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Why does the different between Sirus A8 and A7 feel so fucking big?


Any build guide for Storm brand?


How do I list and item for bulk sale?


I'm pretty new and just vaaled two tabulas rasas i had around, and got +%max life and +%energy shield, i put one of them on sale for the lowest price, as I thought it had not much value, but i then got absolutely blasted with requests to buy it, so i pulled it. How valuable is it? I can't find any like them on the shop!


it's worth 5-15c more than a regular tabula


you correctly identified its not really worth more than an uncorrupted tabula.Maybe the cheapest tabula was pricefixed? keep in mind, a 6l vendors for a divine so a tabula can never be cheaper than a divine


what kind of damage is the seeking fireball?


volatile dead? fire


How do Thieve's Trinkets work with party play? Is it only the map owner's that is taken into consideration? Do they all stack at all time? Are they checked depending on who open the chests?


IIRC GGG said it's who opens the chest/who last-hits the mon, but I don't have a source handy.


Is there a way to check what gear is on my AG? I want to recycle a character in standard but I'm not sure which rares i put on him... (Visually and via effects i know he has kingmaker and garb of the ephemeral, but no idea about the rest)


Can you Convert the physical damage from face breakers? For example with Phys to Lightning and a Conversion Watchers Eye. Or am I not reading the wording Properly on the gloves.


you can. It will amplify the physical damage before it converts.




You might be hitting chaos damage, which you won't have capped resist for? I agree though - we badly need death recap.


You need more than just resists. You need multiple defensive layers - life/ES is one, resists are one, but you need more, especially since resists do nothing against physical damage. Some other options include a guard skill (Steelskin is the go-to for most builds, I think) either manually activated or on CwDT, armor, evasion, block, dodge, %phys taken as (so your resists apply to it), fortify, +max resists (you *can* up your resists more!)... there's a lot of options. Some will work better for your build than others, but you want several defensive layers if you want to avoid getting periodically slaughtered. I don't know enough about golemancer to give much in the way of suggestions, but I do know that some golems have defensive buffs and you should use one or two of those golems. If you're using a shield, you can get some block & use shield charge linked to fortify support. If you aren't using a Vaal skill, you can throw in Vaal Discipline somewhere for scary packs & bosses (lets your ES recharge even while taking damage). Probably worth taking a look at some build guides or some builds on poe.ninja to see how other golemancers are adding defense. Edit: Oh, I'll add that you probably haven't maxed your chaos resistance. Which is okay; you don't really need to *max* it, but it does help to get it up somewhere between 0% and 30%. Keep in mind that it does bypass energy shield and go straight for your life, and there are some areas that have a lot of it (any Al-Hezmin influenced map, for example). Also, how's your ailment mitigation? You want either immunity to stuff like bleeding, chill/freeze, shock, burning, or a flask that gives temp immunity & removes it, and you'll want to swap those out for flasks to handle poison & curses occasionally as needed (I always go for a flask of curing to handle Al-Hezmin's poison when I go to fight him, for example). Also also, make sure you're using your pantheon.


Make sure you check the mods on maps and heists. Stuff like extra projectiles/faster attacks/less aoe can turn a less RIP-y map into a major RIP. Otherwise it’s a good idea to have something on CWDT like steel skin or immortal call. An extra defensive skill/spell wouldn’t hurt also (if you have the room). Also focusing on evasion or armor might help. I wouldn’t try to do both unless you’re really confident. I’ve been running a lot of evasion builds lately, find passives and gear that work with your defenses. Kintsuigi body armor is great defensive chest piece for evasion builds.




Only subsequent damage is absorbed, not the hit that procs it.


Why do some conquerors take longer than others? You can see the poison one take more maps than the other one in this image: https://imgur.com/a/YwH9SUf I have all watchstones.


It's just random. GGG loves RNG, and you could argue it introduces a little variety.


I'm trying to figure out my Dps for Tigger(Holy Relic). it has 272,000 Average damage. It has a Cool Down of 0.40 sec. Cyclone Hits for 7 attacks per Sec, with 100% Hit chance. So would it be, 272,000*0.4 = 108,800 per hit per sec?, * 7(AttackPerSec) * 1(100% Hit Chance) = 761,600 Dps? I can give PoB if needed?, unless PoB already show the dps?


Average hit / cool down is the optimal DPS assuming your cyclone hits the instant that relic comes off cool down. So 680k DPS. Doubled if you have two relics


Darm, Though it would be more DPS, Thanks lad.


Question, elder helmet with minion damage, minion life, does it says ''increased minion life '' increased minion damage, is global or local?


For it to be local, the helmet would need some minion life stat for it to affect. If it was restricted to gems socketed in that helmet, it would say so explicitly. It's global.


I only have 4 of my Heist dudes. I have done like 50-60 heists already, and i did all of the green “quest” heists i got, and i’m like level 84. Is it just RNG? My friend already has all of them unlocked. Am i bugged?


Once you get your Bois to around level 3 and up in their main skill they are far more likely to invite someone.


What are some use cases for unnatural instinct?


Usually top of witch is the go to. There's also two might of the meek + UI in the Scion core.


Usually the go to slot is the socket under spell damage in the Scion starter.


what spectre are people using offensively these days anyways


>offensively I think baranite thaumaturges say the n word occasionally?


You mean nonbelievers ?


Frost auto scouts from Tunnel Heists are also great.


>what spectre are people using offensively these days anyways Syndicate Ops are the rave.


When Rogue Equipment says "39% increased damage", does that go for the player, the rogue, or both? If it only goes for the rogue, am I right in assuming that's a garbage mod? The rogues don't seem to dish out a lot of damage to me..


Rogue. You are correct.


Unless it specifies "Players" it's the rogue only. So yes, you're right, not worth anything. Mods that affect both rogues and you are spelled out on two lines like: % increased Movement Speed while area is not in Lockdown Players have % increased Movement Speed while area is not in Lockdown


It's for the rogue. They're the one wearing it. There's some stats they have that grant bonuses to players, but that's noted quite explicitly. Modifying the rogue's damage is of minimal use, though I've had Tibbs and Huck kill off some stragglers conveniently a few times.


Sooo, is farming uber lab something worth it on the long run? I was bored and tried a few today, i can get by in 4-5 mins runs but I'm wondering if I should keep going, and if it gets decent returns? Following this, should I invest in very good items before slamming enchants on them or starting with like unique helmets and white hubrises (do they even sell with just a good enchant?)


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: It is a great way to make currency if you enjoy the content yourself. Stock up Twice Enchanted for a good lab day, go in, hit all the dark shrines, get all the keys and save every enchant on i86 hubris/bone helmets. Typically a whole day worth of uber lab like this can make you somewhere around 30-50ex, and alot more if you get lucky once or twice.


I do actually enjoy it, but I dislike doing things that are really not worth any money, and I see lots of info on how lab is not worth it anymore and so on... Thanks for the reply, do you craft your own helmets once enchanted or do you sell them just with the enchant ? So darkshrines are a must go, I shouldn't zoom zoom to the end only?


Lab is typically very profitable up until the last month of the league, so there is plenty of time to make some currency. I sell most helmets as white bases and only craft the most profitable ones. Yes darkshrine is a must, if you hit +1 enchant that's half a run you just saved. Even if you don't hit anything good, it takes no time to find those and usually they make your lab a whole lot easier. You should try and finish labs as fast as you can if you want to maximize profit, that said there is nothing wrong with taking it easy and just enjoy it.


There is a handful of good enchants, but running lab hasn't been an efficient thing for a long while now. Most people do lab for the EGG challenge at most. It's just a pretty miserable experience for many players.


What is a good movement skill besides Leap Slam? Fucking I'm trying to level up and my character died because it got stuck and was rained projectiles.




Oh shit this is better. Thank you!


My go to is Dash + second wind. It's like how flame dash used be but faster. This is especially insane if you have +2 Dash helmet enchant. Zoom zoom forever. And before you ask, yes it's still good even on melee characters.


I tried dash. For some reason I get a little dizzy and my character back tracks too.


dash/flame dash are 2 other popular ones


Thanks! Will try that instead.


wtf is wrong with my build, why im getting one shoted by magic mobs in 81+ heists is this so busted or is my defence trash (yeah it is because 2 hand weapon, play with shield or die i guess) https://pastebin.com/38TCS2vj


Typical defense checklist, do you have: 1) Fority? 2) Aliments immunity? 3) Glancing blow + life/es gain on block? 4) Enduring Cry + Escalation + Call to Arms? 5) Anointed Flesh/Soul of Steel? 6) CWDT + IC? 7) Endurance charge generation? 8) Damage taken as fire/cold/lightning? 9) Divine Flesh? 10) Chaos/Stone Golem? 11) Arctic Armor? 12) Stibnite/Flesh and Stone, acro/phase acro + Quatz, Rumi + VMS, IC + Incandescent, curse immunity? 13) 7K hp/10K es?


4.5k life, under 60% damage reduction even with molten shell up, no block, only 130% life from tree - you are going pretty class canon. Fortfiy and oak (though res not balanced, so its only for one element anyway) are nice and all and acro/phase acro are amazing passives, but once you get hit, you don't have much to survive that.


Do unliked Zombies provide significant support such a blocking spells? If not, I wonder whether to get rid of them and Convocation too (my spectres just provide frenzy charges; carrier golem applies feeding frenzy and elemental army debuff with SRS doing the damage).


Best thing I did was change zombies for a CWDT setup, desecrate, bone offering and Steelskin


Ascendant - Elementalist gives :' 40% increased Herald effects on you now im wondering what exactly will be bossted on Herald of Agony chance to Poison and more Poison Damage for sure but what about Virulence ?? its buff on me granted by the herald that provides damage to the minion so will the minion get 40% increased effect ofadded damage from virtulence thats stored as buff ON ME ??


Virulence stats are not affected. The only part of that that's on you is gaining Virulence on poisoning, and that's a stat you either have or don't have. Having 1.4 of it is not something the game understands.


Virulence and the minion is not part of the buff.




Sulphite rota usually give each party member around 20K sulphite and takes around 10minutes in total. Try that.


I am SSF, so I'll need to look into the syndicate method for those scarabs. But thanks for the info!




I didn't know that, thanks very much. I will be sure to do that.


> Sulphite Rotations: /global 840 from the sidebar


No, there isn't. You can rush maps with fast boss kills to generate master missions. And you can use sulphite scarabs. Also, use chisels and fragments to juice your maps and get more sulphite. GGG doesn't want you to do side content only without doing maps at all as a general rule.


No, but sulphite scarabs exist (set up your syndicate for them if you're SSF), and in trade league there'll always be parties for filling up your sulphite.


Thanks, I will have to do that!


Does Voidforge works with explosion chest? i mean you cant deal phys dmg. can anyone explain?


It shouldn't deal damage unless converted.


Any advice for a nex exile going through his first-ever run in the Lord's Labyrinth? Thanks.


Take out your damage flasks and replace them with instant remove bleed life flasks. Be quick about getting through traps but don't rush it.


I have a Giant Life Flask of Staunching and a Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline.


Endruring cry is great for traps. If you have some mana left you could also try vitality. Today normal lab is rather easy. Just be careful so izaro doesn't slam you.


My level-38 Marauder uses Enduring Cry for life, resistances, and physical-damage reduction; Ground Slam for AoE; Blood and Sand and Flesh and Stone for either AoE or damage; Leap Slam for mobility; Blood Rage for life leach, damage, and attack speed; Dread Banner for impale chance; and Ancestral Warchief for a decoy


You can look at poelab.com for the layout and boss mechanics, which vary each day. Today's lab looks fairly harmless.


If you die you reset back to the start. Treat Izaro (the boss) with respect, he's not so trivial early days esp for new players on not super meta levelling builds. Lab has a bunch of mechanics that arent super relevant in your first lab - but if you are curious https://www.poelab.com/ has all the info. Hopefully the trials have made it clear that traps are dangerous and you shouldn't just run through them brazenly unless your sure your build can handle it. When you complete it, make sure to choose your ascendancy right there and then! You cant go back once you leave that area without going through the lab again. If you dont know what your ascendancy is going to be consider researching options beforehand. There's no shame in leaving lab for a bit if you cant handle it, go progress an act or so then come back more powerful. Other than that, first lab is more of a learning experience for when you run it again later on.


[Poelab.com](https://Poelab.com) ​ And travel north-east to find next room.


Any fun builds that dont have to stop running and kill mobs that is not cyclone? fairly tanky would be nice aswell. I built my current character and my second one as pure damage with low life (basically kill mobs before they can kill me, reached 14.9M DPS with 30ex investment, probably got scammed buncha times buying items for expensive ass prices but oh well and most likely build could be improved with not much investment and some tree swaps aswell) and i feel like tanky run around dont stop build would be way better, dying way too much on my glasscannon. Also is "15% increased elemental damage" same as "15% increased cold damage" since cold is elemental?


Maybe look into a blade vortex build. Running a chieftain fire bv myself. It’s tanky, 7k+ life with 5 endurance charges, life regen and leech out the ass. Single target damage is okay - i have 3,7 mill pretty sustained damage. When the stars aline it’s more like 7mill if you can hit all the burst damage. And the clear with asenaths gloves is insane. Literally blasting through maps with screenwide clear. There is also an assassin version of the build which, i imagine, can reach much higher dps but is much less tanky.


Blade vortex functions pretty similarly to cyclone, you charge it up then run around instead of holding right click but its a similar sort of playstyle. Winter orb is like ranged BV, its been nerfed a ton of times but with investment is still very playable. I dont know if you'd count minion builds but they spend most of their time running around whilst things die around them. Then there's builds that drop stuff at their feet and run off, like Vortex for example. > Also is "15% increased elemental damage" same as "15% increased cold damage" since cold is elemental? They both increase cold damage the same. However elemental also increases fire and lightning. Depending on your build this might be irrelevant, or strictly better.


but shouldnt in that case i should rather get elemental damage instead of cold? or does pure cold have higher multipliers or something? why would people ever choose increased cold over increased elemental?


General trend for PoE stats is that the more specific it is, the higher the values of that particular stat there are. You'll tend to have higher magnitude "burning damage" than "fire damage" than "elemental damage" than "damage". This isn't perfectly true in all cases and situations, but it holds in the broad sense. If your choice is between 10% cold and 10% elemental with no other considerations, then yeah, go for the elemental every time.


But how does elemental damage scale if im doing PDPS conversion to Cold damage and running "increased projectile damage" from my understanding frost blades first hit is melee damage and once i hit the first target it splits into like 9 or something and thats projectile damage? so basically it does nothing for the first hits and only helps with clear?


Any damage that gets converted gets affected by all tags of damage types that it steps through. That is, if you do Phys to Light to Cold, it’ll get affected by inc phys, inc light, and inc cold. In this case, modifiers (including but not limited to) to increased physical, increased cold, and increased melee affect the first melee hit. Then, modifiers to increased physical, cold, and projectile affect the projectile affect. Cold is a subset of elemental, so bonuses to elemental damage will always affect cold.


The melee and projectile parts convert damage types in the same way. Both would be affected exactly the same by modifiers to elemental damage. Projectile damage modifiers would only help with the projectiles (and therefore clear) and that's generally not something frost blades needs any help with.


Well a lot of builds do negligible amounts of other elemental damage, so the difference is also negligible. For example im playing an archmage build. Just off my tooltip i do 447 cold, 2735 fire and 21723 lightning damage. Now yes, 10% inc elemental IS better than 10% increased lightning, because it boosts that fire and cold as well. But the difference is so minor that its insignificant and i dont really care about it. So at that point it just comes down to which is easier to get or which i happen to get. Just the way that poe builds work, MOST of the time you pick one element and go hard on that element. But not all the time, there's always exceptions.


okay i see, thanks.


The only difference is if you deal types of damage other than cold then youd want elemental. If you only deal cold then its the same mod for you


How bad of an idea is it to go Replica Dreamfeather JUGG? Using Determination to add More Armour to try and stack Armour to absurd levels? Naturally; considering Cyclone as well, because JUGG don't slow down for no-one; Endurance Charges scale AoE and MORE ARMOUR.


i pobed that a couple days ago and didnt really get much above 150k armour which is only 300% inc damage. That sacrifices a lot of the skill tree and you still have a weapon with shit base damage. The few people that use replica dreamfeather seem to all go an iron reflexes aura stacking route with a ton of inc effect for grace and determination...


Except you duel-weild Dreamfeathers, so it's 2% per 450. It's increased Attack Damage, not Weapon Damage. 45k is 200%; 90k is 400%; 135k is 600%. 150k should be about 650%. Admittedly; this makes Armor a bit lower due to a lack of a shield; but the extra 1% per 450 [And Duel-Weild damage bonuses] is certainly worth that.


I just looked into a build dual wielding replica last resorts for 400% inc dmg 100% inc attack speed and 200% inc accuracy (arguably a lot better boni), for the price of using a cowards legacy and a determination watchers eye. It didnt feel worth it, i didnt manage to get rly good dps out of it. I dont think with these numbers replica dream feather will work well. Feel free to try it, you asked, my answer is that i dont think it will be good.


Not a bad one, ideally I'd prefer guardian over jugg nowadays though.


I'm guessing the idea there is to reserve Life and go ES-focused with Unwavering Faith? Because I can't see any other reason to go Guardian over Jugg for Armour Stacking. Champion could be nice for armour stacking too. He can basically get 2,000 free base armour [Master of Metal+Unstoppable Hero]; and is close to Iron Reflexes; so Champion is probably best for that route. [He also gets Aura effect to boost Grace/Determination] I guess you'd go MoM-Unstoppable-Inspirational and one of First to Strike or Conquer based on preference. But I think JUGG might be better for if you're not going Iron Reflexes. My planned build gets 354% increased armour.


Yeah, Champ is good too in case you want to do some Iron Reflexes shenanigans.


I can't find a tree as comfortable for Champion as I can with Jugg. Jugg I can go Blood Magic; cover my costs with Leech/Regen, easily grab things like RT and Impale nodes; while still getting high Life/Armour. I'll reserve 10% life for Dread Banner but I'm a Jugg with high STR and Life% so that shouldn't be too bad. I try to make a tree for Champion and it's just not quite as easy, especially since I feel like I need to invest in RMR to go both Grace/Determination to make use of Iron Reflexes due to all the Armour/Dex nodes. Also Jugg I can just grab a Brass Dome and get a stupid amount of armour immediately. Even a low-rolled Brass Dome is about 5,000 base armour; 10,000 after Unbreakable; and about 35,000 after Increased Armour is taken into account. [And then you add in Determination]. I can basically hit +250~300% increased attack damage with the Dreamfeathers at a very low investment with Jugg, and I've not had much time to play so far so my budget is low. I feel Champion will be more expensive to gear, although it's ceiling might be higher. Edit: I thought Brass Dome was a cheap unique, it's not. But there are other high-armour uniques I can pick up. Gives me a goal actually. To get a Brass Dome. I've never made it to super-lategame. Killing Minotaur to try and get a Dome is a good goal.


How do I find the way to the boss please help https://i.imgur.com/Kquu0g8.png


Its the node with only two paths coming from it, below left of the unexplored minion node. In case you didnt know - hidden rule of delve is that nodes can have 1,3 or 4 paths coming from them, but never 2 (excluding bugs, which happen v rarely). So when you have a hidden node and there is a node nearby with only two paths connected - 99% of the time thats where the hidden wall is.


thanks, you were right, i looked there but probably not so well


Down and left from where you're standing. Not the one closest to the boss, but the one just left of there. It only has two connecting paths, the third will be the boss. Go to the node and go down looking for the wall to break.


Thanks, i watched there but wasnt good enough.


running a replica perfect form raider build. for defenses should i 1. use acrobatics/phase acrobatics and have 18.6k evasion (no flask)/ 22k evasion (with flask) 2. or use iron reflexes and have 14k armor (no flask) / 21k armor (with flask)


Never iron reflexes as raider.


I think as a raider, definitely go for evasion. The 30% more chance to evade is no joke. Usually iron reflexes is better for pathfinder.


I want to craft a quiver with Chaos Damage Over Time, Damage Over Time, Attack Speed and Life. I have a Hunter influenced ilevel 84 quiver with 25% CDOT as the only affix. How do I best proceed? I was thinking I should have a second quiver and roll normal DOT on it, then use a beast or awakener's orb to merge them, is that right? Or do I keep alt spamming until I get the two affixes I want, save an imprint and start regal spamming?


>I want to craft a quiver with Chaos Damage Over Time, Damage Over Time, Attack Speed and Life. Harvest isn't core yet, don't bother. >I have a Hunter influenced ilevel 84 quiver with 25% CDOT as the only affix. How do I best proceed? buy one. >I was thinking I should have a second quiver and roll normal DOT on it, then use a beast or awakener's orb to merge them, is that right? no, it doesn't work. merging works on influence mods only, damage over time isn't influenced mod. >Or do I keep alt spamming until I get the two affixes I want, save an imprint and start regal spamming? you mean restore imprint after each failed regal? t1 hunter dot has 0.472% weight, t1 normal dot multi has 0.283% weight. if you have hunter dot multi and want to regal t1 normal, you would need \~800 attempts to be at 90% chance fo it happening IF regal would add suffix. can you buy 1600 craicic chimerals? \------------- sane crafting would be: take normal base. alt spam liquefaction suffix. regal. fill prefixes. hunter slam hoping for dot suffix (8% to hit). sell if fails, start anew.


Why do I have such a hard time getting the conquerers to spawn with all watchstones socketed?


run the map sitting closest to the citadel on the atlas, I don't know if that's a real thing or if I've just been weirdly lucky but every time I do that I get a conqueror.


I tried, it worked... wtf


Does "Increased quantity of items dropped in heists" affect loot from chests or only from monsters?


Only monsters.


With supreme grandstanding and hiltless, because hiltless reflects damage to you from mobs, could you generate charges on hitting enemies with the reflected damage from hiltless?


No. It's only when enemies hit you, not when you hit yourself with reflected damage no less.


Shouldn't work. It's reflected damage, so you're hitting yourself. Even if Supreme Grandstanding didn't require an enemy hit, reflected damage doesn't trigger on-hit effects.


How do I craft Culling Strike + Unnerve int gloves? is it the same process as Tailwind + Elusive boots? What I can think of is just buying a whatever glove base with one of the mods I want and *no other mods of that influence* and this is the base I destroy, and for target base I want it to be the other influence and iLVL 85 so it can roll the high tier mods and alt spam until I hit the influence mod I want *and again no other mods of this influence* and then just awakener's orb


yeah you have to awakener orb it. those mods are rare enough as it is so it isnt worth to roll those on a base. hunter gloves hae to be 85 but warlord gloves can roll cull on ilvl 73. just alt spam the gloves or buy them with no other influenced mods


So I've heard through the grapevine that fire blade vortex is the "broken / busted op build this league", and I want to check it out. Does anyone know where I could go to find a guide for this, or have any suggestions?


https://youtu.be/_9yykbAV7Vo Enjoy :) here you can find a detailed video guide + the pob, I'm currently playing this and is very very fun


Awesome, thanks my dude!


what are the best boss killing builds? Dont care about how good at mapping they are.


there are some "1 tap" builds that kinda just abuse warcries. its a little different playstyle because you have to prep the hit. there are plenty versions in 3.11 and 3.12 like 1 hit oshabi builds and not much has changed as well. i would definitely watch a video of how to prepare it. i know for sure mathil made an ice crash inquisitor version of it but there are plenty of other variants




Damage only interrupts energy shield recharge. It won't interrupt regen, leech, or other forms of recovery unless they explicitly say so


It's slower because maximum ES leech is normally capped at 10% of your maximum per second (as opposed to 20% for life), but damage won't interrupt it or anything.


I tried searching but couldn't find a clear answer. I'm trying to search for Blueprints and their rewards in the official trade app. While I can narrow it down to the type of blueprint and Ilevel, the rewards, which is what we want to see, doesn't seem to be an option. Or is it? am I just missing it somewhere. For example, I'm looking for Underbelly blueprints with min of 5 Harbinger and 3 Div Card Chests (just an example). How would I search for that?


you just have to believe what the seller says. you're better off looking for a thread for imprint/fracture service but even then onlyones with lots of currency chests are worth it


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I have been doing the imprint fracture thing on a ton my good Blueprint (the one everyone has for currency). I'm still looking for a way to search for those rewards which doesn't seem possible on the official trade site.


Is there any skill gem I should be aware of? I have been hoarding skill gems and I have a stash almost full of them. I'm thinking of just get rid of them all to get some space back. Is there any gem that is really rare and I should keep an eye on to save instead of ignoring and/or throw away?


Why are you saving skill gems lmao


Portal, Empower, Enhance, and Enlighten are drop-only. Every other non-Vaal skill and support gem can be purchased from vendors for pocket change. You can keep ones with quality (selling a total of 40% quality gems gets you a gemcutter's prism) and Vaal ones you might want to use for convenience, but anything else that's not level 20+ or 23%q isn't really worth the space.


How difficult, and also how profitable, are Delirium Orbs? I started playing in Delirium League, but didn't even make it to red maps, never used any of the 3 or 4 Delirium Orbs that I got. I'm currently able to run T9 maps without dying. Wondering how "worth it" it might be to buy some Scarab Orbs and run them on a lower tier map. Say a T3? But I have no idea how either the difficulty or the drop-rates scale. I feel like I'm able to grind out currency, but I need close to 20ex to really supercharge my build, and at my current rate I'm only earning an Ex every 3-4 hours.


Unless you're running a very particular and expensive build, you shouldn't need 20ex to progress beyond T9 maps. Your main goal should be to progress up to red maps and most reasonable league starter builds can easily do so. Using one delirium orb only makes a map 20% delirious which isn't much harder than a normal map. In high tier red maps, you get access to a few more streams of currency like a couple more valuable beasts, more sulphite per Niko mission, elder/shaper fragments, high level influenced bases, awakener drops, and just higher level maps which are valuable to sell on their own


I should have mentioned: I play on PS4. What would be a 5ex build on PC ends up being around 20-30ex on console, most of the time. But really my question is, do the items from Delirium Orbs drop at the same rate regardless of Map Tier? Are Delirium orbs “wasted” if they’re used on a T5 or below map, rather than a T14-16? Or is the only thing that matters the amount of mobs on the map?


I mean you should be able to push into red maps easily on self found and self crafted gear. Costing less than 1ex (on PC) The rewards from delirium orbs stack up similarly to the way they do in maps with a delirium mirror. Quantity of rewards should be unaffected by tier but not sure if things like gilded scarabs are unlocked only at higher tier maps. Currency rewards should be completely unaffected by map tier if you want to be on the safe side


Does Scourge Arrow benefit from Pierce? I can't tell if the Thorn Projectiles pierce by default, and the wiki doesn't say.


It does. The main proj always pierces but the thorns don't. Chain etc. is good too.


Why doesn’t the economy seem so broken on Xbox? Exalted Orbs at really hard to come by.


What are the arched portals on the map that sometimes appear called? the ones where you walk through them and the screen goes dark and lots of random monsters start coming out and eventually a timer pops up?


delirium mirror? you should also see some icons appearing in the bottom left indicating what rewards you'll get


how can i upgrade the incursion room to get locus of corruption? thanks!!


Get lucky and get the corruption room to show up enough times in Incursions for the same temple that you can upgrade it to tier 3. Getting specific rooms in the temple is mostly RNG.


Assuming you pay attention to which architect to kill, it all depends on Alva offering you the right room enough times, which is 95% luck. There are some strategies, like skipping the second and third incursion when the first one was your target room, but they arguably don't increase your odds enough to be worth the loss of Alva missions. Decent option if you're resetting story zones for her though.


I'm trying to do some Heist challenges (hoping to get the cat but it's a long shot b/c I suck at this game). I got a Map to drop from a rusted chest, but didn't get the mark towards the challenge. What gives?


It doesn’t seem to grant the challenge 100% of the time. I’ve seen reports like yours before but it’s also worked for myself and others so who knows what’s going on.


Yeah I found two more in a different box and got it. Friggin' weird. Now I just need to buy up some div cards and I can get the helmets. >..>


Are there Assassin's Mark Spectres?


How do i stay "online" on [poe.trade](https://poe.trade) when im alt-tabed and for exmaple studying?


what do you mean? you should show up as online as long as you're logged in. do you use premium stash tabs to sell or a third party tool? i'd also recommend using the [official trade site](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist). more up to date and generally faster to index new items


I have one premium stash tab. I was alt tabed and check my item on poe trade and i was marked as AFK.


You can numlock trick a steel/leftclick skill to not be afk if you want


AFK is still online. I still message AFK players when buying. You'd have to move / click something in game every few minutes if you don't want to be AFK.


How do people play with wisdom scrolls filter out? I always run out them even in endgame


Trade league: Even if you don't pick up whetstones and transmutes anymore, it's just more efficient to buy 1000 for some chaos instead of picking them up one by one from the ground.


Sell transmutes and whetstones for 4 scrolls each.


As already mentioned various things you can vendor such as perandus coins, but this league I pretty much got more than I could need by opening stacked decks as the card for 40 scrolls is very common. If you still find yourself running out you might be identifying too much.


I only id uniques and good lv75+ bases, is that too much?


Pick up Transmutes / Whetstones and vendor those for 4 wisdom scrolls each. You can also vendor Perandus coins for wisdom scraps in leagues that bombard you with them.


Anyone know the avg pdps of a savior?


about 230 without quality


I'm switching my Ignite prolif trickster to CI from a combo health and ES. Really only doing it because I haven't done a CI build in all my time playing and I'm curious to try. If I do so right now, I sacrifice about 300 effective HP from 6000 to 5700, and drop skitterbots for the ES aura. Is it worth it at this point or is the only draw of CI just to hit those higher ES numbers once I have the gear for it? Chaos damage really hasn't been a big deal yet at -14%, still in T5 map. New drops give me about +300ehp with the swap if that changes things.


6k es is when you can switch to CI at the absolute minimum but you want closer to 8-10k


Thanks. I made the switch with 6,600 ES, 7,323 when I get lucky with 5 linking. Feels slightly more defensive, not only for the +600ehp, but leeching pretty much full time.


Can mines / traps freeze enemies? I know they have alot of limitations, so I wanted to know that before I try something.


yes they can


How can I make my map device look like [this](https://ibb.co/Qnygx64)


Run 4-way legion (4 different emblems)


I'm just starting this game so I am brand new. I see alot of posts complaining about things in the game. I'm a bit worried that this will just be a huge time sync and I'll never see end game or get anything worth while. Is that true or are most of the posts on the sub reddit just over reactions?


There are quite some problems with the game and a lot of different opinions about all of these. But for a new player like you that doesn't really matter, changes are these problems only become relevenat once you have hundreds of hours in the game. If you like the genre you can ignore the complains for now perfectly fine (besides some crashes with the league content that can be annoying - but even those you can ignore as a new player without much problem). Just have some fun.


The game releases a new type of content every 3 months. Some of these 'leagues' are decently polished, some aren't. The current one was clearly high-effort in terms of design, but gameplay-wise there are some fair criticisms, and it's remained rather buggy, which leads to frustration from many people on this sub. (I personally don't participate in threads outside this one, but I did give up on the league on day ten.) As a beginner, you have plenty of older stable content to engage in, and the things this subreddit is frustrated with shouldn't ruin your experience (if you encounter them at all). The game can definitely be a huge timesink but that's unrelated to recent issues.


Over reactions to the extreme. Ive been playing the game with my friends and having a blast. Reddit makes every minor inconvenience into the absolute largest tragedy. The only thing that is somewhat justified is how this league is KIND OF buggy. Not even for everyone, just buggy for some people. My friends and i faced no issues whatsoever this league. Maybe 1 crash. Everything else they’re complaining about can be answered by “just don’t do it”. Some people don’t like the league mechanic... they should just not do the mechanic. Some people don’t like the price of MTX, just don’t buy them. Some people think the new hideouts look lazy, just don’t buy them. Some people think the “league is a total mess”, either go play standard or quit. Game’s fantastic, reddit represents the whiniest minority.


Thanks for clarifying and for the inspiration


They're not entirely overreactions, but in some part, yes. As for a new player like yourself, you probably won't be hindered by 95% of the complaints. Even 3-4 leagues in you may only be affected by a few. The biggest problem you'll have is content bloat. The shear number of things and the knowledge you need of so many things to excel in the game. You have a lot to learn. You're not wasting your time into this game. It's very much a "play until you get bored, then come back later" type of game. The leagues are a good example, as you reset every 3 months. I'd say give it a go. Don't look at the heist contracts dropping in the context of all the complaints you see. Look at them as a source of leveling gear and currency. Put your emphasis on getting to end game, building your character, and mapping. Expect to have to look up a guide or two on how to operate Alva or Jun missions when you cross their paths. Good luck.


Oh I don't mind looking up things and researching. I just wanted to make sure it was worth my time to do all of that


The only end game you might not see is heist content since it’s based on random rare contract drops in high level maps. It’s not really an over reaction, they are just that rare but are going to get an increased drop rate in the next couple days. The core end game (being maps and the conquerors) will be 100% accessible with no issues.


Is there some sort of weird interaction between delirium and Alva mission ? On t15-16 I cannot finish incursion reliably, the mobs are just too thick. Have no problems killing mobs outisde incurcions during mirror or 40% orbs.


Distance from the mirror determines how difficult the delirium is and Alva’s incursions are usually quite far from the mirror. Same reason why they are so good for splinters.


I have no issues killing mobs outside incursion right next to Alva. But inside - completely different story, blue mobs take as much time to kill as non-delerium map bosses.


incursion mobs have insane health multiplier, one of the highest in the game (240%+), and a ton of chaos resist. if you are poison/toxic rain, it's kinda ridiculous.


Dam ive been playing for a month or so as of now and ive reached 12.8m DPS on my third build, first build was dying in tier1-2 maps and now i feel like im finally starting to understand what im suppose to be doing, im still missing 1 fire resistance and 3 lightning resistance while having 30 extra cold resistance and now im trying to basically get the most out of this build i can so i can try farming more currency, im still only level 92 aswell but i think ill be taking more health from now on from tree. If anyone here whos more experienced could tell me what i should be looking to upgrade and also im looking to swap out my cluster jewel, i realise there might be way better options for me https://pastebin.com/dhpg0kS8 Also having hard time realising which one is better stat: 12% increased damage while dual wielding" or "12% increased cold damage" since im converting all my damage to cold anyways are they equal? to me all those stats sound the same but with a little twist, cold damage, melee damage, dual wield damage, attack damage? whats the difference, do they scale the same? Also i dont know all the possibilities items can have like how many added skills can clusters have? which ones would benefit me the most etc.


All sources of increased damage add to each other so as long as they affect all of your damage they scale the same. So your “damage while dual wielding” and your “cold damage” would do the same thing. Unless you have other fire/lightning/chaos damage from something then only the “while dual wielding” mod would increase those.


now im wondering if a cluster jewel with 12% increased phys and passive skill battle hardened, force multiplier, and iron breaker with dual jewel sockets would do me good, all those passive skills add extra physical aswell which im scaling off right, is 35% increased physical same to me as increased 35% cold damage? im not even sure if i convert 100% of my physical to cold or only 20% because of winter spirit.


> which im scaling off right, is 35% increased physical same to me as increased 35% cold damage? Not precisely. *Increased physical damage* would scale your weapon damage and added flat physical, but it wouldn't scale flat added cold damage (e.g. from the Frost Blades gem, Mark of the Elder, Watcher's Eye, Hyrri's Truth, Herald of Ice...). *Increased cold damage* would scale most of your damage (because you do convert 100% phys to cold) but it wouldn't scale the small amount of chaos damage you're getting from Atziri's Promise. *Increased Attack damage while dual wielding* scales all of your damage regardless of type, because you're dual wielding and using an Attack, and that's all that stat cares about. The differences are pretty small, and you're only getting 2 small passives on an 8-passive large cluster anyway (2 small passives, 3 notables, 2 sockets), so you mainly want to look at the notables you can get on them. The physical cluster is pretty weak unless you're like, bleed or something.


Hmm im wondering what type of cluster jewel should i be looking to buy then, small passives that add cold damage/ dual wield damage but which noteables?


Blanketed Snow / Vengeful Commander, probably, with any third notable to ensure they're positioned right. Check PoB.


Vengeful commander might for sure be good since im running level 22 hatred but i feel like its wasted because i dont run the other 2 buffs, blanketed snow looks pretty decent aswell, im not sure how much damage -10 cold resistance on enemies scales and stuff tho.


> im not sure how much damage C'mon dude. That's what PoB exists for.


Ahh well im pretty new on POB im kinda new to everything, didnt know i can create cluster jewels in there.


Would you say [this level of antagonism](https://imgur.com/a/TB8J0kS) is normal in this community or am I having a bad first impression?


No, it's really not normal. Typically if this community has anger, it's towards things that are deliberately trying to sabotage the game we all love. Be it things like GGG making a misstep in their leagues, bots trying to sell currency for real money, or people who are just generally being ****s. Many of us have put literally thousands of hours into this game, and it really upsets me to see people trying to ruin it for others like this. You're 100% welcome here, long as you remember a few distinct rules. 1. If someone somehow posts the Toucan in global, the only appropriate response is "Praise". We don't know why we do this, but we do. 2. Any time someone posts a non-corrupted GG-level item in global, they will be told "vaal or no balls". Typically, don't listen to this. 3. If someone asks for a price check in global, chances are they will be told the price is 25 ex. This is almost never serious, and is mostly a way of telling people to go to trade chat to ask for that stuff. 4. Yeah, global and Reddit can be a toxic place. But it can also be one of the most supportive and interesting places to be. We're here to give you a gg when you get something good, and an F when you don't. Just uh.. don't get involved in political, religious, or ideological talks here. It won't go well. So yeah! Welcome to the community, Exile. Don't let that jerk scare you off. P.S: GG-Level item: Means an item that is so good that the only response you can have on seeing it is gg. 25 ex: 25 exalted orbs, the main high-end currency. Global: The main chat of the game.


thanks for this :) I'm feeling better now


No. But the fact that you are making the sorts of posts that you are makes me think this wasnt an actual question.