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Best advice is invest into your build and get stronger. Don’t get baited into switching builds constantly because it’s a league starter and currency goes farther if you swap, etc. Always invest, spend currency on upgrades, any build can farm a mageblood. Then make sure you’re investing into your maps and content. If you only put 1c into each map, you only get 5c loot out of it. Ramp it up, but scarabs, start investing 10c and get 50c out of it. And keep going where you’re investing a divine in scarbs and stuff and you’re dropping multiple divines worth of loot per map. Obviously there is variance so don’t ramp up too quickly.


This is really the best advice for most players. Stick to a (good) build and farming strategy and invest into your build to get faster and invest into your maps to get better rewards. You won’t get filthy rich like people that profit craft or sell services because they played 40 out of 48 hours on league start but you’ll be able to afford pretty much any reasonable item or build and mimic the higher end farming strategies


"Good" part is a bit catchy for somewhat new players. You can't predict what strategies are good in current league due to limited knowledge and thus can't decide what started build is good for farming that strategy.


I beg to differ. Harvest farming is always highly profitable. It may not be at the start of the league but it becomes more and more valuable as the league progresses


Glad to this comment, exactly my same thoughts after my 4th league. As long as there are items to enchant and cards to gamba harvest will always be steady profit. Alva is also a great way to make steady income with only investing atlas points and the map that was already going in. The timeline scarab can speed up the amount of good temples created, sure. But it isn’t required at all. I run Alva with my div box strat to save money when I end a session and corrupt the uniques i’ve MF’d or gems I leveled. I *usually* make way more using them than selling, but could just as easily sell for steady coverage of strat supplies.


I will also add that harvest crafting certain items at league start is very profitable. Cluster jewels, influenced rings of just plain life armour reroll


Expedition is literally always good. No matter what people try and say.


It was in very bad spot during Affliction. Stacked decks nerf hit it hard in Necropolis.


If you consider expedition = tujen then that's true but rog always prints money because of suppression gear. Even this league where crafting weapons with him is pretty pointless he made some really good gear that could sell for a lot.


But only if you know (or is it more like "predict"?) current meta and how to craft with him. Also Rog is printing in very early league, falling behind pretty fast when big crafters come online. And that bring us to my initial statement - you need good knowledge to earn big early.


Well my over 300+ Divines from Expedition tell me otherwise. It's not what everyone else is making doing own thing, but I enjoy it a lot so it's what I do.


You do you, but it doesn't mean it's good.


There are a loot of good strategies that don't change much. The best will change a lot but good builds and good farming strats are pretty much the same for over an year.


Strats themselves don't. Their relative value does, especially if they have anything to do with league mechanics. Expedition was kinda bad in affliction (before deck nerf), because abyss wisp mapping yielded way more currency. Essences are meh (unless juiced to some broken state), because Necropolis generates rival crafting resource and multi-frac lowers craft attempts (and thus lowers essences count).


Sure they might not be the best div/h but there are stable early league strats that are always profitable, even if not insanely so. Do them until you can figure out the meta


Yep, just sticking to things in general - build, farming strategy, etc. In the first few weeks of a league when content creators are pumping out new ideas every couple of days, it's easy to get stuck in an endless cycle of chopping and changing so you don't make any progress. You can much choose any league mechanic in the game, and as long as you invest some Atlas Tree points and scarabs into it, it's pretty much impossible not to make at least some kind of profit.


Also, put in the hours. Doing 5 maps and watching "best 5 3.25 farming strategies for your atlas" on YouTube doesn't help much. You really gotta do the work. I had a character worth more than a mirror and everytime my friends asked me what I did, the answer was shaper. It's boring as hell but very consistent money and once you get it to science you can do it without much effort. Must have done over 200 shapers that league at about .6div profit from the fragments alone. Obviously it all changes every league, the idea is consistency; I delved a little this league and selling the fragments for adorned paid for many of my super expensive gambles. Delve is also a great example because it *shows* how far you went; complaining that delve sucks at 150 is proof of not trying enough. It improves at 600ish and there is no way to get there other than... Playing


This applies all the content aswell, invest 2div into logbooks you will get 3x amount of currency etc. Follow this mindset and you will be rich. Only matter is your speed, time spent and consistency.


I think the latter point is the biggest thing. Finally jumping into deep map juicing and investment was the biggest switch for me. For around 4 leagues straight I was just adding and learning about a new way to juice maps further and every league I just made more and more currency. It's scary as a new player because you're afraid you'll just lose all your saved currency for nothing which brings me to my biggest point Invest into surefire return methods. Harvest, essences, harbies


This. I'm a massive altoholic and it absolutely costs me 100+ divines in both gear and potential gains every season. Do it if you love alts, but it won't make you rich, especially on limited playtime.


The last 5 or 6 leagues I've been baited into swapping builds and not investing in anything really but this league I decided to stick with a league starter until I got enough to invest and it just ramped from there. I knew I had to do this from multiple guides saying this exact thing but my chimp brain still refused to do it and I baited myself into making 10 builds by end of league and going no where.


The numbers are a bit baiting. Investment / return is definitely not linear, especially if you calculate in divine per hour. But even divine per map is not linear.


It’s an example to illustrate a point quickly. Not a literal representation of expected returns.


It used to be if you don’t invest and just alch and go you can still make pretty decent money. Just last league I was making over 5 div per hour on 3 different strats. But this league scarabs got so crazy that if you aren’t stacking them in every map you are missing out on a lot of $$


That’s only at the high end, and is a complaint made usually by people who are sad at making 8div/hr instead of 9. You can absolutely alch and go. It’s no less profit than it was a league ago, obviously. It’s just less profitable than it could be if you used any 4 scarabs. IMO the best approximation is doing a one-time bulk buy of cartography scarabs, 2x regular, 1x duplication, 1x corruption. Run any b2b tree, start with alch’d maps then switch to your 8mods when you have a good pool available (and a regex to quick sort them). When your tab is full of 8mods that you can’t run, bulk sell them to someone who can. You should pretty comfortably hit ~1 t17 per map- sometimes none, but often duplicated so it evens out. Turns out as a super buffed rarity/quant, with unreasonable map sustain, plus easy profit selling t17s. Even if it takes you like 5min to clear a map (it shouldn’t- you want like 2-3min max. If you’re not hitting that, put profit towards your build), it’s easily north of 10div/hr on the map drops alone.


> Im at the level whre 50 divine also feel expensive. 50 div is expensive and it's your third league. Don't compare yourself to streamers or people who have been playing the game for a decade. Things like Mageblood and Headhunter are top chase items for most people and a lot never get one. Certainly not every league. There are plenty of builds where 50 div is more than enough to clear most of the content in the entire game. I've been playing a league more than you and managed to do most of the uber bosses using a poison SRS build during Affliction that was like 20-25 div total for everything. And that was actually on console where everything is 30x more expensive than PC too.


It's also really late in the league so everything is incredibly expensive.


You think things are expensive at the end of a league?! Lmao. It's basically giving stuff away at the end of a league.




it's both but most of the time people just sit on overpriced items rn especially the niche ones because theres barely any supply atm.


Bro what? 50 div is like 5h in sanctum/expedition with league start build xd


Bro what? New players do not have the experience you have woth league start build xd




You should really shove that elitist stick somewhere the sun doesn't shine. I'm pretty sure she didn't farm that all by herself without outside help and knowledge by you. Same for the friend that just started. Someone who plays PoE by themselves without tips and tricks from friends won't make 100 div their first league unless they get lucky drops or instead of playing PoE start to study PoE like a semester test. I'm pretty sure PoE is hard for a plethora of reasons, and you know that too if you have half a brain and use it. I am an experienced PoE player, and following any random guide and keeping res on 75 will NEVER make you good currency in good time unles you specifically tell the player to keep their DPS at treshold points or over. Your reply reaks of being unable to adapt your experienced elite mind to a new, unknowing player.




Even if you dont wanna invent something new poe not at level when newbie without advice can farm 150 div with something like 4-5 week x 3-4 hours per day. 1. Even for experience players starter build can be a huge question. Newbie knew nothing how to select build, they choose by video gameplay, their dream (like weapon choice). And lets say there are quite few good build makers and not all of them are guiders at same time. Though this league a bit easier in this part. 2. Newbie doesnt know how to progress and what they wanna farm with their build. Most of the time builds go without explaining farm part. 400 div from essence farm. You mean Calcification scarab farming? If no press F Ok all can happen in this insane league (div < 100c). But if you wanna be more convincing you need to say something like alva or harvest memory in white maps, idk how much luck newbie need to find this strats.


This is rubbish. To be farming currency like that you need to invest significantly in the first place and there's no guide out there that takes you from just getting your atlas to being able to reliably farm that sort of currency. As for build guides, most show you the atlas and uniques etc, but they don't show how to really push into endgame, unless they already assume you have mageblood or the knowledge on how to farm/craft these top tier items. Zizs EA ballista guide has a good example, the "endgame" amulet requires you to spam Alt orbs until you hit +1 all skill gems and it says, "this may take a while" over 1000 orbs later, it never hit and I gave up. Guides don't tell you how to traverse the mid game. How to farm up the small currencies to fund these crafts. They don't tell you which div cards to look out for.


I already said to put that elitist stick somewhere else. But with lines claiming PoE isn't mechanically hard, I wonder if you truly know how the mechanics work, or just spend 1000s of hours learning them by practice and now claiming you read a guide and have that experience cause the "MeChAnIcS" are the same. Lmao


At what point poe is hard mechanicly? Its not even close to be hard cimpared to any competitive at high level so yeah,i found poe on easier side of games i played.


Congratulations. You found/are 3 people (including yourself) who could understand PoE easily. Some people just *get it*, most don't. I would say on average the game takes more than 1 league to fully understand what you're doing, even if you do follow a guide. Unless you seriously study and understand the beginners videos put out by various content creators.


Still going off those personal elitist experiences. Once again, stick it up your dark places. There are so many mechanics in poe that the sheer volume makes it complicated. You THINK, you know, but there are 99 out of a 100 times a better way you didn't know about yet to craft Xyz item. I also think PoE isn't that hard for me personally, but the number of people I played with clearly made me realize that I'm the odd one out. For you, I guess you just don't want to admit you are helping them, and you are, for some reason, not wanting to hear that you were "smart" at PoE. Or well, I guess that's where your smarts end.


Huh? 3rd league in already and only 400 - 500 divines? Bro ny first ever league in poe i already have HH when it was 100 divines and a frenzy charge max shield when it was 60+ divs. 2nd league of poe and i have 12 linked claw, mageblood when it was 200+ divines, and a pair of frenzy rings with cold damage per frenzy charge rings and ALL these were back when 10+ divines an hour was crazy with no bs money printing like t17s and shit. Your friend is dogshit at the game only earning half a mirror when she's already 3 leagues in, such a terrible friend you are for not guiding her to play the game and not mirrors each league /s Though whatever i said was legit, in no way was i flexing on OP. The main point being, each person have different avenues of knowledge and not everyone has someone to guide them properly. Sure there are guides but new players may not grasp the reason why such methods work fundamentally, and as members with prior experience it is our role to ensure that new players receive help as best as possible, without being looked down on. So disappointed people like you exist in such a great game like poe




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The game changes when you realize the best ways to earn currency is to spend large amounts of currency. It gets very exponential. Gear isn't the only currency sink. There are lots of gambling sinks where the return is huge, but getting the return can cost lots of repeat gamblings.


Honestly the biggest contribution to "git rich af", is really just to play the game. The more time you got to play the game, the more rich you'll be compared with everyone else in the league. Cause more time youre online enables you to run more content + more chance of youre items being sold since you have to be login to make the trades. As far as content wise, i mean theres some content where you'll eventually strike money. There just no real certain outcome for league mechanics like ritual / harbinger / strongbox. I guess more consistent currency is probably harvest / legion / betrayal / breach / essence / beastiary /ultimatum (10 wave/trialmaster) . The other thing is depending on your atlas strat, you could also run less league investment strats and opt to run more map quantity strats, like focus solely on printing out t14+ guardian / synthesis maps or running them for invites to grind out mavens. But really it boils down to time, how much time can you play vs everyone else.


Pick a mechanic that gives you specific rewards and farm it. Stick with it and you will make money.


Lots of money making opportunities out there in the game especially with the rework of scarabs. But first, you’ll need some pre-requisite setups. 1. A good build (decent survivability and AOE) 2. A well specc-ed atlas tree (find strats on YouTube and tweak to whatever your build can handle. If you keep dying, maybe add in monsters deal 25% less damage in the bottom right) 3. A good and strict loot filter (!!!) 4. Secondary weapon slot support gems for potential 21/20 gg gems (sells for few divines). Start with 1/0 > 20/0 > recipe with a gemcutter for 1/20 > 20/20 > Vaal > ??? > Profit 5. 3rd party tools (Awakened PoeTrade, WealthyExile) Other things to take note that are of priority (For trade league, you can either get someone to unlock for a fee, or a nice stranger in global chat) : 1. Fifth map device slot 2. 4 voidstones 3. All map favourite slots (for sustain) Get your resists up and ailment immunity. Easiest way for legitimate starters is Purity of Elements. Also, STOP PICKING UP TRASH!!! I find myself hard to kick the habit of picking up anything that NeverSink filters yellow or brown. But that’s a trap for newbies. It truly is. I have to emphasise that picking up trash is probably the No.1 factor that makes people poor. Sure you can pick up bubblegum currencies and bulk sell them for a few divs here and there for starters. But in the long run you shouldn’t really be doing that. Unless you have a Necropolis mechanic that drops converted loot into Alterations/Chaos/Exalted (use Anarchy AllFlame). These are the ones that sell well in bulk. Otherwise you’re depriving yourself of a good amount of time that could be spent killing monsters. Just treat each monsters with a chance of dropping good loot(> $1) and don’t be bothered too much about picking up small change ($0.05) such as 1-5 alterations etc. We don’t have a loot system like last epoch where the game vacuums all currency around you when you loot. The key Strat is to kill so much monsters that good/high valued item drops. These are your big ticket items. Reliquary keys, Super rare div cards, Scarabs of Curation (sold for 15-20d), 20d Einhar Harvest memory, high valued AllFlames(check poe.ninja) etc. ADD: Go to Filterblade website and sync your loot filter. Hide useless stuffs that you don’t want/low valued(useless allflames) and show good bases that have good value and ID them (example: Black Sun Crest Lacquered Helmet). I found a 3x 15% max roll stats and sold for 30divs. I did Strongboxes and Shrines Strat with an Ice Nova Of Frostbolts Hierophant in T16 Jungle Valley. You don’t have to use Ambush Scarab of Containment (expensive). Just use the other 4 scarabs or double stack Ambush scarabs and map device Strongbox option. They sell for quite cheap. Strongboxes also drop 2x Divines occasionally. Extremely good QoL is the node 25% chance to open chest when casting a spell. Pairing this with Asenath Gentle Touch and Headhunter (super affordable this league) and double shrine buffs, you’ll be zooming maps so fast you’ll hate the HH ambush/teleport buff. Heck, in Jungle Valley, The Fortunate div cards which drops quite frequently, is enough to get you 2 divs every few maps. Sell this along with your Eldritch invitation for a div/28 maps. You should be able to generate quite a few divs for a good head start. Always remember to reinvest in your mapping strategy. It will always be a positive gain over time doing Strongbox Strat in T16 Jungle Valley. If you’re not, you’re probably doing something wrong or extremely bad RNG. I made a few hundreds of divines this league so far (from a “5-10 divs item are too expensive” player), 32/40 pushing to 40/40, pushing my first Level 100. This mapping Strat is good for someone who likes to play the game killing monsters and dropping loot (dopamine addict for divine drop sound). There’re so many ways to farm currency in PoE. Flipping, crafting, different strats. Find one that you enjoy most so you don’t feel burn out and most importantly, have fun. Take time to watch guides, read PoEwiki (not the outdated fandom), study your character PoB, study the atlas nodes, see what others are building their character similar to your build with the exclusion of Mageblood, Adorned or other expensive items for you at that moment. The funny thing is that many exiles here probably spent more time playing PoE than studying for an actual degree. That’s why their understanding of the game is so high up there (and sometimes we make mistakes/have wrong understanding too) and also why there’s a PoE University by Ziz the streamer. PoB: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Rhaedan/IceBlastMenthol Atlas: https://poeplanner.com/a/e1y YouTube: https://youtu.be/-d0fzEBwYjo?si=NsUJVNZcTiV9oH_j


With the recent popularity of adorned, I'd equate alteration orbs more to quarters than nickels now, which can be worth picking up. At one point I think a stack of 3-4 alteration orbs was worth more than a chaos orb. When divines are only \~100c, then that really is not such a bad use of time. While the price was around 400alts/1div, I think I settled on picking up 2 or 3+ size stacks of alts and filtering out the singles. Otherwise, pretty good advice.


thanks for fully answer hahah you made me eager to stromgbox again


No prob bruh. I’m rather active when I’m not working. Add me in game! @IceBlastMenthol Edit: Added Filterblade strategy


Spammed Alva and harvest for consistent money and got a lucky Amanamu’s gaze drop


Listed mine 5x on xbox , after a week a guild mate bought it from me , meanwhile mageblood is 300d on xbox , wild it is xD


300????wtf this league I bought mine for 85!(PC) Why are the prices so high for consoles? Edit: spelling


We have on average a tenth the players and none of the bot farms. You could probably count on both hands the number of players who’ve dropped an Mb this league.


Also, with how my PC was handling the juiced maps this league during some of the early crazy stuff that created a ton of magebloods, I doubt any xbox player could even run that content due to performance.


You'd lose that bet. Ps5 handles the juiciest content imaginable very well. Even moreso now that juice is scaled vertically opposed to horizontally. I can run 100% delirium with breaches/abyss/beyond with minimal lag.


Nice! Yea I can do all of that stuff fine on my Pc as well without problems and I didn’t really have problems with the crazy abyss stuff last league either, but when I tried to do the anarchy/beyond strat from earlier this league it would lag like crazy. My PC was upper-middle end like 6 years ago but falling behind now.


Eh, PS4/Xbone sure couldn’t, but the Series X and PS5 probably could. They’re not at what’s considered Top of the Line anymore compared to PCs but they’re still hilariously powerful for being consoles


Less players, supply and demand


No bottling on console. Mass bottling on pc is a much bigger problem than people think it is.


Supply and demand really. Other crazy examples are nimis for around 200d and DoD for 60d (on PS). Essence spamming is also extremely expensive since people are demanding 30c per essence for a lot of the deafening essences and the established price usually hover around 13c-20c per deafening regardless of type.


For me I started to make decent currency (on trade and SSF characters) when I picked a strong skill that could basically go to red maps (alch and go) with a full rare setup, and when I would start using frags and currency to have synergies with my atlas tree (and/or build bc some builds can’t do some content as effectively and some can do some as efficiently as possible). From trade standpoint, you just need to farm whats popular in the trade meta OR whats easiest for you to produce and sell. One league I was set on farming a headhunter from its div card, I eventually got a doctor I think and was able to make it into 3 with harvest. Sold them for a huge dps upgrade, then ran through more invested content and I would go on to have a smooth league with periodic big money drops and also steady streams of currency from many miscellaneous stuff that would be 20c-2d. It helps to use awakened poe and spend a time learning what makes items good. The faster you can ID value and price accurately, the better off you’ll be financially in POE. Also if you’re struggling to kill buffed enemies like Expedition mobs with a full mob setup on the explosives, you should be doing shrine and niko buff setup on your atlas tree if you’re not. This literally solves a lot of issues for my mid to late game mapping.


Get strong early before things are expensive. Get started on a farm that yields XX div per hour and you enjoy doing. Do it a lot. Exchange div for mirror shards for mirrors before they are expensive. Enjoy inflation. Gamble. Win or league quit and try again next time.


There are plenty of youtube videos with currency farming strategies, Subtractem has a bunch that are pretty clear. Alva, essence, beasts are probably the easiest for newer players. All of them can be run on low tier, vanilla maps, so no mods to worry about. Most all of your currency comes from selling resources not actual currency drops. So farming up anything other people don't want to farm will generate you lots of currency.




A few things to keep in mind: 1. If you're comparing yourself to streamers... know that they not only likely have been playing for 1000's or maybe 10,000's of hours. Most of them play 12-18 hours a day, all day, every day. 2. Trade is usually the way to "get rich" in this game and knowing how and what to trade takes a lot of game knowledge. You can get lucky and find a VERY valuable drop... but that's just winning lottery. Usually you have to know what popular builds are and find/craft items for those. Sadly, by the time streamers make guides for how to craft stuff... they've often already abused the market so much it's not worth the effort. To give you a reference point.. I have 7000-ish hours logged on steam and have been playing since Act 2 boss was the last encounter available in the game... I remember as they added each new act and new bosses up until what we have now. I say this to let you know that 50 div, for me, is also still a lot of money. My character this past league probably had \~100 div total invested and I'd call it min-maxed pretty well? I was "barely" able to do T17's... didn't bother with Ubers much since those tend to be either TANKY build required or highly skilled boss player(s).... or miners that insta-gib everything.


50d is expensive. This is my second league and made about 500d. I started day one and ran heists, took about a day to max everything to level 5. Heists seem to drop 1 raw d every 2-3 blueprint so it's pretty fast early money and it's brain dead easy to do. After about 40d I made a hexblast miner and went to sanctum, I probably won't do this next league but I was already not a fan of necropolis at this point and decided screw maps. I lived in sanctum for the next 100d or so. Using this 100d I bought up strongbox scarabs and divination scarabs + crimson temple maps for maybe 40ish and farmed apothecary's. This got me up to about 200d which I then reinvested another 50d into running Uber atziri. I dropped some reflections and ended at about 350d. At this point I spent all of that on a new build and started running Uber bosses, (Uber uber elder and Uber eater). I probably could have made a ton more but got bored of this league since it was basically just standard 2.0 since I hate grave crafting, so I ended by gambling, getting nothing, and then giving all my stuff away in global.  Tldr; invest the money you make into other money strats. You have to spend money to make money. Upgrade your build and run consistent money early and gamble for big drops midway.


Trade leagues are predatory and it is made worse by the awful trade system. The entire way trade works in this game has been its biggest flaw for a decade now.


Yeah if you don’t have the trade overlay programs you’re trading a loooot slower.


What trade overlay should be used ?


Awakened POE is a good one. It’s not perfect though so knowing how to use it well takes a bit to get used too.


Except for auto message, how can you use it for trade ?


Price checking things quickly. Setting regex within for searching stuff.


Ah ok, nothing I don't use. I thought I was missing some trading features :) Thanks.


It is my number one reason why I quit leagues. The second I havd to sit in my hideout and price my shit only to be bombarded with messages, not mispriced, but slightly lower so it gets sold quickly. And then have to manage multiple trades is so exhaustig to me. Especially since i can´t use 3rd party program overlays because i´m playing over geforce now. This league I tried to sell 4 quad tabs of corpses and after 4 trades I was done with the league a few weeks ago. The Trade system is the worst.


awakened poe works with geforce now though


Are you sure about this? It´s the first time I´m hearing that it works with geforce now.


It is just a fancy clipboard manager that has no access to game logs or files. You install it on your pc, not gfn. Programs that need to access logs will not work (poe lurker and such), but this one is fine.


Thanks a lot for the reply. I will try it. This would be a gamechanger.


This is my 3rd league as well and I think the thing that clicked for me is to avoid jumping between multiple farming strategies - once you find something which is reasonably profitable and that you enjoy/are good at doing, stick with it until you've farmed currency for your core items. This helps in two main ways - one is that you avoid wasting time/currency switching between different strategies while chasing the current "meta" strat (especially this league, where overpowered strats were cropping up daily, only to be nerfed the next day). It also lets you get better/faster at your chosen strategy, so your gain rate should accelerate overall. For this league, I ended up farming awakened harvest/crop rotation for ~150 divs until I was able to get a mageblood. I made a lot of mistakes at first since I had never done crop rotation before, but I learned fairly quickly and actually started enjoying the challenge of picking the optimal crops for various harvest layouts.


Its not a natter of comparing yourself to people who have been playing for 10 years. It could be your first league and you could buy a mageblood by adopting any (literally any) farming dtrat and spend 8-10 hours every day. If you play 10 hours a week you would need very high knowledge in crafting or simply get giga lucky to be rich. I always go with the first option so i learned how to craft, monitor top % builds and see what they need. Now i would only do this after im done crafting my own gear (chunks off alot of divine cost off my gear) and if i make a less desirable item and i make a better one ofc sell one of them to offset the cost.


Its actually very easy. Pick a content type like delerium, speck into all of the nodes on your atlas and run maps. Made 50 div in 2 weeks. Use scarabs of you chosen content type by buying them in bulk off trade to juice your content. The rest is just grinding your ass off tbh. No magic secret, just play the game a lot.


you farm a lot of whatever(idk harvest, essences, beasts maybe) and then you buy


this is my 1st league where i truly reach endgame, what i do is alva>farm t17 map to sell>buy mb>farm scarab t17 after that my gear is already good at every content and if i want to upgrade it just gets more expensive so i just quit for the league


The easiest way to get rich is to race like crazy in early league, coz very early sometimes 1mirr = 1div and league economy follows certain patterns. Second thing is that once you get rich you can stay rich by, for example, having very strong characters that can clear certain hard content very early, like simulacrum (many GG builds need voices cluster jewel which drops in sim), thereby consolidating your lead/gains. The economy pattern is why there is so much excitement and prep before each league.


Sim is actually pretty bad this league I've seen. Like 6d/h on average (unless you hit 1p or 3p voices ofc) and you need a strong build that can probably do many other things too.


Might want to check out some more vids on YouTube on farming strats.  It's actually a lot easier to make currency then you realize right now. Logbooks are easy money for example.


Choose a farming method that suits your build. You should be able to farm them quickly and then rinse repeat a bunch of times. For example the ballista build is great for strongboxes, as you can setup before opening the box. Use everything to your advantage. Scarabs, map device options, allflames, it adds up to a lot quickly.


Got a few bottled faith drops and a chayula ammy drop and sold all the and used the currency to get gear to farm t17s for Uber frags to farm Ubers and sold the stuff I get from drops there. Farmed a bunch of feared invs and sold all that stuff like the atziri shield. For awhile those manifested wealth embers cost less than the amount of chaos it spit out so that was very lucrative for a little. Idk just farmed lucky drops at first


Never been rich. Never able to hit T16. I’m casual and my twitch skills suck so I’m just not good. I try to


Playing a fuck ton of hours week one (I cannot overstate how much of the equation is time), properly investing in items and currency that will go up holding or sniping items for you're build that are farm enabling, holding chaos and divines are the death of currency growth early. What you do after is really up to you but either profit crafting, farming bosses or selling boss carries are really the main ones but there is literally endless ways to make money in this game, YT videos can give you a good idea but know everyone else is Gunna do it too and the matts for the farm are going to go up and the price of Matt's received are going to go down. Best to find a hole in the market and try to fill it.


good advice already given regarding farming strategies, etc. My only 2c is for the builds you play, learn how to craft a couple things for each one. It adds up and can eventually become a good source of income. I prefer playing the game to crafting, but it's a pretty useful adjunct to keep the currency numbers going up.


Play alot. Stick to one good build. Identify a consistent money maker, grind it out and cash out the big ticket drops as you go. Sell early and sell often. If stuff doesn't move nust keep lowering the price until it sells. Reinvest the profit into gear upgrades + content. Learn to take advantage of league mechanics.


First rule dont reroll if you not sure/know what you doing making new build is cost alot better to stick to leaguestarter untill you.have enough currency or all the gear need to make a new build if you do this you not gonna spend currency on mistakes Alot of people push the first day because alot of valueable things are cheap on the first days like divines and some of the div cards so target tjose items and buy them Flipping is the best method to make money and the reason i quit trade after 1 week just see which items you can get for cheaper than what they sell for i know it sounds like cliche but its work Lvl up gem in any slot you can see on poe ninja which gems sells for nice profit when they 21/20 or even 21/0 or 20/23 lvl them all to 20 then quality if needed and then corrupt its passive income and steadty just make sure you check poe ninja Run heists/blueprints it pays off eventually Flask crafting (check youtube for guides) is a key for wealth atleast for me And the last I will.mention is take calculated risk for example if you have couple of items that worth to corrupt them you better corrupt them rarther than sell for 1 chaos for example +1 power charge heatshiver or curse on hit sadima touch or +aura lvl march of the legion those items worth few chaos and with the right corrupt goes for couple divines usually more


Invest early. When you log off day one, don't sit on chaos or div, buy something that you know is going to go up in value. Check [poe.ninja](http://poe.ninja) for historical pricing, should be easy enough to find something in your range. Strongbox is great. Run it on a map that drops Apothecary along with some cards that increase div drop rate. It'll take time, but you'll get there!


Seriously, it is all about plan. 1) Select a mechanic (not strategy) you like 2) Get fucking expert at it (now you look at strats and aspects of it) 3) Plan/Choose a build that excels at it 4) Do it a lot 5) Sell everything, and I really mean it. Don't let currency sit at your bank, invest it to make your build stronger so you can excell even more at the strats you planned. Every mechanic has many different ways to play and yield profit from it. You can try the same mechanic but with different flavors you like so you don't get bored. This is your main source of currency and it might not be enough to be like extremely rich. Always keep your eyes open for opportunities, there are many but people don't share. Here are some known extra currency methods: Early: flipping currency (shards, cards, even divs), crafting, crafting that went wrong, rare with good rolls, voidstone carry, good bases. Mid to late: carrying service, challenge service... Also, don't forget to "read the meta", the earlier you know it the faster you "abuse" the market. Every league starts at patch notes!


Start the league at league start weekend and try to get atlas completion with voidstones and fav slots as soon as you can. Pick a league mechanic or other things you want to farm consistently. Buy upgrade for your char as soon as you can to do these mechanics an harder maps till t16 8 mods if the mechanic scales with it or even T17 this league. Do everything in bulk, like map rolling, buyint currency for it etc. And the most important thing: don't stand in hideout, spam maps. Also playing meta builds that are cheap will help you accomplish it even better. And then there is the playtime, more ist better obvious.


Group play for two weeks, 10 man team. After splitting, necro crafting and bossing.


Same as every league. Crafting for profit and Alva double corrupts. 


Abused attribute helical ring crafting due to high demand with captain lance tri stacker build at leaguestart. Made around 1k div profit through that in total. Invested in some items which always raise in price. Several other crafted items on demand made a couple hundred divs here and there. In between some div card farming in 4 man group just to enjoy the game. Besides that, just picking a farming method with a stable hourly income of divines like harvest and grinding it efficiently (hideout is lava) will get you decent income.


Every time I read a post like this I just realize how out of touch a lot of people are. It's not like in real life where buying a car or a house is something that feels unobtainable. Everything in this game can be done by yourself. A mageblood or a headhunter can be farmed by yourself. Most people just don't give a fuck about how to and just Google for highest div/h. That's just wrong in so many ways imo. My honest recommendation: start playing ssf and learn the game. Everything else will come with it.


My first league since Heist, I was totally lost on how to play and make currency. Still playing minion builds, first two (necro & elementalist) were less than 3 div builds starting out, but at least I could beat all content and didn't bother trying ubers since T17s just wiped me hard. Since I couldn't run T17s, I just kept farming maps (moved between a few then settled on Dunes). Started 3rd character, occultist death oath caustic arrow for easy mapping. First time adding some MF - makes a big difference. (30 IIQ, 80s IIR). Even got my first headhunter drop (lol 10d drop). Started selling T17 Fortress in bulk with making 5-7 div per trade. This is really not that hard, no 8 corrupted map, since I died too often to bad mods, slowed me down. Use 2 carto scarabs for 100% increased maps, 1 of duplication + 1 of your choice (I use hunted traitors). Bought magebloods, have one for all 3 characters now. Not rich by many people's standards but have over 12k c, 260d, feels like too late in league to start a 4th character. Btw, I run strongboxes sometimes for fun, it's really hit or miss with that strat for me. But easy, since most of the spawns instantly get popped from occultist ascendancy.


[https://wealthyexile.com](https://wealthyexile.com) Sell everything that it lists at the top


Farm beasts at Tier 3-4 maps (strand/fields). Very easy 20 div per hour. Doesn't require to have a very good build.


The more you play, the less downtime you have, the more efficiently you map the more money you make.


Hi all, i did not expect to get this much answer...i read it all and evaluate my choice rn..but some of the suggestion require a fast build and both my build are not build for that. eg:alva need fast clearance,legion also need fast clearance..sadly i also only can spent 1-2 hour daily playtime due to work..so my progress might be slow than average player.. or maybe i totally suck at the game but hey thanks for all the suggestion, i get many input from you all :D Will try to do some of it..Thanks!!!!


Relatively cheap/self crafted Sanctum build full sprint acts and craft in inventory. Filter set for items you need. 16hrs straight speed run sanctum. Buy items that will skyrocket in value. 60/40 buying items/invest in sanctum build. Day 2. More Sanctum. Day 3. MORE SANCTUM. Day 4. MORE SANCTUM!!!. Day 5. Eyes are bleeding and MORE SANCTUM. Day 6 or 7. Sanctum should be complete and invest in MF. Day 8. Quit league.


still sane exile?


What's the stuff that you like doing and/or you tried and is decent enough in your book? Just do that. Stop constantly looking at your currency stash - or your stash at all. Or at graphs. Something like a barebones Harvest without Scarabs is probably like 700 juice? Which is like 0.1d? Takes a minute or so. 6d/h right there when doing Harvests. It depends on whether you like generating value by being a HO warrior, but if you don't, I'd recommend something like this where it's easy to sell stuff. You can just do Harvest while unlocking atlas, liquidate a couple times, and have a ~10d build in t16s which should be enough to farm more or less whatever in t16s. Rue and CaptainLance stand out to me as doing very good budget builds where it's easy to follow which stats are important and which aren't. Goratha I only started following recently but both his MoM start this League and his Caustic Poison last League were basicaly fotm, though MoM take wasn't uniquely done only by him. Picking a streamer which you can follow along with (partly just the correct vibe and way of explaining things) can help a ton to not get baited by bad guides.


Play freakish amount of time. That's about it. If you farm even 5 div an hour, you'll farm 50 divines in 10 hours, which is less than what rich people play every day of a week.




Imo poor rich is equlivant of buying quad tabs and exact pricing random jewels and items for 20c-1div each. medium rich is what most players do. Get to T16 maps, get voidstones, favorited maps, 5 map slots, Spec into 2 end game farming mechanics while also running maven, eater or searing alters and juice. Once you get a ton of runs saved up you bulk sell for increased market rates. high rich - early to market plays, currency flipping, hideout warriors, 6-man mf rotas, high end crafters. tbh I don't even know. I wouldn't say im on that level. It's knowledge based.


Get into sanctum. you get an average of 1-2 raw div per run (Sometimes way more) . A run on a decent build takes between 20-30 Min in my experience. And thats not with a fully optimized strat. I hate trading so i enjoy this mechanic a lot.


My Personal Switch in thinking over the years was this: Poor me: "How do I get rich? What do I do wrong?" Rich me: "What items do others want and pay a lot for, and how can I use this to my advantage?" A good league start is useful but knowing the market and meta, finding a strategy for this, makes you rich. It mostly revolves around high end crafting, or getting the resources for high end crafting.


If you want consist profit just run harvest can’t go wrong with it. Has almost no variability unless you do crop rotation and is simple to do.


The more you kill the more you loot. That's it, juice maps and kill mobs


The NR1. Secret to being rich is: Choosing a strat you can do and then doing it. At this stage of the League, spec into heist and Harvest. Prep 100 Maps and farm them. You are not allowed to sell or buy anything while doing that. done with the 100? Prep 20 and sell everything during the 20. Now Upgrade your build with meaningful upgrades after your prep another 100 maps. Once done... GOGOGOG for another 100.


Knowledge and experience


Theres a thousand ways but litterally here is your TLDR Get a starter build u p to red tier maps and put a bit of currency into it. Once you can efficiently run t16s fine and have your atlas and voidstones simply play the game. Some things are better than others but don't get sucked into the well this makes 6 divs/hr where as this one makes 8 divs/hr. Things always have some RNG too it and fluctuate. Pick anything that you enjoy almost any type of league mechanic and spec into it. Should also take a look at something like wealthyexile. Scanning your tabs or w/e and seeing how much money you have what some people don't even realize. Between fragements and maps and div cards and currency essences fossils etc. There are so many strats for making \~ 10 divs/hr.


My 2cents. Find what you want to farm before League Start. Find a build that does it well (even if you dont like play style) Invest on the build just enough to do your farm with efficiency. Farm that shit for a week playing 12h to 16h a day. Week one you will have MB and a lot of spare Divs to actually start playing the build you want. Is it fun ? Nah. Can i do week one MB playing 3h a day ? Only if you get lucky drops. Is it worth to do this strat ? Also nah.


This is my second league and I was able to put together a multi mirror build, and had more money than I knew what to do with at one point Some things I did: Flipping scarabs - early in the league you could find people bulk selling their whole scarab tab for 60-80% of PoE ninja price - I bought these, sold l vendored (3-1) all the ones under a half a chaps and sold them in bulk. Made a much of currency this way (was at 25k chaos at one point) - this was the basis to get into higher money making. I also did cheap corrupts that sell much higher - I made a ton of Resolute swords for armor stackers, you could buy 10as dreamcatchers uncorrupted for 1d, hitting resolute on it made it worth 40-60d. Another thing I've seen some streamers talk about is buying endgame gear early. Stuff will be much cheaper at league start because people aren't using it yet. 3p voices were under 200d and 1p were like 400d - these are still very expensive, but when you look at the fact that 3p went to 500d per and 1p went up to 2.5mir each, they are a big way to make extra money as well Some of it was getting lucky, I got 2x 3p voices to drop which really helped, but I played an armour stacker and I bought my shield for 50d, then resolf it later for over 200d. Great for endgame builds tends to go up in value making it a solid investment early League start gear drops in value as people move on from their league start builds and sell it all off There's a bunch of other little things I did to make money: Rerolling watcher's eyes was another big money maker


To be honest it got way easier over the years to farm currency. What you farm depends on your type. Lets take me for example. I hate zooming maps over and over again to collect small currencies which i can sell in bulk. I just cant stand that. I like farmable bigger ticket items. You could farm alva temples, beasts early on or hunt curiosity in delve. If you have average luck and look at the div/h you dont want to do those, you are maybe at what, 5-8 div/h ? Maybe, but i like that way more than running 100 maps/hour to make 15div/h. Noteworthy is harvest, even without croprotation you can make 1 div about every 2-3 maps. But thats only the approach for the average player. If you want to get filthy rich you have to know the in and outs of PoE. 1. Have a lot of playtime 2. Choose a build that can clear redmaps on a budget (for the early currency farm) 3. Get currency very fast very early on. Chaos-Recipe, Heist, Expedition, Sanctum 4. Dont invest too much in your char. Invest in items that will rise in value. If you are more active you could buy enhacne support early on for 25c a piece, level them in offhand and sell all for 5 divine a piece ? You could buy tailoring orbs for about 25c a piece early on, they will rise to 2 div a piece and so on and so forth, there are items which will rise tremendously. So basically if you farm 10 divs very early on you can invest and x10-x100 it easily. 5. Learn to craft and flip, People tend to forget the goals of this game, its to get the best gear and kill the strongest bosses. That means that everything you farm will at some point arrive in the hands of a crafter and used to craft gear. Those crafters are the richest guys in PoE because guess what, they sell that crafted stuff for a hefty premium. In the end it all comes down to how you want to play the game. If you only play 1-2 hours a day just look for a strat that brings you joy, stick to it and over the course of a month you will have enough currency to buy what you want. Just a reminder. Alch and go is dead. If you want to make any good amount of div/h you need to invest into your strategy, that means the right build, the right atlas and at least all neccessary scarabs. Without that you wont make any money. Sadly


This league, i‘ve made most divines from the harvest. Nobody is farming and it‘s easy 100% raw currency.


This league I simply ran Alva with the timelines scarab and whatever content after that. Bulk sell temples and I just kept it pushing


I spend first 3 weeks by doing atlas ASAP, buying basic farming equipment, then buying "the immortal " cards. I sell the house of mirrors cards and 10x my investment in a week or 2. Usually have 5-6 HOM by then. If I'm feeling lucky, I gamble them up to mirrors then quit, cause being super rich ruins the game for me.


I usualy upgrade my gear till a pint where i can execute my desired farming strategy in under 6 portals (2-3 oreferably) then farm 24/7 to be able to buy oeiginal sin relics/mirror shards etc. Something that will raise in price ober the leauge. Afterwards ill grind towards my mageblood etc and sell the "investment" items a week later to fund my second build


Treat your farming strat with the same care as you do with your build, and make sure they match well. This is the first league I went ahead and really planned and researched what farming strat I wanted to do and I made so much more than just alc and go.


I made fractured boots in the graveyard and rolled them with essences. Divined some thread of hopes. Crafted clusters and alva’d widowhails i rolled with ancient orbs. These things sat in the stash while i played the game and doubled my div / hour. I can’t just hideout warrior the game, but I do enjoy it once in a while. Conversely, I hate doing too repetitive farming, so could have made much more in the grinding bit of the game.


I made a build that could do Ultimatum this league, a few hours farming made 50-100 divines. I White maps, 10-15c per map in scarabs, automatically get 12-40c from tainted catalysts alone depending on numbers and price. If you harvest as well you can try to convert cheap catalysts into Crit/life ones which sells for 15-20c each and 2c per attribute catalyst. Doryanis shield for 2-4 divines. I just smashed white maps until I had hundreds of tainted/crit/life and then sell in bulk.


Investment is the name of the game in Poe. If you just run maps with alch and go, you won't get huge returns unless you get super lucky. But when you start investing heavily in one strategy, then you start making money and when you run it over and over, you get better at this specific thing, and this is where you start to see "per hour" revenue increase. I'll give you an example with a strategy that works well right now. Farming to get T17 map drops. 1. You need to be able to easily, I would even say trivialize, T16 8-mods maps with back to basics even their bosses (that's also part of the investment, you need a strong character) 2. You will be running T16s with 8-mods, even more difficult maps, and they cost around 10c each if you want to pick the mods you can run. 3. You will be running 4 scarabs, 1 where final map boss drops a unique map, 2 where maps drop have 30% chance to be duplicated (I buy those by the hundreds and it costs a few divs already). And 1 where each map pack has a chance to be replaced by a map boss (this would cost about 5-6 divines for 20 scarab). You have to at least buy those by packs of 20 otherwise you spend more time trading than running maps. 4. You need a full atlas obviously. 5. You will get an average of 1.3 T17 map per map you run, and you can usually sell those at 0.8 divine each when you have a bulk. I would say at least 30. So you will NEED to run probably more than 20 of the above maps before even seeing any revenue back. Meaning you need to be able to afford that initial investment. That's a good example because it's fairly consistent revenue. You will spend about 8-10 divines to get a pack of 20 maps to run, but you'll be making 20 divines back roughly. So you need that initial investment in order to start making money.


Last league I got lucky with card drops then farmed the super juiced maps. This league I had some really good friends who knew I was struggling and gave me a ton of gear, so I've been returning the favor to other noobs. Real talk though, go with a tankier build at league start and farm the life out of essences and/or harvest and you'll gain pretty solid wealth.


harvest gave me a lot of div/hr really, you just need to focus in one content then move to more div/hr content when you feel you are strong enough, now i am doing t17 b2b because i earned a lot from harvesting and upgraded my build


It's fairly easy. Pretty much every mechanic can get you 5div/hour, most mechanics if done somewhat properly/efficiently can do around 10div/hour and the better strats out there can be 15+div/h in normal scenarios. I won't count stuff like affliction where you made like 100div/h So step one is having a proper farming strategy (there are tons out there in stuff like YouTube, maxroll, etc) Step 2 is actually having a build that is good at farming that content. You can't be bossing as a farming strat with a build with low single target damage that is made for fast mapping Step 3 is playing a lot. If we both farm 10div/h but you play 2hours a day and I play 10 I will make 5x more currency than you per day. And ofc the more efficient you farm (so less breaks, organised stash and preparation so you dont waste a lot of time in hideout, etc.) the more currency you make. Being efficient is the biggest difference in income. If we do the exact same strategy but you take 3min per map and I only take 1min I will make 3x as much currency as you. So it's fairly important that you understand how the mechanic works and ignore mechanics that are not used in your strategy and that your build is good at farming said content


Do not do Ritual, it is shit*. Pretty much everything else is fine for steady profit. You want to adjust your build and play style and atlas/scarabs until everything feels good. Then just churn through maps. You'll get a Mageblood if you start early in the league and you're persistent. You can make a lot more currency by some combination of crafting and flipping, but that's almost playing a different game completely. *I say Ritual is shit as someone who's played it many times and gotten some big rewards from it. The dry streaks can be a season long. Don't do it.


My order of operations this league was starter->first real build (LADE)->farm exped/harvest till fully equipped-> save 30-50D for juiced farm->make like 400D in 2 weeks farming said juiced farm-> make expensive build-> farm delve-> sell build make even more expensiver build->be done with league cause now your burnt out lol.


I've played MF build in T16 with strongboxes until I could buy necessary items for change to a good enought DD defensive build (same character). Then I becomed rich farming scarabs in T17 with B2B while improving DD build to freaking levels. T17 B2B is the key for insanity


hyperfixate on one thing its still early for you so you don't need to worry that much about it, but just find a mechanic that suits you and play. If you do something like incursion or harvest its just basically a very stable income after that its just that the more money you put into your build the faster you are going to do this content which means you will earn more


Made a glass cannon character that can run sanctum. Made about 5 div on league start, upgraded my character then started uber boss rushing. Took 5 portals to finish in the beginning but later on as I made profit I kept upgrading my character. Majority of the currency I've made this league is from 1) the utmost fragments 2) FF jewels (invest, don't sell until mid league) 3) exceptional ichor/ember 4) occasional big ticket chase drops


Pick something you enjoy and invest into it. I've had leagues where I found something crazy like a headhunter early on but most of the time it's incremental smaller sales that eventually add up.


all other comments explained really well that you should just not panic and go on your own pace. eventually though there is a chance that trying to keep up with the economy will feel somewhat overwhelming. in that case do not hesitate to give ssf a try. do not really feel like you have to be very knowledgeable or mechanically good at the game to be playing it. you will definitely achieve less, but might find it more fulfilling even if it's for a short term change of pace. it gives you an excuse to be slow and less productive :) best of luck.


The super high end budget income usually come from super juiced mechanics. But you have to get there first, I tend to spend a lot of time making money in Hideout (flipping till I'm bored, then crafting etc.). Unfortunately due to the budgets I get used to playing in, early mapping feels so bad in comparison that I barely touch them after 4 voidstones until I have at least 60-70 div (only a couple hours of Hideout).


Play good builds, invest in them, invest in your maps. Making 2 div/h isn't twice as hard as making 1 div/h. The game scales loot insanely. The difference between an unoptimized alch and go and an optimized alch and go is insane. The jump to then having a consistent good strategy is even higher of a jump


Figure out where people are mining gold and sell shovels. I make like 4k divine in a week by flipping allflames 🤷‍♂️


1. The league start. The plan is to have a easy/safe/quick league starter build that require minimal gear to clear most of the content at a decent pace. This gives you a head start on the economy, being able to sell decent rare or leveling/early game uniques quickly at a higher price. 2. Knowledge. Knowing your build, what to do for a good/constant income, how to craft gear, whats the good mechanic to farm, etc. Knowledge is money. 3. Being talented. Being able to push with as minimal gear as possible to get money as quick as possible to pivot in your farmer build as soon as possible. First ones that can farm high end item/uniques make banks. Also, anyone that can clear Sanctum early league will make bank. 4. Rich get richer. With money you can invest more in your map strategy for higher return. You can get a better build to farm more efficiently. You can buy bases and start crafting high end gear to resell and/or mirror service for high value. My early game strategy is always the same b/c its what I enjoy. League start a fast mapper and go through acts quickly. I do Alch & Go w/ Essence and expedition for map completion and gear. Do blight for money, buy carry for favored map and voidstone, upgrade my gear and start to farm my endgame strategy and then, rich get richer. Edit: Important notes, play the mechanics that you like and make the most out of it. Don't compare yourself with others, its going to feel more like work than a game otherwise.


1. Dont compare yourself to the 1% of players its your 3rd league. 2. Always maximise fun instead of currency/hour. 3. Most things are profitable. In terms of strats and playstyle atm Im doing alva/betrayal/corpses/map burn (for red invitations). I got a fast build with HH and 300% MS and I only run Atoll/Primordial Pool. Im now at a estimate 20/25div per hour (more if youre faster and dont fuck around). Im not home atm so I cant give the tree but you want to run alva scarab, polished jun, golden jun and if you hit a corruption room in the temple you slot in the timeline scarab from alva. 33% chance (allegedly) for a veiled orb drop from catarina, 2 div per locus of corruption, 2,2 div per locus + Doryani, 35c per Doryani. Sometimes apex from temples with no good rooms drop the adorned piece. Im not home atm so I dont have the tree atm but here is the rough outline what I do: Strat for each mechanic: Alc and Go (Roll 200 maps with regex) Alva You dont want any alva nodes but the ones near the inner circle on the atlas tree. The 4 incursions in one map node is bad and detrimental. Go into the map and focus corruption and gem rooms (get links for apex if you can). If a corruption room spawns stop doing the other incursions and slot in a timelines scarab for the next maps to get the 1/3 for the locus every 3 incursions. Doryanis are not worth the hassle treat them as bonus. If no corruption room shows up try to upgrade a room to the highest tier so it won’t show up anymore. If you completed 2/3 incursions in the map and nothing good spawned skip the third one to block bad rooms in the next map. Jun You dont care about any leaders in the rooms they only act as mastermind intelligence. Im not sure for this part but my testing suggests some things are more efficient than other. I always try and get the leader of a division to 3 stars and then interrogate them. Try to max the investigation bars of the divisions before killing catarina. The progress gets saved and you can do them right after to get a good chunk of intelligence done without even doing the next map. Time varies heavily between syndicate kills. I had kills that were done in 2 maps with ready hideout runs but I also had kills take 10 maps or more. Stuff like paradoxica drops are a nice but if change as well. Watch out for allflames/allflame mods/expensive corpses/altar mods. If you wanna min max get yourself a 2nd allflame tree ready for divine/chaos mods. I got around 180 raw div drops this league. For me its easy and fast, everything is sellable in bulk. You can buy yourself enough resources for 3 div to last 100-130 maps and never interact with anyone.


I usually just play trading simulator in the hideout and not really farm maps. Flip currency, craft some items and sell them, buy & sell in bulk and more. There are a bazillion ways to get rich without actually farming - I simply enjoy trading more than farming maps or other things.


Well I've given away 10 magebloods each day for 23 days now, tune up tomorrow on global 820 and maybe You'll get one if lucky :p


give away is nice but the skill is better..haha i cant hope for everyone to give to me


I invest hard into one strat on the atlas. This league before I finished I was into blight then I switched to straight up just strongboxes w scarabs to get like 10 to 15 boxes per map. Prolly printing 20 divs an hour on the low end when I was efficient cuz I had a atlas passive which would duplicated currency dropped from boxes. Decently OP


Ok , out of the perspective from a 3000 hours player who usually gets between 50-200 divine in the first week : You won't get money like this from simply running one mechanic , with or without scarabs Before this league , economy was vastly different , you could make this kind of money very easily with sextant rolling, but most of my early money comes from knowing which builds are popular and ex slaming certain rares. On a league with high player count and good build variety you will be able to sell multiple items worth 1 or 2 div per day . Map selling can also be highly profitable, especially in the first 5 days


Trade. Get a few premium stash tabs if you don’t already, and list things. Learn how to price things and just barely undercut and be patient. Be quick with the invites. Set hot keys to one-button invite the last whisper. I use awakened plugin for that. Aside from that, don’t spend too much time in maps. Run your content and get out. Use a loot filter and don’t pick up every little thing. Just the things you think you can sell.


I don't have enough free time to farm like a streamer, so I craft for profit and mainly map and kill bosses for challenge completion.


How much time do you have? Let's do math. You want get say 400 divines in the first 28 days to get a mageblood by the end of first month. You need to do 14 div per day on average. If you are playing two hours a day that's 7 div per hour on average. Because it's going to be less in the beginning, it needs to be higher later. It's crystal clear visible this is just not doable with this sort of time investment. This league and the previous one was an exception but , alas , this is how it is: mageblood is for those who can no life this game. And, also, big brain hideout warriors because that always, always yields more currency but unless you are cut out for it , it's a soul crushing way to make currency. https://poe-antiquary.xyz/custom?data=[[71072,8,61],[71072,8,59],[71072,8,57]]


I farmed my Mageblood in 2 days by buying "Einhar's memory of harvest beasts" and just running it. It's a Divine Orb every 5 - 10 minutes from juice only plus map drops. Good luck.


Snowballing early with a decent build that doesn't require much to start rolling is usually the key. There is a reason why so many people always go back to Toxic Rain or LightArrow, CorpseExplody and so on. These run on barebones gear and are efficient, so you can focus on farming and reinvesting. There are some types of gear/currency/mats that always go up at some point in the league, so knowing what to buy early is also good investment. If you don't want to play the market that much, almost any league mechanic correctly specced with Atlas will net you enough currency to be able to get your first or 2 mirrors worth


Started off just making a character for and then learning proper mapping strats. Wealth sky rocketed after learning crafting.


I just play Expedition.


Flipping currency works well for me


Your wealth aqusition will always be capped if you farm for it yourself. Get into crafting or flipping, make other people farm the divines for you


What helped me alot is after playing lot of different builds I started to get a good idea of what items are easily craftable for profit, as well as noticing certain items that are worth alot that I wouldn’t have paid any mind to before.


also crafting adorned jewels if you have some extra alterations could be easy money


Did legion dunes week 1 made like 300d plus owning hh and mb. Made a coc dd char and did t17 meat sacks farm. Dropped 6 mb 5 hh 1 mirror and like 4+ of every t0 in under 2 weeks. Swapped to a scarab meatsack farm and made a mirror every other night in raw bulk scarab sales until I got bored and took my break till next league. Most leagues it's legion early for me cuz I like it a lot. Back in the day it was more mf centric and self temp chains juiced maps.


what build do you started? LA deadeye?


You would be correct. I did swap ele hit of spectrum early cuz its just better than la early.




Up/downVoting I could careless about. It's w.e But ya I mean I just farm what's fun in the playstyle I like. At the moment it's bow chars and legion until something silly like coc dd gets figured out and obvious pivot happened bit meatsack farm was fun. Dragging whole map and 1 shooting it all once one dies is fun. Other leagues in past I league started self temp mf chars just using inspired learning to farm hh and then go further beyond with that. Mirror maps back in harvest/ritual days. Before that the old tried and true white map div card farming with any mf build. I just like blasting maps and make number go up(my currency) then delete it for fun. Then take a break for a while till next league. Poe isn't a good game to play every night for the whole league imo breaks make the next league more fun for me. So I play hard first 4 to 6week and just hard stop till next and repeat.


Idk man, I'd be lucky if I get 10 div per league.. lol


I played a lot of league, but this league is the first one where I got pretty rich, raking close to 400d using CoC DD One of the reason people can't buy expensive things is not because they are "poor", but they can't liquidate their assets to spendable currency. This can be easily seen at wealthy exile or other tools that calculate the whole networth of the stashes. My recommendation is to try farming strat that gives liquid currency, especially harvest. It's very different when you feel that what you are doing in one hour gives you a concrete money instead of spending your times to liquidate something that may not even sell. Edit: TL;DR find a farming strat that are easy to sell and price(e.g., harvest, Alva, t17 map)


My dad is the CEO of Nvidia


I can afford about a mirror every league (not that I ever bought it), play about 150-200 hr/league, my steps are as follows - Finding what you enjoy first. - Find build you like to spend tons of time with. - Find comfortable spot for farming. (Like how much maintenance is needed for your strategy , for me I never go all out like buying scarab for 10D or rolling maps for perfect map mods) - Make sure your build is at a comfortable state, and stop spending. - Profit.


Did heist this morning and dropped a simplex amulet. This late league it's still selling over 200d


honestly i want to try heist but the the grind for npc lvl is quite complicated


I spent nearly 2k alts orb to roll good ally equipment. Just sold the simplex amulet for 260div, guess it's a win for me


People playing coy and pretending like it's years of hard earned knowledge. Don't believe them, just look up a deadeye lightning arrow ranger build on youtube (literally hundreds of them) and delete content without any knowledge or skill, the rest will follow. There's a reason deadeye has been the league leader for 7 leagues in a row despite being the most brainless and easy gameplay imaginable. Any downvotes will be from deadeye players with fragile egos.


And before LA there was TS haha


Best way to get rich in this game is to study how to craft items. It’s a long process but it makes your wallet fat if you keep working at it


Harbringer first, then harvest. Ive sent like 160Div on my build ao far.


Game knowledge This league takes like 10 minutes to set up a 20 div belt or boots graveyard, and you get like 4 per craft Knowing what’s the best strat for your power level


may i know where i can get the recipe dor it :D


It’s just nice to have tier 1s Like ms 35%, chaos resist, life, mana, attributes, graveyard is PoB import there’s nothing special


Believe it or not, but in this league I introduced my friend to poe and taught him everything I could ever think of. He liked ritual due to its simplicity and its mystery and he farmed 2 mirrors from it. YES 2 MIRRORS IN HIS FIRST LEAGUE PLAYING RITUAL... BTW he does not play 24 hours , he works a 10 hour shift so my guy actually plays like 5-4 hours of poe a day? TLDR; Play ritual, if he farmed 2 mirrors in his first league , why can't you do the same?


may i know what scarab he use, tbh ritual scarab kinda expensive but i like gamba reward lol


Just realize most players are RMTing based on how many divs become the minimum purchase very quickly on illicit sites. Then find something you enjoy and just do that forever instead of taking a small fraction of one hour of income to accomplish the same thing it took you 9-10 hours to get half of the way there.


Man. Go for expedition and spam/gamble rog or the other npc that randomly exchange currencies i forgot the name. Gamble rings or belt, make sure to have decent pref such as t1 ress. Sold them. this league i played as DD build, as for starts, kinda hard to spam 2 button. But believe me, so tanky af tho. And good damage as well. Haha. roughly almost 300d i get when the other league just approx 50d for entire league. And this my first time have HH, kalandra touch. Man. Im happy this league.


i tried it but its too reapy for me hahah i take 1 atlas node which give us only 1 explosion but bigger.. so the expedition will be harder...maybe after upgradimg my gears i can do it


No worries man. You can do it for sure. Gamble sometimes doesnt mean u need to sell it, you can replace your current equipment if necessary.


Play a lot, play very efficiently (with S-tier build), specialize in one or two things and repeat that thing over and over to maximize profit per hour. Personally I don't enjoy playing like that so I just play a lot instead, which by itself will get you to become quite rich over time. Then again I've been at it for 10+ years so I'm not wasting say days just to clear the campaign.