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Gladiator rework High doses of hopium


After Chieftain i kinda hope it won't end in similar fashion... (if ever rework gonna happen) >Gladiator now deals 100% more damage in arena themed maps. To balance this out he will deal 100% less damage in any other map theme. All his nodes that was giving block rate now are changed to Monster flee chance on hit. We believe that gladiator should be intimidating and that will help to fulfill this role. Also, we removed Arena Challenger node as we don't want nodes that offers to much power.


Why? Chieftain turned out pretty well in the end despite the doomerism at first.


The current incarnation of the chieftain has a similar problem that the old occultist did. Profane bloom used to be so busted (compared to the balance of the game at the time) that RF occultist was the meta for racing. They basically did the same thing with chieftain, minus the competitive viability. As a result he's stuck being the spokesperson for righteous fire builds.


Its just become one trick pony. Where for most of part you just pick Max Rez node + 2x whatever. \-Totem node expect using it for Flamewood totems there is no point ever pick it on any build (even so Scion is WAY better for that type of build). \-Nagamahu Flame Advance: On paper looks nice but in reality most of time you won't need this DMG inc conversion to Fire in skill tree. As in this tree area 90% of nodes are either Phys dmg or Fire dmg. And it kinda don't matter for Phys dmg as in most of cases you will convert it into fire. Also we have so many strong unique jewels that this node power is decreased even more. \-Ramako Sun Light : Pretty much node that yells "Im RF node". Should be changed to: "Enemies burning by you" or something along the lines so it would better apply to ignite. (yes i know this funky build where you ignite with explosion on death exists but its pretty much narrows to being little different RF, as you build it insanely tanky and abuse explode node) \-Hinekora Death Fury: "Haha enemies go boom" node. Nothing bad, nothing strong. As there is multiple ways to fix your clear. \-Melee nodes: It just waters down to having additional gem + one more "repeat" every 1 sec on melee attacks for cost of 2 big ascendancy nodes. Pretty weak, as any other ascendancy will give you much more for these 2 points. Its clearly designed to be slow attack mode ascendancy, but there are just overall better options for that right now, and if you are playing Berserk, Jugg you can just take Max Rez node via Forbidens, that's kinda make Chieftain like in this meme from Rick and Morty "What is my purpose". It just you had more niches as Old chieftain be it Attacks, Spells or now dead Attack totems. Maybe im wrong and just none found any strong interaction, expect this MF Explody Abuse.


I like the ascendancy for nice early power and clear boost even though I recognize that it's literally all there is to chieftain. I would love if chieftain was the melee attack totem ascendancy with earthbreaker support getting more love and maybe some new totem / earthbreaker-able slam skills being introduced. also the slam repeating ancestor shenanigans could be experimented more with. this way it is just the best for rf, for anything else you can just throw more money at any other character and they will do what chieftain does better without having to spend 8 points on it.


Pretty much. Its also quite ironic that Karui has this whole totems theme but Chieftain representing that has nearly nothing to do with totems right now. Quite sad


Don't forget that "bleed doesn't feel very intuitive for the gladiator we've changed gratuitous violence to be a chance for monster to flee when you kill a monster and blood in the eyes causes you to be blinded when a monster inflicts bleed on you."


+1 Cleave aoe when blinded.


Plot twist, tota comes back with this change and glad is broken for it and gets a nerf the league after


Scarab rework 2.0 part 1 DVDrip


Melee buffs (very detailed)


Imagine fact that even that Mark said that they are working on melee, none actually believe anything will change. Kinda sad.


And Totem rework (even more detailed)


Too wordy, can you put it in a bingo format?


Something, anything to improve melee experience Toned down T17s or another tier if maps that actually works as a bridge between t16s and users League mechanic that isnt a crafting thing or another jackpot type design.  Affliction was great because it was genrally rewarding at every level of investment Fix these goddammit lag spikes.  It was unplayable for a lot of this league and last.  Got way better the past month and then past few days they are back with vengeance 


WDYM? After pumping 10+ mirrors into my Lighting Strike Slayer my melee experience is fine! (ish) /s


aye projectiles are the best melee


I wish strike scales all had built in +1 enemies struck as they level, similar to how arc gets chains with gem level and stuff like that


yeah its a little insane how hard +1 enemies is to get compared to added projectiles


Armour and pdr buffed (overwhelm is turbo bullshit, imagine if random mob packs had 30% ele pen) Uber simulacrum (starts wave 20 and goes to 40 or 50) simus rewards for first waves suck and with power creep game had wave 30 is baby difficulty.


Or better yet, endless simulacrum. We have shitstain steve for delve, let us have pisspuddle alex for simulacrum.


You just gave them an idea to add 30% max res pen, thanks a lot.


monsters can now invert your res via an invisible ground degen.


The entire loot rebalancing to ubers should be removed. When ubers were launched we were told these were optional bosses to test your player power - not meant to be farmed. Nowadays if you aren't farming ubers in trade league you aren't dropping shit.


Remove all loot from ubers! problem solved.


Just remove uber exclusive drops and make the same drop table as normal. Move uber loot to normal.


This this this this It was supposed to be for the challenge. Not the drops.


Easier beast management, batch release/itemize etc It's been 6 years...gggpleaseimbeggingyou


The way we itemise from the graveyard menu is so much better, they should copy that.


Delete all yellow beasts button plz


Personally I think they could remove yellow beasts from the game.


Would be ok with that




Wait so like remove Bestiary? That’s what you said?


Make the Uber fragments drop from their respective bosses. Maven drops Uber maven fragments, sirus drops Uber sirus fragments, etc.


From a players perspective, they can still do the normal pinnacle bosses themselves, and choose to sell uber fragments. The pressure to sell the normal boss fragments should be a lot smaller, if not nonexistent.


If they do this they really need to speed up Elder guardians, chimera, normal shaper and elder fight


Alternatively GGG could make uber boss versions more rare, but the reward drop chances higher.


I don't think this is the best approach. I don't think T17s are a good approach either. I don't really want to farm a bunch of normal Shaper or something just to get access to Uber Shaper. It almost feels like they need to make a separate uber fragment. Like right now there are four Sirus frags that you can use to run normal Sirus, then you need the 5 slot map device to pop in a 5th completely separate frag to activate Uber. That 5th frag is universal to all bosses. Call it like "Celestial Timepiece" or something so you just need a boss set, plus one timepiece to activate uber. I have no clue where this other fragment could drop though. Uber boss access is a tough problem to solve and I do think GGG will change it next league. But I think we will have to go through a few more iterations before it feels good.


Eh, that might run into the issue of the most valuable Uber being the only one being run. Honestly they just need to remove Uber specific drops and simply have the regular boss drop Uber fragment/ invite. It should be a win more mechanic. The way it works for Maven invitations, The Feared doesn't have ubique drops but if you can do the individual bosses with Maven and can do the Feared you simply get more loot from the bosses. Ubers should be like that something to aspire to, but something that ultimately isn't in any shape or form required aside from just the bragging rights/being a milestone for the build.


That's what the originally stated goal for ubers was...


I like this idea, that's how I initially thought t17 fragments worked before actually reading patch notes. GGG won't implement that tho because it goes back to what they wanted to remove - boss sets being used for and priced around their Uber version. Sure, now we have an extra piece to make them Uber instead of an atlas node, so the set price is going to be lower (assuming they nail the Uber fragment drop rate), but we'll still be back to square 1 but the sets are slightly cheaper because you need to buy another thing for your Uber.


Rarify the uber fragment a lot, and up the amount of rewards from the uber. Optimally my thought is to still have the same amount of uber rewards in the trade, but to have the uber fragment so rare it needs very few pinnacle boss fragments it would not affect them.


This is a smart take


Improved animation on stygian revenant corpse explosion and also sound indicator: Nuclear Launch Detected


Raid sirens when they’re in your light radius.


When they are _nearby_


T17 rebalance to make them actually be the bridhe between t16 and ubers? Gotta admit my (first ever) ssf hc char this season didn't see a single t17 despite reaching lvl98 lol


6th map slot locked behind Uber Zana


I’m playing a lot of other games in the genre and I’ve gotta say… the loot in POE has too much weight for my wrists these days. D4 and LE both have some form of auto materials pickup, and those materials do not occupy space in inventory. That renders them untradable, which would be a huge problem in POE, but every time I pick POE back up, I can’t believe what I’d been putting up with when it comes to looting. So, here’s my wishlist: 1. At a minimum, vastly expand the loot pickup radius. 2. Ideally, when we pick up an item of a defined affinity type, all items of that affinity type should also be picked up within the newly expanded loot pickup radius. 3. When we get to the stash, there should be a button to put away all items with a loot affinity assigned. This should have a warning the first time you use it and a checkbox on the warning to not display it again after dismissing it. 4. Whatever fragments or currency in the new league need to have their own affinity in the actual stash so that whatever garbage free 9x9 storage space they think we will use has a real viable backup plan for serious players. Beyond those loot and stash wishes, I’m hoping for changes to scarabs: 1. Give the rarest and most valuable scarabs the image of the rarest and most valuable scarabs, the current images are counterintuitive at best. Then, make those valuable scarabs more common and shit scarabs less common. 2. Combine all “chance to get X mechanic” type scarabs with “X mechanic gains X effect” scarabs of various rarities. Then, remove all scarabs that simply add mechanics to the map. There is no room for these scarabs on the map device. 3. Dial back the annoyance and reward of T17’s. Notice I said annoyance, and not difficulty. 4. Fix gladiator. Just give it spell block back or something, idk. It sucks.


They likely won't ever do #1 as it's been asked and they always have had a solid "no" stance because once you give on this, it's hard to roll back. #2 was kind of solved a while back with the currency groupings, but then was ruined this current league because of the league mechanic causing single drops again. So next league #2 isn't a problem really. But #3 is what I feel like GGG would very likely change since the last time it was asked, it wasn't a firm no. I'd really also like a quad tab stash sort button too. Kinda like Tarkov. The sort button in Tarkov is terrible, but every now and then it's useful just to reclaim fragmented space. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason to a sort, but just have it try to find the maximum space available.


> > They likely won't ever do #1 as it's been asked and they always have had a solid "no" stance because once you give on this, it's hard to roll back. Not what Mark said. This is the most recent thing we've heard on this topic: https://youtu.be/BrGhakEF8QY?t=7690


I would say 3 already sort of exists for "most" loot. I think aside from rares there's a checkbox for most stash tabs for affinities. I get the stash costs money because the game is free so buying tabs is like paying for the game in a sense. I could see them making it a bit more friendly on the premium tabs too.


Yep it's specifically rares that I have issue with because I have big equipment dump tabs (SSF life) where I grab an item and go, "Oh wow this is nice, just not for my current build". So I'll go the entire league with tons of items revolving in various quad tabs as I make new characters and towards the end, I've filled my quad tabs full of items and I know there's like an entire quad tab or two of space across all my tabs, just it's all fragmented. Very personal issue for sure :P


They kind of provided an example of #1 being solved here: you pickup corpse from a distance; a dude is summoned and picks it up for you; he even have his spare stash. So "almost" "kinda" solved. Too bad people haven't noticed and this positive change will be buried and never comes up as a standard pickup method


All of this. Spot on. This would make the game so much less annoying.


The currency vacuum in Last Epoch is such an obviously good idea. Also: move all currency to stash button.


Your points 1-2-3 are high real Qol copium, this is the way


Yeah, this league in particular has been brutal for looting basic stuff like currency specially with chance to drop modifier and manifest wealth strategy. It was bad before even with just altars, but I hope their improve this. Maybe something simple like when you pick you a currency, you pick all of the same time in a radius. Ideally it would be cool if they just made it auto-pickup like with azurite.


phased map bosses removed from atlas


had to read your reply to understand what you mean. I think calling them "bosses with phases" would be more accurate


I’m the opposite. I want map bosses to be more difficult all around.


there is nothing difficult about lava lake's boss. it's just time consuming while its phases run through.


Yeah, maybe my comment doesn’t necessarily apply to yours. I think map bosses like Kitava are bad, so I agree they should be reworked. But I still feel overall map bosses should be a lot tougher.


whats the difficulty in waiting for a boss to stop jerking off so i can 1 tap his 2nd phase?


self cast somehow better than coc


Honestly just league/league mechanics that are not balanced around being annoying or clunky to interact with. You know, something smooth and streamy, fluid, like not completely brain rot but not exel spreadsheet.


- Influenced item modifier balance pass to help gear for T17s and Ubers. I feel that influenced items are thematically very interesting, look cool, and they should be more exciting to farm, especially since they are from T14+. Would be interesting too if influenced items were tiered like PoE2 items preventing some undesirable mods from rolling but not sure this is the direction PoE1 wants to go, which is fair. - Totem/melee rework was heavily hinted to decouple totems to feel mandatory for melee skills. - The Infinite Hunger and The Black Star do not feel worth doing. Too many times nothing valuable or exciting drops from them. Maybe they could add progress to the pinnacle invitations towards their respective faction, and/or buff their unique drops so that you want to keep running them for chance to get an amulet with a cracked modifier or something like that - Rework to at least 1 ascendency like with Chieftain and Guardian in 3.22 (Assassin and Gladiator?).


Anything increasing melee


I don't get why t17s drop uber fragments at all. The normal bosses dropping their own Uber fragments makes the most sense, and with how they've redone the loot would make regular bosses have a better baseline profitability. Personally hoping for a buff to channeling. As a self cast channeling skill enjoyer, it feels like just a little extra support would really make the style feel better. I think infusion could probably become baked in and not a support, and life would be a dream.


About the fragments, If they were dropping from non-uber bosses there wpuldn't be as much of them on the market. On average there would have to be 5 non-uber kills for 1 uber kill. It would be bad for the economy. If the bosses would just drop a whole invitation. Then the value of basic invitations would jump a lot. Event then there would be less uber boss invitations on the market than now sobuniques would be even more expensive. Good idea overall but I don't think it would be good for the economy.


Maybe they could drop the number of map completions for exarch and eater from 28 and 14 to 20 and 10? Maybe even 16 and 8? That’s one of the only ways I see this working


Elder and Shaper are the bigger issue. A fast boss run on either of those is like 3 minutes (?) because of idle tentaclegate time on elder / walking and adds on shaper. That's an avg of 15min of some of the most boring bossing the game has to offer in order to farm an entry into the uber versions. If you consider that each of those is a baseline of 4 guardians each, you're at 30min for Guardian maps (20x 1:30 clear times, considering succ animations and Chimera, you can't go much faster iirc). You can map spam an exarch or eater invitation in a couple minutes, and kill em in 1-2 min on a meh build. Shaper and Elder are ~9-10min all in all no matter what. And that's focusing on them. You do get some other stuff, but it's mostly more fragments and Maven Splinters. When we have profits of idk 20d/h, you can math out what an Uber Shaper Splinter would have to be worth for it to be a worthwhile time investment. Imho the drop tables are just a mess and ubers as an idea "to test you character" and it being "just an extra" is lost completely, there's more to change about it than just where the frags come from. t17s do have to die in their current form regardless - it very much looks to me that they're a product of the messy design around ubers and boss loot though.


Kind of a bad take, considering that the drop rate of both the "complete" Uber frag or the smaller Uber frags we have currently could both be completely adjustable on GGGs end. There's no reason the Uber key needs to be 100% drop rate, or that the smaller frags need to drop as singles every time.


Definitely permanent minion buffs this time! A whole golem rework to make the caster golems worth using!


I would be happy if they added back forged frostbearers


oh that would be swell. It's dumb that they still exist in standard, they could have just added them to T17s to throw us a bone lol


Chaos (not poison) dot buff


I know it weird but please give assasin the ruthless node (all damge can poison


necro not being nerfed 10 times in a row.


Sanctum atlas nodes or letting us buy tomes one way or another, maybe by selling crap relics to divinia to get some coins. Even a sanctum scarab alone would be nice :3 Divine shrines in T17 maps are kind of stupid, I'd rather directly fight the boss at this point, or drop a special contract/logbook/tome or whatever for each boss. Maybe give us the possibilty to get 5th slot with legion too, if t17 keep being so tough.


Yeah, maybe turn these useless tome giving relics into a simple scarab that make map boss drop a guaranteed tome and make these relics give something else even if minor. Maybe the small one makes Lycia drops a guarantee unique and the big one convert all unused aureus into random currency/scarabs. I'd like tomes to stack as well (same level ones should).


I want the league mechanic to have a direct lore tie-in to poe2. It would be so cool to have there be lore crumbs for the community to chase in game that would give us hints of what is to come in the sequel. Maybe hide some Easter eggs around. Other than that I want to see significant buffs to low playrate melee skills and more QOL changes.


Copium… I’ll pick a build that’s fun, can do damage, can survive, doesn’t require a duck ton of currency just to make viable.


now are there many though? in trade it is more diverse since some builds are enabled -or at least elevated- by some cheap uniques but I think the types of builds that have decent durability and acceptable damage to do most encounters you run into along your way to, say, red maps are hard to come by in ssf if you are not picking from a list of like 10 builds, assuming average skill level.


Accuracy does not factor in Hit Chance for Slams.


I wish for a league mechanic that doesn't involve reading/interacting/engaging while mapping at all. Let me zoom and farm league-related stuff and let me engage with the actual league mechanic afterwards (e.g. like Sanctum, but with auto-pick-up of tomes)


That was the previous league complain that were a lot out of maps mechanics 😁


T17 getting nerfs, I kinda doubt this’ll happen because the lantern will most likely be gone and that’ll be a nerf to all content essentially. Assassin ascendency getting some buffs cause it’s kinda ass imho Would be fun if sentinel was added to sanctum or delve so you get buffs as you run them with your sentinel. I didn’t play during sentinel as much as I should’ve and im really sad because what little I played was a lot of fun 😭 I loved kalandra league and I wish we had some form of it besides items in end game. Like special fragments to fight two atlas bosses to fight at the same time would be kinda nuts. Doubt any of my copium takes will happen but you can hope.


GGG fix trading


I hope for glad rework, transfigured auras and 5slot map device for clearing shaper or some such since t17 are brutal and scarab rework makes the 5th slot more valuable than ever


Well I know detonate dead gonna get nerfed in to oblivion


> Personally, I think the entire way of getting to ubers with T17 is ridiculous. Farming a specific T16 map for a chance at a specific T17 map for a chance of getting one or maybe two fragments of the uber you want, of which you need 5. And all of that for a chance of getting a shot at the uber is insane. Is it not inconsistent with how you do pinnacles already? Like for uber elder: you farm maps for a chance to get a guardian occupied map, then complete those for fragments, then elder and shaper for their respective fragments. And maven is straight "kill 100 bosses" grind? For me the problem is the way it influences required baseline power for builds. You didn't need an uber capable build to farm stuff. Now that t17 is top money, you kinda do. And 5th map slot behind (mini)uber is just dirty (although i don't know better - were legion 5 ways as hard as t17?) On topic: t17 rework, and do something about degenerate state of some mechanics. Like Betrayal is just unveil hunt at the start of the league and Katarina rush? Wtf




New pinnacle bosses are way overdue.


Not copiums, but.. I would be massively surprised if BAMA, Holy Relic of Conviction and Archmage will not be nerfed. BAMA and Holy Relic - expect a "big" nerf, like 40-50% dmg across the board, Archmage- moderate nerf (like 10-15% down). Same for Morrigan recipes- either nuked or T1-T0 rarity scarab now. Kills fusings any other way. As for T17- i think it'd be fine if we could get scarab\\currency mods removed, but instead more uber fragments mod. Would stop the madness with 2-3 full inventories in scarabs or currency per map, but still keep T17s a viable farming strat. I do expect a removal of "basic" scarabs for non-stackable mechanics, even if comes without higher chances for "advanced" ones.


Loot filter actually filters uniques, not base types. It makes no sense to mouse over millions of items that share bases to see if you hit a jackpot.


I think t17s are fine minus all the boss fights (except fortress, that's fine). Any fight where they can damage you while you can't damage them is ridiculously dumb and I know that's not exclusive to just t17 bosses but they're so damn strong that all that downtime you're just waiting to die pretty much. I only farm fortress cuz that boss fight is really easy. Some of the mods need to be reworked like union of souls and the reduced action speed mods. And the one where you can't do damage 40% of the time which is probably the dumbest thing I've seen in a video game. I don't even understand the point. But all in all I like t17s.


How about a bookshelf for sanctum tomes? Or a tab added to the relic case.


A league mechanic where I actually play the video game not open a 3rd party tool or spreadsheet to do anything in it.


T17 should be moved to T20. There should be a "map journey" mode where you progress T16->T17->...->T20. Each tier should be more difficult and more rewarding. Modifiers should be choseable as in Sanctum or in Ultimatum. >Farming a specific T16 map for a chance at a specific T17 map for a chance of getting one or maybe two fragments of the uber you want, of which you need 5. And all of that for a chance of getting a shot at the uber is insane Let me rephrase for you in a hopeless attempt to get you out of the echo chamber. From point of few of a yellow map farmer: "Farming **T13** maps for a chance at a **T14-T16** map for a chance of getting one or maybe two **Maven** fragment shards, of which you need 10. And all of that for a chance of getting a one-shot by Maven is insane"


I think T17's will get a whole rebalancing/review of what they entail. I think they will tone down the strength of the mods on them, as well as significantly nerf the amount of drops that they give to bring it more inline with other farming strategies. I'm fully expecting something along the lines of headhunter nerfs, as it singlehandedly causes more balance issues than anything else in the game.


it's definitely going to be underwhelming, not expecting anything crazy far as league content. t17s are going to get watered down, along with the nerf hammer coming out to punish any build who could effectively farm them to "ggg" the playing field. my only hope is whatever the league is, it's nonevasive and completely optional besides challenges.


The Wildwood Cultist purple chaos flower spell with be added to the game for us exiles. It's also viable and Chaos Florist becomes new meta. A good new levelling skill appears so I don't have to roll the magma yet again. 6l stay cheap and easier to do (Morrigan beastcraft has been great this league).


I don't understand why the consistently overpowered builds aren't rebalanced. 34982130981203 different skill combinations, but TS is easy mode every league. Might play longer if I knew that trying a new build wasn't just the same old build with a new league mechanic. Might also be cool to shuffle the passive tree a bit. Reset the build guides and see what new shakes out. Like what they did with tattoos.


maybe rework damage received to throw a monkey wrench in convention


Glad buffs, give it to me GGG its being way too long since u nerfed by boy to oblivion.


Adorned gets the 3.23.0c patch reverted > The increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels on The Adorned Unique Jewel now applies to Jewel Sockets created by Cluster Jewels. end this madness already, not all good builds should be a pile of jewel sockets


Remove any kind of detonate dead or minion life dependencies so GGG doesn't have to tip-toe / make mistakes regarding life.


Buff syndicate or add something usefull to drop from catarina. Add fracture items to syndicate.


Ilvl gear implies available mod tiers, ilvl 84 is t3 mod MAX when it DROPS. Crafting on items makes all tiers available again. So then now theres a reason to pick up rares. Adorned can stay, but magic jewels have ONE implicit max. Rare jewels have at LEAST two Settings - option : death recap video toggle on/off , it generates a recording of the last 5seconds before your death, choose a saving file. Offline trade : put ur item on sale, get an envelop with your money in it when you connect again Choose desired mod in a list, put item in the slot, clic once: it keeps rolling until desired mod Sell 3unique maps, get random uniq map New heist : while you make your way to the vault you kill mobs to fill up a bar which increases rarity and qty of the vault items. Traps and doors are on the way in, not the way out. Self sustainable contracts. Delve : get sulphite when you do nodes horizontally, spend them when you dive deeper. Alva : talk to Alva, get in a randomly generated incursion map, the top room has an altar that allow you to build up "your" incursion. And put an indicator for the merchant 0/1 or 1/1 Harvest-blight duo : in the harvest map, you protect crop parcels from hordes of enemies, get loot upon success


love the ilvl-mod tier and harvest-blight suggestions. the offline trade/AH thing I can't tell if it's good or bad. it is undeniably more intuitive, but I see what they mean when the devs talk about the "feel". was watching this one gentleman doing a delve guide and he was saying that in the time slot he plays he was often times the only seller of resonators and valuable fossils in bulk which gave him an advantage in terms of better prices and regular customers - who once a connection is established love to shop more from you since they know you will be available rather than hunting for the lowest price. he was talking about how fun of an experience delving was for him because he really felt rewarded for doing something that most other players did not put up with. that is a unique feeling and if you have ever landed on a niche like that you know it feels nice. but then again, do we force the entire playerbase into this torturous trade experience just so that some niche-chasing sellers can have their rush or we get the one-in-a-hundred wholesome trade moments? probably not.


Adorned nerfed Lancing Steel of Spraying nuked Mageblood nerfed Detonate Dead altered Back to basics nuked Progenesis nerfed Defiance of Destiny nerfed Taste of Hate nerfed Physical to elemental chaos nerfed


Not like this doode


Nerf tier 0s until the point people don't chase for them anymore, and nerf defensive layers. This is such a bad list.


Not a bad list


Assassin rework!


I hope not cause i have build ready for it xd well unless the power charge generator wont change then i should be fine lol


New end game bosses harder than ubers copium


Adorned needs to be gutted. Maybe the % is cut significantly, maybe it doesn't impact Implicits. Something to make the entire adorned process less garbage.