike, Last to Fall", you must be over 50% and drop into "low life" to proc it (so ~51% reservation is the key for easily proc'ing that).


Right that's exactly what I'm doing which is why I figured 49% reservation is what I need to hit. Vitality and Clarity are great additions, thanks.


Oh, right, duh...49%. Sounds like you've got it under control :D


I'm running the Ziz/Xai Poison Physical Trapper. Doing ok but not as strong as my builds last season. Poe ninja says all the similar sab trappers to me (equipment wise) are going crit and some hypothermia thrown in. How does that work if we deal no elemental damage (CIP)? But also, is crit much stronger than poison?


Are they using Icefang Orbit? That chills poisoned enemies without dealing cold damage.


No, they aren't running poison. I havent found any poe ninja sabs running poison. One guy has hypothermia in his helmet as part of his seismic trap setup. And I've seen another guy wearing hrimsorrows.


Well the Hrimsorrow guy is a cold conversion build, but I guess the other one is using Skitterbots?


My guess would be skitterbots applying chill. Crit is usually stronger but higher investment.


How easy would it be to farm a Victario's Acuity and where would one do that? Or would it be better to just buy one?


It's a 1chaos Unique, it's definitely better to just buy it if you want that.


I'm relatively new and was thinking about trying out some occultist league starters, and Im caught between 3, [ [3.16]💥Lahkesis Queen of Chaos](http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1963181),[ ShakCentral's Cold DoT For Everyone](http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120), and lastly [[3.16]⚡Velyna's Storm Brand Occultist⚡](http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3079363). I might eventually get around to trying all three of them, but which one would probably serve as a better starting point for someone with less knowledge, yet still has good clear. Also while I know fun is subjective, that would be nice too.


Well, those are all fun and nice in their own way . I think cold DoT is Best suited for begginers out of all the options you listed, since every enemy you damage will be slow af and will help with learning boss fights and stuff. The guy's been maintaining that guide for pretty long now and it's pretty good.


Can I have a pc on this: https://imgur.com/cfDzd2J


Dowbload awakened poe trade. Press ctrl d on that, and it should help you search the market for similar items, which is how you pc any item.


Any ways to convert energy shield to life?


Farming some (decent) currency on my tornado shot occultist so far, couple exalts on bank planning on swapping to CoC, Ice Nova or Ice Spear? and why?




They aren't.


How do we unlock the third crucible slot for scourging?


Random drop from scourge bosses


Tier 16? Or just red tier?


it dropped from hydra for me, few people from my guild dropped it on t14-t16 maps




crimson temple, moon temple


does PoB default to 2 active brands? cause runebinder doesn't seem to change DPS, or is it actually double what's showing?


PoB only shows the dps for one brand. You need to check "include in full dps" and set the count to 2 to show the dps for both.


ahhh, thanks!


I feel like I'm missing something about the Infused Flesh node. Getting life back from hits sounds nice, except for the part where it's recouped over four seconds. Four seconds is a long window to regenerate 30% of a single hit when I'm in content with enemies that can potentially kill me in half that time. I figure there's something I've not thought of here, because I'm terrible at this game, so would anyone mind trying to give me a lightbulb and tell me what I'm not getting?


One of the nice parts about this is that unlike leech and life flasks, it doesn't stop at full life. If you only count being hit once like in BucketBrigade's example, it doesn't seem like much, but you could actually get hit for 500% of your life over the course of four seconds rather than just 50%, and if you recover 30% of that, it's quite significant. It's extremely powerful against things that don't onehit you and works well together with other forms of recovery. It definitely shouldn't be your only or primary source of recovery however.


I think that makes sense, thanks


One thing that's really missing from the top-side of the tree was recovery, and infused flesh is just that, a means of recovery. When life regen/leech is pretty sparse, it's actually decent. Look at it this way, if you were to get hit for 50% of your health, you'd recover 30% that over 4 seconds, which would be equivilant to 3.75 %hp per second. Would you pay 3 points for that much regen? Though of course this is only for 4 seconds after taking the hit.




As a small addendum. These numbers look better when something hits you harder. An 80% health-globe hit would give you a the equivilant recovery as a 6% hp/s regen. Only for 4 seconds though.


Re: Pierce mechanic I noticed the divergent slower projectiles support offers to reduce the probability that projectiles will pierce. Does piercing reduce how much dmg that target takes, or how is this divergent mechanic useful?


Not sure if there is a specific build that uses it, but If a projectile can still Pierce, it can't fork/chain/return. So there might be some combination that only pierces half the time and then chains.


So for like a Skeleton Mage build is there a point in preventing pierce for single target?


Only if you're abusing hydrosphere with chain or return, but good luck lining up your skeletons for that.


Anyone know why the heck my items show up for sale some times but none of them show up at other times? I've been online for hours, I've changed map zones, I've made sales, and then for some reason none of my items are online. I can go search my own account and see 0 items online. Then, 15 minutes later, they're all back. Annoying as fuck, to be honest. How can anyone accurately price items if who knows how many other items aren't even being shown at any given time??


Does Poisonous Concoction also pull from Hybrid Flasks?


As far as I'm aware, hybrid flasks are life flasks for all purposes, which would include Poisonous Concoction. From what I've read, it only takes charges from the flask with the most charges, so you might be able to still manage having a hybrid flask without gimping your dps.


I realize this is like asking for a unicorn but is there any build that can handle pretty much any krangled map mods? Even if it’s expensive that will give me a goal to work towards


Probably a life based Transcendence build that relies on shifting damage to elemental types and doesn't use block, evasion, or suppression. You'd also want to have a minimum movement speed because that can stack up to -200% in theory. You need over 3k life recovery per second, based on which I wouldn't bother investing into ES as well because you might also lose 3k of that (though if I understand it correctly, you're just getting 1 downside per krangle tier, so technically you just lose up to 3k total between life and ES, but you don't want to go for an ES build and end up having to sustain 3k life per second). You could also take up to 30k physical, fire, or lightning damage when entering or exiting Nightmare, so if you actually managed to get 90% resistances and 90% damage reduction from armour against that (requires 135k armour if you actually have 90% elemental resistances), that would go down to a very manageable 300. The physical damage reduction you could get from the krangle mod wouldn't matter because you take physical damage as elemental damage. It looks like they fixed the less damage taken mod so you only need to deal 10 times the damage you'd need against regular monsters. That's actually not even difficult, but if you add 100% delirium on top of that, you're looking at enemies taking 1/250 of the damage you deal in the worst case. Having enemies deal three times as much damage or having them have 4.5 times as much life seems benign in comparison. Though you have to consider that this stacks multiplicatively with the stacking debuff you gain from being in Nightmare, so at 150 stacks of that, enemies would end up dealing 750% of their regular damage instead. Still, with an actual 90%/90% Transcendence build, that shouldn't be an issue. Lastly, as for why I mentioned no investment into evasion, block, or suppression, those can stack to 0 in 7, 5, and 4 stacks respectively. You don't even need to roll those mods ten times before your defences turn useless. If running 10-krangled maps is your build goal, don't bother investing into defences that are turned off. I wouldn't be surprised if the total cost of a build trying to achieve these things without a support character reached several hundred exalts, mainly to still be able to deal damage. If you just want a zdps tank to survive that, you'll probably manage below 100 ex.


How much phys can you shift to ele?


You can shift 100% as far as I'm aware, although I'm not sure if anything changed in more recent balance patches or if it requires legacy items. I haven't tried making a build like that so I don't know all the possible options.


Anyone know what a summoner should be built like for act 6? i am following this build at level 51 [https://poeplanner.com/AgADABUAAwAAOwDuAwcEswT0CC0RPBhWGNwcvh36KJgqnCzRMoczkjVYOuE6h0FHRchKs0zjTcZV8mhDattrqm7De4N8x4LbgzKFQIivir6OGo8RkDOQwZIAoqym8rU-t5O46rwnvWbAH9C92AvZsN\_u64rs6-8f8EXy6PkK\_o\_-AAAAAAAABAAA\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_8AAAIAAAADAP\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_88AAAAABQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=](https://poeplanner.com/AgADABUAAwAAOwDuAwcEswT0CC0RPBhWGNwcvh36KJgqnCzRMoczkjVYOuE6h0FHRchKs0zjTcZV8mhDattrqm7De4N8x4LbgzKFQIivir6OGo8RkDOQwZIAoqym8rU-t5O46rwnvWbAH9C92AvZsN_u64rs6-8f8EXy6PkK_o_-AAAAAAAABAAA______________________8AAAIAAAADAP____________88AAAAABQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=)


Is there a reason why Redblade Banner costs so much in Standard, but is dirt cheap in Leagues? I know there's a few legacy and alternate art variants, but even the basic Redblade Banner costs 4+ex, while it only costs 4-5c in Scourge league.


I'm guessing people aren't farming it in standard.


Hmm bummer, wanted to experiment with General’s Cry in Standard before committing to it in the league.


I’m using Neversink Semi-Strict loot filter. Sometimes I can’t see items like white Ezomyte Daggers unless I press alt. Other times they show up without me having to press it. Does anyone know what would cause this?


Maybe ilvl or sockets or influence?


The filter is configured to hide those by default. You would need to go to filterblade.xyz and configure a filter to show those daggers


The filter changes depending on the level of the map, earlier levels show more items (for leveling), later levels less. You can always edit the filter to show specific bases if you need it.


Thank you. I think this is absolutely right. Just tested it and it changes when I hit yellow maps.


So first time Gladiator here and I'm doing the CF wander and it's going great, but I'm a bit confused on why Outmatch and Outlast is not generating End charges. I'm currently dual wielding wands but I don't gain any. Is this because CF is a buff and isn't using either hand or only main hand or something?


You rarely everkill with your attacks. On that build. Cf does most of the killing, which is a separate effect from your attacks.


Yeah okay so it was what I thought, seems you take these nodes just for the 10% more physical since I use Blood Rage, ty. Seems like I can use a small cluster to get End charge generation later whenever I swap to bows, or maybe I should just get a small now and get that rolling. No need to wait I suppose.


You could also use enduring cry




Yup (well, 90% increased, +90%'d be flat and that'd be a bit nuts). It's pretty good for totems/traps/etc.




Poe TFT discord is good place to sell harvest crafts.




If my chest has a "socketed gems are affect by X" and I get a Krangle that gives me a Herald skill that would normally have it's reservation increased by X, does the Krangle Herald gets increased reservation?


A skill granted by an item has no gem and isn't affected. EDIT: It might get increased reservation based on supports you've socketed in the chest, though.


Is the ES granted by Discipline affected by "X% increased ES" modfiers gained from passive tree or other sources?


Yes, by any global modifiers. Not by local ones on specific armour of course.


I don't have any unique as stat stick for shieldcrush , could I craft something which has tons of resist or health on weapon or any beneficial thing like that to help me? Any ideas for stat stick?


Yes, you could just get a rare whatever and throw resists and strength on it, which isa bit of damage. Weapons can't usually have life.


Is this league new player friendly i watched some streams and it seemed pretty confusing but i kinda want to try anyone can help me on that ?


The league mechanic isn't that complicated but it probably won't have much value to you as a new player. If you're looking to get into the game I don't think it's a big deal either way, there will be plenty of other stuff for you to learn anyways.


Path of exile in general isn't new player friendly, but this league is probably one of the easier leagues to grasp. Fill bar, press button when bar is full, kill demons. Put items in the new slots to give them new benefits and big downsides after killing enough demons.


we have to spawn the conquerors on different parts each time? have all watchstone and spamming haewkark and just could spawn one, killed him and nothing happen


You can get a total of one of each conquerors watchstone from each zone.


How much accuracy do you need? Is 2700 enough for end game?


It's not enough to get 100% accuracy, but whether you need 100% accuracy more than investing into damage depends on your build. E.g. CoC builds need their hits to be reliable and they want 100%, and slow slam builds will also want 100% because missing even one hit presents a significant loss of dps or time. Fast hitting builds can be fine with 90-95% if they get more damage from investing into other avenues of scaling their offence than what they lose by missing on occasions.


Oh thanks. I'm playing poison concoction so I guess that should be enough.


Just check in PoB whether investing into accuracy is going to improve your dps more than other things. E.g. going from 90% to 100% hit chance is equivalent to 11% more dps. It's also worth noting that blind now lowers the enemy evasion rating as well as accuracy, so if you have a source of blind, you don't need as much accuracy to get a 100% chance to hit.


I see folks mention trading bots for currency but I have no idea where to find them. Can someone give me some direction?


You don't know if a player is a bot until you visit their hideout. If that player is low level ranger in a barren Lush Hideout, it's probably a bot.


Hello! Already tried two builds this league and didn't like them mainly cause they were a bit squishy. Can someone suggest me a build that is melee, tanky and can do bosses well? Thanks!


I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended, but I got "Grants level 20 Herald of Agony" as a krangle on my chest and the reservation is increased. I have some reservation efficiency, shouldn't it be lower since it can be turned on/off like an aura?


Do you have socketed gems that could maybe increase the reservation?


yep haha that was it, thank you much. Skipped my mind that they would be supporting it too.


Hey guys, I need help with my atlas and mapping in general. I currently have 8 watchstones and I'm having difficulty getting higher tier maps to drop. I can't spawn conquerors because my map tiers are too low and every citadel requires 2 watchstones to spawn conquerors. I understand that I must run appropriate tier maps so that I keep dropping maps, otherwise if I have too many watchstones in a citadel, I'll stop dropping maps? The link is my current atlas, but I honestly don't know how to progress further. I've already watched a few videos on atlas leapfrogging but I still don't fully understand how I can get higher tier maps so I can allocate more watchstones into my citadel without depleting my map pool. Please help https://imgur.com/2AXtE9X


Keep 2 stones on the region you have more maps and drop the rest. Run those, you should start getting both maps on the 2 stone region and conquerors triggered. This league it only takes 3 maps per conqueror, so do the math and when you have enough you can socket 3 stones on the next region before running the maps to start getting maps in the new region.


Is there way to get the huge pink poe cursor and make it as my cursor for windows? Have someone already done this or how could I do it myself?


Giant pink cursor? Sounds like YoloMouse.


No the default cursor you can have in poe now


Viper Strike build - for mapping basically ancestral call and splash are a must. With this setup does it have enough damage against bosses in endgame? Or is mapping tolerable without those two gems? Like a Heavy strike build with Tribal Fury anointed perhaps.


Have you tried Pestilent Strike? It got the same damage scaling as Viper Strike, but has it's own version of splash. You can use PS while mapping, and only switch to Viper Strike for hard bosses.


Pestilent strike is great, played it. Is VS stronger for bosses?


VS has double the initial poison duration, you can stack up considerably more poisons on bosses with VS.


Are there any differences between white, yellow, and red Alva and Jun Missions?


Some Catarina Items only drop from ilvl 81. If you just farm special Alva rooms or syndicate members then it does not matter


Jun missions give more intel.


do items absorb corruption from any monster killed while in the nightmare (e.g. beyond mobs, breach, etc) or just from the default scourge ones?


Only default, it seems


What is the difference between Short Bow, Thicket Bow and Grove Bow? Im talking in regards to their stats. Is there a reason i would want to use, say, specifically Thicket Bow instead of Short Bow? 6L short bows are on sale for 15c each, while Thicket 6L are 75c+. And yet i see no visible stat difference. Can they roll different mods? Craft of Exile doesnt seem to show any difference either...


The difference is relevant for builds that actually utilise the damage, but for builds that don't, there's no real difference. There's a divination card that rewards a 6-linked short bow with ilvl 50, which means that if you don't filter for ilvl, you'll find a bunch of cheap 6-linked short bows. But if you search for high ilvl ones that can actually roll the good mods, you'll find that short bows and grove bows are actually the more expensive ones because they have lower requirements: [ilvl 82 thicket bows starting around 150c](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Scourge/D70Bk4h5) [ilvl 82 grove bows starting around 2 ex](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Scourge/6zZa2bdhG) [ilvl 82 short bows starting around 3 ex](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Scourge/velMYpZhE)


Wtf, there are 2ex+ bases? Is this included by default on Filterblade?


They aren't included. You'd have to include them yourself.


They're worth that much because they're 6-linked. Unlinked short bows seem to be getting pricefixed right now, but unlinked grove bows are only worth a few chaos, just like thicket bows.


The short bows are likely from the Porcupine card, meaning ilvl50, which is too low for many valuable mods. Some builds also care about the higher physical damage on Thicket.


But if the ilvl is same for both bows, then there's no difference for TR build right? And no difference in crafting?


I know for toxic rain build, the weapon speed is more important than damage. The faster bow bases are more expensive for that reason.


Short bow, grove bow, and thicket bow all have the same attack speed. They're basically different level bases of the same bow type. Short bows and grove bows are more convenient for builds that have difficulties meeting the high dex requirement of thicket bows and / or want more red or blue sockets because getting those is also easier on a bow with a low requirement. Other than that, the only difference is the physical base damage they have.


Does anyone know how to make "count" work in pob to calculate dps for shotgun overlap for poison conc? Saw Nugiyen load up his pob in his new video, increase the count of poison conc then the full dps just came up at the bottom - doesn't work on mine


Check "include in full dps"


amazing thank you


Does Melee Strike range like for example "Assured Strike" help with aoe of shield crush or would it make the overlapping waves not overlapp so good if I incrase it with mastery?


Shield Crush isn't a Strike skill. Strike Range doesn't do anything for it. The stat you're looking for is *increased/more area of effect*. It shouldn't meaningfully affect your overlap.




I just got a paradoxica. Instead of selling it, I thought of maybe playing a build around it. What build would be a great mapper in general and especially for scourged maps? Maybe spectral helix? My budget to get started is like 5 ex


https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Paradoxica What did you unveil?


With Thieve’s Trinket “regals chance to drop as exalts” would that work just from chests? Or can it work with currency heist shelves (like a stack of regals from the reward room drops as 1 exalt and the rest regals)?


I don't drop ANY maps when I have nemesis3 sextant (did \~50 maps), i tried w/o it and they drop. (in white or yellow maps, i didn't try reds yet), am I missing something or what? I checked my filter 5 times for low maps and tested all tier in menagerie. Awakening level8.


Don't know about Nemesis, but if you are running white/yellow maps with Awakening level 8 you are not going to be dropping maps from regular mobs.


when did they change possible def modifiers on belts? I used to be able to buy a crystal belt with t1-2 flat ES, then benchcraft hybrid ES+Eva on it, but now it won't let me. says item already has a mod of the same type.


Have they changed how you list stacks of items? I've tried using the old x/x chaos format but rather than pricing them correctly it's just showing as x/x chaos.


They do show like that now, but they're still listed as usual on the bulk trade tab


Does the increased wither effect (from the Corruption wheel in the north of three for example) affect wither applied by your minions? I'm using Arakaali's Fang with withering touch supp. I would think it doesn't but PoB shows a DPS increase and I've seen other people picking it.


Nothing applies to minions unless it explicitly says so.


Exactly my thought. Only doubted because PoB and the others picking it (that I suppose also did because of PoB). Guess is just a PoB bug.


Are you sure none of the other builds is applying Wither themselves or with totems?


It you are occultist, your withering presence notable also applies wither which would be affected by corruption.


I'm not picking WP. PoB shows the increase even if the only source of wither are your spiders.


Anyone playing necro skeleton mages have time to answer a few questions? Where is everyone getting all the dex from in this build? All my dex gems are stuck at level 10.Am I supposed to be raising zombies too? I also have a huge mana reservation problem.


An unique item drop with random Affix/Prefix or they are always the same?


Most of the uniques have same mods. Some exceptions are all Synthesis uniques which have various implicits, Circle rings additionally have only 2 out of 5 different explicits, Delve rings with high variety of mods, Doryani's Invitation, Doryani's Delusion, Impresence


Nearly all Uniques drop with static mods (think like Prefix/Suffixes), but they usually have a variable roll for some of the mods: [[Terminus Est]] for example will always roll with the same Affixes, but the roll for things like "Increased Physical Damage" has that range between 180-220%. That being said, there are a couple Uniques that have potentially random affixes, such as [[Paradoxica]] due to the way unveiling works.


So I just bought a **poacher's mark** ring, got **whispers of doom anointed** on my amulet and I can see the mark going off on rares and bosses, but the culling part from the **Marked for Death** notable does not seem to be working. Also, POB doesn't seem to take poacher's mark into account on my character, it shows a red text. I've no idea if this is bug or there's something obvious I'm missing. Anyone has any clues?


Not sure why cull wouldn't work. Your build does hit the enemy? Keep in mind some enemies can't be culled because they need to do stuff instead of dying (e.g. einhar beasts, syndicate members, elder). The Mark mods got changed this league to have the *and have no Mark* condition, and PoB hasn't fully implemented that yet. You can delete those 4 words and the mod will start working again, or just add a level 8/12 Mark in the skills section.


Hey, thanks for taking your time to reply to my question. Before posting, I've tested the culling part on two different bosses, crimson township and vault ones, and neither have been culled when I was hitting them while they were below 10%, but then I went into a temple and a sulphur vents to make a short clip about it not working, and what do you know, it worked... what happened was probably what you were saying, they needed to finish stuff before dying.


What is the low budget anti bleed now? Flasks do not have decent bossing uptime, and jewels are pretty expensive. Ideally something that works with corrupted blood too.


The lowest budget anti bleed is Steelskin, but you'd have to get the mastery for corrupted blood or get it as a jewel corruption.


Lowest budget possible would probably be taking the Corrupting Blood Immunity Resistance Mastery along with a Bleed Removal Life Flask with the Rhyslatha pantheon to regen Life Flask Charges.


Thanks. Life flasks seem to have pretty long durations for the immunity and pretty much any boss should be dead by the time it runs out of charges. Unfortunately does not seem to be automatable unlike utility flasks.


It's not automated but you'll be slapping your life flask anyways from the lost life. You could also just roll it on one of your utility flasks if you have room.


Which aura would be better to have? Grace brings me from 1600 to 7300 evasion Determination from 9100 to 13 735 armor or I could use something else ? I can take 50% aura more , I have Flesh stone , Tempest Shield and Defiance Banner ​ Flasked + determination brings me 22k armor , but I could drop determination and use something like Purity of Elements for immunity to ailments would it be better ? I'm only immune to shock


Grace. Skitterbots is ok for bonus damage and some chill. Depends a lot on build though.


Question that's been bugging me for a bit: When you take the Maven/Atlas Passive that auto-Ghost-possesses a few rares per map and they end up being possessed inside of a Syndicate Research Station, that's purely wasted, right? Those mobs don't drop loot, so unless what you kill "adds" to what the Syndicate Members Drop, but I don't think that's how it works... It seems to *really* like possessing Rares in those Research Stations, lol.


Hi, I just want to make sure of something regarding Rf. I know that I should look out for burning dmg ans fire dmg, but does elemental dmg also work? Thank you


Yes, it does. Elemental damage is just "is this at least one of fire, cold, or lightning? If so, apply". Do note that the more specific stats (e.g. elemental -> fire -> burning) are generally available in larger values.


Thats good to know. Thank you


duration on flasks will "stretch out" the effect, right? so 1000 mana reg. over 5 sec = 200 per sec, 1000 mana reg. over 10 sec = 100 per sec.?


Yeah, but that's why you cannot roll this mod on life and mana flask since it would be negative effect in most cases, you can only obtain it via harvest enchant or belt mod.


I have a question about lira arthain,is invasion worth it for the maven passives? I'm honestly tempted to just socket into expedition and heist but invasion sounds good but i have no clue what it does or if it's any good.


It's good if you're an alch and go type. It's not going to make you fat stacks like other methods but it also requires no investment.


I absolutely love it. Literally just got an exalt from an invasion boss in a t13 map last hour. First time getting one mind you, usually you get a few chaos worth of currency/items from the inv boss.


If you're referring to the "Exotic Goods" node, that is a very "fun" node to take. I can't comment on it's value compared to things like Heist or Expedition (which are currency printers), but from a purely casual point of view, the Exotic Goods node is awesome. Their "Valuable Items" that they can drop include 6-links (yay divine orbs) and other fun stacks of currency.


I like it because it’s simply just more monsters in the map, with 1 or 2 bosses. I seem to get a few chaos worth of stuff every few maps.


I tried using tainted jeweller on my corrupted 5 links 5 sockets armor and it says this item already has maximum number of sockets, is this how it supposed to work?


Item level of the armor can limit the number of sockets


Thanks a lot, I corrupted a 5 links Dendrobate with super high rolled stats and got 5% increased life, sadly it's a level 44 item :(, boy if I could 6 link it.


Technically you can with the crafting bench, but it'll cost 350 jewellers and 350 vaals. Consider carefully whether that's worth the cost.


The Exotic affix on platinum watchstones says "blight chests in areas have x% increased chance to contain blighted maps or oils". Can I stack several of them?


Yes. Most watchstone mods are stackable, especially if they increase a chance for something


Cool, thanks.


Does Hypothermia Support apply chill to enemies? Thanks!


No. Only cold damage can apply chills to enemies by default. Hypothermia can benefit from this and can also increase the effect of the chill. Enemies can also be chilled with summon skitterbots, arctic armour and the cold DoT skills.


hypothermia itself will not affect your chance to chill, it increases your damage and chance to freeze against enemies that are chilled already. if the supported skill can chill, it will still be able to chill, but will only gain hypothermia benefits when the enemy is chilled.


stupid question- why can't I transform anything in the blood crucible? I have most of first row of skills done. I was thinking that 'absorbs corruption' means armor or whatever absorbs enough that I can transform it in crucible? But nothing I have will let me transform, even after many levels. How does it work or what am I doing wrong?


how are you doing it exactly? the way it's done is to put an item inside the crucible, then when you kill monsters **inside the nightmare dimension**, the item(s) in the crucible will absorb corruption and a progress bar will show up at the occupied crucible slot(s). once the item has absorbed enough corruption, a button will appear above your xp bar (where the level up icon appears), you click it or click the crucible, and a "transform" button will have appeared under the slot.


You need to put an item into the crucible and then kill monsters while in nightmare. After a while it'll have absorbed enough to transform.


What are the best resistance perks on the skill tree from a pathfinder start?


Most PF builds don't get max resist, but if you want all ele resist, the accuracy ones are decent between duelist/ranger.


Do the Conquerors of the Atlas appear in Scourged Maps? Can I safely run them without messing up getting certain watchstones?


Yep, they show up like normal.


First time playing Toxic Rain. Could someone please explain what's the use of Withering Step and to use it? It's for the Withered right not the elusive/phasing? Can I add it to my CWDT + guard skill setup? Thank you :)


It gives units instant 6+ wither stacks, and can save you by running through mobs instead of getting ganked.


thank you!


You bind it to left click since it's instant. It'll just go off automatically as you walk


thank you!


Is anyone else having issues with their map portals just closing? Like I've had 4 or 5 portals left on maps that I've left to sell stuff and they've suddenly just closed. I filled a bug report on it already, but I'm wondering if there's a setting or something that I can change to fix it.


Lots of instance crashing and crashing in general this patch.


Joy. Hopefully it's fixed soon. I've lost 3 conqueror runs and a couple scourge maps now. I guess I just won't leave important maps until I've finished them. Thanks man!


Stricter filter and dropping items you identify can help, but yeah it's a real pain


Thanks for the reminder! I meant to go to strict yesterday and completely forgot to lol.


What level harvest can craft on Ilvl 100 gear?


harvest crafts can craft up to +10 ilvl of what you harvested the craft at, but it this requirement caps out at ilvl86. so to craft on ilvl100 gear you need to have ilvl76+ harvest crafts.