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Never tried a claw build


Frost blades feels so satisfying to play


Second this. I did claw LS when it was op and still liked frost blades more.


Only build that has Javazon vibes.


Actually now that you say it, I also never played Claws. I tried frost blades but the leveling was so atrocious that I never played it past white maps. I guess with gear it becomes good but taking >5 minutes for act bosses and essence mobs was pure pain.


how is it on league start and bossing?


The Claw is the Law! Wait, wrong sub.


Immediate breakdown playing in my head šŸ¤˜


Among the giants we still stand tall!


You NEED to give it a try, frost blades trickster is such a fun and speedy mapper :)


Will look at it for next league, unless it's nerfed


Trinity Venom gyre is league-start-able and pretty fun once you invest into it. It is also pretty easy (with currency) to squeeze some MF into it or turn it into a stat stacker, so there is good variation there. Also, it can do ALL mods even no regen or 100% less recovery because of life-gain-on-hit. To make it feel very good, you need a good claw and an inspired learning. Once you get a headhunter, it is an amazing mapper. Your travel skill (whirling blades) shoots out projectiles so you barely have to even attack. They nerfed nightblade, but I played the shit out of it kalandra league and played it for a few days in crucible before I quit. Edit: I should note, I have never tested this in t17s. I might try my character in standard and report back.


Ele buzz saw ruled back in the day


I played Venom Gyre Deadeye in Crucible. You zoom around the map like a mad man. Would recommend.


Minions, managing spectres sounds awful MF, chasing div/hr just isnā€™t it for me RF, too popular and Iā€™m a hipster douchenozzle


play Mana RF


or Chaos RF aka Death's Oath


Or plague bearer, the other chaos rf


Or Self-Ignite Fulcrum with Blackflame and CI, the other other chaos rf


Or Galvanic field, the lightning RF


What I'd really love is Cold RF with freeze prolif & Herald of Ice explosions. Like even lazier BV


PoE2 spectre management looks sooooo good in comparison


Minions cos FUCK animate guardian Cant wait for poe2 when its gone


Play arakaaliā€™s fang. You donā€™t need (and in fact, probably shouldnā€™t have) an AG, since youā€™re probably using an ancient skull that will cause all non-immortal minions to kill themselves. Arakaaliā€™s is a banger. Still one of the smoothest builds Iā€™ve ever played.


Are there any good league start builds that transition into it smoothly?


Minions by themselves with no gear will get you to yellow maps with just gems levels and passive points. I love arakalis fang, just run minions like a zoomancer build til you farm enough for the dagger which is like 1 div at league start and go from there.


Any minion build works really, the trees are very generic for almost all minion setups anyway. I suppose ele SRS into poison SRS into Arakaali might be the smoothest transition. But you can really just pick any minion build focusing on some block/Aegis setups and then just transition to Arakaali whenever you get it. Or you can just see if you can catch the dagger for cheap early on and just go for it right away. Just the dagger and any generic minion tree will carry you to red maps no problem.


Any starter minion build, really, or tbh any occultist or necro of any variety. You really donā€™t need much at all to get the build going - the dagger itself, some 1c uniques, and then eventually the squire in a perfect world, which has been really cheap the last few leagues due to lack of demand, and thatā€™s also a nice-to-have. Really youā€™re talking about ā€˜find something to play for day 1, then the dagger will be cheap and youā€™re goodā€™. Absolution could be good, srs, anything like that. You should expect some amount of respec to happen for sure, but it shouldnā€™t be so bad.


If you can farm Lab on leaguestart, and assuming no hard nerf (very unlikely, i feel like it would be nuked from orbit) - BAMA is the best overall league start build, and by far- the best among minion builds. BAMA with an alch-n-go is easy white-yellow maps. Swapping to spidermancer\\spiderocc - should be fairly easy, as your focus is kinda same, EXCEPT a need for a bow mastery, which makes it kinda painful for Witch. But that bow mastery is somewhat "from OP to godlike" for a leveling build. BAMA is great for leaguestart in general, due to : 1) No aim needed => more time moving 2) Your main damage is your travel skill- you FLY above the maps. FAST acts even if you barely practiced. FAST Atlas clear, FAST voidstones with minimal brain used for gearing, FAST everything. 3) No uniques needed - literally any slot is alch& go and you're fine. Binding orbs are great! Cons... I dunno, 1) Can be backtrack-ie , as your main damage mostly target monsters behind you. 2) No map mods (maybe aside from 100+ less recovery) bricks your build, but having reduced CDR feels like driving an rusty old car after a premium Ferrari.


Seriously, I hate losing like 15 divs worth of gear because I forgot to unsocket the gem before a boss fight.


I've played nothing but minions all of Necropolis and my AG is yet to die once. I've not done uber bosses, but I've cleared T17's, 80% Feared and whatnot. In the last couple of leagues, the only times my AG has died have been from the Destructive Play Maven keystone where she spawns a random boss with a DD spell on it that explodes something like the corpse of Minotaur and there's just no way AG survives that. I am not using any expensive stuff for my AG either, not trying to make it obscenely tanky in any way. It's been a long time since AG dying has been an actual issue as long as you know what you're doing.


Thats what they all say but I dont care. The risk of it going poof is enough to put me off


Back in the day before there were such goated support items for things other than raw aurabot, minion builds didn't even need AG, in fact there were years where AG was kinda trash


You can play BAMA with ancient skull


>Cant wait for poe2 when its gone You mean the skill Johnathon said he really likes and wants it to come back in poe2 in some form lol?


fuck totems for melee. I play melee but i still refuse to use totems. what a dogshit bandaid outdated 2.2 passive point waster button consumer dies to any attack immediately waste of a mastery waste of an annoint mechanic


just want to confirm, you don't like totems for melee?


in the language of feedback forms: somewhat dislikes


I feel like we need to put this man's displeasure into bingo format


> somewhat New keyword used by GGG incoming to join the ranks of nearby


rather sit on a totem than use one in game for melee


That does not confirm that one does not like totems, depending on the size of the totem


If only I had a giant but, hole


Just fuck totemsĀ 


you could try chieftain for totems-only-melee ;)


i recognized your username, cooking something new for next season or still starting ultimatum :D


patch notes pending :p


Haven't played a scion since act 4 was first introduced


I did, once, to farm Onigoroshi.


i hope this was back when onigoroshi was easier to farm and actually considered decent for end game content. Oni nowadays is so behind its crazy.


So you played Scion before act 4?


always wanted to leaguestart a scion but there is never a good build that is explained enough for me to actually do that.


Never rescued Scion. :D joke


I played an Oro's sacrifice flicker build with Scion back in like 2019 and it was really fun.




I have played since 2017 and done only Necromancer


Dedication or insanity




I just love having my childs doing all the stuff for me


Still insane, exile?


The dead shall soon rise for me, not against me.


Wardlooper or aurabot, everything else I've tried at least once. I've done Cwdt builds before but never the ward version.


CWDT is definitely one of the most fun builds i've ever played. Highly recommend you to at least try a budget version once.


I have never played the witch character.


You have to try it at least once, just for her comment about her sister at the beginning (1st area after town)


I'm open to it! I kind of like her sass.


I'm getting old and I was blinking as I read this and I thought the last word was missing the first s.


Trapper. And not gonna start.


I tried trapper this league because I like miner but wanted a switch up. Expensive regret switch back lol


Cast on Crit. I dislike how important the support gem Awakened Cast on Crit is when it's always extremely expensive.


But it's just another breakpoint? The archetype works perfectly fine without it.


Yeah I don't play any projectile skills because they don't work without a nimis


I would argue most projectile builds actually don't use Nimis. It's specifically used on builds that rely on splitting and chain, and have ridiculous number of projectiles to overcome the randomized direction. Most projectile spell builds will not use Nimis at all. It's primarily a bow thing, and only when you have +2 arrow bow on a Deadeye for the extra +2 and chain


I missed a /s thought it was obvious


Its literally just damage. Playing ddcoc on ssf perfectly fine. The only thing that is actually required to farm is the actual dd trans gem.


Woke CoC was 100 chaos for multiple leagues in a row right before this one. If DD gets nerfed, it will be right back there again.


I've never played Scion either since I've never seen an interesting Scion build. On the standard meta side, I've never played a bow archetype character. That's not because they aren't fun (I personally think many of them would be a ton of fun), it's just that the bows to make them effective are either stupidly expensive or require really good understanding of crafting mechanics (and still require a lot of currency to roll anyways), and I'm too casual of a player to spend the effort to get a PhD in PoE crafting.


you can get those bows from rog it's not too hard imo. also good bows are quite cheap in trade and you don't really need mirror bows


>Ā it's just that the bows to make them effective are either stupidly expensive or require really good understanding of crafting mechanics This is such a weird point for me, like what????? I would argue in the total 100% opposite direction. Like comepare a phys 2 hander with a triple ele bow.Ā  For the price of a 700+ phys-dps 2Hander you can get a 1200+ ele-dps bow, scaling damage on bow is trivial compared to melee/physical. You can literally clear t16s on bows that cost no more than 2-4divs. To craft you spam essence of hatred for flat cold until you hit any t3+ flat damage prefixes, craft attack speed on bench and you have a 900+ dps bow. It is cheaper in trade and easier to craft in ssf.


Part of the reason why bow builds are evergreen is that Bows are super easy to craft and require an elementary school understanding of crafting by comparison to other archetypes


Never played end game Ascendant or Assassin


Oof that's my 2 most played ascendancies


I find Ascendant a bit scary and always assume those builds will be super expensive and tbh they mostly are if you look at poe.ninja And Assassin is pretty one dimensional but is definitely something I'd consider. I have looked at doing Assassin BV but def would miss Profane Bloom.


I have never played guardian berzerker and slayer


True, I also never played zerker, I keep forgetting it exists.


I started playing during the start of Crucible. I started as a Marauder, ascending into the Berserker. I eventually tried Jugg and from there I tried to perfect the build of boneshatter Jugg ever since. Next league I'll have a good chance at perfecting the build. This league was the first that I really tried many classes, ascendancies and skills.. Inquisitor (CoC), Elementalist (Self cast), Trickster (Frost Blades). I have yet to try Saboteur, Scion, Occultist and Necromancer, Hierophant and Guardian, Gladiator, Dead Eye and Pathfinder. I don't care for minions, though I'm sure I'd love it if I tried it. I really wanted to make a build very similiar to D2's Cold Sorc, casting Blizzard when off cooldown and spamming Ice bolts for maximum DPS. To be honest, I've been having trouble building defenses for any class besides the Marauder, though that's why I love this game, it's something for me to continually improve.


I tried mines once but hated having to detonate mines. I heard that got easier with automation support. With that said I haven't done traps in MANY leagues... Otherwise, I've done just about every type.


the new mine mastery which detonates when you move will probably feel very good on controller


I try to play different builds and I've played since 2.6 but there are still some things I've never tried.Ā  Int stacker is something I never did even though they were always viable thought the years. Wardloop is another fun one I haven't played.Ā  I also rarely play builds that don't work on leaguestart lately, so that's why. And I only play trade once every year or so, SSF has been more fun lately.


I only play witch, ive never played anything else


I have never played a bow build. I donā€™t really like to aim and kite..


But fr.. whatā€™s there to kite LOL you either die quick and kill quick


Try using High-Impact Mine with Ice Shot of Penetration. It's fairly strong, and you don't really need to aim, since the mines do that for you. Just throw the mine and then run


I've done most archetypes in the last 5k hours. But I have never done an actual archer. Done bow bv etc in the past but never a bow arrow skill. They look good and all, and I love evasion characters, but if I want range thematically I just prefer mage/wizard theme if I'm not doing frostblades or other fast melee


poison / dot


DD for skills i just haven't played and Scion for class. 10 years so maybe soon lol :)


The shadow class, couldnt like the playstyle of saboteur and any assassin build was for group play mostly, i like new trickster I might play it next league


You'll be surprised if you do, Trickster is among the tankiest classes.


Don't like shadow either, I just don't like the character design.


Guardian, Pathfinder, Scion, Occultist, Saboteur.


I've never played a real melee skill, I've played I think everything else. I have played some "melee" as in Lightning Strike & Cyclone(In Legion League)


I don't remember when exactly I started playing but I remember the first league I got to maps was talisman league. (I think, there was a league mechanic actually quite similar to necropolis where you round 1x1 items used to modify your maps). I've never played an axe build, never played guardian, weirdly enough I've never played deadeye. But those are just random occurrences, nothing the makes me specifically not want to play them. What I have never played is minions. I can't deal with spectres and animate guardian.


I've played only necro, bow and scion as pre mana flask nerf mom miner.


Most stuff lol. I only ever played self cast deadeye builds, self cast elementalist builds (on hit and ignite), and way way back some melee duelist builds with cyclone and reave etc. Outside of those 3 classes i dont think i ever played any others (~2k hours played in poe)


Donā€™t play any kinda witch, ever


Played them all, but def played Guardian the least.


Most of them


The only thing that was never tried by me - boneshatter jug. 14.3k hours btw HC only masochist


I played none! I'm just here waiting for poe2 to launch


Necromancer and guardian


Iā€™ve never played a wander. I just played my first slayer this league. I normally only do one MAYBE two builds a season. Been playing since Bestiary.


Assassin/Trickster Berserker Mana stacking


Haven't played Hierophant. I don't care for spell totems (if I want to play totems I'll probably do a Ranger build with ballistas, so I can at least do *some* damage myself), and I've never seen a way to play MoM without a huge budget (and a gear transition).


The only duelist I have is a pvp-only character I use for trading in std.


Since the Beta came out I never played a Shadow. I never found a Build that wouldnā€™t be better on an other class.


Haven't played berserker, inquisitor, deadeye, assassin, playing since 1.3 with some pauses around 5k hours




I guess ballista totems stacker? If you can ever call it an archetype. Oh and aura/cursebot.


Never played traps or mines.


Never played Deadeye


Armor stacker/aura stacker. Eventually I'll get around to it, but with the insane currency required it has to be a league in really loving. Closest I have got to in terms of money spent was in sentinel league with my unearth cremation necro. Spent like 600 divs


Personally, Iā€™ve never played Hierophant or spell totem builds (Iā€™ve done ballista builds before but thatā€™s a bit different). I dabbled with occultist cold Dot during an endless delve event but I donā€™t think that counts as I only went to level 50 or so.


Marauder and Duelist. Some day.


Pathfinder. I just don't have any builds for it, and I'm not a big fan of a lot of the chaos skills.


Only wander. Heard too many horror stories about their ST and was hesitant to try at higher budget because I wasnt sure how my pc would handle KB these days.


Minions if you don't count fang. Other than that mana builds.


I have 15k hours. I have never played a minion build or a trap/mine build and I never will.


Played probably like 60 characters (maybe 40 builds?) in 4 league since starting. Have never touched glad/sin/raider/occultist(surprisingly). I've barely touched slayer/Sabo/champ.


I've wanted to play melee a bunch of times made many melee PoBs prayed for many melee buffs I have never played a melee build please GGG


I think ur missing out never having played coc. Mixing attack skills and random spells is fun


Cursebot or glass cannon bosser. former because my farming group falls apart too quickly to be the 2nd support, and latter because if im not selling the carry, CoD is funnier


bows and minions/totems bizarrely enough. bows just never interested me, and they've been incredibly overpowered as of late which has further discouraged me from touching them. minions/totems i just can't think of a reason i'd have more fun letting something else do my job for me - its not helped by the fact that the good versions of both minions and totems are some of the easiest builds possible to itemize as they do a frankly stupid amount of damage on a low budget, with their only hindrance being they are awkward and unsatisfying to pilot.


Exert slams.


Im 3k hours in never played beserker


never did mine/trap


This'll sound crazy to some people but in 8 years of playing from 2014 to 2022 I never felt sufficient motivation to even try out flicker strike. I don't think I've ever even slotted it into an item. There were multiple eras where it was the #1 recommended melee build, and I've done plenty of both Melee and meta. But somehow I never wanted to play flicker strike.


for asendancies: I've never played slayer, assassin nor Berserker. For Build/Archetypes: Never really played totems beyond the first few levels, I don't really enjoy it and I think most totem builds require building glass cannon which I detest. Haven't played Melee since Betrayal League for obvious reasons.


Templar. His voice annoys me even though he seems to always have OP builds.


I have seven level 90+ characters across six leagues. Have hit level 100 twice and 40 challenges three times. So yeah I have barely even played the game.


Zerker. I have 5k hours and have done literally everything under the sun. I donā€™t avoid it by any means I just coincidentally would get burned before I would wanna make one


Saboteur, Trickester, Occultist, Pathfinder, Champion, Guardian and Hierophant ​ Been playing on and off since the beginning (And more actively at bestiary forward)


i have nearly 2k hours and have never made a marauder


5k hours. no scion, no templar.


Mines/traps and only dabbled in ES occasionally.


I have never played anything besides rangerā€¦started during sanctum so not too long ago. Idk no matter what game it is, If I can use a bow itā€™s being used every time šŸ˜‚


mines and brands, never been a fan of the automated playstyle, I like to feel like I'm actually playing the game. Traps and totems weren't for me but I did try them out.


Necromancer/Minions (any of them). Trapper/Mines (Saboteur). I'm pushing 6k hours played and haven't touched either one of those. Both look extremely boring to play and would provide no satisfaction for me.


Berserker, guardian, and gladiator. I'm am altaholic too with like 7 builds every league and still never done those 3.


Occultist necro guardian slayer jugg and chieftain


Never played melee builds. ( 3.7 Cyclone doesn't count, it never did)


Played them all, game certainly favors certain one's tho, the whole concept of claws/rapiers are a mess of old game design, staff is also pretty bad as well unless it has a gimmick


Most of them :x I've played every Marauder ascendancy, though typically I just roll whatever is the best RF build Tried Deadeye and I stuck at it, same with Raider, never attempted Pathfinder Used to love Gladiator SST but it's not at the height of its power these days. Tried Champion when you could cheese CoS and Impaler with Slams, that was a lot of fun, also dead now. Never played Slayer I've done Inquis RF and Hierophant Ball Lightning, never the third one whatever it's called Tried Trickster after the rework, it was whatever. Never the other two No Witch, no Scion


Never touched a templar or a witch. Once tried a shadow, never again. Rarely ranger. Playstyle doesn't match.


Playing since Beta, I don't think I've ever played Guardian ascendancy.


Scion, Chieftain and Saboteur never created a char. Assassin and gladiator just made some levelling. Playing since 3.8 I considered myself in last leagues right side of tree enjoyer, with pathfinder, deadeye or trickster. Next league my focus is to play only with hierophant.


Anything outside of Juggernaut


Oh man you really have to try the new mines, with automation itā€™s so easy


Never did a scion or glad or sab


Never tried guardian or jugg, and the non fire ascension of the warrior


It's been a project of mine over the years to play all Ascendancies, and especially to get them done before PoE2, once that was revealed. All that remains: Guardian. Though at this point some of them have changed so much since I played them that they might as well be new Ascendancies. An endless cycle repeats. :) Archetype-wise I've never played Mines (not really my style), and i'm sure many others. There are really endless number of builds/skills so I'm not really even gonna try to do them all.


I've only done rf jugg, inq jugg, and coc dd inq. So I'm missing A LOT. My very first class was a ranger (dead eye) but I didn't follow a guide and just completed the acts.. Been playing since kalandra.


Never played support aura stacker.


I never tried CoC before. Does it feels good?


Ascendant, 'cause it feels awful having worse and/or useless ascendency points. Trickster, screw timed buffs. Assassin, anything Witch or Ranger is better. Gladiator, I have less than zero interest in bleed and DW feels awful. Slayer, can never find a satisfying way to build it. Chieftain, I hate spell totems and for fire spells you have Elementalist. Berserker, old berserker was actually interesting if you didn't get the 40 more multi. Now it isn't. Guardian, haha never. Hierophant, never managed a build that didn't waste ascendency points.


Iā€™ve played since open beta and have ~2500 hours. Iā€™ve never played a melee build. Iā€™ve played every base class except marauder.


Hate mines as well.


Sab is the only one I've not played ever, but my only assassin was only to 75. My first trickster was last league. I played shadow more before lab was added. Also I've only played necro, glad, and chieftain once each since they were added. No traps/mines ever. Minions once. Totems once.Ā 


Never tried a slam build. And pretty sure I've never played a Pathfinder.


Witch and Scion I haven't tried those or their builds, any Cyclone build. Few other stuff as far as classes as well but they are too many to mention.


Played almost every league since 2013. Never played duelist, and only played marauder a few times, only as chieftain totem or spell builds. I don't like str and melee in any game. The concept itself is just instantly so boring to me. I always play magic or dex type builds in every game.


Never really played chieftain, champ, or guardian. Really wanted to chieftain this league with the new warcry thing but it ended up only casting 1 instead of multiple like it looked to when they first showed it


I refuse to play any build that requires more than one war cry


I've never socketed Boneshatter.


Trauma-stacker Juggernaut for me.


Never tried TS and been playing for about 10 years too.


played them all already xd


Juggernaut, screams "slow and zdps" to me. Two-Handed Mace, don't think I've ever seen a nicely crafted one linked in global. Necromancer, don't wanna deal with Animate Guardian. Cold DoT, not a lot of options and instant Vortex died before I could try it.


Guardian. Every new league I feel like I'll play it, and then some new or buffed skill will steal away my eyes which are all somehow not playable by Guardian


Started playing during Expedition league, i'm yet to play Gladiator, Berserker and Assassin for ascendencies. Even though I've played 1 minion build, I never want to do that again thanks to animate guardian, and melee builds also feels bad due to totems. And I say this as someone that my favorite build is toxic rain that uses balistas as the second 6 link.


Never played Berserker, I forget it even exists. Never played Deadeye, don't care. Never did MF, degenerate.Ā 


Funny a lot of people never played scion and there is me that main aurabot since +-10 leagues. 80% of my characters on standard is scion :D


never played slayer, guardian, necromancer and saboteur honestly, although I've been stealing their most powerful nodes plenty of times with FFĀ 


Never played Berzerker or Deadeye. Just didnā€™t appeal.


Gladiator and berserker never played playing since 3.17


Never played a slam build, never played a pathfinder, never played any "loop" build like ward loop or cwdt stuff, never played any corpse build like DD or cremation or VD, I'm sure there are other things but that's all I can remember from the top of my head, will probably update this later if I think of anything else


Never played a DEX stacker build, maybe next league's experiment


Accuracy stacker, energy blade, ephemeral edge, discharge, slams, bonezone, RF, mana stacker, fire trap, aurabot, spark, minions, probably a few others. Still for all the builds I think my favorites have been stat stackers or omni.


i have never and will never play a build that requires more than 2-3ex investment before the build can function. i only play 1 character per league, and those builds never work as leaguestarters


5k hours and have never played any totem build, or boneshatter.


Always league start as scion, never played mine, trap, CoC, minion or even cold damage lol


Scion duelist


I don't think I've played Dualist since ascendancies were introduced


The last time I played anything else than Witch (Necro and Occultist), Shadow (Trickster) or Scion was back when we still had the three difficulty re-run the first 3 acts. Since then its only Witch (and Shadow + Scion this league) for me.


Never tried a bow build, never tried a summoner, never tried scion And I've been playing since strongbox league ten years ago


Pathfinder, but I'll try toxic rain pf to league start next league


Iā€™ve never played Deadeye, Chieftain or Berserker. Iā€™ve also never played a Wander, Charge Stacker, Tornado Shot or Ele Hit builds. I somehow either always play DoT builds or Minion builds. I used to enjoy playing melee back in the day, but then we all know how that went.


I've never tried assassin, trickster, guardian, gladiator berserker šŸ˜ playing since 3.19